EE Свежее

потому что у EllisLab достаточно правильная политика в данном ключе - не ставить стучалки: кому нужно, найдут и удалят, а обычным пользователям это дополнительный участок, где может возникнуть проблема. Поэтому единственная стучалка - это запрос на обновления и ассет с новостями.
Хотя как показывает опыт - из тех людей, которые еще 2-3 года назад пиратствовали, процентов 80 уже нормальный пользователи EllisLab. :)

Ну вы же сами прекрасно понимаете что реализовать проверку по доменам стучащимся за новостями не составляет абсолютно никакого труда, даже для школьника.
А реально ли как-нибудь вырубить запросы новостей? Может уже кто делал?
А реально ли как-нибудь вырубить запросы новостей? Может уже кто делал?
В свое время глядел как реализованы нули, посредством сравнивания оригинальной и нуленой версии в git. Затронуто было не мало файлов, но в целом можно обойтись поиском фразы *expressionengine* и вырезанием всего что связано с этим адресом. Запросы новостей найти будет легко.
Ну вы же сами прекрасно понимаете что реализовать проверку по доменам стучащимся за новостями не составляет абсолютно никакого труда, даже для школьника.

Лицензии не привязаны к доменам
...Хотя как показывает опыт - из тех людей, которые еще 2-3 года назад пиратствовали, процентов 80 уже нормальный пользователи EllisLab. :)
Вчера я стал одним из таких пользователей. Прикупил себе лицензию. В основном из-за того, что я сейчас очень плотно стал работать с ЕЕ, и нужна нормальная поддержка на их форуме.

Сайтов на ЕЕ у меня пока 5 штук, в ближайший месяц-два сделаю еще порядка 8.
Сейчас у меня везде стоит нулленная версия. Вот я теперь думаю, стоит ли на все эти сайты ставить Одну лицензию? Как здесь уже обсуждалось привязки к доменам нет.

Но есть здесь те, кто реально пользуется одной лицензией на нескольких доменах?
разыскивается дистриб ee 1.7.3

если у кого есть поделитесь )
ExpressionEngine 2.5.3
Дата релиза 11 сентября.
Release Date: September 11, 2012
  • General Changes:
    • Added field searching across multiple sites to Channel Entries. When more than one site is specified along with a field search, all fields with the specified name used in all sites specified will be searched and entries returned. Related to bugs #17298 and #18074.
    • Changed Forgot your Password logic so it always responds with the same message so email addresses aren’t confirmed and denied for spammers.
    • Added autocomplete=”off” to all email, username, and password fields.
    • Altered the display of Standard Global variables to output an empty string rather than the unparsed variable when not set.
    • Added an ID of expressionengine_template_debug to the division containing template debugging output.
    • Reactor: Added path_third_themes and url_third_themes hidden config variables.
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed a bug where template files were not checked for a maximum length of 50 characters, which could result in the creation of duplicate template groups.
    • Fixed a bug (#17896) where existing image links could break when a field was switched to a Rich Text field.
    • Fixed a bug (#17995) where a PHP error could occur on the frontend when the category URL indicator was left blank.
    • Fixed a bug (#18129) in the channel entries tag where the parent_id variable was always zero if a subcategories parent was not included in the assigned categories.
    • Fixed a bug (#18131) where the Channel module’s reverse related entries could treat numbers as strings, resulting in improper ordering.
    • Fixed a bug (#18080) where the Channel Entries tag was not properly ignoring category indicators in the URL when dynamic was set to ‘no’.
    • Fixed a bug (#17445) where Ping servers were only populated on the publish page if the user had saved their individual ping preferences.
    • Fixed a bug (#17507) where Subscription pagination was incorrect for administrators viewing a user’s subscriptions.
    • Fixed a bug (#17952) where Communicate’s batch mode displayed unstyled.
    • Fixed a bug (#17762) where the Simple Commerce module could reject a valid ping due to the use of capital letters in the account email.
    • Fixed a bug (#18120) where the Simple Commerce module could reject a valid ping due to slashes added when magic_quotes are turned on.
    • Fixed a bug (#16950) in the Simple Commerce module where entering a purchase manually could cause a MySQL error in strict mode.
    • Fixed a bug (#16607) in the Simple Commerce module where subscriptions could be rejected if Paypal sent the payment notification too soon.
    • Fixed a bug (#18171) where the Content Edit page javascript could silently fail to paginate and filter in rare circumstances.
    • Fixed a bug where the JavaScript on the Template Manager page loaded all template options, slowing page load in some circumstances.
    • Fixed a security issue that could have caused issues in the template manager.
    • Fixed a bug (#18004) where member groups able to create channels were not able to access channels they have created.
    • Fixed a bug (#18087) where some spam filters may falsely mark an email from ExpressionEngine as spam due to extra encoding of the subject line.
    • Fixed a bug (#18069) where modules may not be updated if previous version number contained alpha or beta designation.
    • Fixed a bug (#17989) where some conditionals that contained single quotes no longer worked.
    • Fixed a bug (#17946) where the Template Structure API could not duplicate a template group.
    • Fixed a bug (#17935) where the Typography class may try to include an invalid path.
    • Fixed a bug (#17623) where Functions::delete_directory may fail.
    • Fixed a bug (#16339) where determining a unique URL title may run an unnecessary query.
    • Fixed a bug (#18128) where publish form validation errors regarding the author field would not show an error message.
    • Fixed a bug (#16832) where the Extensions class had some unnecessary code for PHP 4.
    • Fixed a bug (#16909) where cleaning cookie keys may show a “Disallowed Key Characters” error.
    • Fixed a bug (#18073) where clicking a formatting button in an empty rich text editor may output “undefined” in the text area.
    • Fixed a bug (#18054) where RAR files could not be uploaded.
    • Fixed a bug (#18044) where deleting a channel field group would not disassociate the field group from channels.
    • Fixed a bug (#18036) where having the Mailing List module installed but no mailing lists may show a PHP error on the Communicate screen.
    • Fixed a bug (#18040) where the Referrer module wouldn’t log referrers unless the IP to Nation module was installed.
    • Fixed a bug (#18085) where the Database Query Form link would appear for non-super admins.
    • Fixed a bug (#18022) where uploading an animated GIF may produce a PHP error in the File Manager.
    • Fixed bugs (#17878, #18094) where sorting entries by status or paging on the edit screen with a restricted account may fail.
    • Fixed a bug (#16904) where photo_url may not be parsed in a channel entries loop if photos were enabled but avatars were disabled.
    • Fixed a bug (#17966) where hidden templates could not be used as templates for Pages entries.
    • Fixed a bug (#17684) where removing a member photo when avatars were disabled showed an error.
    • Fixed a bug (#18002) where a quote mismatch in a single variable in a channel entries loop may show a PHP error.
    • Fixed a bug (#18012) where Api_channel_entries::delete_entry() may show the wrong error messages for certain member permissions checks.
    • Fixed a bug (#18145) where the RTE extension used the cp_menu_array hook without checking last_call.
    • Fixed a bug (#18092) where the RTE fieldtype wouldn’t automatically turn URLs and email addresses into links if the channel preference was on.
    • Fixed a bug (#17795) where the throttle table may not be automatically truncated if online user tracking was turned off.
    • Fixed a bug (#17775) where the comment form could be validated using whitespace.
    • Fixed a bug (#17903) where custom menu bar links may not work depending on the path saved and the path used to access the control panel.
    • Fixed a bug (#17785) where variables in conditionals were not trimmed for whitespace while the rendered variable was.
    • Fixed a bug (#18071) where masked URLs in the control panel were not URL-encoded to protect characters like ampersands.
    • Fixed a bug (#18032) where the “Invalid GET Data” error would appear to site guests, it now only appears for super admins.
    • Fixed a bug (#17832) where conditionals could not be spanned over multiple lines.
    • Fixed a bug (#18056) where URL titles at least 70 characters long with one hundred thousand duplicates would fail to validate.
    • Fixed a bug (#18157) where pre formatting, post formatting, and properties were not rendering with wrapped file fields on the front end.
    • Fixed a bug (#17954) where the category archive tag would not output markup outside of {categories} and {entry_titles} variable pairs.
    • Fixed a bug (#17766) where having a custom 404 template set would have template fetching behave as if Strict URLs was turned on.
    • Fixed a bug (#18063) where entry titles could contain invisible characters.
    • Fixed a bug (#18096) where conditionals may strip script tags from the evaluated variable.
    • Fixed a bug (#18163) where orphaned categories may not be sorted correctly when sorting alphabetically.
    • Fixed a bug (#17619) where having multiple HTML image formatting buttons with different markup would all output the same markup.
    • Fixed a bug (#18001) where the limit to the amount of banned IPs or emails could be reached easily.
    • Fixed a bug (#18147) where having many member groups may slow down loading of the member group editing page.
    • Fixed a bug (#18165) where custom member select fields with quotes in the selected value would fail validation on the front end.
    • Fixed a bug (#18170) where category groups from other MSM sites may appear as an option in the channel group assignments.
    • Fixed a bug (#17999) where upgrading from pre-1.x versions may show a database error.
    • Fixed a bug (#17433) where the “img” HTML button was still present even after removing all image buttons in the settings.
    • Fixed a bug (#17645) where filtering entries may show a PHP error.
    • Fixed a bug (#17974) where member registration validation may show the wrong error message.
    • Fixed a bug (#17669) where an uploaded file with special characters in its file name may not appear correctly.
    • Fixed a bug (#17670) where a maximum file upload size of 5 or less would allow a file of any size to be uploaded.
    • Fixed a bug (#18172) where saving Rich Text Editor toolsets for other members appeared not to work.
    • Fixed a bug (#17910) where the XML Encode plugin would allow email email addresses to be converted into links.
    • Fixed a bug (#17837) where using modifiers on variable pairs would not work.
    • Fixed a bug (#17557) where pagination links in the file manager were not updated when filters were applied.
    • Fixed a bug (#17992) where the file type and date range filters were not working on the File Manager screen.
    • Fixed a bug (#17554) where syncing an upload directory would not update file sizes in the database.
    • Fixed a bug (#18141) where setting preserve_checkboxes to “yes” on a SafeCracker form would not save the values of on-screen checkboxes if they were unchecked.
    • Fixed a bug (#18133) where values of a SafeCracker form were not being escaped which could break form markup.
    • Fixed a bug (#17936) where the Table library may show a PHP error about an undefined property.
    • Fixed a bug (#18182) where Template::parse_variables() may not parse variables in variable pairs under certain conditions.
    • Fixed a bug (#18184) where the output profiler did not display in the control panel.
    • Fixed a bug (#17646) where SafeCracker form validation for required checkbox fields would fail.
    • Fixed a bug (#18132) where SafeCracker form validation would pass if the encrypted hidden fields containing the rules were edited.
    • Fixed a bug (#18000) where SafeCracker form validation would fail if a file field was required but filled in.
    • Fixed a bug (#18185) where the recent comment date for an entry would be set to zero upon editing the entry.
    • Fixed bugs (#18018, #18019, #18020) where there were unnecessary queries when loading a SafeCracker form.
    • Fixed a bug (#16838) where categories in a SafeCracker tag pair did not have access to category images or descriptions.
    • Fixed a bug (#18118) where WMV files could not be uploaded.
    • Fixed a bug (#17958) where users were not allowed to move an entry between identical channels when the category was “none” due to “none” having two different representations in the db.
    • Fixed a bug (#18104) where the publish page tab translation file was not being loaded, and thus tabs were not being correctly localized.
    • Fixed a bug (#18033) that was causing the option “None” to be absent from the formatting options for category’s custom textarea fields.
    • Fixed a bug (#17298) where field searching was not working when searching across sites using the multiple site manager.
    • Fixed a bug (#18124) that was causing author_id=”CURRENT_USER” in the channel module to fail when Dynamic Channel Query Caching was enabled.
    • Fixed a bug (#18058) where SafeCracker’s settings were not being properly translated and saved from the settings form, result being that users couldn’t uncheck any of the settings checkboxes once checked.
    • Fixed a bug (#17753) where Safecracker was inconsistently formatting large numbers.
    • Fixed a bug where the set of valid category groups was being incorrectly determined in in the channel:entries and channel:category_headings tags when a text category url parameter was given.
    • Fixed a bug where the default form ID for the Tell-A-Friend form was ‘contact_form’ instead of ‘tellafriend_form’.
    • Fixed a documentation error (#17783) where the cp_menu_array hook was not documented.
    • Fixed a documentation error (#17232) where some hidden configuration variables weren’t mentioned on the main hidden configuration variables page.
    • Fixed a documentation error (#17451) where the exp:forum tag’s board parameter was not documented.
  • Developers:
    • Added api_channel_entries_custom_field_query hook for altering the custom fields query array result.
    • Reactor: Added file_after_save hook in File_model.
    • Reactor: Moved RTE display code to its library file to be more accessible by third parties.

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