XP vs Windows 7

Что на Ваш взгляд лучше Windows XP или Windows 7?

  • Windows XP

    Голосов: 4 19,0%
  • Windows 7

    Голосов: 17 81,0%

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Через годик я думаю лучше будет семерка...после 450-ти дополнений к ней
Висту видел издали, про Вин7 вообще только на форумах читал. Но все же ВинХР надежным назвать не осмелюсь. Если разговор про "лучшее" не ограничивался Вин32 ОСями, то надежнее Линукс, имхо.
это для очень опытных юзверей Линукс хорош и защищен
обычным или слабо разумеющимся на компьютерах людям осваивать виндовс будет проще, там почти все делается мышью и достаточно интуитивный интерфейс

И вин 7 очень надежна, кстати ;)
Пользуюсь Мас OS, и на работе и дома. Стабильно, приятно без глюков.
Есть так же и винда, из 7 компов 2- хрюшки, 5- вист, Семерка не тянет спец проги, не подходит по кодировке. А так поигрался ничего вроде. Но мой выбор Мас OS - однозначно и на родном яблочном железе.
виндоус 7 отличная ОСЬ! Работает стабильно, нареканий не вызывает. Обновленное ядро дает о себе знать
Семёрка косячит, хотя и ХР тоже...

Добавлено через 1 минуту
Кстити, у меня проблемы под 7 с вебкамерой логитек стх комюникейт (дрова не встают правильно), если кто наткнётся на решение прошу в лс
Да действительно Вин7 лучше хр но плохо то что драйвера на некотором оборудовании не работают пришлось обратно на хр перейти...
конечно xp она лучше и надежнее
Я пока с XP не уйду))))))Хотя 7ка не плоха, но у меня комп будет тормозить
[QUOTE = Tarum; 1147407] All the good time of day.
As you know, we (humans), striving for perfection, upgrades and so on. But this is not always good.
It was like this:
I talked like that with a friend, and we were talking about the new Windows 7 [/ B].
I personally use Windows XP sp3, one is set itself Windows 7, and I decided it rasprosit about how that etc.
And he told me that the wines CPs totally newfound rival Windows 7 'Wang, and because it works faster and not slow down the PC itself, new features, in general, no matter what he did not complain and told me to put this OS for me.
I'm on the computer a lot of different software and some part, to the many soft cracks just in inete not lying and laid out on the forums under the Hyde on similarity nuleda.
So change OS to me quite a serious decision, because a new collection of the necessary software and cracks will take a lot of time and effort and so on and so forth.
So I went to Google and came across a couple of articles and 1 of them decided to fill here.
And so Windows XP vs WIndows 7: The performance on ASUS eeePC 1005HA [/ B]
Install [/ B]
Armed with high-speed 4GB USB-drive and step by step instructions, we were able to easily install Windows 7 on our 1005HA. First, we recorded the image of Windows 7 RC on DVD, although it was possible to mount the ISO-image on a virtual disk. Then follow the instructions, we created a bootable disk with Windows 7. If desired, you can use a special utility.
Because the USB-drive is recognized as a removable hard drive, we had to change your BIOS, to make it your primary hard drive. Once we have done this, boot the installer Windows 7 and we were able to begin immediate installation of Windows 7.
Windows 7 to find and install drivers for all existing devices, except for ACPI-driver, which allows you to work additional features, including hot keys. However, after downloading a few updates of Windows 7 shows that we have not yet installed the driver ACPI, pointing us ACPI-driver Asus. Also recommend you install the driver from the Intel Graphics optional upgrade Windows, because it sets up some additional files needed for ACPI-driver.
Now let's move on to the direct performance evaluation of Windows 7 on ASUS EEE PC 1005HA with a comparison with the pre Windows XP.
Work on battery [/ B]
Long battery life for a netbook krticheskoe value. When buying a netbook buyers want the battery has not led them. And Windows 7 has something to offer the owners of netbooks, and this is the main reason why the manufacturers are planning netbooks as soon as possible to upgrade to Windows 7.
As we have said, we installed the driver and the Intel GMA Graphics ACPI-driver from ASUS, so as to ensure the validity of the comparison. Display settings are the same at 50% brightness in a power saving mode the battery. Let's see how Windows 7 coped with the test battery.
[url]http://www.thevista.ru/files/images/articles/win7vsxp_netbook/battery-life.jpg[/url] [/ IMG]
As you can see, the results of Windows 7 are very similar to those that showed Windows XP. And although the result of Windows XP in 9 minutes is better than Windows 7, the two systems have worked over 10 hours! Our test with reproduction of the film showed a little more difference in 26 minutes, but we are still satisfied with the results. We were not too impressed with battery life in Windows 7, but we are not at all disappointed in him.
[B] Futuremark 3DMark06 & PCMark05 [/ B]
3DMark06 is still a standard for measuring performance in modern 3D-games and is the latest version of the package available to run on Windows XP. 3DMark06 tests include visual tests HDR/SM3.0, advanced graphics tests SM2.0, AI and physics at the initialization of one or more processor cores (or processors) and a set of complex tests to measure for compliance with the latest generation of games.
[IMG] [url]http://www.thevista.ru/files/images/articles/win7vsxp_netbook/3dmark06.jpg[/url] [/ IMG]
Windows 7 scored more points in 3DMark than Windows XP, but in processor tests, XP pulled ahead. Windows 7 also proved to be the first in the tests SM2. As you can see, Windows 7 is much better in graphics tests, than Windows XP. We were pleased that the 1005HA has WEI, sufficient for Aero-interface.
Test PCMark05 is a tool for measuring overall PC performance. In their tests, PCMark05 uses some of the real applications installed. This provides a compact size PCMark05 and guarantees close to the reality of the results:
[IMG] [url]http://www.thevista.ru/files/images/articles/win7vsxp_netbook/pcmark05.jpg[/url] [/ IMG]
PCMark shows that Windows XP has a slightly better overall system performance than Windows 7, however, we have not noticed any significant slowdown when using the ASUS 1005HA with Windows 7.
[B] HD Tune [/ B]
In 2009 came a new version of Sandra Sisoft, and we began to use it in all our testah.Teper we can compare the performance of tested devices, with their velocities. Sandra XII SP2 may also test the SSE4 (Intel) and SSE4A (AMD), which is perfect for those of you who are waiting for a new generation of chips from AMD and Intel.
[IMG] [url]http://www.thevista.ru/files/images/articles/win7vsxp_netbook/sandra.jpg[/url] [/ IMG]
Here we found a weak spot in Windows 7 in a test of memory bandwidth. Frankly, we were surprised by such a difference.
HDTune is a test for measuring the speed of data transmission from the disk, access time and CPU load while reading from disk.
[IMG] [url]http://www.thevista.ru/files/images/articles/win7vsxp_netbook/1005HA-HDTune.jpg[/url] [/ IMG]
[IMG] [url]http://www.thevista.ru/files/images/articles/win7vsxp_netbook/hdtune-win7.jpg[/url] [/ IMG]
Note that in Windows 7 is practically no fluctuations in the transmission of data. The average access time was almost identical to Windows XP and Windows 7, but Windows 7 is behind the pace on record and more CPU-intensive.
[B] Conclusion [/ B]
Many industry observers believe that Windows 7 will be able to transfer netbook market to the next level. Undoubtedly, some of the scares that supernovae netbooks preinstalled operating system seven years ago. Microsoft, we believe, has learned the error Windows Vista, would greatly improve the efficiency and productivity, which are virtually indistinguishable from Windows XP.
Our tests have shown that so far Windows 7 may be quite comfortable to work on the modern generation of netbooks, and we look forward to the moment that Windows 7 will go on free sale.
Tell us what you think about WIndows 7? [/ QUOTE]

In response, I too am using Windows XP SP3. Upon further testing of Windows 7, I find that it uses just about the same resources as XP, the the interface is a bit different, but I would have to say that Windows 7 is a great upgrade from XP.
лучше XP нету, хотя пользовался вистой и 7
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