[Ищу] Oxy Classifieds Доска объявлений

Ya platil dezender.net 8-10 evro dlja decodinga listings.php. Oni dekodirovali versia 6 i kod rabotaet v glavnon stranitse, stranitsa listings t.e v stranitse resultata. No vot daet error kogda otkrivayu detail.php.
Tam chto to problema s etom:
				while ($j < count( $used )) {
					if ($used[$j] == $val) {
						$again = 1;
Mojet kto to iz vas sdelaet poloniy dubugging do kontsa? Polniy kod:
*info deleted
	class listings {
		var $id = null;
		var $error = null;
		var $clean = null;
		var $array = null;
		var $tmp = null;
		var $edit = null;
		var $no_listings = null;
		function listings($id = 0) {
			global $db;
			if ($id) {
				$this->id = $id;
				$this->array = array(  );
				$this->array = $db->fetchAssoc( 'select * from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' where `id`=' . $id );
				return null;
			$this->edit = 0;
		function getid() {
			return $this->id;
		function setedit($val) {
			$this->edit = $val;
		function setnolistings($no) {
			$this->no_listings = $no;
		function nolistings() {
			return $this->no_listings;
		function delete($id = 0) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$res_del = $db->query( 'delete from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			$pics = new pictures(  );
			$pics->deletePictures( $id );
			actions::deletelisting( $id );
			coupons::deletelisting( $id );
			$res_del = $db->query( 'delete from ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ( '' . ' where `object_id`=\'' . $id . '\' and `option`!=\'store\'' ) );
			global $settings;
			if ($settings['nologin_enabled']) {
				$db->query( 'delete from ' . TABLE_ADS_EXTENSION . ( '' . ' where `id`=' . $id ) );
			$res_del = $db->query( 'delete from ' . TABLE_FAVOURITES . ( '' . ' where `ad_id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
		function expired($id = 0) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$res_del = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set active=0, pending=0 where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			$this->deleteOptions( $id );
			$db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `featured`=0, `highlited` = 0, `priority` = 1000 where id=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return 1;
		function isexpired($id = 0) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$res = $db->query( 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where `id`=\'' . $id . '\' and date_expires<\'' . $timestamp . '\' and date_expires!=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' ' ) );
			if (0 < $db->numRows( $res )) {
				return 1;
			return 0;
		function deletecateg($categ) {
			global $db;
			$result = $db->fetchRowList( 'select id from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where category_id=\'' . $categ . '\'' ) );
			foreach ($result as $row) {
				$this->delete( $row );
		function deletepackage($pkg) {
			global $db;
			$result = $db->fetchRowList( 'select id from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where package_id=\'' . $pkg . '\'' ) );
			foreach ($result as $row) {
				$this->delete( $row );
		function deleteuser($user) {
			global $db;
			$result = $db->fetchRowList( 'select id from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where user_id=\'' . $user . '\'' ) );
			foreach ($result as $row) {
				$this->delete( $row );
		function setcategory($id, $cat) {
			global $db;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `category_id`=' . $cat . ' where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return 1;
		function setpackage($id, $pkg) {
			global $db;
			$no_days = packages::getnodays( $pkg );
			if ($no_days != 0) {
				$expire = '' . ', `date_expires` = date_add(`date_added`, interval \'' . $no_days . '\' day)';
			} else {
				$expire = ', `date_expires` = \'\'';
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `package_id`=' . $pkg . ' ' . $expire . ' where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return 1;
		function setuserpackage($id, $pkg) {
			global $db;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `usr_pkg`=' . $pkg . ' where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return 1;
		function setuserid($id, $user_id) {
			global $db;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `user_id`=' . $user_id . ' where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return 1;
		function setpriority($id, $pri) {
			global $db;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `priority`=' . $pri . ' where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return 1;
		function setfeatured($id, $val) {
			global $db;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `featured`=' . $val . ' where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return 1;
		function sethighlited($id, $val) {
			global $db;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `highlited`=' . $val . ' where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return 1;
		function setvideo($id, $val) {
			global $db;
			if ($val == 0) {
				$db->query( 'delete from ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ( '' . ' where `object_id` = ' . $id . ' and `option` like \'video\'' ) );
				return 1;
			$this->addOption( $id, 'video' );
			return 1;
		function geturltitle($id) {
			global $db;
			global $crt_lang;
			global $ads_settings;
			$title_var = '`title`';
			if ($ads_settings['translate_title_description']) {
				$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
				if (1 < count( $languages )) {
					$title_var = '' . '`title_' . $crt_lang . '`';
			$title = $db->fetchRow( '' . 'select ' . $title_var . ' from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return _urlencode( $title );
		function gettitle($id) {
			global $db;
			global $crt_lang;
			global $ads_settings;
			$title_var = '`title`';
			if ($ads_settings['translate_title_description']) {
				$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
				if (1 < count( $languages )) {
					$title_var = '' . '`title_' . $crt_lang . '`';
			$title = $db->fetchRow( '' . 'select ' . $title_var . ' from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return $title;
		function gettitles($id) {
			global $db;
			$arr = array(  );
			global $crt_lang;
			global $ads_settings;
			$title_var = '`title`';
			if ($ads_settings['translate_title_description']) {
				$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
				if (1 < count( $languages )) {
					$title_var = '' . '`title_' . $crt_lang . '`';
			$title = $db->fetchRow( '' . 'select ' . $title_var . ' from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			$arr['title'] = $title;
			$arr['url_title'] = _urlencode( $title );
			return $arr;
		function activate($id = 0) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `active`=1, `user_approved`=1 where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			$pending = $db->query( 'select pending from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where id=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			if ($pending) {
				$this->ActivatePending( $id );
			if ($this->isExpired( $id )) {
				$this->renew( $id );
		function activatelisting($id = 0) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `active`=1, pending=0 where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			if ($this->isExpired( $id )) {
				$this->renew( $id );
			$res_actions = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ACTIONS . ( '' . ' set pending=0 where type like \'newad\' or type like \'renewad\' and object_id=' . $id ) );
			global $ads_settings;
			if ($ads_settings['alerts_enabled']) {
				$alert = new alerts(  );
				$alert->checkImmediate( $id, $this->getListing( $id ) );
			return 1;
		function activatepending($id) {
			global $db;
			global $lng;
			$db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ' set active=1, pending=0, `user_approved` = 1 where id=' . $id );
			$db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ACTIONS . ( '' . ' set pending=0 where type=\'newad\' or type=\'renewad\' and object_id = ' . $id ) );
			$nologin = 0;
			$user_id = $this->getUser( $id );
			if ($user_id) {
				$user = new users(  );
				$user_details = $user->getUser( $user_id );
				$username = $user_details['username'];
				$user_email = $user_details['email'];
				$user_contact = $user_details['contact_name'];
				if (!$user_contact) {
					$user_contact = $username;
			} else {
				$user_details = $this->getOwnerInfo( $id );
				$username = '';
				$user_email = $user_details['mgm_email'];
				$user_contact = $user_details['mgm_name'];
				$key = $user_details['activation'];
				$nologin = 1;
			$mails = new mail_templates(  );
			$mail2send = new mails( $user_email, $user_contact );
			$mail_array = $mails->getVal( 'ad_publish_status' );
			$subject = $mail_array['subject'];
			$msg = $mail_array['content'];
			$smarty_info = new Smarty(  );
			$smarty_info = smartyshowdbval( $smarty_info );
			$smarty_info->assign( 'value', $msg );
			if (!$user_id) {
				$smarty_info->assign( 'nologin', 1 );
			$smarty_info->assign( 'username', $username );
			$smarty_info->assign( 'contact_name', $user_contact );
			$smarty_info->assign( 'id', $id );
			$smarty_info->assign( 'ad_id', $id );
			$smarty_info->assign( 'admin_activated', 1 );
			$smarty_info->assign( 'status', $lng['general']['active'] );
			$smarty_info->assign( 'active', 1 );
			$plan_name = $this->getPackageName( $id );
			$smarty_info->assign( 'plan_name', $plan_name );
			global $seo_settings;
			global $config_live_site;
			$mail_settings_cl = new mail_settings(  );
			$mails_settings = $mail_settings_cl->getAll(  );
			$html_mails = $mails_settings['html_mails'];
			if ($html_mails) {
				$amp = '&amp;';
			} else {
				$amp = '&';
			if (( $seo_settings['enable_mod_rewrite'] && !$nologin )) {
				$url_title = listings::geturltitle( $id );
				$details_link = $config_live_site . '/' . $id . '-' . $url_title . '/details.html';
			} else {
				$details_link = $config_live_site . '/details.php?id=' . $id;
				if ($nologin) {
					$details_link .= $amp . 'key=' . $key;
			if ($html_mails) {
				$details_link = '<a href="' . $details_link . '">' . $details_link . '</a>';
			$smarty_info->assign( 'details_link', $details_link );
			$msg = $smarty_info->fetch( 'db_template.html' );
			$smarty_info->assign( 'value', $subject );
			$subject = $smarty_info->fetch( 'db_template.html' );
			$mail2send->setSubject( $subject );
			$mail2send->setMessage( $msg );
			$mail2send->send(  );
			global $ads_settings;
			if ($ads_settings['alerts_enabled']) {
				$alert = new alerts(  );
				$alert->checkImmediate( $id, $this->getListing( $id ) );
		function deactivate($id = 0) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `active`=0 where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
		function userapprove($id) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `user_approved`=1 where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
		function nologinapprove($id) {
			global $db;
			global $settings;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$this->userApprove( $id );
			$actions = actions::getpendinglistingactions( $id );
			$array_upgrades = array( 'featured', 'highlited', 'priority', 'video' );
			$array_ad = array( 'newad', 'renewad' );
			$upgrade = 0;
			$ad_pending = 0;
			foreach ($actions as $act) {
				if (in_array( $act['type'], $array_upgrades )) {
					$upgrade = 1;
				if (in_array( $act['type'], $array_ad )) {
					$ad_pending = 1;
			if (( $ad_pending || $upgrade )) {
				$this->makePending( $id );
				$result = $db->fetchAssoc( 'SELECT `' . TABLE_ACTIONS . '`.invoice, `' . TABLE_PAYMENT_ACTIONS . '`.processor from `' . TABLE_ACTIONS . '` left join `' . TABLE_PAYMENT_ACTIONS . '` on `' . TABLE_PAYMENT_ACTIONS . '`.id = `' . TABLE_ACTIONS . '`.`invoice` where (`object_id` = ' . $id . ' and (`type` like \'newad\' or `type` like \'renewad\'))' );
				$processor = $result['processor'];
				$invoice_no = $result['invoice'];
				$user_details = $this->getOwnerInfo( $id );
				$contact_name = $user_details['mgm_name'];
				global $seo_settings;
				global $config_live_site;
				$titles = $this->getTitles( $id );
				if ($seo_settings['enable_mod_rewrite']) {
					$url_title = $titles['url_title'];
					$details_link = $config_live_site . '/' . $id . '-' . $url_title . '/details.html';
				} else {
					$details_link = $config_live_site . '/details.php?id=' . $id;
				$mails = new mail_templates(  );
				$mail_array = $mails->getVal( 'admin_announce_pending' );
				$smarty_info = new Smarty(  );
				$smarty_info = smartyshowdbval( $smarty_info );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'value', $mail_array['subject'] );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'processor', $processor );
				$mail_subject = $smarty_info->fetch( 'db_template.html' );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'value', $mail_array['content'] );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'ad_id', $id );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'details_link', $details_link );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'ad_pending', $ad_pending );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'upgrade', $upgrade );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'invoice_no', $invoice_no );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'nologin', 1 );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'contact_name', $contact_name );
				$mail_content = $smarty_info->fetch( 'db_template.html' );
				$mail2admin = new mails(  );
				$mail2admin->setSubject( $mail_subject );
				$mail2admin->setMessage( $mail_content );
				$mail2admin->send(  );
				return null;
			$this->ActivatePending( $id );
		function marksold($id = 0) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `sold`=1 where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
		function markunsold($id = 0) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `sold`=0 where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
		function markrented($id = 0) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `rented`=1 where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
		function markunrented($id = 0) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `rented`=0 where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
		function addoption($id, $type, $noexp = 0) {
			global $db;
			$db->query( 'delete from ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ( '' . ' where `object_id` = ' . $id . ' and `option` like \'' . $type . '\'' ) );
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			if (!$noexp) {
				global $ads_settings;
				switch ($type) {
					case 'featured': {
						$days_expires = $ads_settings['featured_expires'];
					case 'highlited': {
						$days_expires = $ads_settings['highlited_expires'];
					case 'priority': {
						$days_expires = $ads_settings['priorities_expires'];
					case 'video': {
						$days_expires = $ads_settings['video_expires'];
				if ($days_expires) {
					$str_expires = '' . ' `date_expires` = date_add(\'' . $timestamp . '\', interval \'' . $days_expires . '\' day)';
				} else {
					$str_expires = ' `date_expires` = \'\'';
			} else {
				$str_expires = ' `date_expires` = \'\'';
			$db->query( 'insert into ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ( '' . ' set `object_id` = \'' . $id . '\', `option` = \'' . $type . '\', `date_added` = \'' . $timestamp . '\', ' . $str_expires . ' ' ) );
			return 1;
		function makefeatured($id) {
			global $db;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `featured`=1 where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			$this->addOption( $id, 'featured' );
			$res_actions = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ACTIONS . ( '' . ' set pending=0 where type like \'featured\' and object_id=' . $id ) );
		function makehighlited($id) {
			global $db;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `highlited`=1 where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			$this->addOption( $id, 'highlited' );
			$res_actions = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ACTIONS . ( '' . ' set pending=0 where type like \'highlited\' and object_id=' . $id ) );
		function enablepriority($id, $pri) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `priority`=' . $pri . ' where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			$this->addOption( $id, 'priority' );
			$res_actions = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ACTIONS . ( '' . ' set pending=0 where type like \'priority\' and object_id=' . $id ) );
		function enablevideo($id) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$this->addOption( $id, 'video' );
			$res_actions = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ACTIONS . ( '' . ' set pending=0 where type like \'video\' and object_id=' . $id ) );
		function videoenabled($id) {
			global $db;
			$no = $db->fetchRow( 'select count(`object_id`) from ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ( '' . ' where `option` like \'video\' and `object_id` = \'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return $no;
		function renew($id = 0) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$pkg_id = $this->getPackage( $id );
			if ($pkg_id) {
				$pkg = new packages(  );
				$no_days = $pkg->getNoDays( $pkg_id );
			} else {
				global $ads_settings;
				$no_days = $ads_settings['expires'];
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			if ($no_days != 0) {
				$sql_exp = '' . '`date_expires` = date_add(\'' . $timestamp . '\', interval \'' . $no_days . '\' day)';
			} else {
				$sql_exp = '`date_expires` = null';
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `active`=1, date_added=\'' . $timestamp . '\', ' . $sql_exp . ' where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return 1;
		function renewuser($id) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				return null;
			$pkg_id = $this->getPackage( $id );
			if ($pkg_id) {
				$pkg = new packages(  );
				$no_days = $pkg->getNoDays( $pkg_id );
			} else {
				global $ads_settings;
				$no_days = $ads_settings['expires'];
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			if ($no_days != 0) {
				$sql_exp = '' . '`date_expires` = date_add(\'' . $timestamp . '\', interval \'' . $no_days . '\' day)';
			} else {
				$sql_exp = '`date_expires` = null';
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set date_added=\'' . $timestamp . '\', ' . $sql_exp . ' where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return 1;
		function makepending($id) {
			global $db;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set pending=1, active=0 where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
		function ispending($id) {
			global $db;
			$pending = $db->query( 'select pending from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where id=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return $pending;
		function getcategory($id = 0) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$row = $db->fetchRow( 'select category_id from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where id = \'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			if (!$row) {
				return 0;
			return $row;
		function getpackage($id) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$row = $db->fetchRow( 'select package_id from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where id = \'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			if (!$row) {
				return 0;
			return $row;
		function getpackagename($id) {
			global $db;
			global $crt_lang;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$row = $db->fetchRow( 'select `name` from ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '_lang left join ' . TABLE_ADS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.package_id = ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '_lang.`id` where ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.id = \'' . $id . '\' and `lang_id` = \'' . $crt_lang . '\'' ) );
			if (!$row) {
				return 0;
			return $row;
		function getuserpackage($id) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$row = $db->fetchRow( 'select usr_pkg from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where id = \'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			if (!$row) {
				return 0;
			return $row;
		function getuser($id) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$row = $db->fetchRow( 'select user_id from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where id = \'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			if (!$row) {
				return 0;
			return $row;
		function getadoptions($id) {
			global $db;
			$result = $db->fetchAssoc( 'select `featured`, `highlited`, `priority`, ' . TABLE_PRIORITIES . '_lang.name as `priority_name`, ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . '.`object_id` as `enabled_video` from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' 
		left join ' . TABLE_PRIORITIES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`priority` = ' . TABLE_PRIORITIES . '.`order_no` 
		left join ' . TABLE_PRIORITIES . '_lang on ' . TABLE_PRIORITIES . '.`id` = ' . TABLE_PRIORITIES . '_lang.`id` 
		left join ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`id` = ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . '.`object_id` and `option` like \'video\'
		where ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.`id` = ' . $id ) );
			$result_ext = $db->fetchAssocList( 'select * from ' . TABLE_ACTIONS . ( '' . ' where `pending`=1 and `object_id` = ' . $id . ' and (`type` like \'featured\' or `type` like \'highlited\' or `type` like \'priority\' or `type` like \'video\')' ) );
			foreach ($result_ext as $action) {
				if ($action['type'] == 'featured') {
					$result['pending_featured'] = 1;
				if ($action['type'] == 'highlited') {
					$result['pending_highlited'] = 1;
				if ($action['type'] == 'priority') {
					$result['pending_priority'] = 1;
					$result['pending_priority_order'] = $action['extra'];
					$pri = new priorities(  );
					$result['pending_priority_name'] = $pri->getNameByOrder( $action['extra'] );
				if ($action['type'] == 'video') {
					$result['pending_video'] = 1;
			return $result;
		function getnoactive($cat) {
			global $db;
			if (0 < $cat) {
				$cat_str = '' . ' and category_id=\'' . $cat . '\'';
			} else {
				$cat_str = '';
			$no = $db->fetchRow( 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' where active=1' . $cat_str );
			return $no;
		function getnorecent() {
			global $db;
			global $ads_settings;
			$days_recent = $ads_settings['days_recent'];
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			if (0 < $days_recent) {
				$sql = 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where active=1 and date_add(date_added, interval \'' . $days_recent . '\' day) > \'' . $timestamp . '\'' );
			} else {
				$sql = 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' where active=1';
			$no = $db->fetchRow( $sql );
			return $no;
		function getallactive($page, $ads_per_page, $order_by, $order_way, $cat) {
			global $db;
			$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $ads_per_page;
			$where = 'where ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.category_id=\'' . $cat . '\' and ' ) . TABLE_ADS . '.active=1';
			if (!$order_by) {
				$order_by = 'date_added';
			if (!$order_way) {
				$order_way = 'desc';
			global $ads_settings;
			if ($ads_settings['enable_priorities']) {
				$order_by_str = 'order by priority asc, ' . $order_by . ' ' . $order_way;
			} else {
				$order_by_str = 'order by ' . $order_by . ' ' . $order_way;
			$result = $this->getShortListings( $where, $order_by_str, '', $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getstorelistings($page, $ads_per_page, $order_by, $order_way, $crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $ads_per_page;
			$where = 'where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.active like \'1\'';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.user_id like \'' . $crt_usr . '\'' );
			if (!$order_by) {
				$order_by = 'date_added';
			if (!$order_way) {
				$order_way = 'desc';
			global $ads_settings;
			if ($ads_settings['enable_priorities']) {
				$order_by_str = 'order by priority asc, ' . $order_by . ' ' . $order_way;
			} else {
				$order_by_str = 'order by ' . $order_by . ' ' . $order_way;
			$result = $this->getShortListings( $where, $order_by_str, '', $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getrecent($page, $ads_per_page, $order_by, $order_way) {
			global $db;
			$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $ads_per_page;
			global $ads_settings;
			$days_recent = $ads_settings['days_recent'];
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			if (0 < $days_recent) {
				$where = 'where date_add(' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.date_added, interval \'' . $days_recent . '\' day) > \'' . $timestamp . '\' and ' ) . TABLE_ADS . '.active like \'1\'';
			} else {
				$where = 'where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.active like \'1\'';
			if (!$order_by) {
				$order_by = 'date_added';
			$order_by_str = 'order by ' . $order_by;
			if (!$order_way) {
				$order_way = 'desc';
			$result = $this->getShortListings( $where, $order_by_str, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getfeatured($no_featured, $where = '') {
			global $db;
			$where = 'where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.featured=1 and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.active like \'1\'' . $where;
			$order_by_str = 'order by rand()';
			$order_way = '';
			$start = 0;
			$ads_per_page = $no_featured;
			$result = $this->getShortListings( $where, $order_by_str, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getlatest($no_latest, $where = '') {
			global $db;
			$where = 'where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.active like \'1\'' . $where;
			$order_by_str = 'order by date_added desc';
			$order_way = '';
			$start = 0;
			$ads_per_page = $no_latest;
			$result = $this->getShortListings( $where, $order_by_str, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getrandom($no_random) {
			global $db;
			$where = 'where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.active=1';
			$order_by_str = 'order by rand()';
			$order_way = '';
			$start = 0;
			$ads_per_page = $no_random;
			$result = $this->getShortListings( $where, $order_by_str, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getlist($list) {
			global $db;
			global $appearance_settings;
			$where = 'where ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.`id` in (' . $list . ')' );
			$order_by_str = '';
			$order_way = '';
			$start = 0;
			$ads_per_page = $appearance_settings['ads_per_page'];
			$result = $this->getShortListings( $where, $order_by_str, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getrandomvideo($no_random) {
			global $db;
			$where = ' where `object_id`';
			$order_by_str = 'order by rand()';
			$order_way = '';
			$start = 0;
			$ads_per_page = $no_random;
			$result = $this->getListingsDetailed( $where, $order_by_str, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getlastlistings($no) {
			global $db;
			global $appearance_settings;
			$date_format = $appearance_settings['date_format'];
			global $crt_lang;
			global $ads_settings;
			$title_var = '`title`';
			if ($ads_settings['translate_title_description']) {
				$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
				if (1 < count( $languages )) {
					$title_var = '' . '`title_' . $crt_lang . '`';
			$sql = 'select ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id, ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.' . $title_var . ', ' ) . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.user_id, date_format(`date_added`,\'' . $date_format . '\') as `date`, ' ) . TABLE_USERS . '.username as user from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' left join ' . TABLE_USERS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.user_id=' . TABLE_USERS . '.id order by date_added desc limit ' . $no;
			$array_listings = $db->fetchAssocList( $sql );
			return $array_listings;
		function getlisting($id) {
			global $db;
			global $lng;
			global $appearance_settings;
			global $ads_settings;
			global $settings;
			$date_format = $appearance_settings['date_format'];
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			global $crt_lang;
			$mlang_vars = '';
			$mlang = 0;
			if ($ads_settings['translate_title_description']) {
				$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
				if (1 < count( $languages )) {
					$mlang = 1;
					$mlang_vars = '' . ',`title_' . $crt_lang . '` as `title`, `description_' . $crt_lang . '` as `description` ';
			$join_nologin = '';
			$select_nologin = '';
			if ($settings['nologin_enabled']) {
				$join_nologin = ' left join ' . TABLE_ADS_EXTENSION . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id = ' . TABLE_ADS_EXTENSION . '.id';
				$select_nologin = ', ' . TABLE_ADS_EXTENSION . '.mgm_email, ' . TABLE_ADS_EXTENSION . '.mgm_name';
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$sql = 'select ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.*' . $mlang_vars . ', date_format(' ) . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.`date_added`,\'' . $date_format . '\') as date_nice, date_format(' ) . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.`date_expires`,\'' . $date_format . '\') as date_expires_nice, (' ) . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.`date_expires`<\'' . $timestamp . '\' and ' ) . TABLE_ADS . '.`date_expires`!=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.active=0) as expired, ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '_lang.name as category, ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '_lang.name as package, ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '.amount as amount, ' . TABLE_USERS . '.username as username, 
		(' . TABLE_OPTIONS . '.`object_id` is not null and ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ( '' . '.`option` like \'video\') as `enable_video`' . $select_nologin . ' from ' ) . TABLE_ADS . ' 
		left join ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '_lang on ( ' . TABLE_ADS . '.category_id=' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '_lang.id  and ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . ( '' . '_lang.`lang_id` = \'' . $crt_lang . '\')
		left join ' ) . TABLE_PACKAGES . '_lang on (' . TABLE_ADS . '.package_id=' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '_lang.id and ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . ( '' . '_lang.`lang_id` = \'' . $crt_lang . '\')
		left join ' ) . TABLE_PACKAGES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.package_id=' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '.id 
		left join ' . TABLE_USERS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.user_id=' . TABLE_USERS . '.id 
		left join ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`id` = ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ( '' . '.`object_id` and `option` like \'video\' 
		' . $join_nologin . '
		where ' ) . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.`id`=\'' . $id . '\'' );
			$result = $db->fetchAssoc( $sql );
			foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
				$result[$key] = clean( $result[$key] );
			if ($mlang) {
				$default_title = '';
				$default_description = '';
				foreach ($languages as $l) {
					$lang_id = $l['id'];
					$result[$lang_id] = array(  );
					$result[$lang_id]['title'] = $result['title_' . $lang_id];
					$result[$lang_id]['description'] = $result['description_' . $lang_id];
					if ($l['default'] == 1) {
						$default_title = $result['title_' . $lang_id];
						$default_description = $result['description_' . $lang_id];
				if (!$result['title']) {
					$result['title'] = $default_title;
					if (!$result['title']) {
						foreach ($languages as $l) {
							if ($result['title_' . $l['id']]) {
								$result['title'] = $result['title_' . $l['id']];
				if (!$result['description']) {
					$result['description'] = $default_description;
					if (!$result['description']) {
						foreach ($languages as $l) {
							if ($result['description_' . $l['id']]) {
								$result['description'] = $result['description_' . $l['id']];
			$result['description_formatted'] = str_replace( '
', '<br>', $result['description'] );
			$pictures = new pictures(  );
			$result['images'] = $pictures->getPictures( $id );
			$no_images = count( $result['images'] );
			$result['max_height'] = 0;
			$str_preload = '';
			global $config_live_site;
			$im = 0;
			while ($im < $no_images) {
				if ($im) {
					$str_preload .= ',';
				$str_preload .= $config_live_site . '/images/listings/bigThmb/' . $result['images'][$im]['picture'];
				if ($result['max_height'] < $result['images'][$im]['thmb_height']) {
					$result['max_height'] = $result['images'][$im]['thmb_height'];
			$result['preload_images'] = $str_preload;
			$result['stock'] = sprintf( '%04d', $id );
			$result['paid'] = 0;
			if (0 < $result['amount']) {
				$result['paid'] = 1;
			$cat = new categories(  );
			$result['fieldset'] = $cat->getFieldset( $result['category_id'] );
			$f = new fields( 'cf' );
			$fields = $f->getAll( $result['fieldset'] );
			foreach ($fields as $field) {
				$fname = $field['caption'];
				if (( $field['type'] == 'checkbox_group' || $field['type'] == 'multiselect' )) {
					if ($result[$fname]) {
						$result[$fname] = explode( '|', $result[$fname] );
					$result[$fname] = array(  );
				if ($field['type'] == 'date') {
					if (( $result[$fname] && $result[$fname] != '0000-00-00' )) {
						$result['vis'][$fname] = format_date_str( $result[$fname], $field['date_format'] );
					$result[$fname] = '';
				if ($field['type'] == 'price') {
					$result['formatted'][$fname] = format_price( $result[$fname] );
				if ($field['validation_type'] == 'numeric') {
					$result['formatted'][$fname] = format_numeric( $result[$fname] );
				if ($field['type'] == 'textarea') {
					$result['formatted'][$fname] = str_replace( '
', '<br>', $result[$fname] );
			$result['price_curr'] = add_currency( format_price( $result['price'] ), $result['currency'] );
			if (( $ads_settings['enable_priorities'] && $result['priority'] < 1000 )) {
				$result['priority_name'] = priorities::getnamebyorder( $result['priority'] );
			$users = new users(  );
			$result['user'] = $users->getUser( $result['user_id'] );
			if ($result['language'] != $crt_lang) {
				$language = new languages(  );
				$result = $language->translateFieldsElements( $result, 'cf' );
			return $result;
		function getnoshortlistings($where, $q_join = '') {
			global $db;
			$join_pictures = '';
			if (strstr( $where, TABLE_ADS_PICTURES )) {
				$join_pictures = 'left join ' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id=' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . '.ad_id ';
			$join_users = '';
			if (strstr( $where, TABLE_USERS )) {
				$join_users = 'left join ' . TABLE_USERS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.user_id=' . TABLE_USERS . '.id ';
			$sql = 'select count( distinct ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id) 
		from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '
		' . $join_pictures . '
		' . $join_users . '
		' . $q_join . '
		' ) . $where;
			$no_ads = $db->fetchRow( $sql );
			return $no_ads;
		function getshortlistings($where, $order_by, $order_way, $general_row, $ads_per_page, $search = '', $q_vars = '', $q_join = '') {
			global $db;
			global $lng;
			global $appearance_settings;
			global $ads_settings;
			$date_format = $appearance_settings['date_format'];
			global $crt_lang;
			$mlang = 0;
			$mlang_vars = '';
			$group_by = '';
			$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
			$no_languages = count( $languages );
			if (( $ads_settings['translate_title_description'] && 1 < $no_languages )) {
				$mlang = 1;
				$mlang_vars = '' . ',`title_' . $crt_lang . '` as `title`, `description_' . $crt_lang . '` as `description` ';
			$group_by = ' group by ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id ';
			if ($ads_settings['enable_priorities']) {
				$pri_name = ', ' . TABLE_PRIORITIES . '_lang.name as `priority_name`';
				$pri_join = 'LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PRIORITIES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.priority=' . TABLE_PRIORITIES . '.order_no 
			LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PRIORITIES . '_lang on ' . TABLE_PRIORITIES . '.id=' . TABLE_PRIORITIES . '_lang.id ';
			} else {
				$pri_name = '';
				$pri_join = '';
			if ($ads_settings['enable_video']) {
				$video = ', (' . TABLE_OPTIONS . '.`object_id` is not null and ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . '.`option` like \'video\') as `enable_video` ';
				$video_join = ' left join ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`id` = ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . '.`object_id` and `option` like \'video\' ';
			} else {
				$video = '';
				$video_join = '';
			if ($where) {
				$where .= ' and ';
			} else {
				$where = ' where ';
			$where .= ' ( ' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . '.`id` is null or ' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . '.`order_no`<=1)';
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$sql = 'select ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.*' . $mlang_vars . ', ' ) . TABLE_ADS . '.id as adid, ' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . '.picture, ' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . '.`id` as `picture_id`, date_format(' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.`date_added`,\'' . $date_format . '\') as date_nice, date_format(' ) . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.`date_expires`,\'' . $date_format . '\') as date_expires_nice, (' ) . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.date_expires < \'' . $timestamp . '\' and ' ) . TABLE_ADS . '.date_expires!=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.active=0) as expired, ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '_lang.name as category, ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '.amount as amount, ' . TABLE_USERS . ( '' . '.username as username ' . $pri_name . ' ' . $video . ' ' . $q_vars . ' from ' ) . TABLE_ADS . '
		LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '_lang on (' . TABLE_ADS . '.category_id=' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '_lang.id and ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . ( '' . '_lang.`lang_id` = \'' . $crt_lang . '\') 
		LEFT JOIN ' ) . TABLE_PACKAGES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.package_id=' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '.id 
		LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_USERS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.user_id=' . TABLE_USERS . '.id 
		LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id=' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . ( '' . '.ad_id
		' . $pri_join . '
		' . $video_join . '
		' . $q_join . '
		' ) . $where . $group_by . ' ' . $order_by . ' ' . $order_way . ' ';
			if (0 < $ads_per_page) {
				$sql .= ' limit ' . $general_row . ', ' . $ads_per_page;
			$arr = $db->fetchAssocList( $sql );
			$i = 0;
			$result = array(  );
			$pictures = new pictures(  );
			$nopic = $ads_settings['nopic'];
			if ($search) {
				$search = str_replace( '(', '\(', $search );
				$search = str_replace( ')', '\)', $search );
				$search_array = explode( '%20', $search );
				$no_words = count( $search_array );
			} else {
				$no_words = 0;
			foreach ($arr as $row) {
				$result[$i] = $row;
				foreach ($result[$i] as $key => $value) {
					$result[$i][$key] = clean( $result[$i][$key] );
				if ($i % 2) {
					$result[$i]['style'] = '_odd';
				} else {
					$result[$i]['style'] = '_even';
				$result[$i]['id'] = $result[$i]['adid'];
				if ($result[$i]['picture']) {
					$result[$i]['image'] = 'images/listings/thmb/' . $result[$i]['picture'];
					$result[$i]['image_id'] = $result[$i]['picture_id'];
				} else {
					$result[$i]['image'] = 'images/' . $nopic;
					$result[$i]['image_id'] = 0;
				$result[$i]['paid'] = 0;
				if (0 < $result[$i]['amount']) {
					$result[$i]['paid'] = 1;
				$result[$i]['price_curr'] = add_currency( format_price( $result[$i]['price'] ), $result[$i]['currency'] );
				if ($result[$i]['language'] != $crt_lang) {
					$language = new languages(  );
					$result[$i] = $language->translateFieldsElements( $result[$i], 'cf' );
				if ($ads_settings['location_fields']) {
					$loc_fields = explode( ',', $ads_settings['location_fields'] );
					$result[$i]['location_str'] = '';
					$k = 0;
					foreach ($loc_fields as $l) {
						if (!$l) {
						if ($result[$i][$l]) {
							if ($k) {
								$result[$i]['location_str'] .= ', ';
							$result[$i]['location_str'] .= $result[$i][$l];
				if ($mlang) {
					$default_title = '';
					$default_description = '';
					foreach ($languages as $l) {
						$lang_id = $l['id'];
						if ($l['default'] == 1) {
							$default_title = $result[$i]['title_' . $lang_id];
							$default_description = $result[$i]['description_' . $lang_id];
					if (!$result[$i]['title']) {
						$result[$i]['title'] = $default_title;
						if (!$result[$i]['title']) {
							foreach ($languages as $l) {
								if ($result[$i]['title_' . $l['id']]) {
									$result[$i]['title'] = $result[$i]['title_' . $l['id']];
					if (!$result[$i]['description']) {
						$result[$i]['description'] = $default_description;
						if (!$result[$i]['description']) {
							foreach ($languages as $l) {
								if ($result[$i]['description_' . $l['id']]) {
									$result[$i]['description'] = $result[$i]['description_' . $l['id']];
				$k = $no_words;
				while (0 < $k) {
					$w = trim( $search_array[$k - 1] );
					if ($w != '') {
						$result[$i]['description'] = preg_replace( '/' . $search_array[$k - 1] . '/i', '<font class="search">' . $search_array[$k - 1] . '</font>', $result[$i]['description'] );
						$result[$i]['title'] = preg_replace( '/' . $search_array[$k - 1] . '/', '<font class="search">' . $search_array[$k - 1] . '</font>', $result[$i]['title'] );
				$result[$i]['stock'] = sprintf( '%04d', $result[$i]['adid'] );
				$result[$i]['url_title'] = _urlencode( $result[$i]['title'] );
			return $result;
		function getlistingsdetailed($where, $order_by = '', $order_way = '', $general_row = '', $ads_per_page = '') {
			global $db;
			global $lng;
			global $appearance_settings;
			global $ads_settings;
			$newLine = '
			$date_format = $appearance_settings['date_format'];
			global $crt_lang;
			$mlang = 0;
			$mlang_vars = '';
			if ($ads_settings['translate_title_description']) {
				$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
				if (1 < count( $languages )) {
					$mlang = 1;
					$mlang_vars = '' . ',`title_' . $crt_lang . '` as `title`, `description_' . $crt_lang . '` as `description` ';
			if ($where) {
				$where .= ' and ';
			} else {
				$where = ' where ';
			$where .= ' ( ' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . '.`id` is null or ' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . '.`order_no`<=1)';
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$sql = 'select ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.*' . $mlang_vars . ', ' ) . TABLE_ADS . '.id as adid, ' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . '.picture, ' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . '.`id` as `picture_id`, date_format(' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.`date_added`,\'' . $date_format . '\') as date_nice, date_format(' ) . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.`date_expires`,\'' . $date_format . '\') as date_expires_nice, (' ) . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.date_expires<\'' . $timestamp . '\' and ' ) . TABLE_ADS . '.date_expires!=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.active=0) as expired, ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '_lang.name as category, ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '_lang.name as package, ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '.amount as amount, ' . TABLE_USERS . '.username as username, ' . TABLE_USERS_PACKAGES . '.pending as pending_package, 
		(' . TABLE_OPTIONS . '.`object_id` is not null and ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . '.`option` like \'video\') as `enable_video` from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' 
		left join ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '_lang on (' . TABLE_ADS . '.category_id=' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '_lang.id  and ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . ( '' . '_lang.`lang_id` = \'' . $crt_lang . '\')
		left join ' ) . TABLE_PACKAGES . '_lang on (' . TABLE_ADS . '.package_id=' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '_lang.id  and ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . ( '' . '_lang.`lang_id` = \'' . $crt_lang . '\')
		left join ' ) . TABLE_PACKAGES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.package_id=' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '.id 
		left join ' . TABLE_USERS_PACKAGES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.usr_pkg=' . TABLE_USERS_PACKAGES . '.id 
		left join ' . TABLE_USERS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.user_id=' . TABLE_USERS . '.id 
		left join ' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id=' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . '.ad_id 
		left join ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`id` = ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . '.`object_id` and `option` like \'video\' 
		' . $where;
			if ($order_by) {
				$sql .= ' ' . $order_by . ' ' . $order_way;
			if (0 < $ads_per_page) {
				$sql .= ' limit ' . $general_row . ', ' . $ads_per_page;
			$arr = $db->fetchAssocList( $sql );
			$i = 0;
			$result = array(  );
			$pictures = new pictures(  );
			$nopic = $ads_settings['nopic'];
			$currency_pos = $appearance_settings['currency_pos'];
			foreach ($arr as $row) {
				$result[$i] = $row;
				foreach ($result[$i] as $key => $value) {
					$result[$i][$key] = clean( $result[$i][$key] );
				$result[$i]['id'] = $result[$i]['adid'];
				$result[$i]['pending_actions'] = $db->fetchAssocList( 'SELECT `' . TABLE_ACTIONS . '`.*, `' . TABLE_PAYMENT_ACTIONS . '`.completed from `' . TABLE_ACTIONS . '` left join `' . TABLE_PAYMENT_ACTIONS . '` on `' . TABLE_PAYMENT_ACTIONS . '`.id = `' . TABLE_ACTIONS . '`.`invoice` where (`object_id` = ' . $row['id'] . ' and `pending` = 1 and (`type` like \'featured\' or `type` like \'highlited\' or `type` like \'priority\' or `type` like \'video\' or `type` like \'newad\' or `type` like \'renewad\')) or (`object_id` = \'' . $row['usr_pkg'] . '\' and `pending` = 1 and (`type` like \'newpkg\' or `type` like \'renewpkg\') ) order by `invoice` ,' . TABLE_ACTIONS . '.`date` desc' );
				$result[$i]['pending_info'] = '';
				if ($result[$i]['pending']) {
					$result[$i]['style'] = '_pending';
					$result[$i]['pending_info'] .= $lng['listings']['pending_ad'] . '<br />';
				} else {
					if ($i % 2) {
						$result[$i]['style'] = '_odd';
					} else {
						$result[$i]['style'] = '_even';
				foreach ($result[$i]['pending_actions'] as $action) {
					if ($action['type'] == 'highlited') {
						$result[$i]['pending_info'] .= $lng['listings']['pending_highlited'] . '<br />';
					if ($action['type'] == 'featured') {
						$result[$i]['pending_info'] .= $lng['listings']['pending_featured'] . '<br />';
					if ($action['type'] == 'video') {
						$result[$i]['pending_info'] .= $lng['listings']['pending_video'] . '<br />';
					if ($action['type'] == 'priority') {
						$result[$i]['pending_info'] .= $lng['listings']['pending_priority'] . ': ';
						$result[$i]['pending_info'] .= priorities::getname( $action['extra'] ) . '<br />';
					if (( $action['type'] == 'newpkg' || $action['type'] == 'renewpkg' )) {
						$result[$i]['pending_info'] .= $lng['listings']['pending_subscription'] . '<br />';
				$result[$i]['paid'] = 0;
				if (0 < $result[$i]['amount']) {
					$result[$i]['paid'] = 1;
				if ($result[$i]['picture']) {
					$result[$i]['image'] = 'images/listings/thmb/' . $result[$i]['picture'];
					$result[$i]['image_id'] = $result[$i]['picture_id'];
				} else {
					$result[$i]['image'] = 'images/' . $nopic;
					$result[$i]['image_id'] = 0;
				if (0 < $result[$i]['price']) {
					$result[$i]['price_formatted'] = format_price( $result[$i]['price'] );
					$result[$i]['price_curr'] = add_currency( $result[$i]['price_formatted'], $result[$i]['currency'] );
				} else {
					$result[$i]['price_formatted'] = '';
					$result[$i]['price_curr'] = '';
				if ($ads_settings['location_fields']) {
					$loc_fields = explode( ',', $ads_settings['location_fields'] );
					$result[$i]['location_str'] = '';
					$k = 0;
					foreach ($loc_fields as $l) {
						if (!$l) {
						if ($result[$i][$l]) {
							if ($k) {
								$result[$i]['location_str'] .= ', ';
							$result[$i]['location_str'] .= $result[$i][$l];
				if (( $ads_settings['enable_priorities'] && $result[$i]['priority'] < 1000 )) {
					$result[$i]['priority_name'] = priorities::getnamebyorder( $result[$i]['priority'] );
				$result[$i]['stock'] = sprintf( '%04d', $result[$i]['adid'] );
				if ($mlang) {
					$default_title = '';
					foreach ($languages as $l) {
						$lang_id = $l['id'];
						$result[$i][$lang_id] = array(  );
						$result[$i][$lang_id]['title'] = $result[$i]['title_' . $lang_id];
						if ($l['default'] == 1) {
							$default_title = $result[$i]['title_' . $lang_id];
					if (!$result[$i]['title']) {
						$result[$i]['title'] = $default_title;
						if (!$result[$i]['title']) {
							foreach ($languages as $l) {
								if ($result[$i]['title_' . $l['id']]) {
									$result[$i]['title'] = $result[$i]['title_' . $l['id']];
				$result[$i]['url_title'] = _urlencode( $result[$i]['title'] );
				if (!$result[$i]['user_id']) {
					$user_details = $this->getOwnerInfo( $result[$i]['id'] );
					$result[$i]['username'] = $user_details['mgm_email'];
					$result[$i]['mgm_name'] = $user_details['mgm_name'];
					$result[$i]['ip'] = $user_details['ip'];
			return $result;
		function getshortlisting($id) {
			global $db;
			global $lng;
			global $appearance_settings;
			global $ads_settings;
			$date_format = $appearance_settings['date_format'];
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$sql = 'select ' . TABLE_ADS . '.*, ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id as adid, ' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . '.picture, ' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . '.`id` as `picture_id`, date_format(' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.`date_added`,\'' . $date_format . '\') as date_nice, date_format(' ) . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.`date_expires`,\'' . $date_format . '\') as date_expires_nice, (' ) . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.date_expires<\'' . $timestamp . '\' and ' ) . TABLE_ADS . '.date_expires!=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.active=0) as `expired`, ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '.name as category, ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '.name as package, ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '.amount as amount, ' . TABLE_USERS . '.username as username from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' 
		left join ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.category_id=' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '.id 
		left join ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.package_id=' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '.id 
		left join ' . TABLE_USERS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.user_id=' . TABLE_USERS . '.id 
		left join ' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id=' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . '.ad_id 
		where ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.id=\'' . $id . '\' ' );
			$result = $db->fetchAssoc( $sql );
			foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
				$result[$key] = clean( $result[$key] );
			$pictures = new pictures(  );
			$nopic = $ads_settings['nopic'];
			$currency_pos = $appearance_settings['currency_pos'];
			$result['id'] = $result['adid'];
			$result['paid'] = 0;
			if (0 < $result['amount']) {
				$result['paid'] = 1;
			if ($result['picture']) {
				$result['image'] = 'images/listings/thmb/' . $result['picture'];
				$result['image_id'] = $result['picture_id'];
			} else {
				$result['image'] = 'images/' . $nopic;
				$result['image_id'] = 0;
			$result['price_curr'] = add_currency( $result['price'], $result['currency'] );
			$result['stock'] = sprintf( '%04d', $id );
			return $result;
		function searchlisting($id, $crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$array_listings = array(  );
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$where = '' . ' and `user_id`=\'' . $crt_usr . '\'';
			} else {
				$where = '';
			$res = $db->query( 'select id from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where id=\'' . $id . '\'' ) . $where );
			if ($db->numRows( $res )) {
				$array_listings = $this->getListingsDetailed( 'where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id=' . $id );
			return $array_listings;
		function getlistings($page, $ads_per_page, $order, $order_way, $crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $ads_per_page;
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$where = 'where ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.user_id=\'' . $crt_usr . '\'' );
			} else {
				$where = '';
			if ($order) {
				$order_by = 'order by ' . $order;
			} else {
				$order_by = '';
			$result = $this->getListingsDetailed( $where, $order_by, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getnolistings($crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$sql = 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_ADS;
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$sql .= ' where user_id=' . $crt_usr;
			$no = $db->fetchRow( $sql );
			return $no;
		function getactivelistings($page, $ads_per_page, $order, $order_way, $crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $ads_per_page;
			$where = 'where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.active like \'1\'';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.user_id like \'' . $crt_usr . '\'' );
			if ($order) {
				$order_by = 'order by ' . $order;
			} else {
				$order_by = '';
			$result = $this->getListingsDetailed( $where, $order_by, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getnoactivelistings($crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$sql = 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' where active=1';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$sql .= ' and user_id  like ' . $crt_usr;
			$no = $db->fetchRow( $sql );
			return $no;
		function getinactivelistings($page, $ads_per_page, $order, $order_way, $crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $ads_per_page;
			$where = 'where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.active=0';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.user_id=\'' . $crt_usr . '\'' );
			if ($order) {
				$order_by = 'order by ' . $order;
			} else {
				$order_by = '';
			$result = $this->getListingsDetailed( $where, $order_by, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getnoinactivelistings($crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$sql = 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' where active=0';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$sql .= ' and user_id=' . $crt_usr;
			$no = $db->fetchRow( $sql );
			return $no;
		function getpendinglistings($page, $ads_per_page, $order, $order_way, $crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $ads_per_page;
			$where = ' where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`pending` = \'1\'';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.user_id=' . $crt_usr;
			if ($order) {
				$order_by = 'order by ' . $order;
			} else {
				$order_by = '';
			$result = $this->getListingsDetailed( $where, $order_by, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getnopendinglistings($crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$sql = 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' where pending=1';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$sql .= ' and user_id=' . $crt_usr;
			$no = $db->fetchRow( $sql );
			return $no;
		function getnounfinishedlistings($crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$usr_str = ' and user_id=' . $crt_usr;
			} else {
				$usr_str = '';
			$no = $db->fetchRow( 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' where user_approved=0' . $usr_str );
			return $no;
		function getfeaturedlistings($page, $ads_per_page, $order, $order_way, $crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $ads_per_page;
			$where = 'where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.featured=1';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.user_id=\'' . $crt_usr . '\'' );
			if ($order) {
				$order_by = 'order by ' . $order;
			} else {
				$order_by = '';
			$result = $this->getListingsDetailed( $where, $order_by, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getnofeaturedlistings($crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$sql = 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' where featured=1';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$sql .= ' and user_id=' . $crt_usr;
			$no = $db->fetchRow( $sql );
			return $no;
		function gethighlitedlistings($page, $ads_per_page, $order, $order_way, $crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $ads_per_page;
			$where = 'where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.highlited=1';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.user_id=\'' . $crt_usr . '\'' );
			if ($order) {
				$order_by = 'order by ' . $order;
			} else {
				$order_by = '';
			$result = $this->getListingsDetailed( $where, $order_by, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getnohighlitedlistings($crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$sql = 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' where highlited=1';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$sql .= ' and user_id=' . $crt_usr;
			$no = $db->fetchRow( $sql );
			return $no;
		function getnoprioritieslistings($crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$sql = 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' where priority<1000';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$sql .= ' and user_id=' . $crt_usr;
			$no = $db->fetchRow( $sql );
			return $no;
		function getprioritieslistings($page, $ads_per_page, $order, $order_way, $crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $ads_per_page;
			$where = 'where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.priority<1000';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.user_id=\'' . $crt_usr . '\'' );
			if ($order) {
				$order_by = 'order by ' . $order;
			} else {
				$order_by = '';
			$result = $this->getListingsDetailed( $where, $order_by, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getexpiredlistings($page, $ads_per_page, $order, $order_way, $crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $ads_per_page;
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$where = 'where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.active=0 and ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.date_expires < \'' . $timestamp . '\' and ' ) . TABLE_ADS . '.date_expires!=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\'';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.user_id=\'' . $crt_usr . '\'' );
			if ($order) {
				$order_by = 'order by ' . $order;
			} else {
				$order_by = '';
			$result = $this->getListingsDetailed( $where, $order_by, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getnoexpiredlistings($crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$sql = 'select count(id) from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where active=0 and date_expires < \'' . $timestamp . '\' and date_expires!=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' and date_expires is not null' );
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$sql .= ' and user_id=' . $crt_usr;
			$no = $db->fetchRow( $sql );
			return $no;
		function getvideolistings($page, $ads_per_page, $order, $order_way, $crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $ads_per_page;
			$where = ' where `object_id` and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.video!=\'\' ';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.user_id=\'' . $crt_usr . '\'' );
			if ($order) {
				$order_by = ' order by ' . TABLE_ADS . '.' . $order;
			} else {
				$order_by = '';
			$result = $this->getListingsDetailed( $where, $order_by, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getnovideolistings($crt_usr = '') {
			global $db;
			$sql = 'select count(' . TABLE_ADS . '.id) from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' left join ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`id`=' . TABLE_OPTIONS . '.`object_id` where `object_id` and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.video!=\'\' ';
			if ($crt_usr) {
				$sql .= ' and user_id=' . $crt_usr;
			$no = $db->fetchRow( $sql );
			return $no;
		function geterror() {
			return $this->error;
		function adderror($str) {
			$this->error .= $str;
		function seterror($str) {
			$this->error = $str;
		function gettmp() {
			return $this->tmp;
		function count_words($string) {
			$word_count = 0;
			$cleaned_str = preg_replace( '/[^A-Z0-9]/i', ' ', $string );
			$string = preg_replace( '/ +/', ' ', $string );
			$string = explode( ' ', $string );
			while (list( , $word ) = each( $string )) {
				if (preg_match( '/[0-9A-ZA`-Ö?-y]/i', $word )) {
			return $word_count;
		function check_form($id = '') {
			global $db;
			global $settings;
			$auth = new auth(  );
			$is_admin = 0;
			$nologin = 0;
			if ($auth->loggedIn(  )) {
				$user_id = $auth->crtUserId(  );
			} else {
				if ($auth->adminLoggedIn(  )) {
					$is_admin = 1;
				} else {
					if ($settings['nologin_enabled']) {
						$user_id = 0;
						$nologin = 1;
					} else {
						header( 'Location: not_authorized.php' );
						exit( 0 );
			global $lng;
			$this->error = '';
			$this->tmp = array(  );
			global $ads_settings;
			$no_words = 0;
			$no_pictures = 0;
			$featured = 0;
			$amount = 0;
			if (!$id) {
				if (!$_POST['category']) {
					$this->addError( $lng['listings']['errors']['category_missing'] . '<br />' );
				} else {
					if (!is_numeric( $_POST['category'] )) {
						$this->addError( $lng['listings']['errors']['invalid_category'] . '<br />' );
					} else {
						$category = escape( $_POST['category'] );
						$categ = new categories(  );
				if (!$_POST['package']) {
					$this->addError( $lng['listings']['errors']['package_missing'] . '<br />' );
				} else {
					if (!is_numeric( $_POST['package'] )) {
						$this->addError( $lng['listings']['errors']['invalid_package'] . '<br />' );
					} else {
						$package_id = escape( $_POST['package'] );
				if (( $is_admin && !$_POST['user_id'] )) {
					$this->addError( $lng['listings']['errors']['user_missing'] . '<br />' );
			} else {
				$category = $this->getCategory( $id );
				$categ = new categories(  );
				$package_id = $this->getPackage( $id );
			if ($package_id) {
				$pkg = new packages(  );
				$package = $pkg->getPackage( $package_id );
				$no_words = $package['no_words'];
			$def_lang = '';
			$mlang_fields = 0;
			if ($ads_settings['translate_title_description']) {
				$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
				if (1 < count( $languages )) {
					$def_lang = '_' . languages::getdefault(  );
					$mlang_fields = 1;
			$description_array = array( 'description' );
			$title_array = array( 'title' );
			if ($mlang_fields) {
				$description_array = array(  );
				$title_array = array(  );
				foreach ($languages as $l) {
					array_push( $description_array, 'description_' . $l['id'] );
					array_push( $title_array, 'title_' . $l['id'] );
			$desc_exists = 0;
			foreach ($description_array as $desc) {
				if ($_POST[$desc]) {
					$desc_exists = 1;
			if (!$desc_exists) {
				$this->addError( $lng['listings']['errors']['content_missing'] . '<br />' );
			$title_exists = 0;
			foreach ($title_array as $t) {
				if ($_POST[$t]) {
					$title_exists = 1;
			if (!$title_exists) {
				$this->addError( $lng['listings']['errors']['title_missing'] . '<br />' );
			if (0 < $no_words) {
				foreach ($description_array as $desc) {
					if (!$_POST[$desc]) {
					$wc = $this->count_words( $_POST[$desc] );
					if ($no_words < $wc) {
						$err = preg_replace( '/::MAX::/', '' . $no_words, $lng['listings']['errors']['words_quota_exceeded'] );
						$this->addError( $err . '<br />' );
			$bd = 0;
			foreach ($description_array as $desc) {
				if (( $ads_settings['badwords_check'] == 1 && $_POST[$desc] )) {
					$badword = new badwords(  );
					if (( $badword->check( $_POST[$desc] ) && $ads_settings['badwords_check_type'] == 1 )) {
						$this->addError( $lng['listings']['errors']['badwords'] . '<br />' );
						$bd = 1;
			foreach ($title_array as $t) {
				if (( $ads_settings['badwords_check'] == 1 && $_POST[$t] )) {
					$badword = new badwords(  );
					if (( $badword->check( $_POST[$t] ) && $ads_settings['badwords_check_type'] == 1 )) {
						if (!$bd) {
							$this->addError( $lng['listings']['errors']['badwords'] . '<br />' );
			if (( ( isset( $_POST['video'] ) && $_POST['video'] ) && !validator::valid_youtube( clean( $_POST['video'] ) ) )) {
				$this->addError( $lng['listings']['errors']['invalid_youtube_video'] . '<br />' );
			$fields = new fields( 'cf' );
			$fields->setEdit( $this->edit );
			if (( ( ( !$id && isset( $_POST['category'] ) ) && $_POST['category'] != '' ) || $id )) {
				$cat = new categories(  );
				$fieldset = $cat->getFieldset( $category );
				$fields->check_form_object( $fieldset );
				if ($fields->getError(  ) != '') {
					$this->addError( $fields->getError(  ) );
			if (( !$id && $nologin )) {
				$this->check_user_info(  );
			if (( ( $nologin && $settings['nologin_image_verification'] ) && ( !isset( $_POST['number'] ) || md5( $_POST['number'] ) != $_SESSION['image_value'] ) )) {
				$this->addError( $lng['contact']['error']['invalid_validation_number'] . '<br/>' );
			if ($this->getError(  ) != '') {
				if ($id) {
					$this->tmp['id'] = $id;
				foreach ($description_array as $f) {
					if (isset( $_POST[$f] )) {
						$this->tmp[$f] = clean( $_POST[$f] );
					$this->tmp[$f] = '';
				foreach ($title_array as $f) {
					if (isset( $_POST[$f] )) {
						$this->tmp[$f] = clean( $_POST[$f] );
					$this->tmp[$f] = '';
				foreach (array( 'currency' ) as $f) {
					if (isset( $_POST[$f] )) {
						$this->tmp[$f] = $_POST[$f];
					$this->tmp[$f] = '';
				if ($is_admin) {
					if (isset( $_POST['user_id'] )) {
						$this->tmp['user_id'] = $_POST['user_id'];
					} else {
						$this->tmp['user_id'] = '';
				if (isset( $_POST['video'] )) {
					$this->tmp['video'] = clean( $_POST['video'] );
				} else {
					$this->tmp['video'] = '';
				if ($id) {
					$this->tmp['enable_video'] = $this->videoEnabled( $id );
				$this->tmp['tmp_fields'] = $fields->getTmp(  );
				foreach ($this->tmp['tmp_fields'] as $key => $value) {
					$this->tmp[$key] = $value;
				if ($ads_settings['add_meta_with_listings']) {
					if (isset( $_POST['meta_keywords'] )) {
						$this->tmp['meta_keywords'] = clean( $_POST['meta_keywords'] );
					} else {
						$this->tmp['meta_keywords'] = '';
					if (isset( $_POST['meta_description'] )) {
						$this->tmp['meta_description'] = clean( $_POST['meta_description'] );
					} else {
						$this->tmp['meta_description'] = '';
				if ($nologin) {
					if (!$id) {
						if (isset( $_POST['mgm_email'] )) {
							$this->tmp['mgm_email'] = clean( $_POST['mgm_email'] );
						} else {
							$this->tmp['mgm_email'] = '';
					if (isset( $_POST['mgm_name'] )) {
						$this->tmp['mgm_name'] = clean( $_POST['mgm_name'] );
						return 1;
					$this->tmp['mgm_name'] = '';
			return 1;
		function check_user_info() {
			global $lng;
			if (( !isset( $_POST['mgm_email'] ) || !$_POST['mgm_email'] )) {
				$this->addError( $lng['listings']['error']['your_email_missing'] . '<br/>' );
				return null;
			if (( ( isset( $_POST['mgm_email'] ) && $_POST['mgm_email'] ) && !validator::valid_email( $_POST['mgm_email'] ) )) {
				$this->addError( $lng['users']['errors']['invalid_email'] . '<br />' );
		function add() {
			global $db;
			global $ads_settings;
			global $settings;
			global $crt_lang;
			$auth = new auth(  );
			$is_admin = 0;
			$clean['user_id'] = 0;
			if ($auth->loggedIn(  )) {
				$clean['user_id'] = $auth->crtUserId(  );
			} else {
				if ($auth->adminLoggedIn(  )) {
					$is_admin = 1;
					$clean['user_id'] = escape( $_POST['user_id'] );
				} else {
					if (!$settings['nologin_enabled']) {
						header( 'Location: not_authorized.php' );
						exit( 0 );
			$clean['category_id'] = escape( $_POST['category'] );
			$categ = new categories(  );
			$fieldset = $categ->getFieldset( $clean['category_id'] );
			$clean['package_id'] = escape( $_POST['package'] );
			if (!$is_admin) {
				$clean['usr_pkg'] = escape( $_POST['usr_pkg'] );
			} else {
				$clean['usr_pkg'] = 0;
			$packages = new packages(  );
			$package = $packages->getPackage( $clean['package_id'] );
			$clean['featured'] = $package['featured'];
			$clean['highlited'] = $package['highlited'];
			if ($package['priority']) {
				$clean['priority'] = priorities::getorderno( $package['priority'] );
			} else {
				$clean['priority'] = 1000;
			$clean['enable_video'] = $package['video'];
			$no_days = $package['no_days'];
			$this->clean = array(  );
			$this->check_form(  );
			if ($this->getError(  ) != '') {
				return 0;
			$description_array = array( 'description' );
			$title_array = array( 'title' );
			$mlang = 0;
			if ($ads_settings['translate_title_description']) {
				$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
				if (1 < count( $languages )) {
					$description_array = array(  );
					$title_array = array(  );
					foreach ($languages as $l) {
						array_push( $description_array, 'description_' . $l['id'] );
						array_push( $title_array, 'title_' . $l['id'] );
					$mlang = 1;
			$tags_list = tags_list( $ads_settings['allowed_html'] );
			$no_desc_fields = 0;
			foreach ($description_array as $desc) {
				$clean[$desc] = escape( $_POST[$desc] );
				if (( ( $clean[$desc] && $ads_settings['badwords_check'] ) && $ads_settings['badwords_check_type'] == 0 )) {
					$badword = new badwords(  );
					if ($badword->check( $clean[$desc] )) {
						$clean[$desc] = $badword->replace( $clean[$desc] );
				if ($clean[$desc]) {
					$clean[$desc] = strip_tags( $clean[$desc], $tags_list );
				$no_desc_fields = 1;
			$no_title_fields = 0;
			foreach ($title_array as $t) {
				$clean[$t] = escape( $_POST[$t] );
				if ($clean[$t]) {
					$clean[$t] = strip_tags( $clean[$t], $tags_list );
				$no_title_fields = 1;
			if ($mlang) {
				if ($no_title_fields) {
					if ($clean['title_' . $crt_lang]) {
						$default_title = $clean['title_' . $crt_lang];
					} else {
						foreach ($languages as $l) {
							if ($clean['title_' . $l['id']]) {
								$default_title = $clean['title_' . $l['id']];
					foreach ($languages as $l) {
						if (!$clean['title_' . $l['id']]) {
							$clean['title_' . $l['id']] = $default_title;
				if ($no_desc_fields) {
					if ($clean['description_' . $crt_lang]) {
						$default_description = $clean['description_' . $crt_lang];
					} else {
						foreach ($languages as $l) {
							if ($clean['description_' . $l['id']]) {
								$default_description = $clean['description_' . $l['id']];
					foreach ($languages as $l) {
						if (!$clean['description_' . $l['id']]) {
							$clean['description_' . $l['id']] = $default_description;
			$fields = new fields( 'cf' );
			if ($fields->fieldsetHasPrice( $fieldset )) {
				if (isset( $_POST['currency'] )) {
					$clean['currency'] = escape( $_POST['currency'] );
				} else {
					$clean['currency'] = '';
			} else {
				$clean['currency'] = '';
			if ($ads_settings['add_meta_with_listings']) {
				if (isset( $_POST['meta_keywords'] )) {
					$clean['meta_keywords'] = escape( $_POST['meta_keywords'] );
				} else {
					$clean['meta_keywords'] = '';
				if (isset( $_POST['meta_description'] )) {
					$clean['meta_description'] = escape( $_POST['meta_description'] );
				} else {
					$clean['meta_description'] = '';
			} else {
				$clean['meta_keywords'] = '';
				$clean['meta_description'] = '';
			$clean['date_added'] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$insert_array = array( 'user_id', 'package_id', 'usr_pkg', 'category_id', 'currency', 'date_added', 'active', 'pending', 'featured', 'highlited', 'priority', 'meta_keywords', 'meta_description', 'language' );
			if (!$mlang) {
				array_push( $insert_array, 'description' );
				array_push( $insert_array, 'title' );
			} else {
				foreach ($description_array as $desc) {
					array_push( $insert_array, $desc );
				foreach ($title_array as $t) {
					array_push( $insert_array, $t );
			global $crt_lang;
			$clean['language'] = $crt_lang;
			if (( ( isset( $_SESSION['action']['video'] ) && $_SESSION['action']['video']['value'] == 1 ) || ( $clean['package_id'] && packages::getvideo( $clean['package_id'] ) ) )) {
				if (isset( $_POST['video'] )) {
					$clean['video'] = escape( $_POST['video'] );
					if (!strstr( $clean['video'], ' wmode="transparent"' )) {
						$clean['video'] = str_replace( '></embed>', ' wmode="transparent"></embed>', $clean['video'] );
				} else {
					$clean['video'] = '';
				$insert_array[count( $insert_array )] = 'video';
			if ($is_admin) {
				$clean['active'] = 1;
			} else {
				$clean['active'] = 0;
			$clean['pending'] = 0;
			$sql = 'insert into ' . TABLE_ADS . ' SET ';
			$i = 0;
			foreach ($insert_array as $f) {
				if ($i) {
					$sql .= ', ';
				$sql .= '' . '`' . $f . '` = \'' . $clean[$f] . '\'';
			if ($no_days != 0) {
				$sql .= ', `date_expires` = date_add(\'' . $clean['date_added'] . ( '' . '\', interval \'' . $no_days . '\' day)' );
			$sql .= $fields->add_object( $fieldset );
			$res = $db->query( $sql );
			$id = $db->insertId(  );
			$this->last = $id;
			if (( $settings['nologin_enabled'] && !$clean['user_id'] )) {
				$this->addOwnerInfo( $id );
			if ($clean['enable_video']) {
				$this->addOption( $id, 'video', 1 );
			if ($is_admin) {
				$this->userApprove( $id );
				global $ads_settings;
				if ($ads_settings['alerts_enabled']) {
					$alert = new alerts(  );
					$alert->checkImmediate( $id, $clean );
			return $id;
		function addownerinfo($id) {
			global $settings;
			global $db;
			$mgm_email = escape( $_POST['mgm_email'] );
			if (( isset( $_POST['mgm_name'] ) && $_POST['mgm_name'] )) {
				$mgm_name = escape( $_POST['mgm_name'] );
			} else {
				$mgm_name = '';
			$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
			$activation = generate_random(  );
			$res = $db->query( 'insert into ' . TABLE_ADS_EXTENSION . ( '' . ' set `id` = \'' . $id . '\', `mgm_email`=\'' . $mgm_email . '\', `mgm_name`=\'' . $mgm_name . '\', `ip`=\'' . $ip . '\', `activation`=\'' . $activation . '\'' ) );
			return 1;
		function editownerinfo($id) {
			global $settings;
			global $db;
			if (( isset( $_POST['mgm_email'] ) && $_POST['mgm_email'] )) {
				$mgm_email = escape( $_POST['mgm_email'] );
			} else {
				$mgm_email = '';
			if (( isset( $_POST['mgm_name'] ) && $_POST['mgm_name'] )) {
				$mgm_name = escape( $_POST['mgm_name'] );
			} else {
				$mgm_name = '';
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS_EXTENSION . ( '' . ' set `mgm_name`=\'' . $mgm_name . '\' where `id` = \'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			if ($mgm_email) {
				$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS_EXTENSION . ( '' . ' set `mgm_email`=\'' . $mgm_email . '\' where `id` = \'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return 1;
		function getownerinfo($id) {
			global $db;
			$array = $db->fetchAssoc( 'select * from ' . TABLE_ADS_EXTENSION . ( '' . ' where `id`=' . $id ) );
			return $array;
		function correctkey($id, $key) {
			global $db;
			$exists = $db->fetchRow( 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_ADS_EXTENSION . ( '' . ' where `id`=' . $id . ' and `activation`=\'' . $key . '\'' ) );
			return $exists;
		function edit($id) {
			global $db;
			global $ads_settings;
			global $settings;
			global $crt_lang;
			$category = $this->getCategory( $id );
			$package = $this->getPackage( $id );
			$categ = new categories(  );
			$fieldset = $categ->getFieldset( $category );
			$auth = new auth(  );
			$is_admin = 0;
			$user_id = 0;
			if ($auth->loggedIn(  )) {
				$user_id = $auth->crtUserId(  );
			} else {
				if ($auth->adminLoggedIn(  )) {
					$is_admin = 1;
				} else {
					if (!$settings['nologin_enabled']) {
						header( 'Location: not_authorized.php' );
						exit( 0 );
			$this->clean = array(  );
			$this->check_form( $id );
			if ($this->getError(  ) != '') {
				return 0;
			$description_array = array( 'description' );
			$title_array = array( 'title' );
			$mlang = 0;
			if ($ads_settings['translate_title_description']) {
				$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
				if (1 < count( $languages )) {
					$description_array = array(  );
					$title_array = array(  );
					foreach ($languages as $l) {
						array_push( $description_array, 'description_' . $l['id'] );
						array_push( $title_array, 'title_' . $l['id'] );
					$mlang = 1;
			$tags_list = tags_list( $ads_settings['allowed_html'] );
			$no_desc_fields = 0;
			foreach ($description_array as $desc) {
				$clean[$desc] = escape( $_POST[$desc] );
				if (( ( $clean[$desc] && $ads_settings['badwords_check'] ) && $ads_settings['badwords_check_type'] == 0 )) {
					$badword = new badwords(  );
					if ($badword->check( $clean[$desc] )) {
						$clean[$desc] = $badword->replace( $clean[$desc] );
				if ($clean[$desc]) {
					$clean[$desc] = strip_tags( $clean[$desc], $tags_list );
				$no_desc_fields = 1;
			$no_title_fields = 0;
			foreach ($title_array as $t) {
				$clean[$t] = escape( $_POST[$t] );
				if ($clean[$t]) {
					$clean[$t] = strip_tags( $clean[$t], $tags_list );
				$no_title_fields = 1;
			if ($mlang) {
				if ($no_title_fields) {
					if ($clean['title_' . $crt_lang]) {
						$default_title = $clean['title_' . $crt_lang];
					} else {
						foreach ($languages as $l) {
							if ($clean['title_' . $l['id']]) {
								$default_title = $clean['title_' . $l['id']];
					foreach ($languages as $l) {
						if (!$clean['title_' . $l['id']]) {
							$clean['title_' . $l['id']] = $default_title;
				if ($no_desc_fields) {
					if ($clean['description_' . $crt_lang]) {
						$default_description = $clean['description_' . $crt_lang];
					} else {
						foreach ($languages as $l) {
							if ($clean['description_' . $l['id']]) {
								$default_description = $clean['description_' . $l['id']];
					foreach ($languages as $l) {
						if (!$clean['description_' . $l['id']]) {
							$clean['description_' . $l['id']] = $default_description;
			global $crt_lang;
			$clean['language'] = $crt_lang;
			$fields = new fields( 'cf' );
			if ($fields->fieldsetHasPrice( $fieldset )) {
				if (isset( $_POST['currency'] )) {
					$clean['currency'] = escape( $_POST['currency'] );
				} else {
					$clean['currency'] = '';
			} else {
				$clean['currency'] = '';
			if ($ads_settings['add_meta_with_listings']) {
				if (isset( $_POST['meta_keywords'] )) {
					$clean['meta_keywords'] = escape( $_POST['meta_keywords'] );
				} else {
					$clean['meta_keywords'] = '';
				if (isset( $_POST['meta_description'] )) {
					$clean['meta_description'] = escape( $_POST['meta_description'] );
				} else {
					$clean['meta_description'] = '';
			} else {
				$clean['meta_keywords'] = '';
				$clean['meta_description'] = '';
			$insert_array = array( 'currency', 'meta_keywords', 'meta_description', 'language' );
			if (!$mlang) {
				array_push( $insert_array, 'description' );
				array_push( $insert_array, 'title' );
			} else {
				foreach ($description_array as $desc) {
					array_push( $insert_array, $desc );
				foreach ($title_array as $t) {
					array_push( $insert_array, $t );
			$enable_video = $this->videoEnabled( $id );
			if (( ( $enable_video || ( isset( $_SESSION['action']['video'] ) && $_SESSION['action']['video']['value'] == 1 ) ) || packages::getvideo( $package ) )) {
				if (isset( $_POST['video'] )) {
					$clean['video'] = escape( $_POST['video'] );
					if (!strstr( $clean['video'], ' wmode="transparent"' )) {
						$clean['video'] = str_replace( '></embed>', ' wmode="transparent"></embed>', $clean['video'] );
				} else {
					$clean['video'] = '';
				$insert_array[count( $insert_array )] = 'video';
			$sql = 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ' SET ';
			$i = 0;
			foreach ($insert_array as $f) {
				if ($i) {
					$sql .= ', ';
				$sql .= '' . '`' . $f . '` = \'' . $clean[$f] . '\'';
			$fields->setEdit( $this->edit );
			$sql .= $fields->add_object( $fieldset );
			$sql .= ' where id=' . $id;
			$res = $db->query( $sql );
			if (( ( $settings['nologin_enabled'] && !$user_id ) && !$is_admin )) {
				$this->editOwnerInfo( $id );
			return 1;
		function getlast() {
			return $this->last;
		function getdiscountcode($id) {
			$res = mysql_query( 'select code from ' . TABLE_DISCOUNTS . ( '' . ' where object_id=' . $id . ' and type==\'newad\'' ) );
			if (!mysql_num_rows( $res )) {
				return 0;
			return mysql_result( $res, 0 );
		function getadvsearch($post_array, $page, $ads_per_page) {
			global $db;
			global $ads_settings;
			$str_radius = '';
			$str_zip = '';
			$join_zip = '';
			$fields = explode( ',', $ads_settings['search_in_fields'] );
			$cf = new fields( 'cf' );
			$custom_fields = $cf->getSearchFields( $post_array );
			$language = new languages(  );
			$languages = $language->getActiveLanguages(  );
			$no_lang = count( $languages );
			$set = array(  );
			global $crt_lang;
			$el_fields = array( 'menu', 'radio', 'radio_group', 'checkbox_group', 'multiselect' );
			$location_fields = explode( ',', $ads_settings['location_fields'] );
			$where = ' where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.active=1';
			foreach ($post_array as $key => $val) {
				if ($val == '') {
				switch ($key) {
					case 'id': {
						$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id = "' . $val . '"';
					case 'category': {
						$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.category_id in (' . $val . ')';
					case 'location': {
						if (!count( $location_fields )) {
						$a = 0;
						$where .= ' and ( ';
						foreach ($location_fields as $loc) {
							if ($a) {
								$where .= ' or ';
							$where .= ' ' . TABLE_ADS . '.' . $loc . ' like "' . $val . '"';
						$where .= ' )';
					case 'word': {
						if (!count( $fields )) {
						$search_array = explode( ' ', $val );
						$no_words = count( $search_array );
						$where .= ' and (';
						$k = 0;
						$i = $no_words;
						while (0 < $i) {
							$w = trim( $search_array[$i - 1] );
							if ($w != '') {
								$j = 0;
								foreach ($fields as $f) {
									if ($k) {
										$where .= ' or';
									$where .= ' ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.' . $f . ' like \'%' . $w . '%\'' );
						$where .= ' )';
					case 'user_id': {
						$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.user_id like "' . $val . '"';
					case 'price_low': {
					case 'price_high': {
						if (( isset( $set['price'] ) && $set['price'] )) {
						if (( $post_array['price_low'] != '' && $post_array['price_high'] != '' )) {
							if (( is_numeric( $post_array['price_low'] ) && is_numeric( $post_array['price_high'] ) )) {
								$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.price between ' . $post_array['price_low'] . ' and ' . $post_array['price_high'] . '';
						} else {
							if (( $post_array['price_low'] != '' && $post_array['price_high'] == '' )) {
								if (is_numeric( $post_array['price_low'] )) {
									$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.price >= ' . $post_array['price_low'];
							} else {
								if (( $post_array['price_high'] != '' && $post_array['price_low'] == '' )) {
									if (is_numeric( $post_array['price_high'] )) {
										$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.price <= ' . $post_array['price_high'];
						$set['price'] = 1;
					case 'currency': {
						$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.currency like "' . $val . '"';
					case 'with_pic': {
						$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS_PICTURES . '.id is not null ';
					case 'zip': {
						global $modules_array;
						if ($post_array['zip']) {
							if (( ( ( in_array( 'areasearch', $modules_array ) && isset( $post_array['area'] ) ) && is_numeric( $post_array['area'] ) ) && 0 < $post_array['area'] )) {
								$search_by_area = 1;
								global $config_table_prefix;
								$zip_loc = new areasearch(  );
								$zip_settings = $zip_loc->getSettings(  );
								if ($zip_settings['um'] == 'miles') {
									$radius = $zip_loc->miles_to_km( $post_array['area'] );
								} else {
									$radius = $post_array['area'];
								$coord = $zip_loc->getCoord( $post_array['zip'] );
								if ($coord != 0) {
									$str_zip = ', ((POW((69.1*(' . $config_table_prefix . 'zipcodes.lon-' . $coord['lon'] . ')*cos(' . $coord['lat'] . '/57.3)),"2")+POW((69.1*(' . $config_table_prefix . 'zipcodes.lat-' . $coord['lat'] . ')),"2"))/1.609)  as distance ';
									$where .= ' and (POW((69.1*(' . $config_table_prefix . 'zipcodes.lon-' . $coord['lon'] . ')*cos(' . $coord['lat'] . '/57.3)),"2")+POW((69.1*(' . $config_table_prefix . 'zipcodes.lat-' . $coord['lat'] . ')),"2"))<(' . $radius . '*' . $radius . ')';
									$join_zip = ' left join ' . $config_table_prefix . 'zipcodes on ' . $config_table_prefix . 'zipcodes.zipcode=' . TABLE_ADS . '.zip';
								} else {
									$where .= ' and (' . TABLE_ADS . '.zip like "' . $post_array['zip'] . '" )';
							} else {
								$where .= ' and (' . TABLE_ADS . '.' . $key . ' like "' . $val . '" )';
					case 'area': {
					case 'page': {
					case 'order': {
					case 'order_way': {
					case 'search_x': {
					case 'search_y': {
					case 'Search': {
					case 'search': {
					case 'Submit_x': {
					case 'Submit_y': {
					case 'Submit': {
					case 'x': {
					case 'y': {
					default: {
						global $default_fields_types;
						if (( ( isset( $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['type'] ) && $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['type'] ) && !in_array( $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['type'], $default_fields_types ) )) {
							$new_type = $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['type'];
							$custom_obj = new $new_type(  );
							$where .= ' and ' . $custom_obj->getAdvSearch( TABLE_ADS, $val );
						if (( isset( $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['search_type'] ) && $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['search_type'] == 'interval' )) {
							if ($custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['type'] == 'date') {
								$sep = '"';
							} else {
								$sep = '';
							$skey = preg_replace( '' . '/_low$/', '', $key );
							$skey = preg_replace( '' . '/_high$/', '', $skey );
							if (( isset( $set[$skey] ) && $set[$skey] )) {
							if (( ( isset( $post_array[$skey . '_low'] ) && $post_array[$skey . '_low'] != '' ) && ( isset( $post_array[$skey . '_high'] ) && $post_array[$skey . '_high'] != '' ) )) {
								$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.' . $skey . ' between ' . $sep . $post_array[$skey . '_low'] . $sep . ' and ' . $sep . $post_array[$skey . '_high'] . $sep . '';
							} else {
								if (( ( isset( $post_array[$skey . '_low'] ) && $post_array[$skey . '_low'] != '' ) && ( !isset( $post_array[$skey . '_high'] ) || $post_array[$skey . '_high'] == '' ) )) {
									$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.' . $skey . ' >= ' . $sep . $post_array[$skey . '_low'] . $sep;
								} else {
									if (( ( isset( $post_array[$skey . '_high'] ) && $post_array[$skey . '_high'] != '' ) && ( !isset( $post_array[$skey . '_low'] ) || $post_array[$skey . '_low'] == '' ) )) {
										$where .= ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.' . $skey . ' <= ' . $sep . $post_array[$skey . '_high'] . $sep;
							$set[$skey] = 1;
						} else {
							$q_translated = '';
							if (( ( isset( $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['type'] ) && $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['type'] ) && 1 < $no_lang )) {
								if (in_array( $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['type'], $el_fields )) {
									$crt_lang_elem = $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['elements'];
									$crt_lang_arr = explode( '|', $crt_lang_elem );
									$index = 0 - 1;
									$i = 0;
									foreach ($crt_lang_arr as $el) {
										if ($el == $val) {
											$index = $i;
									if ($index != 0 - 1) {
										foreach ($languages as $l) {
											if ($l['id'] == $crt_lang) {
											$alt_lang_elem = $custom_fields[$l['id']][$key]['elements'];
											$alt_lang_arr = explode( '|', $alt_lang_elem );
											$alt_val = $alt_lang_arr[$index];
											if ($custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['search_type'] == 'keyword') {
												$q_translated .= ' or ' . TABLE_ADS . '.' . $key . ' like "%' . $alt_val . '%" ';
											if (in_array( $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['type'], array( 'multiselect', 'radio', 'radio_group' ) )) {
												$q_translated .= ' or ' . TABLE_ADS . '.' . $key . ( '' . ' REGEXP \'\[\[:<:\]\]' . $val . '\[\[:>:\]\]\'' );
											$q_translated .= ' or ' . TABLE_ADS . '.' . $key . ' like "' . $alt_val . '" ';
								} else {
									if ($custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['type'] == 'depending') {
										$dep = new depending_fields(  );
										foreach ($languages as $l) {
											$alt_val = $dep->translateField( $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['dep_id'], $key, $crt_lang, $l['id'], $val );
											if ($custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['search_type'] == 'keyword') {
												$q_translated .= ' or ' . TABLE_ADS . '.' . $key . ' like "%' . $alt_val . '%" ';
											$q_translated .= ' or ' . TABLE_ADS . '.' . $key . ' like "' . $alt_val . '" ';
							if (isset( $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['search_type'] )) {
								if (( in_array( $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['type'], array( 'multiselect', 'radio', 'radio_group' ) ) && $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['search_type'] == 'default' )) {
									$where .= ' and (' . TABLE_ADS . '.' . $key . ( '' . ' REGEXP \'\[\[:<:\]\]' . $val . '\[\[:>:\]\]\' ' ) . $q_translated . ')';
								} else {
									$compare = 'like';
									if (( $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['is_numeric'] || $custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['type'] == 'checkbox' )) {
										$compare = '=';
									if ($custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['search_type'] == 'keyword') {
										$where .= ' and ( ' . TABLE_ADS . '.' . $key . ' like "%' . $val . '%" ' . $q_translated . ')';
									} else {
										if ($custom_fields[$crt_lang][$key]['search_type'] == 'default') {
											$where .= ' and (' . TABLE_ADS . '.' . $key . ' ' . $compare . ' "' . $val . '" ' . $q_translated . ')';
			if ($ads_settings['enable_priorities']) {
				$pri_ord = ' priority asc, ';
			} else {
				$pri_ord = '';
			if (( isset( $post_array['order'] ) && $post_array['order'] )) {
				$order_by = '' . ' order by ' . $pri_ord . $post_array['order'];
			} else {
				$order_by = '' . ' order by ' . $pri_ord . ' date_added';
			if (( isset( $post_array['order_way'] ) && $post_array['order_way'] )) {
				$order_way = $post_array['order_way'];
			} else {
				$order_way = ' desc';
			$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $ads_per_page;
			$no_listings = $this->getNoShortListings( $where, $join_zip );
			$this->setNoListings( $no_listings );
			if (( isset( $post_array['word'] ) && $post_array['word'] )) {
				$keyword = $post_array['word'];
			} else {
				$keyword = '';
			$result = $this->getShortListings( $where, $order_by, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page, $keyword, $str_zip, $join_zip );
			return $result;
		function belongstouser($id, $user_id) {
			global $db;
			$res = $db->query( 'select user_id from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where id = \'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			if (!$db->numRows( $res )) {
				return 0;
			$user = $db->fetchRow(  );
			if ($user == $user_id) {
				return 1;
			return 0;
		function incview($id = 0) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set viewed=viewed+1 where id = \'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return 1;
		function idexists($id = 0) {
			global $db;
			if (!$id) {
				$id = $this->id;
			$no = $db->fetchRow( 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where id = \'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			if (0 < $no) {
				return 1;
			return 0;
		function getmetainfo($id) {
			global $db;
			global $ads_settings;
			$page_info = array( 'title' => '', 'meta_keywords' => '', 'meta_description' => '' );
			global $crt_lang;
			$title_field = '`title`';
			$description_field = '`description`';
			if ($ads_settings['translate_title_description']) {
				$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
				if (1 < count( $languages )) {
					$title_field = '' . '`title_' . $crt_lang . '` as `title`';
					$description_field = '' . '`description_' . $crt_lang . '` as `description`';
			if ($ads_settings['add_meta_with_listings']) {
				$page_info = $db->fetchAssoc( '' . 'select ' . $title_field . ', `meta_description`, `meta_keywords` from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id=\'' . $id . '\';' );
				if ($page_info) {
					foreach ($page_info as $key => $value) {
						$page_info[$key] = clean( $value );
					$page_info['title'] = $this->get_start_string( strip_tags( $page_info['title'] ), 65 );
			if (( ( !$ads_settings['add_meta_with_listings'] || !$page_info['meta_keywords'] ) || !$page_info['meta_description'] )) {
				global $extra_fields;
				$str_extra_fields = '';
				foreach ($extra_fields as $meta_field) {
					$str_extra_fields .= ', ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.`' . $meta_field . '`' );
				$sql = '' . 'select ' . $title_field . ', ' . TABLE_ADS . '.' . $description_field . $str_extra_fields . ', ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '_lang.`name` as `category` from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' left join ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '_lang on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.category_id=' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '_lang.id where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id=\'' . $id . '\';';
				$row_ads = $db->fetchAssoc( $sql );
				if (!$page_info['title']) {
					$page_info['title'] = $this->get_start_string( strip_tags( clean( $row_ads['title'] ) ), 60 );
				if (!$page_info['meta_description']) {
					$page_info['meta_description'] = $this->get_start_string( strip_tags( clean( $row_ads['description'] ) ), 200 );
				if (!$page_info['meta_keywords']) {
					foreach ($extra_fields as $meta_field) {
						if ($row_ads[$meta_field]) {
							$page_info['meta_keywords'] .= clean( $row_ads[$meta_field] ) . ', ';
					if ($row_ads['category']) {
						$page_info['meta_keywords'] .= clean( $row_ads['category'] ) . ', ';
					$page_info['meta_keywords'] .= $this->shuffle_keys( clean( $row_ads['title'] ) ) . ', ' . $this->shuffle_keys( $this->start_words( strip_tags( clean( $row_ads['description'] ) ), 150 ) );
			return $page_info;
		function get_start_string($str, $len) {
			if ($len < strlen( $str )) {
				$ret = substr( $str, 0, $len ) . '...';
				return $ret;
			return $str;
		function shuffle_keys($str) {
			$clean_str = ereg_replace( '[^[:alnum:]+]', ' ', $str );
			$keys = '';
			$array_str = explode( ' ', trim( $clean_str ) );
			$n = count( $array_str );
			srand( (double)microtime(  ) * 1000000 );
			$i = 0;
			$used = array(  );
			$values = array(  );
			$i = 0;
			while ($i < $n) {
				$used[$i] = '';
				$values[$i] = '';
			$a = 0;
			$i = 0;
			while ($i < $n) {
				$val = rand( 0, $n - 1 );
				$again = 0;
				$j = 0;
				while ($j < count( $used )) {
					if ($used[$j] == $val) {
						$again = 1;
				if (!$again) {
					$used[$a] = $val;
					$values[$i] = trim( $array_str[$val] );
			$first = 1;
			$k = 0;
			while ($k < $n) {
				if (2 < strlen( trim( $array_str[$k] ) )) {
					if (0 < $k) {
						$first = 0;
					if (!$first) {
						$keys .= ', ';
					$keys .= $array_str[$k];
			return $keys;
		function start_words($str, $len) {
			if ($len < strlen( $str )) {
				$ret = substr( $str, 0, $len );
				return $ret;
			return $str;
		function deleteexpired() {
			global $db;
			global $settings;
			$delete_expired = $settings['delete_expired'];
			$days_del_expired = $settings['days_del_expired'];
			if (!$delete_expired) {
				return null;
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			if (!$days_del_expired) {
				$sql = 'select id from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where `active`=0 and `date_expires` <= \'' . $timestamp . '\' and date_expires!=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\'' );
			} else {
				$sql = 'select id from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where active=0 and date_expires <= \'' . $timestamp . '\' and date_expires!=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' and date_expires is not null and date_add(`date_expires`, interval \'' . $days_del_expired . '\' day) <= \'' . $timestamp . '\'' );
			$arr = $db->fetchRowList( $sql );
			$listing = new listings(  );
			foreach ($arr as $l) {
				$listing->delete( $l );
			return 1;
		function markexpired() {
			global $db;
			global $config_live_site;
			global $ads_settings;
			global $settings;
			$send_mail = $settings['send_mail_to_user_when_expired'];
			$mail_settings_cl = new mail_settings(  );
			$mails_settings = $mail_settings_cl->getAll(  );
			$html_mails = $mails_settings['html_mails'];
			if ($send_mail) {
				$mails = new mail_templates(  );
				$mail_array = $mails->getVal( 'listing_expired' );
			global $crt_lang;
			$title_var = '`title`';
			if ($ads_settings['translate_title_description']) {
				$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
				if (1 < count( $languages )) {
					$title_var = '' . '`title_' . $crt_lang . '` as `title`';
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$result = $db->fetchAssocList( 'select ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.id, ' . $title_var . ', user_id, ' ) . TABLE_USERS . '.`username`, ' . TABLE_USERS . '.`email`, ' . TABLE_USERS . '.`contact_name` from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' 
	left join ' . TABLE_USERS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.user_id=' . TABLE_USERS . '.id 
	left join ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.package_id=' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '.id 
	where ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.active=1 and date_expires <= \'' . $timestamp . '\' and date_expires!=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' and date_expires is not null;' ) );
			foreach ($result as $row) {
				$this->expired( $row['id'] );
				if ($send_mail == 1) {
					if ($row['user_id']) {
						$user_id = $row['user_id'];
						$username = $row['username'];
						$user_email = $row['email'];
						$user_contact = $row['contact_name'];
						if (!$user_contact) {
							$user_contact = $username;
					} else {
						if ($settings['nologin_enabled']) {
							$user_id = 0;
							$username = '';
							$user_details = $this->getOwnerInfo( $row['id'] );
							$user_contact = $user_details['mgm_name'];
							$user_email = $user_details['mgm_email'];
							$activation = $user_details['activation'];
						} else {
					$mail2send = new mails( $user_email, $user_contact );
					$subject = $mail_array['subject'];
					$msg = $mail_array['content'];
					global $seo_settings;
					if ($seo_settings['enable_mod_rewrite']) {
						$url_title = _urlencode( $row['title'] );
						$details_link = $config_live_site . '/' . $row['id'] . '-' . $url_title . '/details.html';
					} else {
						$details_link = $config_live_site . '/details.php?id=' . $row['id'];
					if ($html_mails) {
						$details_link = '<a href="' . $details_link . '">' . $details_link . '</a>';
					if ($html_mails) {
						$amp = '&amp;';
					} else {
						$amp = '&';
					$renew_link = $config_live_site . '/renewad.php?id=' . $row['id'];
					if (!$user_id) {
						$renew_link .= $amp . 'key=' . $activation;
					if ($html_mails) {
						$renew_link = '<a href="' . $renew_link . '">' . $renew_link . '</a>';
					$smarty_info = new Smarty(  );
					$smarty_info = smartyshowdbval( $smarty_info );
					$smarty_info->assign( 'value', $msg );
					$smarty_info->assign( 'username', $username );
					$smarty_info->assign( 'contact_name', $user_contact );
					$smarty_info->assign( 'ad_id', $row['id'] );
					$smarty_info->assign( 'renew_link', $renew_link );
					$smarty_info->assign( 'details_link', $details_link );
					$msg = $smarty_info->fetch( 'db_template.html' );
					$smarty_info->assign( 'value', $subject );
					$subject = $smarty_info->fetch( 'db_template.html' );
					$mail2send->setSubject( $subject );
					$mail2send->setMessage( $msg );
					$mail2send->send(  );
			return 1;
		function notifyexpired() {
			global $db;
			global $config_live_site;
			global $ads_settings;
			global $settings;
			$days_notify = $settings['days_notify'];
			if ($days_notify == 0) {
				return null;
			$mail_settings_cl = new mail_settings(  );
			$mails_settings = $mail_settings_cl->getAll(  );
			$html_mails = $mails_settings['html_mails'];
			if ($html_mails) {
				$amp = '&amp;';
			} else {
				$amp = '&';
			global $seo_settings;
			global $crt_lang;
			$title_var = '`title`';
			if ($ads_settings['translate_title_description']) {
				$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
				if (1 < count( $languages )) {
					$title_var = '' . '`title_' . $crt_lang . '` as `title`';
			$mails = new mail_templates(  );
			$mail_array = $mails->getVal( 'listing_will_expire' );
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$result = $db->fetchAssocList( 'select ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.id, ' . $title_var . ', user_id, ' ) . TABLE_USERS . '.`username`, ' . TABLE_USERS . '.`email`, ' . TABLE_USERS . '.`contact_name` from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' 
	left join ' . TABLE_USERS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.user_id=' . TABLE_USERS . '.id 
	left join ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.package_id=' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '.id 
	where ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.active=1 and datediff(date_expires,\'' . $timestamp . '\')=' . $days_notify . ' and date_added!=date_add(date_added, interval no_days day);' ) );
			foreach ($result as $row) {
				if ($row['user_id']) {
					$user_id = $row['user_id'];
					$username = $row['username'];
					$user_email = $row['email'];
					$user_contact = $row['contact_name'];
					if (!$user_contact) {
						$user_contact = $username;
				} else {
					if ($settings['nologin_enabled']) {
						$user_id = 0;
						$username = '';
						$user_details = $this->getOwnerInfo( $row['id'] );
						$user_contact = $user_details['mgm_name'];
						$user_email = $user_details['mgm_email'];
						$activation = $user_details['activation'];
					} else {
				$mail2send = new mails( $user_email, $user_contact );
				$subject = $mail_array['subject'];
				$msg = $mail_array['content'];
				if ($seo_settings['enable_mod_rewrite']) {
					$url_title = _urlencode( $row['title'] );
					$details_link = $config_live_site . '/' . $row['id'] . '-' . $url_title . '/details.html';
				} else {
					$details_link = $config_live_site . '/details.php?id=' . $row['id'];
				if (!$user_id) {
					$details_link .= $amp . 'key=' . $activation;
				if ($html_mails) {
					$details_link = '<a href="' . $details_link . '">' . $details_link . '</a>';
				$renew_link = $config_live_site . '/renewad.php?id=' . $row['id'];
				if (!$user_id) {
					$renew_link .= $amp . 'key=' . $activation;
				if ($html_mails) {
					$renew_link = '<a href="' . $renew_link . '">' . $renew_link . '</a>';
				$smarty_info = new Smarty(  );
				$smarty_info = smartyshowdbval( $smarty_info );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'value', $msg );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'username', $username );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'contact_name', $user_contact );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'id', $row['id'] );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'renew_link', $renew_link );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'details_link', $details_link );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'days_expire', $days_notify );
				$msg = $smarty_info->fetch( 'db_template.html' );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'value', $subject );
				$subject = $smarty_info->fetch( 'db_template.html' );
				$mail2send->setSubject( $subject );
				$mail2send->setMessage( $msg );
				$mail2send->send(  );
			return 1;
		function getviewed($user_id = '') {
			global $db;
			if ($user_id != '') {
				$str_usr = '' . ' where user_id=\'' . $user_id . '\'';
			} else {
				$str_usr = '';
			$no = $db->fetchRow( 'select sum(viewed) from ' . TABLE_ADS . $str_usr );
			if (!$no) {
				return 0;
			return $no;
		function addcheckpaymentaction($id, $user_id, $type, $amount) {
			global $db;
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$res = $db->query( 'INSERT INTO ' . TABLE_PAYMENT_ACTIONS . ' SET `processor`=\'check\', user_id=\'' . $user_id . '\', ad_id=\'' . $id . ( '' . '\', type = \'' . $type . '\', amount = \'' . $amount . '\', date=\'' . $timestamp . '\'' ) );
			$id = $db->insertId(  );
			return $id;
		function strip_html_tags($str) {
			$search = array( '@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@si', '@<style[^>]*?>.*?</style>@siU', '@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si', '@<![\s\S]*?--[ \t\n\r]*>@' );
			$text = preg_replace( $search, '', $str );
			return $text;
		function activatependingpackage($usr_pkg) {
			global $db;
			$array = $db->fetchAssocList( 'select ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`id` as `ad_id`, ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`active` as `ad_active`, ' . TABLE_USER_GROUPS . '.listing_pending, ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '.`type` as `package_type` from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' 
	left join ' . TABLE_USERS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`user_id` = ' . TABLE_USERS . '.`id` 
	left join ' . TABLE_USER_GROUPS . ' on ' . TABLE_USERS . '.`group` = ' . TABLE_USER_GROUPS . '.id  
	left join ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`package_id` = ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . ( '' . '.id  
	where usr_pkg=\'' . $usr_pkg . '\' and pending=1' ) );
			foreach ($array as $ad) {
				if (( ( !$ad['listing_pending'] || $ad['package_type'] == 'ad' ) && !$ad['ad_active'] )) {
					$this->Activate( $ad['ad_id'] );
		function getallid($limit = 0) {
			global $db;
			if ($limit) {
				$str_limit = ' limit ' . $limit;
			} else {
				$str_limit = '';
			$array = $db->fetchRowList( 'select id from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' where active=1 order by date_added desc' . $str_limit );
			return $array;
		function getallsitemap($limit = 0) {
			global $db;
			global $crt_lang;
			global $ads_settings;
			$title_var = '`title`';
			if ($ads_settings['translate_title_description']) {
				$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
				if (1 < count( $languages )) {
					$title_var = '' . '`title_' . $crt_lang . '` as `title`';
			if ($limit) {
				$str_limit = ' limit ' . $limit;
			} else {
				$str_limit = '';
			$array = $db->fetchAssocList( '' . 'select id, ' . $title_var . ' from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' where active=1 order by date_added desc' . $str_limit );
			$i = 0;
			$result = array(  );
			foreach ($array as $l) {
				$result[$i] = $l;
				$result[$i]['url_title'] = _urlencode( $result[$i]['title'] );
			return $result;
		function addfavourite($ad_id) {
			global $db;
			$auth = new auth(  );
			if ($user_id = $auth->crtUserId(  )) {
				$res_exists = $db->query( 'select * from ' . TABLE_FAVOURITES . ( '' . ' where ad_id=' . $ad_id . ' and user_id=' . $user_id ) );
				if (!$db->numRows( $res_exists )) {
					$res = $db->query( 'insert into ' . TABLE_FAVOURITES . ( '' . ' values (' . $ad_id . ', ' . $user_id . ')' ) );
					return 1;
			} else {
				if (!isset( $_SESSION['favourites'] )) {
					$i = 0;
				} else {
					$i = count( $_SESSION['favourites'] );
				$exists = 0;
				$k = 0;
				while ($k < $i) {
					if ($_SESSION['favourites'][$k] == $ad_id) {
						$exists = 1;
				if (!$exists) {
					$_SESSION['favourites'][$i] = $ad_id;
			return 1;
		function getnofavourites() {
			global $db;
			$auth = new auth(  );
			if ($user_id = $auth->crtUserId(  )) {
				$no = $db->fetchRow( 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_FAVOURITES . ( '' . ' where user_id=' . $user_id ) );
			} else {
				$no = count( $_SESSION['favourites'] );
			return $no;
		function deletefavourite($ad_id) {
			global $db;
			$auth = new auth(  );
			if ($user_id = $auth->crtUserId(  )) {
				$res_del = $db->query( 'delete from ' . TABLE_FAVOURITES . ' where `ad_id`="' . $ad_id . '" and user_id = "' . $user_id . '"' );
				return null;
			array_splice( $_SESSION['favourites'], array_search( $ad_id, $_SESSION['favourites'] ), 1 );
		function getallfavourites($page, $ads_per_page, $order_by, $order_way) {
			global $db;
			$exists = 0;
			$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $ads_per_page;
			$auth = new auth(  );
			if ($user_id = $auth->crtUserId(  )) {
				$where = ' LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_FAVOURITES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id = ' . TABLE_FAVOURITES . '.ad_id where ' . TABLE_FAVOURITES . ( '' . '.`user_id` = \'' . $user_id . '\'' );
				$exists = 1;
			} else {
				if (isset( $_SESSION['favourites'] )) {
					$no = count( $_SESSION['favourites'] );
				} else {
					$no = 0;
				$str_ids = ' (';
				$k = 0;
				while ($k < $no) {
					if ($k) {
						$str_ids .= ', ';
					$str_ids .= $_SESSION['favourites'][$k];
				$str_ids .= ')';
				if (0 < $no) {
					$where = ' where ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`id` in ' . $str_ids . ' and ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`active` = 1';
					$exists = 1;
			if (!$order_by) {
				$order_by = 'date_added';
			$order_by = ' order by ' . $order_by;
			if (!$order_way) {
				$order_way = 'desc';
			$result = array(  );
			if ($exists) {
				$result = $this->getShortListings( $where, $order_by, $order_way, $start, $ads_per_page );
			return $result;
		function getfavouritesarray() {
			global $db;
			$auth = new auth(  );
			$arr = array(  );
			if ($user_id = $auth->crtUserId(  )) {
				$arr = $db->fetchRowList( 'select `ad_id` from ' . TABLE_FAVOURITES . ( '' . ' where `user_id` = \'' . $user_id . '\'' ) );
				return $arr;
			if (( isset( $_SESSION['favourites'] ) && $_SESSION['favourites'] )) {
				$arr = $_SESSION['favourites'];
			return $arr;
		function gettablefields() {
			global $db;
			$extra_fields = array( 'pictures', 'date_formatted', 'date_expires_formatted', 'expired', 'category', 'plan', 'plan_amount', 'username', 'pending_package', 'invoice', 'price_formatted', 'stock' );
			$fields = $db->getTableFields( TABLE_ADS );
			$fields = array_merge( $fields, $extra_fields );
			return $fields;
		function gettablecsvfields($extra = 1) {
			global $db;
			$extra_fields = array( 'pictures', 'date_formatted', 'date_expires_formatted', 'expired', 'category', 'plan', 'plan_amount', 'username', 'pending_package', 'invoice', 'price_formatted', 'stock' );
			$fields = $db->getTableCSVFields( TABLE_ADS );
			if (!$extra) {
				return $fields;
			foreach ($extra_fields as $f) {
				$fields .= ',' . $f;
			return $fields;
		function exportlistings($type) {
			global $db;
			global $lng;
			global $appearance_settings;
			global $ads_settings;
			$date_format = $appearance_settings['date_format'];
			$where = '';
			$where_start = ' where';
			if (( isset( $_POST[$type . '_category'] ) && is_numeric( $_POST[$type . '_category'] ) )) {
				$where .= $where_start . ' ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`category_id` = \'' . $_POST[$type . '_category'] . '\'';
				$where_start = ' and';
			if (( isset( $_POST[$type . '_plan'] ) && is_numeric( $_POST[$type . '_plan'] ) )) {
				$where .= $where_start . ' ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`package_id` = \'' . $_POST[$type . '_plan'] . '\'';
				$where_start = ' and';
			if (( isset( $_POST[$type . '_user'] ) && is_numeric( $_POST[$type . '_user'] ) )) {
				$where .= $where_start . ' ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`user_id` = \'' . $_POST[$type . '_user'] . '\'';
				$where_start = ' and';
			if (( isset( $_POST[$type . '_date_start'] ) && $_POST[$type . '_date_start'] != '' )) {
				$where .= $where_start . ' ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`date_added` > \'' . escape( $_POST[$type . '_date_start'] ) . '\'';
				$where_start = ' and';
			if (( isset( $_POST[$type . '_date_end'] ) && $_POST[$type . '_date_end'] != '' )) {
				$where .= $where_start . ' ' . TABLE_ADS . '.`date_added` < \'' . escape( $_POST[$type . '_date_end'] ) . '\'';
				$where_start = ' and';
			if (isset( $_POST[$type . '_last'] )) {
				$last = escape( $_POST[$type . '_last'] );
			} else {
				$last = '';
			if (( isset( $_POST[$type . '_ad_order_by'] ) && $_POST[$type . '_ad_order_by'] != '' )) {
				$order_by = escape( $_POST[$type . '_ad_order_by'] );
			} else {
				$order_by = TABLE_ADS . '.date_added';
			if (( isset( $_POST[$type . '_ad_order_way'] ) && $_POST[$type . '_ad_order_way'] != '' )) {
				$order_way = escape( $_POST[$type . '_ad_order_way'] );
			} else {
				$order_way = 'desc';
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$sql = 'select ' . TABLE_ADS . '.*, ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . '.id as id, date_format(`date_added`,\'' . $date_format . '\') as date_formatted, date_format(`date_expires`,\'' . $date_format . '\') as date_expires_formatted, (date_expires<\'' . $timestamp . '\' and date_expires!=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' and ' ) . TABLE_ADS . '.active=0) as expired, ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '_lang.name as category, ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '_lang.name as plan, ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '.amount as plan_amount, ' . TABLE_USERS . '.username as username, ' . TABLE_USERS_PACKAGES . '.pending as pending_package, ' . TABLE_ACTIONS . '.`invoice` from ' . TABLE_ADS . ' 
		left join ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '_lang on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.category_id=' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . '_lang.id 
		left join ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '_lang on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.package_id=' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '_lang.id 
		left join ' . TABLE_PACKAGES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.package_id=' . TABLE_PACKAGES . '.id 
		left join ' . TABLE_USERS_PACKAGES . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.usr_pkg=' . TABLE_USERS_PACKAGES . '.id 
		left join ' . TABLE_USERS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.user_id=' . TABLE_USERS . '.id 
		left join ' . TABLE_ACTIONS . ' on ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id=' . TABLE_ACTIONS . '.object_id 
		' . $where . ' and ( ' . TABLE_ACTIONS . '.`type` like \'newad\' or ' . TABLE_ACTIONS . '.`type` like \'renewad\' ) 
		group by ' . TABLE_ADS . '.id 
		order by ' . $order_by . ' ' . $order_way . ' , ' . TABLE_ACTIONS . '.`date` desc';
			if (0 < $last) {
				$sql .= ' limit ' . $last;
			return $sql;
		function moveads($from, $to, $type) {
			global $db;
			if (( !$from || !$to )) {
				return null;
			if ($type == 'plan') {
				$db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `package_id` = ' . $to . ' where `package_id` = ' . $from ) );
				return 1;
			if ($type == 'categ') {
				$db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `category_id` = ' . $to . ' where `category_id` = ' . $from ) );
			return 1;
		function getoptions($id) {
			global $db;
			$array = $db->fetchAssoc( 'select `category_id`, `package_id`, `featured`, `highlited`,`priority` from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' 
		where `id`=' . $id ) );
			$video = $db->fetchRow( 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ( '' . ' where `option` like \'video\' and `object_id` = ' . $id ) );
			if ($video) {
				$array['video'] = 1;
			} else {
				$array['video'] = 0;
			return $array;
		function editoptions($id) {
			global $db;
			$featured = checkbox_value( 'featured' );
			$highlited = checkbox_value( 'highlited' );
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `featured`=\'' . $featured . '\', `highlited`=\'' . $highlited . '\'where id=' . $id . ' ' ) );
			if ($featured) {
				$this->addOption( $id, 'featured' );
			if ($highlited) {
				$this->addOption( $id, 'highlited' );
			if (( isset( $_POST['priority'] ) && is_numeric( $_POST['priority'] ) )) {
				$priority = $_POST['priority'];
				$res1 = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `priority`=\'' . $priority . '\' where id=' . $id . ' ' ) );
				$this->addOption( $id, 'priority' );
			$video = checkbox_value( 'video' );
			$this->setVideo( $id, $video );
			return 1;
		function deleteoptions($id) {
			global $db;
			$db->query( 'delete from ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ( '' . ' where `object_id` = \'' . $id . '\' and ( `option` like \'video\' or `option` like \'highlited\' or `option` like \'priority\' or `option` like \'featured\')' ) );
			return 1;
		function deleteunapproved() {
			global $db;
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$result = $db->fetchRowList( 'select id from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where `active`=0 and `user_approved`=0 and date_add(date_added, interval \'10\' day)<\'' . $timestamp . '\'' ) );
			foreach ($result as $row) {
				$this->delete( $row );
			return 1;
		function markexpiredoption() {
			global $db;
			global $config_live_site;
			global $lng;
			$mail_settings_cl = new mail_settings(  );
			$mails_settings = $mail_settings_cl->getAll(  );
			$html_mails = $mails_settings['html_mails'];
			if ($html_mails) {
				$amp = '&amp;';
			} else {
				$amp = '&';
			global $ads_settings;
			global $settings;
			$store_expires = $ads_settings['store_availability'];
			$mails = new mail_templates(  );
			$users = new users(  );
			$store_mail_array = $mails->getVal( 'store_expired' );
			$ad_mail_array = $mails->getVal( 'ad_options_expired' );
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$result = $db->fetchAssocList( 'select * from ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ( '' . ' where date_expires <= \'' . $timestamp . '\' and `date_expires`!=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' and `date_expires` is not null order by `object_id`;' ) );
			$no_res = count( $result );
			$user = new users(  );
			$i = 0;
			while ($i < $no_res) {
				$row = $result[$i];
				if ($row['option'] == 'store') {
					$mail_array = $store_mail_array;
					$user_id = $row['object_id'];
				} else {
					$mail_array = $ad_mail_array;
					$user_id = $this->getUser( $row['object_id'] );
				if ($user_id) {
					$user_details = $user->getContactData( $user_id );
					$username = $user_details['username'];
					$user_email = $user_details['email'];
					$user_contact = $user_details['contact_name'];
					if (!$user_contact) {
						$user_contact = $username;
				} else {
					if (( $settings['nologin_enabled'] && $row['option'] != 'store' )) {
						$user_id = 0;
						$username = '';
						$user_details = $this->getOwnerInfo( $row['object_id'] );
						$user_contact = $user_details['mgm_name'];
						$user_email = $user_details['mgm_email'];
						$activation = $user_details['activation'];
					} else {
				$mail2send = new mails( $user_email, $user_contact );
				$subject = $mail_array['subject'];
				$msg = $mail_array['content'];
				$id = $row['object_id'];
				$smarty_info = new Smarty(  );
				$smarty_info = smartyshowdbval( $smarty_info );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'value', $msg );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'username', $username );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'contact_name', $user_contact );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'id', $id );
				if ($row['option'] == 'store') {
					$user->disableStore( $id );
				} else {
					$j = $i + 1;
					$options_list = $lng['listings'][$row['option']];
					$options_array = array(  );
					$options_array[0] = $row['option'];
					$array_ad = array( 'featured', 'highlited', 'video', 'priority' );
					while (( ( $j < $no_res && $result[$j]['object_id'] == $row['object_id'] ) && $result[$j]['option'] != 'store' )) {
						$i = $j;
						$row = $result[$i];
						$options_list .= ', ' . $lng['listings'][$row['option']];
						$options_array[count( $options_array )] = $row['option'];
					$this->removeOptions( $options_array, $row['object_id'] );
					global $seo_settings;
					if ($seo_settings['enable_mod_rewrite']) {
						$url_title = listings::geturltitle( $id );
						$details_link = $config_live_site . '/' . $id . '-' . $url_title . '/details.html';
					} else {
						$details_link = $config_live_site . '/details.php?id=' . $id;
					if ($html_mails) {
						$details_link = '<a href="' . $details_link . '">' . $details_link . '</a>';
					$smarty_info->assign( 'details_link', $details_link );
					$smarty_info->assign( 'expired_options', $options_list );
				$msg = $smarty_info->fetch( 'db_template.html' );
				$smarty_info->assign( 'value', $subject );
				$subject = $smarty_info->fetch( 'db_template.html' );
				$mail2send->setSubject( $subject );
				$mail2send->setMessage( $msg );
				$mail2send->send(  );
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$result_del = $db->query( 'delete from ' . TABLE_OPTIONS . ( '' . ' where date_expires <= \'' . $timestamp . '\' and `date_expires`!=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' and `date_expires` is not null;' ) );
			return 1;
		function removeoptions($array, $id) {
			global $db;
			if (!count( $array )) {
				return null;
			$str = '';
			foreach ($array as $row) {
				switch ($row) {
					case 'featured': {
						if ($str) {
							$str .= ', ';
						$str .= '`featured` = 0';
					case 'priority': {
						if ($str) {
							$str .= ', ';
						$str .= '`priority` = 1000';
					case 'highlited': {
						if ($str) {
							$str .= ', ';
						$str .= '`highlited` = 0';
					case 'video': {
			if ($str) {
				$db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set ' . $str . ' where `id`=' . $id ) );
			return 1;
		function checklanguagefields() {
			global $db;
			$adss = new ads_settings(  );
			$ads_settings = $adss->getAll(  );
			$add_translation = $ads_settings['translate_title_description'];
			$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
			if (count( $languages ) == 1) {
				$add_translation = 0;
			$ad_fields = db_mysql::gettablecsvfields( TABLE_ADS );
			$array_fields = explode( ',', $ad_fields );
			$def_id = languages::getdefault(  );
			if (!$def_id) {
				return null;
			if (( in_array( 'description', $array_fields ) && $add_translation )) {
				$db->query( 'ALTER TABLE ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' CHANGE `description` `description_' . $def_id . '` text' ) );
			if (( in_array( 'title', $array_fields ) && $add_translation )) {
				$db->query( 'ALTER TABLE ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' CHANGE `title` `title_' . $def_id . '` varchar(150)' ) );
			if (( in_array( 'description_' . $def_id, $array_fields ) && !$add_translation )) {
				$db->query( 'ALTER TABLE ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' CHANGE `description_' . $def_id . '` `description` text' ) );
			if (( in_array( 'title_' . $def_id, $array_fields ) && !$add_translation )) {
				$db->query( 'ALTER TABLE ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' CHANGE `title_' . $def_id . '` `title` varchar(150)' ) );
			foreach ($languages as $l) {
				$lid = $l['id'];
				if ($lid == $def_id) {
				if (!$lid) {
				if (( $add_translation && !in_array( '' . 'description_' . $lid, $array_fields ) )) {
					$db->query( 'ALTER TABLE ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' add `description_' . $lid . '` text' ) );
				} else {
					if (( !$add_translation && in_array( '' . 'description_' . $lid, $array_fields ) )) {
						$db->query( 'ALTER TABLE ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' drop `description_' . $lid . '`' ) );
				if (( $add_translation && !in_array( '' . 'title_' . $lid, $array_fields ) )) {
					$db->query( 'ALTER TABLE ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' add `title_' . $lid . '` text' ) );
				if (( !$add_translation && in_array( '' . 'title_' . $lid, $array_fields ) )) {
					$db->query( 'ALTER TABLE ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' drop `title_' . $lid . '`' ) );
		function deletelanguagefields($lang_id) {
			global $ads_settings;
			global $db;
			$ad_fields = db_mysql::gettablecsvfields( TABLE_ADS );
			$array_fields = explode( ',', $ad_fields );
			if (in_array( '' . 'description_' . $lang_id, $array_fields )) {
				$db->query( 'ALTER TABLE ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' drop `description_' . $lang_id . '`' ) );
			if (in_array( '' . 'title_' . $lang_id, $array_fields )) {
				$db->query( 'ALTER TABLE ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' drop `title_' . $lang_id . '`' ) );
			$languages = languages::getactivelanguages(  );
			if (count( $languages ) != 1) {
				return 1;
			$def_id = languages::getdefault(  );
			if (!$def_id) {
				return null;
			if (in_array( 'description_' . $def_id, $array_fields )) {
				$db->query( 'ALTER TABLE ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' CHANGE `description_' . $def_id . '` `description` text' ) );
			if (in_array( 'title_' . $def_id, $array_fields )) {
				$db->query( 'ALTER TABLE ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' CHANGE `title_' . $def_id . '` `title` text' ) );
			return 1;
		function getdateexpires($id) {
			global $db;
			global $appearance_settings;
			$date_format = $appearance_settings['date_format'];
			$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$expires = $db->fetchAssoc( '' . 'select `date_expires`, date_format(`date_expires`,\'%e\') as `day`, date_format(`date_expires`,\'%c\') as `month`, date_format(`date_expires`,\'%Y\') as `year`, (`date_expires`<\'' . $timestamp . '\' and `date_expires`!=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' and active=0) as expired  from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where `id`=' . $id ) );
			return $expires;
		function changeexpiredate($id) {
			global $db;
			global $appearance_settings;
			$was_expired = $this->isExpired( $id );
			$crt_date_expires = $db->fetchRow( 'select date_format(`date_expires`, \'%Y-%c-%e\') from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where `id`=' . $id ) );
			if ($_POST['expires'] == 1) {
				$expires = 1;
			} else {
				$expires = 0;
			if ($expires) {
				$day = escape( $_POST['expires_day'] );
				$month = escape( $_POST['expires_month'] );
				$year = escape( $_POST['expires_year'] );
				$new_date_expires = '' . $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day;
			} else {
				$new_date_expires = '';
			if ($crt_date_expires != $new_date_expires) {
				$db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `date_expires` = \'' . $new_date_expires . '\' where id=' . $id . ' ' ) );
			if ($was_expired) {
				$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
				if ($expires) {
					$renew = $db->fetchRow( '' . 'select \'' . $new_date_expires . '\'<\'' . $timestamp . '\' as renew' );
				if (( !$expires || $renew )) {
					$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `active`=1 where `id`=\'' . $id . '\'' ) );
			return 1;
		function getnext($id, $cat) {
			global $db;
			if ($cat) {
				$where_str = '' . 'and category_id=' . $cat;
			} else {
				$where_str = '';
			$id = $db->fetchRow( 'select id from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where id<' . $id . ' ' ) . $where_str . ' order by id desc limit 1' );
			return $id;
		function isnologinad($id) {
			global $db;
			$user_id = $db->fetchRow( 'select user_id from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where `id` = ' . $id . ' ' ) );
			if (!$user_id) {
				return 1;
			return 0;
		function getvideo($id) {
			global $db;
			$video = $db->fetchRow( 'select video from ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' where `id` = ' . $id . ' ' ) );
			return $video;
		function savevideo($id, $video_code) {
			global $db;
			$res = $db->query( 'update ' . TABLE_ADS . ( '' . ' set `video` = \'' . $video_code . '\' where `id` = ' . $id . ' ' ) );
			return 1;
Этот декод лучшего качества, и проблема там не в этом куске кода, а вот в таком: в декоде много несоответствий регистра в названии функций и переменных, например в декоде:
function geturltitle($id) {
а в файле edit_options.php и других эта функция вызывается так:
$url_title = listings::getUrlTitle($id);
Думаю если все такие функции, названия которых состоят из нескольких слов отловить, все заработает.
Поправил названия, файлик заработал, но блин действительно проблема при просмотре страницы объявления, скрипт просто вешается, похоже на беск. цикл. Надо, чтобы кто-нибудь более понимающий в пхп посмотрел.


  • listings.zip
    19,5 KB · Просмотры: 49
Посмотрел мануал по while, в этом куске кода "continue;" совершенно не к месту, после него нет операторов, которые он должен игнорить, просто удаляем эту строку и стр. детального просмотра пашет. Более глубоко не копал, просьба потестировать, но насколько я понимаю это не особо важная функция она просто перемешивает ключевые слова в кейвордс.


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    19,5 KB · Просмотры: 32
Privet saab!
Mojet ty prav chto eto stroka ne nujen. Potomu chto posledniy raz asenov78 zagruzil dekodirovanniy listings.php iz versia 7. Ia sravnil no eta stroka daje ota funksia ia tam ne nashel :) prosto udalili i pomestili v drugom klasse. Nu horosho, vecherom budu testirovat. spasibo
Я скачал библиотеку, в шаблоне отредактировал файл featured.html.
Согласно документации и примерами я привел в таком виде(см. внизу) и поместил на верхнюю строку. Как я понял Smarty не хочет рендерить и выводит со следующей ошибкой.
Fatal error: Smarty error: [in featured.html line 7]: syntax error: unrecognized tag: // Disable autoscrolling if the user clicks the prev or next button. carousel.buttonNext.bind('click', function() { carousel.startAuto(0); (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 455) in Z:\home\localhost\www\libs\Smarty.class.php on line 1092

Поделитесь у кого уже есть готовое решение или поправьте меня где я допустил ошибку.

<script type="text/javascript" src="/templates/light/lib/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/templates/light/lib/jquery.jcarousel.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/templates/light/skins/tango/skin.css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function mycarousel_initCallback(carousel)
    // Disable autoscrolling if the user clicks the prev or next button.
    carousel.buttonNext.bind('click', function() {

    carousel.buttonPrev.bind('click', function() {

    // Pause autoscrolling if the user moves with the cursor over the clip.
    carousel.clip.hover(function() {
    }, function() {

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        auto: 2,
        wrap: 'last',
        initCallback: mycarousel_initCallback


Там используется jquery скрипт *** скрытое содержание *** в шаблоне вывода featured легко прикручивается.

Poprobuy etot kod:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/templates/light/lib/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/templates/light/lib/jquery.jcarousel.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/templates/light/skins/tango/skin.css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function mycarousel_initCallback(carousel)
    // Disable autoscrolling if the user clicks the prev or next button.
    carousel.buttonNext.bind('click', function() {

    carousel.buttonPrev.bind('click', function() {

    // Pause autoscrolling if the user moves with the cursor over the clip.
    carousel.clip.hover(function() {
    }, function() {

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        auto: 2,
        wrap: 'last',
        initCallback: mycarousel_initCallback
Всем здравствуйте.
У кого были проблемы с выводом русских букв в RSS — нужно закомментировать строчку:
$str = preg_replace('/[^(\x20-\x7E)]*/','', $str);
в файле "feed.php" (в корне).
По-крайней мере, у меня прокатило в 99.99% (один сайт, как я понял, кэшировал проверку RSS).
Подскажите, в каком файле хранятся названия месяцев? А то у меня они на английском.
Подскажите, в каком файле хранятся названия месяцев? А то у меня они на английском.
Они не в языковых файлах, даты выводятся какой-то встроенной пхп функцией, как поправить не знаю.