- 2017-11-13 - Dustin Bolton
Deploy up to 15 times faster when pushing! Multiple files sent per pass: Multipass!
Reduced file transfer overhead by 37%! Speeds up file transfers 37% or MORE due to less HTTP overhead.
All remotely performed transactions are now logged and returned with each API call so that remote activity may be troubleshooted within Deployment log.
Deployment now supports setting the deployed site's Search Engine Visibility option to either visible, not visible, or no change. A default for this setting can be set in the Deployment settings.
No longer base64 encoding all transferred data. Left in binary.
PUSH mode: Multiple files can be transferred in each PHP run when Pushing (not Pulling), significanly increasing speeds of PHP file transfers.
Existing importbuddy from previous deployments is erased at the beginning of each new deployment to insure fresh version usage.
No database tables selected will no longer display warning about missing database files as this is to be expected.
Fixed deploy confirmation sometimes failing without error.
Remotely called API actions now log fatal PHP errors with shutdown function to both main log and remote API log.
Exclusions now include global default hardcoded exclusions.
Improved white-space on Push/Pull comparison table for readability when changes are only on one side.
localInfo is now logged to browser console when loading Deployment remote destination to aid in troubleshooting.
New Exclusions option alloww you to exclude files and folders from Deployment.
New Additional Inclusions option allows you to include additional files and folders during Deployment that are outside the media, themes, or plugins directories.
importbuddy.php: Now detects unexpected leading whitespace (newlines, etc) at the beginning of importbuddy.php, removed them, and re-writes a valid importbuddy.php. Fixes error about whitespace already being sent and authentication breakage.
Downgraded Error #437479545 to Warning.
ImportBuddy: Fixed missing backup zip file not throwing error. New Error #8498394349.
hashGlob() function added support for additional optional parameter to prepend all paths in the array keys with an additional path.
Fixed housekeeping warning about failed destination send filename being array.
Rollback: Fixed undo feature sometimes displaying mysqli error about missing parameter.
Updated internally used wp-db class for importbuddy and rollback packages.
Added hook for informing PHP compatibility checker plugin that we are always compatible with the latest PHP version(s). - 2017-11-13 - Dustin Bolton
Fixed missing wp-db function. - 2017-11-15 - Dustin Bolton
Fixed WP compatibility function matching pattern missing *.
Fixed the Export Settings feature giving non-functioning data.