[Скрипт] IP.Board.v.3.0.5 Retail (English)

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Хранитель порядка
9 Июн 2006
IP.Board.v.3.0.5 Retail (English) - вышла новая 3.0.5 версия IP.Board, список фиксов довольно обширен.


Bugs fixed in v3.0.5:

* Facebook Button Chrome
* "View New Content" NOT WORKING
* 'Other Styles' Bug
* Reputation Rank still has a bug,
* Search Showing Threads Not Suppose to be Viewable
* RTL: Edit Messenger Folders
* Merging posts
* search result page: width = 107%
* RTL: Report Page
* Posts - Edit
* List of links in offline message
* Find Posts Last Poster Info
* Attachment ordering in messenger lost with multiple recipients
* Frontpage uploader issue
* Search Results Not Directing To Proper Post
* Error when click on IP Address on Member Validating Queue
* Parachat < 7 bug
* Error on index page when not logged in
* [Mark Board As Read] is no function , if guest
* Hebrew Text - Navigation & a JS error
* old macro in forum view
* pp_status index reporting not present
* use furl for sign in index
* Statistic Center still messed up in 3.0.4
* Portal Online Users Plugin Lo-Fi skin
* OpenID login option visible in LoFi skin
* Registration With Password Blank
* Warnings in profile view
* Validating Group 3.0.4
* Graphical glitches in the install guide on Opera
* Driver error Registration stats
* Templates last updated
* New PM popups
* Advanced search pagination
* Post icons disappear after editing a post
* Recount Stats doneScreen link incorrect
* seoTemplates key
* Subforum Hide Last Post Info still shows in parent forum
* ACP Members page always thinks it's being filtered
* A couple of more problems with "members" and "forums"
* Forum/Category Markers (mark as read)
* ACP Fatal error on app installation
* [sphinx] extended search characters affected by htmlentities()
* Formatting stops after 35th item
* Facebook Connect & ACP
* Optional BBCode necessary?
* referer set incorrectly with HTTPS sign in
* SEO Urls are corrupted on UTF8 strings
* Installing applications - skin templates are skipped for custom skins
* ipsRegistry::_appPositionSort must be called statically
* Calendar hook kills memory in 3.0.4
* report center not scaling down images
* Incorrect permalinks/typos 301 redirect to a session URI
* Calendar portal plugin fails when the app is disabled
* ACP Live Search Javascript Error
* &nbsp; are converted by prettify
* Manage Announcements
* Little spaces mistake (X per day on profile)
* En Translation-language typo
* wrong variable for ip addresses?
* Root admin and email notifications
* Signature permissions with secondary usergroups
* sql info problem
* Report Center update user name.
* Missing image used by '_deletePostsDo' in tools.php
* HTML in BB-Code Page (Code-Tag)
* Toggle for HTML Auto/Raw always reverts to raw in Quick Edit mode
* Emoticons JS error
* Forum moderator doesn't have ability to warn
* Problem with {parse variable}
* Rounded class missing in the messenger
* Converter Present
* img tags and spaces before the closing tag
* links stripped from emails
* Issues with search and watched topics
* Missing attachments in XML skin
* Resynchronize Topics does not rebuild seo names
* JSON exception editing templates in ACP
* BBcode is parsed in reply view even if the setting is disabled
* Default Topic View Mode
* SMTP AUTH EHLO instead of HELO
* Upper vs lower case BBCode tags
* Useless code loading the emoticons list
* RTE font sizes don't match submitted font sizes
* Display name / login names
* Duplicate media tag getting inserted into post
* $this->member->can_use_fancy_js isn't used/set
* Driver error checking IP address
* Cannot multi-moderate posts
* Insert list
* Export language XML files
* Small translation issue on forum index
* "View new content" link unnecessary for guests
* double slash
* Partial login process inappropriately skipped
* "Translate Externally" changes default value in admin_js and public_js
* Topic view reason for edit
* Disabled messenger, still possible to reply to existing PCs
* Double compression
* Opening A Draft Causes PHP Warning
* Member list advanced filters
* Admin Only Task, auto disabled task
* html tags in the forum name break the form
* Driver error in profile when no forums available
* error not shown in the flash uploader
* Double quote in group prefix/sufix breaks poll "Who voted for" pop-up
* ACP -> Add New Member, no duplicate error.
* Manage User Agent Mapping
* Export Emotion Pack
* bbcode alias not checked properly
* user_controls has no child element
* SWF Upload outdated
* Badwords not removed from emails
* report a user profile
* Resync Topics kills moved topic links
* Languagepack mistakes / bugs / typo mistakes
* Next IP lookup bug
* Highlight from Search breaks URLs
* Spam flag notification
* AJAX requests fail with session ID
* Portal "Latest Discussions" block not showing Guest name
* Member photo doesn't support SSL
* memcache return a fatal error on fail
* Unhonored disabled group prefix on search results
* IP.Converge doesn't update the cound and the cache
* applications.php file undefined function
* applications.php file language string missing
* Incorrect message when "Automatically unlock account" set to "No"
* Converted PMs out of order
* 'pfields_content' erased when partial member signs in
* signatures are saved unparsed if a moderator edits them
* number max of images triggered blocks the parsing
* Profile FURL breaks (404) when username contains . linked from friends.
* Active in messenger -> Viewing Board Index
* Poll who voted user popups (RTL)
* "Help Files" in nav in UCP
* Friendly urls in modules ajax
* Merge Members -
* Cancel doesn't actually cancel -- Forum Managment
* Typo in Confirm Dialogue
* Not really a bug, not sure where else to put it though.
* Hook without files - "You must apply at least one file to this hook."
* When you use Member Suspension system
* Character counter doesn't reset after submitting a new profile comment
* JS filter? lowercasing all "alert"s
* Required fields on registration
* Weird code in IPSMember::buildDisplayData with custom fields.
* <br /> missing
* Memberlist is reversed is ACP on first view.
* Very Minor! - Username/Email method not reflected on admin login.
* View reputation points on member profile, Admin CP.
* Merging members
* Missing space under Settings -> Username Restrictions -> Error Message to Display
* Print/Download topic, doesn't include all attached images
* Error message 111159
* Resynch Forums/Topics
* To install a fresh copy bug
* Make forum categories searchable
* Driver error when searching error logs
* Passwords with symbols
* 400 Bad Request -fao Matt - topic markers

* Fatal error
* Fatal error on upgrade from 236
* Settings titles
* Search page Calendar tab doesn't check event permissions
* Top Five Moderators doesn't show the top five
* Board Stats - wrong data in the last registered member
* Cant insert image using img tag
* Hook access point "skin_topic.topicSharing.pre.endif" cannot be used
* rssimport.php - code error
* Converter login method populating $this->memberData when logins fail
* Avatars in report centre reports
* Emoticons in the report center
* Gametrailers.com Media code
* Admin CP functions returning bad JSON
* Unable to edit tasks
* fetchDirectoryContents broken
* buildSEOUrl() Broken in tasks.
* Restricted admins / password change
* Old act=module&module=... links don't work anymore
* SQL error in profile view
* Sign error in calculation of Report Center stat chart
* forum_tracker.member_id
* Forum moderator mass prune
* useless IPSMember::load in member_form.php
* Canonical tag: showforum=0
* 3 same tasks for the core applications
* Find Posts/Topics default values
* Lost pass doesn't work correctly via SSL
* Upgrader driver error
* [postgresql driver] group by bug in emoticons.php
* [postgresql driver] fields not properly escaped
* Reputation issue
* [postgresql driver] wrong default values for profile_portal updates
* Quick edit topic title does not check for badwords
* Acronym
* Problem when tags is put inside quote starter tag
* SQL Injection
* Loophole in registration procedure
* [postgresql driver] boardIndexTopPosters group by clause
* [postgresql driver] more "group by" bugs
* 236 upgrade broken
* Missing table on 2.3.6 upgrade
* "Unban" action logs as "Ban" action
* Portal - Latest Discussions - shows me as a Guest user
* NO skins on 3.0.5
Мда, глядя на кол-во баг-фиксов, задумываешься - сколько-же ещё этих фиксов нужно проделать чтобы довести скрипт до ума...

Такой вопрос Знатокам. Если поставить ретаил версию (без лицензии) на хостинг, как быстро она достучится до разрабов ?
E меня русская стоит уже полтора месяца, и ничё!
И это при том, что один "умник" стуканул гна меня прямо в IPS - но тем по-видимому, некогда

Добавлено через 14 минут
Вопрос к топикстартеру - сможете выложить Retail-версию русской 305, когда она выйдет?!
Обновить -то не проблема, проблема потерять проделанный перевод...+ хуки, опять править во всех файлах и шаблонах...Не навижу обновления :mad:
список изменений поражает. будем ждать русскую
а "перетащить" перевод из предыдущей версии никто не пробовал?
Вот это я понимаю поработали IPS'овцы... а то воду в обновлениях в виде 3-4 фиксов выпускают, лишь бы цифру подрисовать. :D
:bc:и длого они так его так часто обновлять будут? Так нервов не хватит постоянно обновляться...
:bc:и длого они так его так часто обновлять будут? Так нервов не хватит постоянно обновляться...
Как новичок могу предположить, что скрипт сам по себе сложный, следовательно багов в скрипте на стадии развития хватает с головой. И всё это тестится и дебагится нашими общими усилиями.
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.