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Плагин WP PLugin Backup Buddy

BackupBuddy - 2018-09-19 - Brian DiChiara
Enhancement: Added more detail about recent edits in WordPress Dashboard widget as well as track more events more accurately, such as changes to posts and plugin activations/deletions
Enhancement: Added ability to change Dropbox remote destination directory.
Enhancement: Filtered files in all remote destinations to only show backups.
Enhancement: Made remote destination file list tables more consistent.
Bug Fix: Fixed issue for Dropbox when using root directory.
Bug Fix: Resolved an issue with Rackspace remote destination.
Bug Fix: Fixed an escaped HTML issue in FTP Browse interface.
Bug Fix: Fixed a typo in importbuddy.
Bug Fix: Made a message about crons a little clearer.
Bug Fix: Resolved a few issues where PHP Error Notices were being displayed.
Update: Updated 3rd party jQuery Date/Time picker library to v1.6.3
Update: Updated 3rd party LeanModal library to v1.1
Cleanup: Removed unused 3rd party SimpleExpand library
Major Release of all quick releases since
Bug Fix: Suppress errors related to open_basedir in ImportBuddy.
Bug Fix: Fixed duplicate element ID errors in browser console.
Bug Fix: Typo in loopback error corrected.
Bug Fix: Sometimes database shows skipped when wasn't skipped. Fixed confusion.
Bug Fix: Restoring from Stash Live sometimes opened a new tab/window.
Bug Fix: PHP notice when restoring from Stash Live
Enhancement: New Backup setting to include only active plugins in backup.
Bug Fix: Resolved issue with database rollback.
Bug Fix: Tweaked regular expression related to database prefix to remove warning when multiple underscores in prefix.
Bug Fix: Additional logging for potential scheduling issues.
Bug Fix: Resolved issues with invalid schedules.
Bug Fix: Added schedule cleanup to Housekeeping to resolve some issues with bad schedules.
Кто нибудь настраивал бэкапы по расписанию? У меня в меню Backup interval пусто, нет никаких предустановленных интервалов. А из-за это не создаёт расписания.
На вкладке "Schedules" нажимаешь кнопку "Add" и настраиваешь.
BackupBuddy - 2018-09-28 - Brian DiChiara, Glenn Ansley
Enhancement: Added new BackupBuddy API Verb for Editing Schedules.
Enhancement: Removed storage/tracking of option value and post content to reduce memory usage.
Bug Fix: Added several third-party plugin exceptions to automatically ignore when tracking recent edits.
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where modal window isn't always centered.
Bug Fix: Fixed a PHP Error/Notice occuring during Importbuddy.
BackupBuddy - 2018-10-18 - Brian DiChiara, Joshua Benham
Enhancement: Added Advanced Mode to Recent Edits tracking, with a toggle setting under Settings > Advanced > Logging.
Enhancement: Added new advanced dashboard widget with more detail when logging in Advanced mode.
Bug Fix: Removed option variable comparison which sometimes causing recursive looping.
Bug Fix: Recent Edits button jump issue in Chrome fixed.
Bug Fix: Resolved issues where PHP Countable notice thrown on variables that were not countable.
Bug Fix: Reduced the number of "Edits" in Dashboard Widget, limiting to 1 per item, with more detail in the Recent Edits modal window. - 2018-10-24 - Brian DiChiara
Bug Fix: Exclude BackupBuddy from Recent Edits Plugin tracking to prevent errors.
BackupBuddy - 2018-12-18
Enhancement: Added new Sync Verb addProfile allows for backup profile to be added via API. - 2018-12-12
Bug Fix: Fixed error that prevents users from disconnecting from Stash Live when no Stash remote destinations are active. - 2018-12-05
Bug Fix: Increased timeouts for Stash to fix some reported issues of requests timing out.
Bug Fix: Fixed issue that could cause failure to sign into Stash Live.
Bug Fix: Fixed source of the following warning: "Undefined index: finish_time in backupbuddy/classes/housekeeping.php on line 392". - 2018-12-05
Enhancement: Added improvements to the Stash remote destination as preparation for merging both v2 and v3 into a unified single Stash version.
Последнее редактирование:
BackupBuddy - 2018-12-12 - Chris Jean, Joshua Benham
Bug Fix: Fixed error that prevents users from disconnecting from Stash Live when no Stash remote destinations are active. - 2018-12-18 - Glenn Ansley
Enhancement: Added new Sync Verb addProfile allows for backup profile to be added via API. - 2019-01-30 - Glenn Ansley, Brian DiChiara
Enhancement: Add Sync Verb for creating a Backup Profile.
Enhancement: Add Sync Verb for Editing Remote Destinations.
Enhancement: Edit Sync Verb for start backup to allow option to send to Remote Destinations.
Bug Fix: Resolved memory issue when sending large backups to Stash/S3 Destinations.
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