[Soft] PHP PRO BID - 2 часть

проблема активации пользователя с русским ником

пробовал так нечего не выходит
//$activation_link = SITE_PATH . 'account_activate.php?user_id=' . $row_details['user_id'] . '&username=' . $row_details['username'];
$activation_link = SITE_PATH . 'account_activate.php?user_id=' . $row_details['user_id'];
Кому нужен phpprobid лиц. Отдам за ненадобностью. 80 & + Аккаунт на phpprobid.com для обновлений или закачивания старых версий. Текущая на закачку 6.11
Кому нужен phpprobid лиц. Отдам за ненадобностью. 80 & + Аккаунт на phpprobid.com для обновлений или закачивания старых версий. Текущая на закачку 6.11
мне отдай если что. Ferro_06@mail. ru спасибо заранее.
Последнее редактирование:
Извините...опять его установил. Удалить то сообщение не мог. В качестве Альтернативы могу предложить GEOCORE - 3 в одном..бывший Geoclassifieds. ( OLX) Сейчас в нем доска, аукцион, магазины... Я его ставил на один домен, по моему можно еще раз на другой.
на просторах инета накопал, сам пока не проверял
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся PHPPROBID v6.11 Nulled
в архиве куча ещё всяких модов
Только что победил RSS. Выводится текст на русском и картинки. Версия 6.11, база в utf8 и рус.в 1251 Ну думаю, что и в 6.10 будет работать. Наглядный пример -
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
. Два файлика следует заменить.


  • RSS_6_11_work.zip
    5,3 KB · Просмотры: 33
проблема активации пользователя с русским ником

пробовал так нечего не выходит
//$activation_link = SITE_PATH . 'account_activate.php?user_id=' . $row_details['user_id'] . '&username=' . $row_details['username'];
$activation_link = SITE_PATH . 'account_activate.php?user_id=' . $row_details['user_id'];

вот смотрите. Я выкладывал.
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Вот тут взгляни упростил до состояния доски Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
если надо могу скинуть
можно мне скинуть? Есть мод, нашел, все в 1 шаг, но он стоит 35 баксов, и там пайпал.
Можно было бы взять Вашу доработку, и склеить еще несколько пунктов.
Также кстати можно оставить стандартное выставление лота - как расширенную версию, а урезнаную - продублировать, и закрепить выставлением по умолчанию..
A Mysql error has occurred while running the script:
  • The query you are trying to run is invalid
  • Mysql Error Output: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 26
  • SQL Query: INSERT INTO probid_users (username, password, email, reg_date, payment_mode, balance, max_credit, salt, tax_account_type, tax_company_name, tax_reg_number, tax_apply_exempt, name, address, city, country, state, zip_code, phone, birthdate, birthdate_year, newsletter, pg_paypal_email, pg_worldpay_id, pg_checkout_id, pg_nochex_email, pg_ikobo_username, pg_ikobo_password, pg_protx_username, pg_protx_password, pg_authnet_username, pg_authnet_password, pg_mb_email, pg_paymate_merchant_id, pg_gc_merchant_id, pg_gc_merchant_key, pg_amazon_access_key, pg_amazon_secret_key, pg_alertpay_id, pg_alertpay_securitycode, pg_zpay_purse, pg_zpay_mk, pg_wsm_id, pg_wmr, pg_wmz, pg_wm_skey) VALUES ('Akrom', '60067106e733add948316be2570c3d78', 'x-files_21@mail.ru', 1346562294, 1, '0', '0', 'cfa', '0', '', '', '0', 'Исломов Акром Мияссорович', 'ул. А.Наваи дом 20 кв. 5', 'Иштыхан', '2086', 'Самарканд', '704250', '(99891) 2974206', '1988-03-21', '1988', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',)
при регистрация новый пользователя входит это, помогите с этим пожалуйста, все пробовал.
я переделал русский модуль оплаты на узбекский.
Установка будет успешно, настройка тоже. Вот регистрация тут проблема.

class user extends custom_field
var $item;

function create_salt()
$rand = md5(rand(2, 99999999));
$output = substr($rand, 0, 3);

return $output;

function insert ($user_details, $page_handle = 'register')
$salt = $this->create_salt();
$password_hashed = password_hash($user_details['password'], $salt);

$payment_mode = ($this->setts['account_mode_personal'] == 1) ? $this->setts['init_acc_type'] : $this->setts['account_mode'];
$balance = ($payment_mode == 2) ? ((-1) * $this->setts['init_credit']) : 0;
$max_credit = ($payment_mode == 2) ? $this->setts['max_credit'] : 0;

$user_details = $this->rem_special_chars_array($user_details);

$phone = '(' . $user_details['phone_a'] . ') ' . $user_details['phone_b'];

if ($this->setts['birthdate_type'] == 1)
$birthdate = $user_details['birthdate_year'] . '-01-01'; // defaulted to jan 1st of the birthdate year.
$birthdate_year = $user_details['birthdate_year'];
$birthdate = $user_details['dob_year'] . '-' . $user_details['dob_month'] . '-' . $user_details['dob_day'];
$birthdate_year = $user_details['dob_year'];

$tax_apply_exempt = (!empty($user_details['tax_reg_number'])) ? 1 : 0;

$sql_insert_user = $this->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "users
(username, password, email, reg_date, payment_mode, balance, max_credit,
salt, tax_account_type, tax_company_name, tax_reg_number, tax_apply_exempt,
name, address, city, country, state, zip_code, phone, birthdate, birthdate_year, newsletter,
pg_paypal_email, pg_worldpay_id, pg_checkout_id, pg_nochex_email,
pg_ikobo_username, pg_ikobo_password, pg_protx_username, pg_protx_password,
pg_authnet_username, pg_authnet_password, pg_mb_email, pg_paymate_merchant_id,
pg_gc_merchant_id, pg_gc_merchant_key, pg_amazon_access_key, pg_amazon_secret_key, pg_alertpay_id, pg_alertpay_securitycode, pg_zpay_purse, pg_zpay_mk, pg_wsm_id, pg_wmr,
pg_wmz, pg_wm_skey) VALUES
('" . $user_details['username'] . "', '" . $password_hashed . "', '" . $user_details['email'] . "',
" . CURRENT_TIME . ", " . $payment_mode . ", '" . $balance . "', '" . $max_credit . "',
'" . $salt . "', '" . $user_details['tax_account_type'] . "', '" . $user_details['tax_company_name'] . "',
'" . $user_details['tax_reg_number'] . "', '" . $tax_apply_exempt . "', '" . $user_details['name'] . "',
'" . $user_details['address'] . "', '" . $user_details['city'] . "',
'" . $user_details['country'] . "', '" . $user_details['state'] . "', '" . $user_details['zip_code'] . "',
'" . $phone . "', '" . $birthdate . "', '" . $birthdate_year . "', '" . $user_details['newsletter'] . "',
'" . $user_details['pg_paypal_email'] . "', '" . $user_details['pg_worldpay_id'] . "', '" . $user_details['pg_checkout_id'] . "',
'" . $user_details['pg_nochex_email'] . "', '" . $user_details['pg_ikobo_username'] . "',
'" . $user_details['pg_ikobo_password'] . "', '" . $user_details['pg_protx_username'] . "',
'" . $user_details['pg_protx_password'] . "', '" . $user_details['pg_authnet_username'] . "',
'" . $user_details['pg_authnet_password'] . "', '" . $user_details['pg_mb_email'] . "',
'" . $user_details['pg_paymate_merchant_id'] . "', '" . $user_details['pg_gc_merchant_id'] . "',
'" . $user_details['pg_gc_merchant_key'] . "',
'" . $user_details['pg_amazon_access_key'] . "', '" . $user_details['pg_amazon_secret_key'] . "',
'" . $user_details['pg_alertpay_id'] . "', '" . $user_details['pg_alertpay_securitycode'] . "', '" . $user_details['pg_zpay_purse'] ."', '" . $user_details['pg_zpay_mk'] ."', '" . $user_details['pg_wsm_id'] ."', '" . $user_details['pg_wmr'] . "', '" . $user_details['pg_wmz'] . "',
'" . $user_details['pg_wm_skey'] . "',)");

$user_id = $this->insert_id();

if ($tax_apply_exempt && IN_ADMIN != 1) ## if not in admin, notify admin of a tax exempt request.
$mail_input_id = $user_id;
include('language/' . $this->setts['site_lang'] . '/mails/tax_apply_exempt_notification.php');

$this->insert_page_data($user_id, $page_handle, $user_details);

return $user_id;

function update ($user_id, $user_details, $new_password = null, $page_handle = 'register', $admin_edit = false)

$user_details = $this->rem_special_chars_array($user_details);

$sql_update_query = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET
name='" . $user_details['name'] . "', address='" . $user_details['address'] . "',
city='" . $user_details['city'] . "', country='" . $user_details['country'] . "',
state='" . $user_details['state'] . "', zip_code='" . $user_details['zip_code'] . "',
phone='" . $user_details['phone'] . "', email='" . $user_details['email'] . "',
tax_account_type='" . $user_details['tax_account_type'] . "',
tax_company_name='" . $user_details['tax_company_name'] . "',
tax_reg_number='" . $user_details['tax_reg_number'] . "',
newsletter='" . $user_details['newsletter'] . "',
pg_paypal_email = '" . $user_details['pg_paypal_email'] . "',
pg_worldpay_id = '" . $user_details['pg_worldpay_id'] . "',
pg_checkout_id = '" . $user_details['pg_checkout_id'] . "',
pg_nochex_email = '" . $user_details['pg_nochex_email'] . "',
pg_ikobo_username = '" . $user_details['pg_ikobo_username'] . "',
pg_ikobo_password = '" . $user_details['pg_ikobo_password'] . "',
pg_protx_username = '" . $user_details['pg_protx_username'] . "',
pg_protx_password = '" . $user_details['pg_protx_password'] . "',
pg_authnet_username = '" . $user_details['pg_authnet_username'] . "',
pg_authnet_password = '" . $user_details['pg_authnet_password'] . "',
pg_mb_email = '" . $user_details['pg_mb_email'] . "',

## для системы Z-PAYMENT:
pg_zpay_purse = '" . $user_details['pg_zpay_purse'] . "',
pg_zpay_mk = '" . $user_details['pg_zpay_mk'] . "',
## для системы WEBSUM:
pg_wsm_id = '" . $user_details['pg_wsm_id'] . "',
## для системы WebMoney:
pg_wmr = '" . $user_details['pg_wmr'] . "',
pg_wmz = '" . $user_details['pg_wmz'] . "',
pg_wm_skey = '" . $user_details['pg_wm_skey'] . "',

pg_paymate_merchant_id = '" . $user_details['pg_paymate_merchant_id'] . "',
pg_gc_merchant_id = '" . $user_details['pg_gc_merchant_id'] . "',
pg_gc_merchant_key = '" . $user_details['pg_gc_merchant_key'] . "',
pg_amazon_access_key = '" . $user_details['pg_amazon_access_key'] . "',
pg_amazon_secret_key = '" . $user_details['pg_amazon_secret_key'] . "',
pg_alertpay_id = '" . $user_details['pg_alertpay_id'] . "',
pg_alertpay_securitycode = '" . $user_details['pg_alertpay_securitycode'] . "'";

$user_old = $this->get_sql_row("SELECT balance, payment_mode, tax_apply_exempt FROM
" . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $user_id);

if (!$user_old['tax_apply_exempt'] && !empty($user_details['tax_reg_number']))
$sql_update_query .= ", tax_apply_exempt=1";

if ($admin_edit)
$sql_update_query .= ", payment_mode='" . $user_details['payment_mode'] . "'";

if ($user_old['payment_mode'] == 2)
$sql_update_query .= ", max_credit='" . $user_details['max_credit'] . "'";
// We can change here the balance and max_credit values. If the balance is changed, we will also create a line in the invoices table
$new_balance = $user_details['balance_type'] * $user_details['balance'];

if ($user_old['balance'] != $new_balance)
$sql_update_query .= ", balance='" . $new_balance . "'";

// now we create the invoice row
$invoice_amount = $new_balance - $user_old['balance'];

$fee_name = GMSG_ADMIN_CREDIT_ADJUSTMENT . ' [ ' . (($invoice_amount>=0) ? GMSG_DEBIT : GMSG_CREDIT) . ' ] ' .
((!empty($user_details['adjustment_reason'])) ? ' - ' . $this->rem_special_chars($user_details['adjustment_reason']) : '');

$sql_insert_invoice = $this->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "invoices
(user_id, name, amount, invoice_date, current_balance, live_fee, credit_adjustment) VALUES
('" . $user_id . "', '" . $fee_name . "', '" . $invoice_amount . "',
'" . CURRENT_TIME . "', '" . $new_balance . "', '1', '1')");

if ($new_password)
$salt = $this->create_salt();
$password_hashed = password_hash($new_password, $salt);
$sql_update_query .= ", password='" . $password_hashed . "', salt='" . $salt . "'";

$sql_update_query .= " WHERE user_id=" . $user_id;

$sql_update_user = $this->query($sql_update_query);

if (!$user_old['tax_apply_exempt'] && !empty($user_details['tax_reg_number']) && IN_ADMIN != 1)
$mail_input_id = $user_id;
include('language/' . $this->setts['site_lang'] . '/mails/tax_apply_exempt_notification.php');

$this->update_page_data($user_id, $page_handle, $user_details);

function delete ($user_id, $page_handle = 'register')
## delete user and all the related fields including custom fields
$this->delete_data($user_id, $page_handle);

$this->item = new item();
$this->item->setts = $this->setts;

## now select all auctions that the user has listed
$sql_select_auctions = $this->query("SELECT auction_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions WHERE owner_id=" . $user_id);

$delete_ids = null;

while ($deleted_details = $this->fetch_array($sql_select_auctions))
$delete_ids[] = $deleted_details['auction_id'];

$delete_array = $this->implode_array($delete_ids);

## delete all auctions the user has listed
$this->item->delete($delete_array, 0, true, true);

## now select all wanted ads that the user has listed
$sql_select_wanted_ads = $this->query("SELECT wanted_ad_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "wanted_ads WHERE owner_id=" . $user_id);

$delete_ids = null;

while ($deleted_details = $this->fetch_array($sql_select_wanted_ads))
$delete_ids[] = $deleted_details['wanted_ad_id'];

$delete_array = $this->implode_array($delete_ids);

## delete all wanted ads the user has listed
$this->item->delete_wanted_ad($delete_array, 0, true);

## delete the rest of the data
$this->query("DELETE u, fs, i, ip, r FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users u
LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "favourite_stores fs ON fs.user_id=u.user_id
LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "invoices i ON i.user_id=u.user_id
LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "iphistory ip ON ip.memberid=u.user_id
LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "reputation r ON r.user_id=u.user_id
WHERE u.user_id=" . $user_id);

function account_status ($active, $approved)
(string) $display_output = null;

$display_output = ($approved) ? (($active) ? GMSG_ACTIVE : GMSG_SUSPENDED) : GMSG_NOT_APPROVED;

return $display_output;

function payment_mode_desc ($payment_mode)
(string) $display_output = null;

$payment_mode = ($this->setts['account_mode_personal'] == 1) ? (($payment_mode) ? $payment_mode : 1) : $this->setts['account_mode'];

switch ($payment_mode)
case 1:
$display_output = GMSG_LIVE;
case 2:
$display_output = GMSG_ACCOUNT;
$display_output = GMSG_NA;

return $display_output;

function show_balance ($balance, $currency)
(string) $display_output = null;

$display_output = fees_main::display_amount(abs($balance), $currency, true) . ' ' . (($balance>0) ? GMSG_DEBIT : GMSG_CREDIT);

return $display_output;

function user_manage_direct_payment_methods ($user_details)


function direct_payment_methods_edit($user_details)
(string) $display_output = null;

$sql_select_pg = $this->query("SELECT pg_id, name, logo_url FROM
" . DB_PREFIX . "payment_gateways WHERE dp_enabled=1");

$background = 'c1';
while ($pg_details = $this->fetch_array($sql_select_pg))
switch ($pg_details['name'])
case 'PayPal':
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td>' . GMSG_PAYPAL_EMAIL . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_paypal_email" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_paypal_email'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr> '.
' <td></td> '.
' <td class="' . $background . '">' . GMSG_PAYPAL_CALLBACK . ':<br><br><b>' . SITE_PATH . 'pp_paypal.php</b></td> '.
'</tr> ';
case 'Worldpay':
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td>' . GMSG_WORLDPAY_ID . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_worldpay_id" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_worldpay_id'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr> '.
' <td></td> '.
' <td class="' . $background . '">' . GMSG_WORLDPAY_CALLBACK . ':<br><br><b>' . SITE_PATH . 'pp_worldpay.php</b></td> '.
'</tr> ';
case '2Checkout':
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td>' . GMSG_CHECKOUT_ID . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_checkout_id" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_checkout_id'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr> '.
' <td></td> '.
' <td class="' . $background . '">' . GMSG_CHECKOUT_CALLBACK . ':<br><br><b>' . SITE_PATH . 'pp_checkout.php</b></td> '.
'</tr> ';
case 'Nochex':
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td>' . GMSG_NOCHEX_EMAIL . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_nochex_email" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_nochex_email'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr> '.
' <td></td> '.
' <td class="' . $background . '">' . GMSG_NOCHEX_CALLBACK . ':<br><br><b>' . SITE_PATH . 'pp_nochex.php</b></td> '.
'</tr> ';
case 'Ikobo':
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td>' . GMSG_IKOBO_USERNAME . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_ikobo_username" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_ikobo_username'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td>' . GMSG_IKOBO_PASSWORD . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_ikobo_password" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_ikobo_password'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr> '.
' <td></td> '.
' <td class="' . $background . '">' . GMSG_IKOBO_CALLBACK . ':<br><br><b>' . SITE_PATH . 'pp_ikobo.php</b></td> '.
'</tr> ';
case 'Protx':
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td>' . GMSG_PROTX_USERNAME . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_protx_username" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_protx_username'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td>' . GMSG_PROTX_PASSWORD . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_protx_password" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_protx_password'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr> '.
' <td></td> '.
' <td class="' . $background . '">' . GMSG_PROTX_CALLBACK . ':<br><br><b>' . SITE_PATH . 'pp_protx.php</b></td> '.
'</tr> ';
case 'Authorize.net':
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td>' . GMSG_AUTHNET_USERNAME . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_authnet_username" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_authnet_username'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td>' . GMSG_AUTHNET_PASSWORD . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_authnet_password" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_authnet_password'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr> '.
' <td></td> '.
' <td class="' . $background . '">' . GMSG_AUTHNET_CALLBACK . ':<br><br><b>' . SITE_PATH . 'pp_authnet.php</b></td> '.
'</tr> ';
case 'Moneybookers':
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td width="250">' . GMSG_MB_EMAIL . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_mb_email" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_mb_email'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr> '.
' <td></td> '.
' <td class="' . $background . '">' . GMSG_MB_CALLBACK . ':<br><br><b>' . SITE_PATH . 'pp_moneybookers.php</b></td> '.
'</tr> ';
case 'Paymate':
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td width="250">' . GMSG_PAYMATE_MERCHANT_ID . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_paymate_merchant_id" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_paymate_merchant_id'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr> '.
' <td></td> '.
' <td class="' . $background . '">' . GMSG_PAYMATE_CALLBACK . ':<br><br><b>' . SITE_PATH . 'pp_paymate.php</b></td> '.
'</tr> ';
case 'Google Checkout':
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td width="250">' . GMSG_GC_MERCHANT_ID . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_gc_merchant_id" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_gc_merchant_id'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td width="250">' . GMSG_GC_MERCHANT_KEY . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_gc_merchant_key" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_gc_merchant_key'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
if ($user_details['user_id'] > 0)
$display_output .= '<tr> '.
' <td></td> '.
' <td class="' . $background . '">' . GMSG_GC_CALLBACK . ':<br><br><b>' . SITE_PATH . 'pp_gc.php?user_id=' . $user_details['user_id'] . '</b></td> '.
'</tr> ';

## для системы Z-PAYMENT
case 'Z-PAYMENT':
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td width="10">' . GMSG_ZPAYMENT_PURSE . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_zpay_purse" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_zpay_purse'] . '" size="10"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td width="80">' . GMSG_ZPAYMENT_MERCHANT_KEY . '</td> '.
' <td><input type=password name="pg_zpay_mk" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_zpay_mk'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr> '.
' <td></td> '.
' <td class="' . $background . '">' . GMSG_ZPAYMENT_RESULT_URL . ': <b>' . SITE_PATH . 'pp_zpayment.php</b><br> '.
GMSG_SUCCESS_URL . ': <b>' . SITE_PATH . 'zpayment_success.php</b><br> '.
GMSG_FAIL_URL . ': <b>' . SITE_PATH . 'payment_failed.php</b><br> '.
' </td> '.
'</tr> ';

## для системы WEBSUM
case 'WEBSUM':
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td width="10">' . GMSG_WEBSUM_PURSE . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_wsm_id" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_wsm_id'] . '" size="10"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr> '.
' <td></td> '.
' <td class="' . $background . '">' . GMSG_WEBSUM_RESULT_URL . ': <b>' . SITE_PATH . 'pp_wsm.php</b><br> '.
GMSG_SUCCESS_URL . ': <b>' . SITE_PATH . 'wsm_success.php</b><br> '.
GMSG_FAIL_URL . ': <b>' . SITE_PATH . 'payment_failed.php</b><br> '.
' </td> '.
'</tr> ';

## для системы WebMoney
case 'WebMoney':
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td width="10">' . GMSG_WM . '</td> '.
'<td>' . GMSG_WMR . '<input name="pg_wmr" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_wmr'] . '" size="12" maxlength="12"><br>' .
GMSG_WMZ . '<input name="pg_wmz" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_wmz'] . '" size="12" maxlength="12"><br>' .
'</td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td width="80">' . GMSG_WM_SKEY . '</td> '.
' <td><input type=password name="pg_wm_skey" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_wm_skey'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr> '.
' <td></td> '.
' <td class="' . $background . '">' . GMSG_WM_RESULT_URL . ': <b>' . SITE_PATH . 'pp_wm.php</b><br> '.
GMSG_SUCCESS_URL . ': <b>' . SITE_PATH . 'wm_success.php</b><br> '.
GMSG_FAIL_URL . ': <b>' . SITE_PATH . 'payment_failed.php</b><br> '.
'</td> '.
'</tr> ';

case 'Amazon':
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td width="250">' . GMSG_AMAZON_ACCESS_KEY . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_amazon_access_key" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_amazon_access_key'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td width="250">' . GMSG_AMAZON_SECRET_KEY . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_amazon_secret_key" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_amazon_secret_key'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr> '.
' <td></td> '.
' <td class="' . $background . '">' . GMSG_AMAZON_CALLBACK . ':<br><br><b>' . SITE_PATH . 'pp_amazon.php</b></td> '.
'</tr> ';
case 'AlertPay':
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td width="250">' . GMSG_ALERTPAY_ID . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_alertpay_id" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_alertpay_id'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td width="250">' . GMSG_ALERTPAY_SECURITY_CODE . '</td> '.
' <td><input name="pg_alertpay_securitycode" type="text" value="' . $user_details['pg_alertpay_securitycode'] . '" size="50"></td> '.
'</tr> ';
$display_output .= '<tr> '.
' <td></td> '.
' <td class="' . $background . '">' . GMSG_ALERTPAY_CALLBACK . ':<br><br><b>' . SITE_PATH . 'pp_alertpay.php</b></td> '.
'</tr> ';

return $display_output;

function birthdate_box($variables_array)
(string) $display_output = null;

$months_array = array('01' => GMSG_MTH_JANUARY, '02' => GMSG_MTH_FEBRUARY, '03' => GMSG_MTH_MARCH, '04' => GMSG_MTH_APRIL,
'05' => GMSG_MTH_MAY, '06' => GMSG_MTH_JUNE, '07' => GMSG_MTH_JULY, '08' => GMSG_MTH_AUGUST,

$days_array = array('01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12',
'13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24',
'25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31');

if ($this->setts['birthdate_type'] == 1)
$dob_text = MSG_YEAR_OF_BIRTH;

$birthdate_box = '<input name="birthdate_year" type="text" id="birthdate_year" value="' . $variables_array['birthdate_year'] . '" size="8" maxlength="4" /> ';
$dob_text = MSG_DATE_OF_BIRTH;

$birthdate_box .= '<select name="dob_month" id="dob_month" class="contentfont"> '.
'<option> </option> ';
foreach ($months_array as $key => $value)
$birthdate_box .= '<option value="' . $key . '" ' . (($key == $variables_array['dob_month']) ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $value . '</option> ';
$birthdate_box .= '</select> ';

$birthdate_box .= '<select name="dob_day" id="dob_day" class="contentfont"> '.
'<option> </option> ';
foreach ($days_array as $value)
$birthdate_box .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . (($value == $variables_array['dob_day']) ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $value . '</option> ';
$birthdate_box .= '</select> ';

$birthdate_box .= '<input name="dob_year" type="text" id="dob_year" value="' . $variables_array['dob_year'] . '" size="8" maxlength="4" /> ';

$display_output = '<br /> '.
'<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="2" class="border"> '.
' <tr class="c5"> '.
' <td><img src="themes/' . $this->setts['default_theme'] . '/img/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1" /></td> '.
' <td><img src="themes/' . $this->setts['default_theme'] . '/img/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1" /></td> '.
' </tr> '.
' <tr class="c1"> '.
' <td width="150" align="right" class="contentfont">' . $dob_text . '</td> '.
' <td class="contentfont">' . $birthdate_box . '</td> '.
' </tr> '.
' <tr class="reguser"> '.
' <td>&nbsp;</td> '.
' <td>' . $dob_expl . '</td> '.
' </tr> '.
'</table> ';

return $display_output;

function can_sell($is_seller)
$output = ($is_seller || $this->setts['enable_private_site'] == 0) ? true : false;

return $output;

function full_address($user_details)
(string) $display_output = null;

$state = ($user_details['state_name']) ? $user_details['state_name'] : $user_details['state'];
// state_name and country_name are presumed to be taken from the countries table from the initial query.
$display_output = $user_details['address'] . '<br>'.
$user_details['zip_code'] . ', ' . $user_details['city'] . '<br>'.
$state . ', ' . $user_details['country_name'];
$display_output = $user_details['address'] . '<br>'.
$user_details['city'] . ', ' . $state . '<br>'.
$user_details['zip_code'] . '<br>'.

return $display_output;

function show_birthdate($user_details)
(string) $display_output = null;

if ($this->setts['birthdate_type'] == 1)
$display_output = $user_details['birthdate_year'] . ' ' . GMSG_DOB_YEAR;
$display_output = $user_details['birthdate'] . ' ' . GMSG_DOB_FULL;

return $display_output;

function postage_calc_save($postage_details, $user_id)
$user_id = intval($user_id);

$pc_postage_type = (in_array($postage_details['pc_postage_type'], array('item', 'weight', 'amount', 'flat'))) ? $postage_details['pc_postage_type'] : 'item';
$pc_postage_calc_type = (in_array($postage_details['pc_postage_calc_type'], array('default', 'custom'))) ? $postage_details['pc_postage_calc_type'] : 'default';
$pc_shipping_locations = (in_array($postage_details['pc_shipping_locations'], array('local', 'global'))) ? $postage_details['pc_shipping_locations'] : 'global';

$this->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET
pc_free_postage='" . intval($postage_details['pc_free_postage']) . "',
pc_free_postage_amount='" . doubleval($postage_details['pc_free_postage_amount']) . "',
pc_postage_type='" . $pc_postage_type . "',
pc_weight_unit='" . $this->rem_special_chars($postage_details['pc_weight_unit']) . "',
pc_postage_calc_type='" . $pc_postage_calc_type . "',
pc_shipping_locations='" . $pc_shipping_locations . "',
pc_flat_first='" . doubleval($postage_details['pc_flat_first']) . "',
pc_flat_additional='" . doubleval($postage_details['pc_flat_additional']) . "'
WHERE user_id='" . $user_id . "'");

if ($postage_details['pc_shipping_locations'])
$this->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "shipping_locations SET pc_default=0 WHERE user_id='" . $user_id . "'");
$this->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "shipping_locations SET
pc_default='1' WHERE id='" . intval($postage_details['pc_default']) . "' AND user_id='" . $user_id . "'");

if ($postage_details['pc_postage_type'] != 'item' && $postage_details['pc_postage_calc_type'] == 'custom')
$postage_details = convert_amount($postage_details, 'STN');

if (count($postage_details['tier_id']))
foreach ($postage_details['tier_id'] as $key => $value)
$sql_update_tiers = $this->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "postage_calc_tiers SET
tier_from='" . $postage_details['tier_from'][$key] . "', tier_to='" . $postage_details['tier_to'][$key] . "',
postage_amount='" . $postage_details['postage_amount'][$key] . "' WHERE tier_id=" . $value . " AND user_id=" . $user_id);

if ($postage_details['new_tier_from'] >= 0 && $postage_details['new_tier_to'] > 0 && $postage_details['new_postage_amount'] > 0)
$sql_insert_tier = $this->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "postage_calc_tiers
(tier_from, tier_to, postage_amount, user_id, tier_type) VALUES
('" . $postage_details['new_tier_from'] . "', '" . $postage_details['new_tier_to'] . "', '" . $postage_details['new_postage_amount'] . "',
'" . $user_id . "', '" . $pc_postage_type . "')");

if (count($postage_details['delete'])>0)
$delete_array = $this->implode_array($postage_details['delete']);

$sql_delete_increments = $this->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "postage_calc_tiers WHERE
tier_id IN (" . $delete_array . ") AND user_id=" . $user_id);
