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Поиск Поиск плагинов WordPress

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.

1. Сначала устанавливаете бесплатный WP Fastest Cache
2. Затем Премиум
3. активируете оба
Enjoy :)
P.S. Не нажимайте на Image Optimization и Premium.
Последнее редактирование:
Добрый всем день.
Может кто подскажет, как сделать импорт/экспорт цен товаров.
Дело в том, что на сайте существует 3 цены для разных категорий покупателей.
Одна, это стандартная цена вукомерс, а две других сделаны через пользовательские поля.
Вопрос в том, как сделать экспорт /импорт всех трех цен в scv или ексель.
Нужно всего 4 колонки, название товара и 3 цены.
Может у кого то есть идеи? Плагинов готовых наверняка нету.
Всем привет! при создании новости WP создает отдельную страницу для медиаконтента.
Если не отсдетить сразу, то такие страницы попадают в индекс РТС что лично для меня совсем не Гуд.

Сейчас, при создании новости, перед публикацией, закрываю такие страницы от индексации тегами при помощи Yoast SEO (бесплатная версия)
Муторно и не удобно, особенно если в новости по 20-30 картинок.

Отсюда вопрос: может есть какой плагин, которыый поможет справится с этой бедой?
Последнее редактирование:
Платный видел - почти купил, но в последний момент жадность остановила :)
За аналог огромное, человеческое спасибо!
Gravity Forms v2.1.1.26 plus 40 add-ons


Gravity Forms ActiveCampaign Add-On v1.4
Integrates Gravity Forms with ActiveCampaign allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your ActiveCampaign account.

Gravity Forms Agile CRM Add-On v1.1
Integrates Gravity Forms with Agile CRM allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your Agile CRM account.

Gravity Forms Authorize.Net Add-On v2.2
Integrates Gravity Forms with Authorize.Net, enabling end users to purchase goods and services through Gravity Forms.

Gravity Forms AWeber Add-On v2.4
Integrates Gravity Forms with AWeber allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your AWeber account

Gravity Forms Batchbook Add-On v1.1
Integrates Gravity Forms with Batchbook, allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your Batchbook account.

Gravity Forms Breeze Add-On v1.1
Integrates Breeze with Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms Campaign Monitor Add-On v3.4.1
Integrates Gravity Forms with Campaign Monitor allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your Campaign Monitor account

Gravity Forms Campfire Add-On v1.1
Integrates Gravity Forms with Campfire allowing alerts for Gravity Forms activity to be posted to your Campfire rooms.

Gravity Forms Capsule CRM Add-On v1.1.1
Integrates Gravity Forms with Capsule CRM allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your Capsule CRM account.

Gravity Forms CleverReach Add-On v1.2
Integrates Gravity Forms with CleverReach allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your CleverReach account.

Gravity Forms CLI v1.0-beta-1
Manage Gravity Forms with the WP CLI.

Gravity Forms Coupons Add-On v2.3
Enables Gravity Forms administrators to create coupon codes that can be applied to products, services or subscriptions when used in conjunction with a payment add-on such as PayPal and Authorize.net

Gravity Forms Dropbox Add-On v1.2
Integrates Gravity Forms with Dropbox, enabling end users to upload files to Dropbox through Gravity Forms.

Gravity Forms Emma Add-On v1.1
Integrates Gravity Forms with Emma allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your Emma account.

Gravity Forms FreshBooks Add-On v2.2.3
Integrates Gravity Forms with FreshBooks allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your FreshBooks account, creating clients, invoices and estimates

Gravity Forms GetResponse Add-On v1.0.3
Integrates Gravity Forms with GetResponse allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your GetResponse account.

Gravity Forms Help Scout Add-On v1.3
Integrates Gravity Forms with Help Scout, enabling end users to create new Help Scout conversations.

Gravity Forms Highrise Add-On v1.0.1
Integrates Gravity Forms with Highrise allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your Highrise account.

Gravity Forms HipChat Add-On v1.0.3
Integrates Gravity Forms with HipChat allowing alerts for Gravity Forms activity to be posted to your HipChat rooms.

Gravity Forms iContact Add-On v1.1.3
Integrates Gravity Forms with iContact allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your iContact account.

Gravity Forms Logging Add-On v1.1.3
Gravity Forms Logging Add-On to be used with Gravity Forms and other Gravity Forms Add-Ons.

Gravity Forms Mad Mimi Add-On v1.0.8
Integrates Gravity Forms with Mad Mimi allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your Mad Mimi account.

Gravity Forms MailChimp Add-On v3.7.2
Integrates Gravity Forms with MailChimp allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your MailChimp account

Gravity Forms Meta Recovery Utility v0.1
Utility to restore corrupted Gravity Forms serialized meta.

Gravity Forms Partial Entries v1.0-beta-2.1
Adds support for partial submissions

Gravity Forms PayPal Payments Pro Add-On v2.0
Integrates Gravity Forms with PayPal Payments Pro, enabling end users to purchase goods and services through Gravity Forms.

Gravity Forms PayPal Pro Add-On v1.6.3
Integrates Gravity Forms with PayPal Pro, enabling end users to purchase goods and services through Gravity Forms.

Gravity Forms PayPal Standard Add-On v2.6.2
Integrates Gravity Forms with PayPal Payments Standard, enabling end users to purchase goods and services through Gravity Forms.

Gravity Forms Picatcha Add-On v2.0
Integrates Gravity Forms with Picatcha, enabling users to prevent spam by adding a Picatcha field to their forms.

Gravity Forms Polls Add-On v3.0
Polls Add-on for Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms Quiz Add-On v3.0
Quiz Add-on for Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms Signature Add-On v3.3
Creates a Gravity Forms signature field that allows users to sign online using a mouse or stylus.

Gravity Forms Slack Add-On v1.3.1
Integrates Gravity Forms with Slack allowing alerts for Gravity Forms activity to be posted to your Slack channels.

Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On v2.0.5
Integrates Gravity Forms with Stripe, enabling end users to purchase goods and services through Gravity Forms.

Gravity Forms Survey Add-On v3.0
Survey Add-on for Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms Trello Add-On v1.0.2
Integrates Gravity Forms with Trello

Gravity Forms Twilio Add-On v2.1.3
Integrates Gravity Forms with Twilio allowing SMS messages to be sent upon submitting a Gravity Form

Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On v3.5
Allows WordPress users to be automatically created upon submitting a Gravity Form

Gravity Forms Zapier Add-on v1.9
Integrates Gravity Forms with Zapier allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your configured Zaps.

Gravity Forms Zoho CRM Add-On v1.2.2
Integrates Gravity Forms with Zoho CRM, allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your Zoho CRM account.

Последнее редактирование:
Что-то при проверке архива на Virustotal у меня на 2 трояна ругается

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