vJoomla - ещё одна интеграция vB и Joomla

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Вышла новая версия хака vJoomla 0.2.0

beta 0.2.0: Completed the installer.
beta 0.1.3: Removed a bug in the installing code, and removed the error mailback function.
beta 0.1.2: Expanded code necessary for applying modules to forum pages. vBulletin product installer now should automatically create joomla menu items for each forum. Recent Threads Module completed. Several content display bugs addressed. Added link to Joomla admin panel from vbulletin admincp
beta 0.1: Content sections reskinned to match vbulletin default classes. Error handler placed to aid in debugging. Couple of major bugs quashed. vbulletin plugin for displaying modules added.
beta 0.0.4: Completed the rewrite of content.html.php - this is the file responsible for the layout of most content generated by Joomla core. 3rd party modules may or may not route their output through this component depending on how they are designed. By transferring this module to fully employ the vbulletin template engine there is now no major section of Joomla that cannot be reskinned from the Styles & Templates menu in the admincp. Overall this approach gives a far more flexiable content control system than core Joomla has and will not have until version 1.5 becomes final.
beta 0.0.3: Bugs from beta 0.0.2 corrected including a division by zero error and a module overwriting error. Templates added for the template control of com_content.html.php but they are not as of yet implemented at the code level in this release - they will be implemented in the next release (Wednesday or Thursday)
beta 0.0.2: Tightened template integration - modules are now wrapped by their respective templates instead of being built using Joomla's standard styling approach. includes/frontend.php and includes/frontend.html.php join the list of files hacked in this release.
beta 0.0.1: Initial release with login and session bridging completed.

Currently Working Features
Installer File!
Unified Login, single userlist. Note you can NOT merge in an existing Joomla userbase with this bridge at this time.
vBulletin Template Engine: vJoomla replaces the standard Joomla template system with the vbulletin Template Engine. -- This is now fully implemented.
Joomla is working without apparent glitches induced by this merger.
vBulletin can call and display Joomla modules.
Recent Threads Module is completed

Кто-нибудь пробывал vJoomla 0.2.0, а то че-то у меня не работает?
Попробовал установить vJoomla 0.2.0 - не пошло, правда предыдущие версии пока не пробовал ставить
Ну по крайней мере у меня beta 0.1.3 работала
Качаем новую версию vJoomla 1.0.0 RC1
Кстати теперь у vJoomla есть свой сайт поддержки Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Version 1.0.0 RC1 Completed the Who's Online Module, toggle between Joomla templates and vb and solved all known bugs.
beta 0.2.0: Completed the installer.
beta 0.1.3: Removed a bug in the installing code, and removed the error mailback function.
beta 0.1.2: Expanded code necessary for applying modules to forum pages. vBulletin product installer now should automatically create joomla menu items for each forum. Recent Threads Module completed. Several content display bugs addressed. Added link to Joomla admin panel from vbulletin admincp
beta 0.1: Content sections reskinned to match vbulletin default classes. Error handler placed to aid in debugging. Couple of major bugs quashed. vbulletin plugin for displaying modules added.
beta 0.0.4: Completed the rewrite of content.html.php - this is the file responsible for the layout of most content generated by Joomla core. 3rd party modules may or may not route their output through this component depending on how they are designed. By transferring this module to fully employ the vbulletin template engine there is now no major section of Joomla that cannot be reskinned from the Styles & Templates menu in the admincp. Overall this approach gives a far more flexiable content control system than core Joomla has and will not have until version 1.5 becomes final.
beta 0.0.3: Bugs from beta 0.0.2 corrected including a division by zero error and a module overwriting error. Templates added for the template control of com_content.html.php but they are not as of yet implemented at the code level in this release - they will be implemented in the next release (Wednesday or Thursday)
beta 0.0.2: Tightened template integration - modules are now wrapped by their respective templates instead of being built using Joomla's standard styling approach. includes/frontend.php and includes/frontend.html.php join the list of files hacked in this release.
beta 0.0.1: Initial release with login and session bridging completed.

Добавлено через 7 минут
Кто-нибудь пробывал vJoomla 0.2.0, а то че-то у меня не работает?

0.2.0 я ставил - никаких проблем не было. Joomla 1.0.12 RE и vBulletin 3.6.7 NULL vbsupport
Блин ставлю Version 1.0.0 RC1 и оно выбивает на 2-ом этапе:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: str_split() in z:\home\test1.ru\www\installation\install2.php on line 29

Добавлено через 49 минут
Все разобрался. На PHP5 все работает нормально...
Блин ставлю Version 1.0.0 RC1 и оно выбивает на 2-ом этапе:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: str_split() in z:\home\test1.ru\www\installation\install2.php on line 29

Добавлено через 49 минут
Все разобрался. На PHP5 все работает нормально...

IF YOU ARE RUNNING PHP 4 - download the common.php file and upload it to the /installation directory of vJoomla. This patch will be included formally in RC2.

Посмотреть вложение common.zip
Качаем новую версию vJoomla1.0.0 RC2

What vJoomla Does
Provide a single session, single login interface to Joomla and vbulletin.
Allows Joomla pages to be skinned by vbulletin's template engine.
Maps Joomla usergroups to vbulletin usergroups.

What vJoomla Does Not Do
It does not rewrite your templates for you - so you will need to go in currently and change relative links to images and pages to absolute links. This is most important in the style sheets and in the navbar template. This is something you need to do yourself rather than programmatically since no two sites are likely to be using the same style sheet and the same setup for these links.

Install Instructions
Log into your admincp
Close your forum
If your forums are at the root of your site move them elsewhere - the best location is probably /forum
Upload the files from the zip packages to their respective locations. There should be no overwrites.
Navigate to the root of your site and run the Joomla installer.
Go back to the admincp and install the Joomla product file
Now either copy the ./cpstyles, ./clientscript and ./images directory of the forum into the Joomla directory OR create symbolic links to those directories. The contents of the ./images directory of Joomla and vbulletin will need to be merged.

Не знаю всеравно какие-то траблы с PHP4

У тебя проблемы возникают на локалке или ты и на хостинг ставил ... у меня на локале тоже проблемы - на хостинге всё работает как часы.
У тебя проблемы возникают на локалке или ты и на хостинг ставил ... у меня на локале тоже проблемы - на хостинге всё работает как часы.

А ну у меня на локалке траблы, просто впадлу было заливать на хост...
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