
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.
Некорректное отображение русского в Престе

У меня такая же проблема.В отправленных письмах клиентам часть имени и фамилии отображается неправильно.Смотрел шаблоны писем кодировка стоит правильная.Подскажите как решить эту проблему.
Присоединяюсь, Текст типа:
Заголовок письма:
"[Магазин с ?етильников "в µтлый"] Message from contact form"
Т.е. замена некоторых русских букв (заметил точно не любит "в" "В" "е") на пробелы с вопросами и "µ". Как будто где-то мне это уже попадалось, но где... Помогите вспомнить где еще такие вафли вылезают, а уж потом починим по аналогии.

Добавлено через 3 минуты
продолжения развития этого движка не идет?
(сейчас скачал архив попробую потестить)

Вот ты например тестишь, я магаз поднимаю, народ в этой ветке лоб морщит над этим Ситроеном. Похоже всё-таки идёт )

Добавлено через 5 минут
магазин хорош. никто не владеет модулем сортировки/фильтра для этого магазина? очень нужно и актуально...

У меня вроде с завода стоит сортировка по алфавиту и цене и скидкам. А если очень нужно, то по аналогии можно отписать и другие сортировки
... как сделать вместо картинки homepage_logo.gif в дефолтной теме фрейм с прокруткой товара из категории?
На мой взгляд просто - долларов за сто *-) заказать всё кодерам улыбчивым (Наличие 100 бачинских обязательно)
Или скачать бесплатный модуль слайд-шоу или другой какой и покрутить его немного в руках. (Знание PHP обязательно)

26 января вышла новая альфа:

Release Notes for PrestaShop 1.3

# v1.3.0.1 - 1783 (2010-26-01) #

Added Features :

[+] Installer : Adding indexes for searching Spanish during installation
[+] Installer : Adding tags on Spanish for products during installation
[+] Installer : Added the ability to choose his country by default during installation
[+] Installer : Adding iframe on installer for Prestastore modules and themes
[+] Installer : Adding Spanish in the install

[+] FO : Adding hook for module Reverso

[+] BO : Group restriction for Carriers
[+] BO : Added two hooks: backOfficeTop and backOfficeFooter
[+] BO : Adding hook in header of administration panel
[+] BO : When importing a language, if the target language does not exist it is created automatically
[+] BO : Add configuration in backup database, you can now backup only the necessary tables
[+] BO : Add option for active or disable Tax identification number for a country
[+] BO : Added ability to show the modules operating in his country on the module page
[+] BO : In email server configuration, you can test your configuration
[+] BO : New stats buttons for the previous day/month/year
[+] BO : When adding a language you receive a request to download the language pack based on the iso code

[+] MO : Added free Moneybookers module! Accept payments via moneybookers!
[+] MO : Add ReversoForm module
[+] MO : Add module dejala
[+] MO : Add proprieties in construct, limited countries with countries if the module is available, for futur feature
[+] MO : New payment module: Hipay (Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся)
[+] MO : Added product tooltips module (Show how many people are watching a product page, last sale and last cart add)

[+] TR : New language natively, integration of the Spanish
[+] TR : Adding french translation for module Reverso

Improved/changed features :

[*] Installer : Added a warning in the installer in step 4 stating to disable the option "Receive notifications by e-mail" if the e-mail configuration is incorrect
[*] Installer : Adding SQL requests to clean up the database during the upgrade
[*] Installer : Adding optimizations SQL with new indexes in database
[*] Installer : Added missing translations
[*] Installer : Cleaning the English translation file
[*] Installer : Remove the back button in step 4 of the installation
[*] Installer : Improved SQL queries, installer runs faster!
[*] Installer : Translations improvements
[*] Installer : Improved translations
[*] Installer : Improved spanish translations (ВЎHola!)
[*] Installer : Deletion of the README and added a readme file in txt format in three native languages
[*] Installer : Improved installer for the update
[*] Installer : Adding a sentence to indicate the result of monitoring the technical specifications
[*] Installer : Adding a sentence suggesting the addition downloading language packs
[*] Installer : Improving the fifth step of installer
[*] Installer : Adding indexes in the SQL file for the database
[*] Installer : Add block "Need Help ?" on installer
[*] Installer : Update MySQL files with new indexes
[*] Installer : SQL file for update and install updated
[*] Installer : fixed currencies with ASCII code
[*] Installer : Added a warning in the installer in step 4 stating to disable the option "Receive notifications by e-mail" if the e-mail configuration is incorrect

[*] FO : Price round calculation method choice added (down/up/half) in javascript
[*] FO : improved alphabetical sort of features and values of features
[*] FO : Overall performance improvements
[*] FO : Improved spanish translations (ВЎHola!)
[*] FO : Improved breadcrumb path
[*] FO : Added Tax ID number field for inclusion of clients mandatory in some countries
[*] FO : Optimizing MySQL with new indexes and fixing some SQL queries
[*] FO : Optimizing Smarty, set var compile_check of Smarty to false, do not forget to upgrade your
[*] FO : Enhanced number of products sorting in pagination
[*] FO : improved number of products on page selector
[*] FO : Improved meta_titles to optimize SEO
[*] FO : Added spans into navigation pipe + added breadcrumb on cms pages
[*] FO : Maintenance check is now on init.php
[*] FO : added documentation code to order.php
[*] FO : Improved attributes sort

[*] BO : new parameter in preference for rounded mode
[*] BO : Correction of message definitions for downloading a language pack when adding a language
[*] BO : Added a warning message on the page when the import CSV file import is not writable
[*] BO : Added a warning message on the page of the backup database when the backup folder is not writable
[*] BO : AdminShipping Warning if active carrier has no fee defined
[*] BO : Adding security to a file called by AJAX
[*] BO : Modified quantities to cancel (now taking ordered quantity instead of "1")
[*] BO : Modified duration of credit slip discounts (6 months -> 1 year) - not retroactive
[*] BO : Increased width on the form for adding or changing a product
[*] BO : Improved spanish translations (ВЎHola!)
[*] BO : Improved selection of images for the regeneration of images
[*] BO : Added a tip for the new feature in the list of modules
[*] BO : Several SQL & PHP optimizations
[*] BO : Improving the suggestion of downloading the language pack when adding a language
[*] BO : Added Tax ID number in order details
[*] BO : Show a warning if you are using the default PayPal email address
[*] BO : Adding a "-" character before the price reduction in the detail of a command
[*] BO : Optimizing MySQL with new indexes and fixing some SQL queries
[*] BO : You can now disabled the check for modules update
[*] BO : enhanced user can not delete default group
[*] BO : SQL optimisation in categories
[*] BO : you can now select which type and which format you want to regenerate in AdminImages
[*] BO : you can now use multiple addresses IP maintenance with coma separator
[*] BO : now display module tab in breadcumb (thank to Julien Breux)
[*] BO : you can now mark a carrier as a module directly by using back-office (#2744)
[*] BO : adding a message in product edition page to explain quantity override when at lest of declination is present
[*] BO : improved (reduced) width of AdminProducts table

[*] Classes : Shipping handling costs are now defined tax exclude and are affect by tax of carrier
[*] Classes : fixed Tools self::
[*] Classes : p(), Tools::p(), Tools::dieObject now return first argument
[*] Classes : Fixed bug on product price with quantity discount
[*] Classes : getStaticPrice() now, calculating the reduction only if necessary
[*] Classes : Price round calculation method choice added (down/up/half)

[*] PDF : Added Tax ID number in bill
[*] PDF : now display if an order is gift-wrapped

[*] MO : Hipay improved
[*] MO : added missing escape
[*] MO : Possibility now to configure the module blockadvertising
[*] MO : Adding a description on the module HiPay
[*] MO : Adding French translations for the module HiPay
[*] MO : producttolltip, adding a confirmation message when the update settings
[*] MO : Module "homefeatured" - deleted useless several variables passed to Smarty
[*] MO : Adding Spanish translations for many modules
[*] MO : Smarty performance improvements
[*] MO : Added a few missing french translations
[*] MO : Reverso, add french translations
[*] MO : improved blocknewproducts module
[*] MO : blocktags and blockviewed, optimizing MySQL with new index and fixing some SQL queries
[*] MO : Gsitemap, remove image files from sitemap
[*] MO : some display changes on PayPalAPI
[*] MO : wrapping price taken into account in google checkout
[*] MO : added address support in PayPalAPI
[*] MO : dynamic images for PayPalAPI
[*] MO : added links on column logo in PayPalAPI
[*] MO : new FR translations for PayPalAPI

[*] TR : adding translations in AdminCategories
[*] TR : Improved spanish translations HTML & TXT (ВЎHola!)
[*] TR : Adding translations in Spanish and French on BO
[*] TR : Adding Spanish translation
[*] TR : Adding translations for the new feature in BO: backup all tables
[*] TR : Adding translations for activation of Tax Id Number
[*] TR : new FR translations
[*] TR : French equivalent for "Display available quantities on product page:" added

Fixed bugs :

[-] Installer : Fixed a bug that doesn't create employe account while installing
[-] Installer : Changed installer, now Spain requires as default a DNI
[-] Installer : Correction price of products default
[-] Installer : Fixed CSS in block "Need Help?"
[-] Installer : Update the SQL file for upgrade with no auto_increment on id_cms (cms_lang table)
[-] Installer : Fixed bug #3348 - Install wasn't working properly when using special characters in DB password
[-] Installer : Fixed bug with SQL prefix
[-] Installer : Fixed a translation of install in Spanish
[-] Installer : Css fixed on block "Need Help ?"
[-] Installer : Bug fixed on database installation (#3141, #3116, #3115)
[-] Installer : fixed bug with http_host and sql_debug
[-] Installer : Product reduction upgrade fixed (for PS version < alias 1.0 RC4)

[-] FO : fixed calculation of declinaison price in product page with a currency different as default
[-] FO : Order history & confirmation e-mail fixed (price precision)
[-] FO : Fixed price accuracy to 6 decimals to calculate the combination price on the product sheet
[-] FO : Cast fixed (bool instead of int)
[-] FO : Fixed price on the product sheet
[-] FO : Now the carrier by default in correctly selected
[-] FO : Fixed bug #3256 - Prevent from setting RSS feed as your own RSS feed (infinite loop)
[-] FO : The link "display all images" now appears only if necessary on product.php
[-] FO : Fixed bug #3160 - SSL warning when customer is trying to read sales terms
[-] FO : Fixed bug #2851 - Small CSS improvement on color picker
[-] FO : Fixed a Javascript error
[-] FO : module blockviewed display correctly category name in friendly URL
[-] FO : module blockwichlist now use category for url rewriting in external view
[-] FO : module blockwichlist dumb french translation
[-] FO : Bug fixed on carrier selection default
[-] FO : module blockwichlist products in block now use category for rewrited URL
[-] FO : modules (feeder) Products in RSS feeds was not using category's friendly URL
[-] FO : now attachement have their extension
[-] FO : Now, city can contain numeric characters (e.g: Praha 5) (#3252)
[-] FO : cookie accessible in smarty in compatibility mode
[-] FO : fixed errors with pagination when using search engine
[-] FO : minor issue (?) with missing padding
[-] FO : bug fixed on site map, hide restricted category now. (#3103)
[-] FO : bug fixed, name product empty when added in cart. (#3099)
[-] FO : bug fixed, miss 'as new field' and 'orderprice' for manufacturers products in product-list.tpl (#3184)
[-] FO : Fixed bug, default carrier in order.php (#3108)
[-] FO : Bug fixed on stylesheet for incompatible input style on Opera 9
[-] FO : Distinct command for dummies
[-] FO : The search does not look for products in disabled categories anymore
[-] FO : fixed pagination in prices-drop.tpl (#2950)
[-] FO : fixed a bug in pretaxed price with no group reduction (#2924). Thanks to Thalicia !
[-] FO : parse_url was only compatible with php 5.2 in Connection, causing warnings
[-] FO : update customer identity no longer erase 'last_passwd_gen' and 'newsletter_date_add' (#3003)
[-] FO : now only display order state not hidden for customer (#2992)
[-] FO : Bug fixed states not sorted on addess form
[-] FO : Product download link fixed (when not logged in)
[-] FO : Meta tags description fixed
[-] FO : State memorization fixed on the my-account page (when the state name contains a simple quote)
[-] FO : Default message "Product no longer available" display fixed
[-] FO : Fixed an error in the javascript to display product prices on the page of a product with customers who don't pay tax

[-] FO / BO : Fix small problems HTML and javascript
[-] FO / BO : Product price fixed (when prices were one hundredth higher than an integer value, e.g., 79.01 instead of 79.00)
[-] FO / BO : fixed bad field in connections table (#3518)
[-] FO / BO : fixed misspellings
[-] FO / BO : Swift SMTP sending fixed (when no authenticator was set)
[-] FO / BO : Tax calculation fixed (when a state tax was deleted)

[-] BO : fixed translation bug with "minutes" word (#3535)
[-] BO : Order detail display fixed (price precision)
[-] BO : Invoices are now sorted by date when generating multiple invoices
[-] BO : Fixed a bug with CSV import products with NULL quantity (#3018)
[-] BO : Employees who have only the right to see the permissions of employee status can not change them.
[-] BO : Fixed bug #3344 - States list is now fully ajax-compliant in the "Addresses" tab
[-] BO : Fixed bug #3455 - Bad parameter in cms::listcms() + small code improvments
[-] BO : Fixed bug #3163 - CSV export encoding issues with other languages than english
[-] BO : Fixed bug #3422 - Changed CHMOD recommendation from 777 to 666 on .htaccess and robots.txt files
[-] BO : Fixed bug #2961 - When you got an "Out of stock" order, payment state is now also stored!
[-] BO : Fixed bug in tinyMce with numbered lists
[-] BO : Fixed bug #3356 - "Too big" header when printing too much invoices
[-] BO : replace strval by urlencode for url of multiple invoice generation
[-] BO : Fixed a bug in the backup of the database with dates of birth (#3349)
[-] BO : Fixed bug #3205 - Issue with weight calculation when using product attribute (weight = product weight + attribute weight)
[-] BO : Fixed bug #3307 - "Hack attempt" with order->total_paid when trying to cancel products from an order
[-] BO : Fixed bug #2968 - Now deleting tags and search words while deleting a language
[-] BO : bug fixed on input product features
[-] BO : Fixed a CSS problem in the Tags tab
[-] BO : Fixed bug with forced unit of weight
[-] BO : Stats conversion rate fixed
[-] BO : Fixed an error when creating a language automatically when importing a language pack
[-] BO : Table category_group is now correctly updated on category deletion
[-] BO : Security on bad cookie (intval was missing)
[-] BO : bug fixed on date picker with time format
[-] BO : fixed check of EAN13 code
[-] BO : fix bug display countries (#3255)
[-] BO : fixed bug with optionnal <td /> (when delete is not available)
[-] BO : bug fixed on order link in catalog
[-] BO : On export translations, now newsletter templates order_merchant_comment.html/.txt included
[-] BO : translation fixed in AdminReferrers
[-] BO : bug fixed when delete accessory associated with a product (#3214)
[-] BO : Number of products available in a category when a product is duplicated into subcategories
[-] BO : fixed catalog tables getting out of page frame with Russian language
[-] BO : fixed bug relogging after administrator changes his own password into employees tab
[-] BO : fixed bug sorting products in catalog
[-] BO : Total display on the order listing fixed (did not care about the order currency)
[-] BO : CSV import error reporting fixed (errors were not always displayed)
[-] BO : bug fixed, in AdminOrders, prices are now displayed with taxes (#3140)
[-] BO : bug fixed, force reload updated product image (#3129)
[-] BO : Bug fixed on create customer associating groups
[-] BO : now select correctly orders for PDF generation
[-] BO : stange warning in the referrer form fixed
[-] BO : copy of the product name in the friendly URL fixed ("/" was allowed)
[-] BO : multiple deletion of attachments fixed
[-] BO : fixed bug while errors in submit attributes
[-] BO : fixed bug while saving payment modules by countries
[-] BO : fixed bug while errors in submit attributes
[-] BO : Force reload logo in appearence tab (#3124)
[-] BO : when setting a color attribute, staying on product page
[-] BO : fixed bug age differences in AdminCustomers.php (#3032)
[-] BO : fixed bug on features product combo box order (#2962)
[-] BO : fixed too long URL while getting multiple invoices (#2715)
[-] BO : Tag filter fixed
[-] BO : fixed bug whith pagination and category in BO (#2916)
[-] BO : fixed translation bug with "minutes"

[-] Classes : Remove the use of cookie in PayementModule
[-] Classes : replace ceilf method by ps_round in displayPrice() method
[-] Classes : Fixed calculation of price quantity discount in BO and invoices
[-] Classes : Adding retroactive change of price calculations
[-] Classes : Price precision fixed when using discount quantities
[-] Classes : Fixed price calculation in mode excluding taxes
[-] Classes : Setting tax precision to 3 decimals
[-] Classes : Price precision fixed when ordering from a country without any tax application
[-] Classes : Product price fixed (when none default currency selected and/or voucher added)
[-] Classes : Fixed bug #2988 - Added several methods in order to better clean the DB while deleting a product
[-] Classes : fixed bug in method getByEmail on Customer class
[-] Classes : Fixed issues with smarty |truncate and |escape functions and languages
[-] Classes : Fixed a security hole
[-] Classes : Total really paid rounding fixed
[-] Classes : Product price display fixed (0.01 precision)
[-] Classes : Product price display fixed (was broken under non-US PHP configuration)
[-] Classes : Front Office, Back Office & PDF prices fixed
[-] Classes : fixed bug when getting invoice address
[-] Classes : fixed getProducts() missing blank spaces before LIMIT and ORDER when random === true
[-] Classes : fixed getFullPath() in Tools.php (added span)
[-] Classes : Validate::isInt() fixed
[-] Classes : fixed getNewFilename() as static function in ProductDownload.php
[-] Classes : all HTTP_HOST occurences fixed, replaced by our own Tools::getHttpHost()
[-] Classes : out-of-range behavior for carrier is now taken into account (#2605)
[-] Classes : fixed full path in pear_xml_parser (#3010)
[-] Classes : fixed bad properties for meta_keywords in Category (#3023)
[-] Classes : fixed empty conf value in PDF (#3037)
[-] Classes : Discount quantity fixed when ordering different combinations
[-] Classes : fixed javascript events in Validate.php
[-] Classes : fixed multiple language iso code for language detection in Tools.php (#2912)
[-] Classes : category now more display hidden sub-category
[-] Classes : fixed bug in substr() of Tools.php (#2913)
[-] Classes : delete a feature now delete its associations to products (#2922)
[-] Classes : Product quantity decrementation fixed (when one product ordered was out-of-stock)

[-] PDF : Fixed calculation of total on invoices in the use of discount
[-] PDF : Fixed calculation of transport costs on invoices when mode in taxes excluded
[-] PDF : Voucher quantity is now displayed in the quantity column
[-] PDF : Now, reference values are encode in UTF-8
[-] PDF : Fixed a bug that did not add the transport costs on the total
[-] PDF : Total products tax fixed
[-] PDF : Price display fixed (rounded prices' displays)

[-] MO : fixed email check
[-] MO : blockcart product price display fixed (displayed everytime the tax excluded price, not taking care about the customer group configuration)
[-] MO : Fixed some bugs on TM4B module
[-] MO : fixed product name display bug between ajax and static (#3519)
[-] MO : Small fixes
[-] MO : fixed rare warnings in some modules
[-] MO : feeder, fixed a bug when generating the RSS feed products with the product name contains & characters
[-] MO : producttolltip, replacing $_POST with Tools::getValue
[-] MO : Fixed a translation problem in the breadcrumb at the checkout process with the payment method cashondelivry
[-] MO : blockcart, fixed incorrect use of PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT in blockcart (#3484)
[-] MO : Fixed a CSS bug with tags <h2> on FO in module "Home text editor"
[-] MO : mailalerts, bug fixed on alert for product attribute
[-] MO : productscategory, bug fixed on serial scroll with buttons next and previous
[-] MO : blockwishlist, many bugs fixed
[-] MO : statscatalog, fixed an error in SQL request (#3289)
[-] MO : Fixed bug #3215 - Module "birthdaypresent" wasn't working correctly + Duration changed to 1 month
[-] MO : Fixed bug #3460 - Bad rewrited link in "blockviewed" module
[-] MO : Fixed bug #2725 - Module "productscategory" - with missing prefixes (pc_)
[-] MO : BlockViewed, bug fixed when you are unlogged, the block shows only one product viewed
[-] MO : blockwishlist, bug fix whishlist when the block is not displayed when adding items in a list
[-] MO : canonicalUrl, correct installation of this module
[-] MO : PaypalApi, correct file paths with a "/" too
[-] MO : Moneybookers, remove the display of an image invalid
[-] MO : blockspecials, Increased width of the button "All specials"
[-] MO : Fixed display error when using a coupon for free shipping (mod blockcart)
[-] MO : MoneyBookers, deleting useless comments
[-] MO : blockpermanentlinks, Fixed Spanish translation
[-] MO : Reverso bug fixed on install
[-] MO : blockrss, fixed bug on install
[-] MO : blockviewed, now the user can't view the description of product on private group
[-] MO : the installer and hook method fixed on reverso module
[-] MO : blockwishlist fixed when you delete a product
[-] MO : blockwishlist fixed on URL friendly
[-] MO : blockwishlist fixed on installation of module
[-] MO : SQL file fixed due a "\n" too
[-] MO : Bug fixed on blockviewed module, an error appear when you viewed a product with no image
[-] MO : blockwishlist, products in wishlist are no using friendly URL
[-] MO : fixed misspellings
[-] MO : fixed issue with google analytics under SSL protocol
[-] MO : missing translations in StatsEquipment and StatsSales
[-] MO : statsbestsupplier fixed
[-] MO : Google Chart fixed
[-] MO : blockwishlist, bug fixed on install
[-] MO : Bug fixed on statsnewsletter when block newsletter module not installed (#3147)
[-] MO : bug fixed on blockviewed with long product name. (#3100)
[-] MO : fixed date bug in followup (#2908)
[-] MO : fixed bug for the use rate in followup (#2842)
[-] MO : fixed SSL bugs in loyalty and myalerts (#3107)
[-] MO : fixed bug in gsitemap while generating wrong URL (#2940). Thanks to Benoth!
[-] MO : you can now change your address while logged with PayPalAPI Express Checkout
[-] MO : fixed bug while editing a link in blocklink with a new lang created (#492)
[-] MO : PayPal does not support product details anymore in order to have correct total amount
[-] MO : URL Canonical. Bug fixed duplicate host in URL canonical.
[-] MO : StatsNewsletter fixed according to the modifications the the newsletter block
[-] MO : myalerts.php now include_once mailalerts.php
[-] MO : added htmlentities() in blockbestsellers
[-] MO : if no CMS page are checked, no more display all CMS in blockinfos and blockvariouslinks (#2996)
[-] MO : now regenerate a new token if expired in PayPalAPI
[-] MO : fixed wrong include paths in PayPalAPI
[-] MO : rename case files of PayPalAPI
[-] MO : Bankwire installation return value fixed
[-] MO : ValidateOrder method now returns the order ID no matter of the order status
[-] MO : small fixes on Moneybookers module
[-] MO : Fixed validation moneybookers

[-] TR : Fixed a translation
[-] TR : Added missing translations in the back office
[-] TR : Correction of French and English translations
[-] TR : Fixed all mail templates for Spanish
[-] TR : Fixed a translation in the import on BO
[-] TR : Mail translation fixed

[-] SQL : Fixed bug #3437 - No auto_increment on id_cms (cms_lang table)

Подскажите, а есть ли какая-либо документация по этому магазину, по api-функциям, переменным и т.д.?
Ребят, а никто не успел скачать плагин filter к этому магазину. Турки раздавали, но прикрыли сразу. Так он 70 еврейских стоит. =(
PrestaShop как то заточен под русскоязычные сайты? Или его лучше использовать для англоязычных?
PrestaShop как то заточен под русскоязычные сайты? Или его лучше использовать для англоязычных?
Нет абсолютно никакой разницы под какой локализацией использовать данный двиг. Естественно, если планируешь использовать для русскоязычной аудитории, то лучше взять русскую сборку. В ней решена проблема отображения русских символов в PDF документах.
скажите можно ли импортировать экселевские прайсы?
Ребят, а никто не успел скачать плагин filter к этому магазину. Турки раздавали, но прикрыли сразу. Так он 70 еврейских стоит. =(

Может скинемся на модуль?
кто готов скинуться?
а к нему теоретически можно подключить 1С?
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.