Store Manager for Magento Professional Edition ver. Beta
04/13/16 00:00 Features:
- Customer management with Store Manager is possible now - add, modify, remove import/export customer data;
- POS support has been added and now you can create orders via POS in Store Manager for Magento;
- Order support has been implemented. Now you can modify, delete orders, import/export order data;
- The following addons are now available in Store Manager - QuickBooks Integration addon, IceCat Integration addon, PDF Catalog Creator addon, Amazon Integration addon, Automated Product Import addon, USPS Shipping Integration addon.
Under development (for Magento 2.0

- Grouped, virtual, downloadable, bundle product types support;
- Abandoned Carts product export;
- Store Diagnostics.
Please note, this is early Beta version of Store Manager for Magento (2.0 Support). We strongly recommend to use it only for Magento 2.0.x stores management, since full support of older Magento versions (1.x) has not been added.
If your Magento version is 1.x or older, we would gladly ask you to wait till stable version of Store Manager is released. The Beta version is intended for external testing in order to identify configurations that cause problems and collect user suggestions.