Помощь Убираем копирайты с расширений Joomla

NiceText от команды Allforjoomla

Бесподобный плагин, позволяющий использовать любые шрифты на сайте! При этом они не подменяются картинками, в html-коде выводятся как текст!

Наслаждаемся дизайнерскими шрифтами в заголовках!


  • plg_nicetext.zip
    478,6 KB · Просмотры: 30
народ подскажите как от новой версии Phoca Gallery 2.8.0 убрать копирайты?
Как в компоненте DatsoGallery 1.9.2 убрать копирайты из админки снизу?


  • com_datsogallery_1.9.2.zip
    1,4 MB · Просмотры: 5
открываес administrator\components\com_datsogallery\admin.datsogallery.php
и удаляем в конце файла это
 <br><div class="smallgrey" align="center"><?php echo $ad_cr; ?></div>
Плагин Easy Syntax Highlighter

плагин для вставки, в текст статьи, красивого оформления кода с нумерацией и подсветкой

Вот и сами ссылки в окошке справка.
народ подскажите как от новой версии Phoca Gallery 2.8.0 убрать копирайты?
В файле default.php расположенном по адресу: "components/com_phocagallery/views/categories/tmpl/", найти следующий участок кода:

просто меняешь на
$tmpl['def'] = '';
Далее в файле renderfront.php по адресу: "administrator/components/com_phocagallery/libraries/phocagallery/render/" , находим следующий код:
Меняешь на
function getString() {
return '';
ТАм же
function getDivs(){        return '';    }
"плагин для вставки, в текст статьи, красивого оформления кода с нумерацией и подсветкой
Помогите убрать ссылки на сайт автора плагина Easy Syntax Highlighter"

Попробуйте погрохать что-нибудь вроде
help : '?',
Надо просто ссылку на хелп убить...
"плагин для вставки, в текст статьи, красивого оформления кода с нумерацией и подсветкой
Помогите убрать ссылки на сайт автора плагина Easy Syntax Highlighter"
Попробуйте погрохать что-нибудь вроде
help : '?',
Надо просто ссылку на хелп убить...
я так понял они зашифровали код в папке skripts в файле shCore.js
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29:(c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('c(!1q.2X){h 2X=l(){h p={6b:{"1s-R":"","84-2y":1,"83-2y-7W":I,"1I":v,"8d-89":I,"1H-2Q":4,"3g":I,"1w":I,"66":N,"8k-8l":I,"88":N,"5h-1p":I,"1L-1l":N},M:{4T:I,69:v,5l:16,5k:16,8B:N,8f:N,8s:"54",1f:{5q:"53 1g",5d:"9N 1g",5i:"9O 6q 6p",78:"9M C 9L 1V 9I 6p 9J",3t:"3t",6C:"?",1A:"2X\\n\\n",6T:"9K\'t 9P 2O D: ",7x:"9Q 9W\'t 9X D 1L-1l 9V: ",77:"<!9U 1L 9R \\"-//9S//6H 9T 1.0 9H//9G\\" \\"2s://5x.6x.6B/9v/6D/6H/6D-9w.9u\\"><1L 9t=\\"2s://5x.6x.6B/9s/9x\\"><6z><9y 2s-9E=\\"9F-9D\\" 63=\\"1X/1L; 9C=9z-8\\" /><3i>9A 2X</3i></6z><33 1m=\\"39-9Y:9Z,an,ao,am-al;ai-3f:#aj;3f:#ak;39-2Q:ap;1X-6G:6u;\\"><A 1m=\\"1X-6G:6u;6w-4w:aw;\\"><A 1m=\\"39-2Q:au-at;\\">2X</A><A 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3T},6m:l(5L,7j,5K){h a=Q.22("a"),5N=a.1m,5D=p.M,5M=5D.5l,5J=5D.5k;a.27="#"+5K;a.3i=5L;a.5j=7j;a.76=5K;a.1Q=5L;c(40(5M)==N){5N.26=5M+"75"}c(40(5J)==N){5N.2e=5J+"75"}a.9l=l(e){97{p.1w.6M(f,e||1q.6Y,f.5j,f.76)}98(e){p.B.1A(e.6n)}q N};q a},6M:l(7i,7g,7b,7h,7f){h 5G=p.1r.6f[7b],5H;c(5G==v||(5H=5G.6g[7h])==v){q v}q 5H.2z(7i,7g,7f)},7d:{5q:l(5b){f.1c=l(){c(5b.V("66")!=I){q}q p.M.1f.5q};f.2z=l(5c,8T,8P){h A=5b.A;5c.7y.4p(5c);A.L=A.L.E("5O","")}},5d:l(6R){f.1c=l(){q p.M.1f.5d};f.2z=l(b1,bU,bV){h 3J=p.B.3d(6R.5g).E(/</g,"&X;"),2A=p.B.4z("","4k",bT,bS,"bQ=0, bR=1, bW=0, 7a=1");3J=p.B.2T(3J);2A.Q.3D("<54>"+3J+"</54>");2A.Q.4o()}},5i:l(64){h 3C,c2,6a=64.1k;f.1c=l(){h 2V=p.M;c(2V.69==v){q v}l 1E(56){h 5m="";D(h 5f 1V 56){5m+="<c1 R=\'"+5f+"\' 24=\'"+56[5f]+"\'/>"}q 5m};l 2i(5n){h 5p="";D(h 5o 1V 5n){5p+=" "+5o+"=\'"+5n[5o]+"\'"}q 5p};h 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27=\\""+m+"\\">"+m+"</a>"+4j})},8v:l(){h 3N=Q.4O("1l"),4i=[];D(h i=0;i<3N.u;i++){c(3N.4r=="6e"){4i.K(3N)}}q 4i},8I:l(4b){h 4q="<![b6[",3S="]]>",1v=p.B.2G(4b),3R=N;c(1v.Y(4q)==0){1v=1v.3U(4q.u);3R=I}c(1v.Y(3S)==1v.u-3S.u){1v=1v.3U(0,1v.u-3S.u);3R=I}q 3R?1v:4b}},1I:l(8E,4R){l 8e(4g){h 4Q=[];D(h i=0;i<4g.u;i++){4Q.K(4g)}q 4Q};h 2q=4R?[4R]:8e(Q.4O(p.M.8s)),8J="1Q",2k=v,4S=p.M;c(4S.4T){2q=2q.2t(p.B.8v())}c(2q.u===0){q}D(h i=0;i<2q.u;i++){h 2M=2q,28=p.B.8H(2M.L),1D,2W,25;28=p.B.6c(8E,28);1D=28["2O"];c(1D==v){1J}c(28["1L-1l"]=="I"||p.6b["1L-1l"]==I){2k=W p.4a(1D);1D="b9"}F{h 3P=p.B.4u(1D);c(3P){1D=3P.R;2k=W 3P()}F{1J}}2W=2M[8J];c(4S.4T){2W=p.B.8I(2W)}28["2O-R"]=1D;2k.1I(2W,28);25=2k.A;c(p.M.8u){25=Q.22("bj");25.24=2k.A.1Q;25.1m.26="bt";25.1m.2e="bx"}2M.7y.bs(25,2M)}},bq:l(7H){p.B.7C(1q,"bl",l(){p.1I(7H)})}};p.4v=l(4A,7G,1a){f.24=4A;f.H=7G;f.u=4A.u;f.1a=1a;f.5Y=v};p.4v.14.2u=l(){q f.24};p.4a=l(4K){h 3z=p.B.4u(4K),2g,4W=W p.2d.bm(),bn=v;c(3z==v){q}2g=W 3z();f.4m=4W;c(2g.3I==v){p.B.1A(p.M.1f.7x+4K);q}4W.59.K({3K:2g.3I.C,4X:7p});l 3A(4Y,7w){D(h j=0;j<4Y.u;j++){4Y[j].H+=7w}};l 7p(19,bp){h 7n=19.C,1o=[],4M=2g.59,7l=19.H+19.G.u,2U=2g.3I,1n;D(h i=0;i<4M.u;i++){1n=p.B.2D(7n,4M);3A(1n,7l);1o=1o.2t(1n)}c(2U.G!=v&&19.G!=v){1n=p.B.2D(19.G,2U.G);3A(1n,19.H);1o=1o.2t(1n)}c(2U.1d!=v&&19.1d!=v){1n=p.B.2D(19.1d,2U.1d);3A(1n,19.H+19[0].bo(19.1d));1o=1o.2t(1n)}D(h j=0;j<1o.u;j++){1o[j].5Y=3z.R}q 1o}};p.4a.14.1I=l(7t,7s){f.4m.1I(7t,7s);f.A=f.4m.A};p.7I=l(){};p.7I.14={V:l(7J,7Z){h 4l=f.1E[7J];q p.B.80(4l==v?7Z:4l)},1c:l(7Y){q Q.22(7Y)},8i:l(2F,81){h 3u=[];c(2F!=v){D(h i=0;i<2F.u;i++){c(7X(2F)=="4h"){3u=3u.2t(p.B.2D(81,2F))}}}q 3u.aB(p.B.82)},86:l(){h 23=f.2C;D(h i=0;i<23.u;i++){c(23===v){1J}h 2x=23,4V=2x.H+2x.u;D(h j=i+1;j<23.u&&23!==v;j++){h 1S=23[j];c(1S===v){1J}F{c(1S.H>4V){2h}F{c(1S.H==2x.H&&1S.u>2x.u){f.2C=v}F{c(1S.H>=2x.H&&1S.H<4V){f.2C[j]=v}}}}}}},8t:l(2H){h 3r=2H.1P(/\\n/g),3n=85(f.V("84-2y")),2v=f.V("83-2y-7W"),7N=f.V("1I",[]),7U=f.V("3g");2H="";c(2v==I){2v=(3n+3r.u-1).2u().u}F{c(40(2v)==I){2v=0}}D(h i=0;i<3r.u;i++){h 1x=3r,60=/^(&2B;|\\s)+/.T(1x),52="aN"+(i%2==0?1:2),7F=p.B.7V(3n+i,2v),7P=p.B.Y(7N,(3n+i).2u())!=-1,2S=v;c(60!=v){2S=60[0].2u();1x=1x.29(2S.u)}1x=p.B.2G(1x);c(1x.u==0){1x="&2B;"}c(7P){52+=" aQ"}2H+="<A 1s=\\"2y "+52+"\\">"+"<7L>"+"<7T>"+(7U?"<3F 1s=\\"aS\\"><C>"+7F+"</C></3F>":"")+"<3F 1s=\\"63\\">"+(2S!=v?"<C 1s=\\"by\\">"+2S.E(" ","&2B;")+"</C>":"")+1x+"</3F>"+"</7T>"+"</7L>"+"</A>"}q 2H},8y:l(5X,5T){h 18=0,3c="",3a=p.B.7K,5S=f.V("2O-R","");l 5W(5Z){h 5R=5Z?(5Z.5Y||5S:(5S;q 5R?5R+" ":""};D(h i=0;i<5T.u;i++){h 1y=5T,3G;c(1y===v||1y.u===0){1J}3G=5W(1y);3c+=3a(5X.29(18,1y.H-18),3G+"7O")+3a(1y.24,3G+1y.1a);18=1y.H+1y.u}3c+=3a(5X.29(18),5W()+"7O");q 3c},1I:l(C,7E){h cb=p.M,1r=p.1r,A,ci,3Z,ch="cn";f.1E={};f.A=v;f.1p=v;f.C=v;f.1i=v;f.6g={};f.1k=p.B.6d("cl");1r.6f[f.1k]=f;c(C===v){C=""}f.1E=p.B.6c(p.6b,7E||{});c(f.V("88")==I){f.1E.1w=f.1E.3g=N}f.A=A=f.1c("3Y");f.1p=f.1c("3Y");f.1p.L="1p";L="6e";A.1k=f.1k;c(f.V("66")){L+=" 5O"}c(f.V("3g")==N){L+=" bB"}c(f.V("5h-1p")==N){f.1p.L+=" bO-5h"}L+=" "+f.V("1s-R");L+=" "+f.V("2O-R");A.L=L;f.5g=C;f.C=p.B.8C(C).E(/\\r/g," ");3Z=f.V("1H-2Q");f.C=f.V("8d-89")==I?p.B.8a(f.C,3Z:(p.B.8b(f.C,3Z);f.C=p.B.2T(f.C);c(f.V("1w")){f.1i=f.1c("3Y");f.1i.L="1i";f.1i.2p(p.1w.1c(f));A.2p(f.1i);h 1i=f.1i;l 58(){1i.L=1i.L.E("53","")};A.c0=l(){58();1i.L+=" 53"};A.bX=l(){58()}}A.2p(f.1p);f.2C=f.8i(f.59,f.C);f.86();C=f.8y(f.C,f.2C);C=f.8t(p.B.2G(C));c(f.V("8k-8l")){C=p.B.8m(C)}f.1p.1Q=C},9f:l(z){z=z.E(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g,"").E(/\\s+/g,"|");q"\\\\b(?:"+z+")\\\\b"},9i:l(2J){f.3I={G:{3K:2J.G,1a:"1l"},1d:{3K:2J.1d,1a:"1l"},C:W U("(?<G>"+2J.G.1g+")"+"(?<C>.*?)"+"(?<1d>"+2J.1d.1g+")","96")}}};q p}()}c(!1q.U){(l(){h 2w={T:10.14.T,87:5I.14.87,E:5I.14.E,1P:5I.14.1P},1F={13:/(?:[^\\\\([#\\s.]+|\\\\(?!k<[\\w$]+>|[7z]{[^}]+})[\\S\\s]?|\\((?=\\?(?!#|<[\\w$]+>)))+|(\\()(?:\\?(?:(#)[^)]*\\)|<([$\\w]+)>))?|\\\\(?:k<([\\w$]+)>|[7z]{([^}]+)})|(\\[\\^?)|([\\S\\s])/g,99:/(?:[^$]+|\\$(?![1-9$&`\']|{[$\\w]+}))+|\\$(?:([1-9]\\d*|[$&`\'])|{([$\\w]+)})/g,37:/^(?:\\s+|#.*)+/,5B:/^(?:[?*+]|{\\d+(?:,\\d*)?})/,7Q:/&&\\[\\^?/g,7S:/]/g},7o=l(5C,5v,5u){D(h i=5u||0;i<5C.u;i++){c(5C===5v){q i}}q-1},8G=/()??/.T("")[1]!==3j,3q={};U=l(1e,1O){c(1e 68 10){c(1O!==3j){3H 7r("4y\'t 4C 9a 8z 95 7u 10 5u 94")}q 1e.3E()}h 1O=1O||"",7R=1O.Y("s")>-1,7M=1O.Y("x")>-1,5z=N,3v=[],1b=[],13=1F.13,J,cc,38,3M,3p;13.O=0;2j(J=2w.T.2n(13,1e)){c(J[2]){c(!1F.5B.1R(1e.17(13.O))){1b.K("(?:)")}}F{c(J[1]){3v.K(J[3]||v);c(J[3]){5z=I}1b.K("(")}F{c(J[4]){3M=7o(3v,J[4]);1b.K(3M>-1?"\\\\"+(3M+1)+(40(1e.5w(13.O))?"":"(?:)":(J[0])}F{c(J[5]){1b.K(3q.7m?3q.7m.7q(J[5],J[0].5w(1)==="P":(J[0])}F{c(J[6]){c(1e.5w(13.O)==="]"){1b.K(J[6]==="["?"(?!)":"[\\\\S\\\\s]");13.O++}F{cc=U.8g("&&"+1e.17(J.H),1F.7Q,1F.7S,"",{7D:"\\\\"})[0];1b.K(J[6]+cc+"]");13.O+=cc.u+1}}F{c(J[7]){c(7R&&J[7]==="."){1b.K("[\\\\S\\\\s]")}F{c(7M&&1F.37.1R(J[7])){38=2w.T.2n(1F.37,1e.17(13.O-1))[0].u;c(!1F.5B.1R(1e.17(13.O-1+38))){1b.K("(?:)")}13.O+=38-1}F{1b.K(J[7])}}}F{1b.K(J[0])}}}}}}}3p=10(1b.5A(""),2w.E.2n(1O,/[9B]+/g,""));3p.1C={1g:1e,2m:5z?3v:v};q 3p};U.9q=l(R,o){3q[R]=o};10.14.T=l(z){h 1h=2w.T.2n(f,z),R,i,5y;c(1h){c(8G&&1h.u>1){5y=W 10("^"+f.1g+"$(?!\\\\s)",f.5E());2w.E.2n(1h[0],5y,l(){D(i=1;i<8j.u-2;i++){c(8j===3j){1h=3j}}})}c(f.1C&&f.1C.2m){D(i=1;i<1h.u;i++){R=f.1C.2m[i-1];c(R){1h[R]=1h}}}c(f.3l&&f.O>(1h.H+1h[0].u)){f.O--}}q 1h}})()}10.14.5E=l(){q(f.3l?"g":"")+(f.av?"i":"")+(f.8F?"m":"")+(f.37?"x":"")+(f.a4?"y":"")};10.14.3E=l(7A){h 5F=W U(f.1g,(7A||"")+f.5E());c(f.1C){5F.1C={1g:f.1C.1g,2m:f.1C.2m?f.1C.2m.17(0:(v}}q 5F};10.14.2n=l(90,z){q f.T(z)};10.14.9b=l(9h,8c){q f.T(8c[0])};U.5P=l(57,5e){h 55="/"+57+"/"+(5e||"");q U.5P[55]||(U.5P[55]=W U(57,5e))};U.41=l(z){q z.E(/[-[\\]{}()*+?.\\\\^$|,#\\s]/g,"\\\\$&")};U.8g=l(z,G,11,1j,2R){h 2R=2R||{},2P=2R.7D,12=2R.c5,1j=1j||"",5r=1j.Y("g")>-1,70=1j.Y("i")>-1,7v=1j.Y("m")>-1,5a=1j.Y("y")>-1,1j=1j.E(/y/g,""),G=G 68 10?(G.3l?G:G.3E("g"):(W U(G,"g"+1j),11=11 68 10?(11.3l?11:11.3E("g"):(W U(11,"g"+1j),1M=[],2o=0,1u=0,1t=0,1z=0,2b,2c,1B,1K,3Q,48;c(2P){c(2P.u>1){3H aC("4y\'t 4C aL aJ 7u 41 7B")}c(7v){3H 7r("4y\'t 4C 41 7B 8z bi b8 8F b7")}3Q=U.41(2P);48=W 10("^(?:"+3Q+"[\\\\S\\\\s]|(?:(?!"+G.1g+"|"+11.1g+")[^"+3Q+"])+)+",70?"i":"")}2j(I){G.O=11.O=1t+(2P?(48.T(z.17(1t))||[""])[0].u:0);1B=G.T(z);1K=11.T(z);c(1B&&1K){c(1B.H<=1K.H){1K=v}F{1B=v}}c(1B||1K){1u=(1B||1K).H;1t=(1B?G:11).O}F{c(!2o){2h}}c(5a&&!2o&&1u>1z){2h}c(1B){c(!2o++){2b=1u;2c=1t}}F{c(1K&&2o){c(!--2o){c(12){c(12[0]&&2b>1z){1M.K([12[0],z.17(1z,2b),1z,2b])}c(12[1]){1M.K([12[1],z.17(2b,2c),2b,2c])}c(12[2]){1M.K([12[2],z.17(2c,1u),2c,1u])}c(12[3]){1M.K([12[3],z.17(1u,1t),1u,1t])}}F{1M.K(z.17(2c,1u))}1z=1t;c(!5r){2h}}}F{G.O=11.O=0;3H bP("8L aq 9r ar 8Z")}}c(1u===1t){1t++}}c(5r&&!5a&&12&&12[0]&&z.u>1z){1M.K([12[0],z.17(1z),1z,z.u])}G.O=11.O=0;q 1M};',62,768,'||||||||||||if|||this||var||||function||||sh|return||||length|null||||str|div|utils|code|for|replace|else|left|index|true|_121|push|className|config|false|lastIndex||document|name||exec|XRegExp|getParam|new|lt|indexOf|gt|RegExp|_139|vN|part|prototype|||slice|pos|_d3|css|_11f|create|right|_119|strings|source|_129|bar|_13a|id|script|style|_da|_d6|lines|window|vars|class|_145|_144|_b5|toolbar|_f4|_103|_146|alert|_149|_x|_c3|params|lib|obj|tab|highlight|continue|_14a|html|_142|doc|_11a|split|innerHTML|test|_ec|_5a|_5b|in|_4f|text|_8|_3c|_91|_98|createElement|_e7|value|_c5|width|href|_c2|substr|min|_147|_148|brushes|height|_6e|_cd|break|attributes|while|_be|_75|captureNames|call|_143|appendChild|_bc|_5f|http|concat|toString|_f0|real|_e9|line|execute|wnd|nbsp|matches|getMatches|_66|_e3|trim|_ed|_40|_10f|case|_61|_c1|_55|brush|_13c|size|_13b|_f9|unindent|_d9|_28|_c4|SyntaxHighlighter|_81|_88|_5|m2|_7a|body|_a2|m1|_80|extended|len|font|_fe|gm|_fd|fixInputString|Math|color|gutter|_4e|title|undefined|com|global|printFrame|_ef|_7d|_125|_118|_ee|_8e|print|_e5|_11e|_7b|_32|_49|_cc|offsetMatches|_7c|_25|write|addFlags|td|_104|throw|htmlScript|_22|regex|_a7|_124|_af|_2|_c6|_14b|_b6|_b4|_3|substring|_60|_76|_6a|DIV|_10b|isNaN|escape|_62|url|_7e|_6b|eachLine|_ae|esc|_47|HtmlScript|_b2|values|_8c|gi|_89|_b9|object|_b0|_ad|_blank|_e1|xmlBrush|link|close|removeChild|_b3|type|_a6|_73|findBrush|Match|top|_9d|can|popup|_c8|_53|supply|_a3|win|focus|span|_54|_9e|_50|_cb|_4d|_d7|_5d|getElementsByTagName|_6c|_ba|_b8|_bf|useScriptTags|_82|_ea|_ce|func|_d0|discoveredBrushes||_4c|_f6|show|pre|key|_29|_133|hide|regexList|_141|_19|_1a|viewSource|_134|_2b|originalCode|wrap|copyToClipboard|highlighterId|toolbarItemHeight|toolbarItemWidth|_2a|_2c|_2e|_2d|expandSource|_13e|_4|_7|from|item|charAt|www|r2|_11d|join|quantifier|_113|_e|getNativeFlags|_12e|_17|_18|String|_10|_b|_9|_f|_d|collapsed|cache|contentWindow|_101|_ff|_fb|swf|_30|getBrushNameCss|_fa|brushName|_100|_f5|_37|_35|content|_24|_38|collapse|_2f|instanceof|clipboardSwf|_27|defaults|merge|guid|syntaxhighlighter|highlighters|toolbarCommands|2009|_6|500px|measureSpace|_78|createButton|message|_79|clipboard|to|0px|_85|decoration|center|_83|margin|w3|rel|head|stylesheet|org|help|xhtml1|_3f|0099FF|align|DTD|alexgorbatchev|copyStyles|navigator|none|executeCommand|_3e|version|toLowerCase|_5e|_1e|_65|noBrush|switch|flash|_52|screen|event|attachEvent|_13f|shockwave|_4b|_48|clipboardData|px|commandName|aboutDialog|copyToClipboardConfirmation|_84|scrollbars|_14|_36|items|_6d|_16|_13|_15|_12|_a|userAgent|_d8|unicode|_d5|_112|process|get|TypeError|_de|_dd|one|_140|_d1|brushNotHtmlScript|parentNode|pP|_12d|character|addEvent|escapeChar|_106|_f7|_c9|_c7|Highlighter|_df|decorate|table|_11c|_f1|plain|_f8|classLeft|_11b|classRight|tr|_f2|padNumber|numbers|typeof|_e2|_e0|toBoolean|_e4|matchesSortCallback|pad|first|parseInt|removeNestedMatches|match|light|tabs|processSmartTabs|processTabs|args|smart|toArray|stripBrs|matchRecursive|regexLib|findMatches|arguments|auto|links|processUrls|defaultAdd|_a9|_a8|_a1|_a4|tagName|createDisplayLines|debug|getSyntaxHighlighterScriptTags|_93|insertSpaces|processMatches|when|_90|bloggerMode|trimFirstAndLastLines|_9a|_b7|multiline|_117|parseParams|stripCData|_bd|Copyright|subject|Alex|2004|development|_1c|keep|donate|Gorbatchev|_1b|syntax|JavaScript|active|highlighter|multiLineSingleQuotedString|delimiters|_12f|string|scriptScriptTags|aspScriptTags|another|constructing|sgi|try|catch|replaceVar|flags|apply|phpScriptTags|singleLineCComments|singleLinePerlComments|getKeywords|multiLineCComments|_131|forHtmlScript|doubleQuotedString|xmlComments|onclick|multiLineDoubleQuotedString|singleQuotedString|spaceWidth|bottom|addPlugin|contains|1999|xmlns|dtd|TR|transitional|xhtml|meta|utf|About|sx|charset|Type|equiv|Content|EN|Transitional|your|now|Can|is|The|view|copy|find|Brush|PUBLIC|W3C|XHTML|DOCTYPE|option|wasn|configured|family|Geneva|you|like|please|If|sticky|October|target|https|paypal|_s|xclick|hosted_button_id|cmd|webscr|cgi|bin|364|4em|background|fff|000|serif|sans|Arial|Helvetica|1em|data|unbalanced|75em|large|xx|ignoreCase|3em|2930402|always|about|_42|sort|SyntaxError|printing|shCore|_43|_44|max|round|than|250|more|500|alt|absolute|error|highlighted|ok|number|amp|setData|printSource|_39|cssText|position|IFRAME|_3b|_1f|random|1000000|_a5|block|CDATA|flag|the|htmlscript|1000|getElementById|getPropertyValue|offsetWidth|getComputedStyle|_99|opera|Array|using|textarea|open|load|Xml|_cf|lastIndexOf|_d4|all||replaceChild|70em|aliases|addEventListener|on|30em|spaces|_3a|flashVars|nogutter|transparent|wmode|allowScriptAccess|_8a|msie|classid|96b8|444553540000|11cf|ae6d|clsid|d27cdb6e|no|Error|location|resizable|400|750|_20|_21|menubar|onmouseout|_clipboard|application|onmouseover|param|_26|codebase|menu|valueNames|movie|cab|swflash|cabs|embed|conf||command|_34|_33|src|_10c|_10a|macromedia|download|highlighter_|pub|important'.split('|'),0,{}))[/spoil]

будем копать............
а вот и клад
Решение вопроса!
Действительно этот скрипт был зашифрован. Файл shCore.js который находится в папке src, для отвода глаз. Изменения в нем не к чему не приводит. А файл shCore.js в папке skripts то что нам надо(зашифрованный код выше). После расшифровки получаем следующий код, его и вставляем вместо старого и комментируем нужные строчки.
Готовый код для вставки(33 и 37 строчки закоментированы)
if (!window.SyntaxHighlighter) {
    var SyntaxHighlighter = function() {
        var sh = {
            defaults: {
                "class-name": "",
                "first-line": 1,
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                tagName: "pre",
                strings: {
                    expandSource: "show source",
                    viewSource: "view source",
                    copyToClipboard: "copy to clipboard",
                    copyToClipboardConfirmation: "The code is in your clipboard now",
                    print: "print",
                    //help: "?",
                    alert: "SyntaxHighlighter\n\n",
                    noBrush: "Can't find brush for: ",
                    brushNotHtmlScript: "Brush wasn't configured for html-script option: ",
                    //aboutDialog: "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\"><html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" /><title>About SyntaxHighlighter</title></head><body style=\"font-family:Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;background-color:#fff;color:#000;font-size:1em;text-align:center;\"><div style=\"text-align:center;margin-top:3em;\"><div style=\"font-size:xx-large;\">SyntaxHighlighter</div><div style=\"font-size:.75em;margin-bottom:4em;\"><div>version 2.1.364 (October 15 2009)</div><div><a href=\"http://alexgorbatchev.com\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color:#0099FF;text-decoration:none;\">http://alexgorbatchev.com</a></div><div>If you like this script, please <a href=\"https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=2930402\" style=\"color:#0099FF;text-decoration:none;\">donate</a> to keep development active!</div></div><div>JavaScript code syntax highlighter.</div><div>Copyright 2004-2009 Alex Gorbatchev.</div></div></body></html>"
                debug: false
            vars: {
                discoveredBrushes: null,
                spaceWidth: null,
                printFrame: null,
                highlighters: {}
            brushes: {},
            regexLib: {
                multiLineCComments: /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//gm,
                singleLineCComments: /\/\/.*$/gm,
                singleLinePerlComments: /#.*$/gm,
                doubleQuotedString: /"([^\\"\n]|\\.)*"/g,
                singleQuotedString: /'([^\\'\n]|\\.)*'/g,
                multiLineDoubleQuotedString: /"([^\\"]|\\.)*"/g,
                multiLineSingleQuotedString: /'([^\\']|\\.)*'/g,
                xmlComments: /(&lt;|<)!--[\s\S]*?--(&gt;|>)/gm,
                url: /&lt;\w+:\/\/[\w-.\/?%&=@:;]*&gt;|\w+:\/\/[\w-.\/?%&=@:;]*/g,
                phpScriptTags: {
                    left: /(&lt;|<)\?=?/g,
                    right: /\?(&gt;|>)/g
                aspScriptTags: {
                    left: /(&lt;|<)%=?/g,
                    right: /%(&gt;|>)/g
                scriptScriptTags: {
                    left: /(&lt;|<)\s*script.*?(&gt;|>)/gi,
                    right: /(&lt;|<)\/\s*script\s*(&gt;|>)/gi
            toolbar: {
                create: function(_2) {
                    var _3 = document.createElement("DIV"),
                    _4 = sh.toolbar.items;
                    _3.className = "toolbar";
                    for (var _5 in _4) {
                        var _6 = _4[_5],
                        _7 = new _6(_2),
                        _8 = _7.create();
                        _2.toolbarCommands[_5] = _7;
                        if (_8 == null) {
                        if (typeof(_8) == "string") {
                            _8 = sh.toolbar.createButton(_8, _2.id, _5)
                        _8.className += "item " + _5;
                    return _3
                createButton: function(_9, _a, _b) {
                    var a = document.createElement("a"),
                    _d = a.style,
                    _e = sh.config,
                    _f = _e.toolbarItemWidth,
                    _10 = _e.toolbarItemHeight;
                    a.href = "#" + _b;
                    a.title = _9;
                    a.highlighterId = _a;
                    a.commandName = _b;
                    a.innerHTML = _9;
                    if (isNaN(_f) == false) {
                        _d.width = _f + "px"
                    if (isNaN(_10) == false) {
                        _d.height = _10 + "px"
                    a.onclick = function(e) {
                        try {
                            sh.toolbar.executeCommand(this, e || window.event, this.highlighterId, this.commandName)
                        } catch(e) {
                        return false
                    return a
                executeCommand: function(_12, _13, _14, _15, _16) {
                    var _17 = sh.vars.highlighters[_14],
                    if (_17 == null || (_18 = _17.toolbarCommands[_15]) == null) {
                        return null
                    return _18.execute(_12, _13, _16)
                items: {
                    expandSource: function(_19) {
                        this.create = function() {
                            if (_19.getParam("collapse") != true) {
                            return sh.config.strings.expandSource
                        this.execute = function(_1a, _1b, _1c) {
                            var div = _19.div;
                            div.className = div.className.replace("collapsed", "")
                    viewSource: function(_1e) {
                        this.create = function() {
                            return sh.config.strings.viewSource
                        this.execute = function(_1f, _20, _21) {
                            var _22 = sh.utils.fixInputString(_1e.originalCode).replace(/</g, "&lt;"),
                            wnd = sh.utils.popup("", "_blank", 750, 400, "location=0, resizable=1, menubar=0, scrollbars=1");
                            _22 = sh.utils.unindent(_22);
                            wnd.document.write("<pre>" + _22 + "</pre>");
                    copyToClipboard: function(_24) {
                        var _25, _26, _27 = _24.id;
                        this.create = function() {
                            var _28 = sh.config;
                            if (_28.clipboardSwf == null) {
                                return null
                            function params(_29) {
                                var _2a = "";
                                for (var _2b in _29) {
                                    _2a += "<param name='" + _2b + "' value='" + _29[_2b] + "'/>"
                                return _2a
                            function attributes(_2c) {
                                var _2d = "";
                                for (var _2e in _2c) {
                                    _2d += " " + _2e + "='" + _2c[_2e] + "'"
                                return _2d
                            var _2f = {
                                width: _28.toolbarItemWidth,
                                height: _28.toolbarItemHeight,
                                id: _27 + "_clipboard",
                                type: "application/x-shockwave-flash",
                                title: sh.config.strings.copyToClipboard
                            _30 = {
                                allowScriptAccess: "always",
                                wmode: "transparent",
                                flashVars: "highlighterId=" + _27,
                                menu: "false"
                            swf = _28.clipboardSwf,
                            if (/msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
                                _32 = "<object" + attributes({
                                    classid: "clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000",
                                    codebase: "http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0"
                                }) + attributes(_2f) + ">" + params(_30) + params({
                                    movie: swf
                                }) + "</object>"
                            } else {
                                _32 = "<embed" + attributes(_2f) + attributes(_30) + attributes({
                                    src: swf
                                }) + "/>"
                            _25 = document.createElement("div");
                            _25.innerHTML = _32;
                            return _25
                        this.execute = function(_33, _34, _35) {
                            var _36 = _35.command;
                            switch (_36) {
                            case "get":
                                var _37 = sh.utils.unindent(sh.utils.fixInputString(_24.originalCode).replace(/&lt;/g, "<").replace(/&gt;/g, ">").replace(/&amp;/g, "&"));
                                if (window.clipboardData) {
                                    window.clipboardData.setData("text", _37)
                                } else {
                                    return sh.utils.unindent(_37)
                            case "ok":
                            case "error":
                    printSource: function(_38) {
                        this.create = function() {
                            return sh.config.strings.print
                        this.execute = function(_39, _3a, _3b) {
                            var _3c = document.createElement("IFRAME"),
                            doc = null;
                            if (sh.vars.printFrame != null) {
                            sh.vars.printFrame = _3c;
                            _3c.style.cssText = "position:absolute;width:0px;height:0px;left:-500px;top:-500px;";
                            doc = _3c.contentWindow.document;
                            copyStyles(doc, window.document);
                            doc.write("<div class=\"" + _38.div.className.replace("collapsed", "") + " printing\">" + _38.div.innerHTML + "</div>");
                            function copyStyles(_3e, _3f) {
                                var _40 = _3f.getElementsByTagName("link");
                                for (var i = 0; i < _40.length; i++) {
                                    if (_40[i].rel.toLowerCase() == "stylesheet" && /shCore\.css$/.test(_40[i].href)) {
                                        _3e.write("<link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" + _40[i].href + "\"></link>")
                    about: function(_42) {
                        this.create = function() {
                            return sh.config.strings.help
                        this.execute = function(_43, _44) {
                            var wnd = sh.utils.popup("", "_blank", 500, 250, "scrollbars=0"),
                            doc = wnd.document;
            utils: {
                indexOf: function(_47, _48, _49) {
                    _49 = Math.max(_49 || 0, 0);
                    for (var i = _49; i < _47.length; i++) {
                        if (_47[i] == _48) {
                            return i
                    return - 1
                guid: function(_4b) {
                    return _4b + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000).toString()
                merge: function(_4c, _4d) {
                    var _4e = {},
                    for (_4f in _4c) {
                        _4e[_4f] = _4c[_4f]
                    for (_4f in _4d) {
                        _4e[_4f] = _4d[_4f]
                    return _4e
                toBoolean: function(_50) {
                    switch (_50) {
                    case "true":
                        return true;
                    case "false":
                        return false
                    return _50
                popup: function(url, _52, _53, _54, _55) {
                    var x = (screen.width - _53) / 2,
                    y = (screen.height - _54) / 2;
                    _55 += ", left=" + x + ", top=" + y + ", width=" + _53 + ", height=" + _54;
                    _55 = _55.replace(/^,/, "");
                    var win = window.open(url, _52, _55);
                    return win
                addEvent: function(obj, _5a, _5b) {
                    if (obj.attachEvent) {
                        obj["e" + _5a + _5b] = _5b;
                        obj[_5a + _5b] = function() {
                            obj["e" + _5a + _5b](window.event)
                        obj.attachEvent("on" + _5a, obj[_5a + _5b])
                    } else {
                        obj.addEventListener(_5a, _5b, false)
                alert: function(str) {
                    alert(sh.config.strings.alert + str)
                findBrush: function(_5d, _5e) {
                    var _5f = sh.vars.discoveredBrushes,
                    _60 = null;
                    if (_5f == null) {
                        _5f = {};
                        for (var _61 in sh.brushes) {
                            var _62 = sh.brushes[_61].aliases;
                            if (_62 == null) {
                            sh.brushes[_61].name = _61.toLowerCase();
                            for (var i = 0; i < _62.length; i++) {
                                _5f[_62[i]] = _61
                        sh.vars.discoveredBrushes = _5f
                    _60 = sh.brushes[_5f[_5d]];
                    if (_60 == null && _5e != false) {
                        sh.utils.alert(sh.config.strings.noBrush + _5d)
                    return _60
                eachLine: function(str, _65) {
                    var _66 = str.split("\n");
                    for (var i = 0; i < _66.length; i++) {
                        _66[i] = _65(_66[i])
                    return _66.join("\n")
                trimFirstAndLastLines: function(str) {
                    return str.replace(/^[ ]*[\n]+|[\n]*[ ]*$/g, "")
                parseParams: function(str) {
                    var _6a, _6b = {},
                    _6c = new XRegExp("^\\[(?<values>(.*?))\\]$"),
                    _6d = new XRegExp("(?<name>[\\w-]+)" + "\\s*:\\s*" + "(?<value>" + "[\\w-%#]+|" + "\\[.*?\\]|" + "\".*?\"|" + "'.*?'" + ")\\s*;?", "g");
                    while ((_6a = _6d.exec(str)) != null) {
                        var _6e = _6a.value.replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, "");
                        if (_6e != null && _6c.test(_6e)) {
                            var m = _6c.exec(_6e);
                            _6e = m.values.length > 0 ? m.values.split(/\s*,\s*/) : []
                        _6b[_6a.name] = _6e
                    return _6b
                decorate: function(str, css) {
                    if (str == null || str.length == 0 || str == "\n") {
                        return str
                    str = str.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
                    str = str.replace(/ {2,}/g,
                    function(m) {
                        var _73 = "";
                        for (var i = 0; i < m.length - 1; i++) {
                            _73 += "&nbsp;"
                        return _73 + " "
                    if (css != null) {
                        str = sh.utils.eachLine(str,
                        function(_75) {
                            if (_75.length == 0) {
                                return ""
                            var _76 = "";
                            _75 = _75.replace(/^(&nbsp;| )+/,
                            function(s) {
                                _76 = s;
                                return ""
                            if (_75.length == 0) {
                                return _76
                            return _76 + "<code class=\"" + css + "\">" + _75 + "</code>"
                    return str
                padNumber: function(_78, _79) {
                    var _7a = _78.toString();
                    while (_7a.length < _79) {
                        _7a = "0" + _7a
                    return _7a
                measureSpace: function() {
                    var _7b = document.createElement("div"),
                    _7d = 0,
                    _7e = document.body,
                    id = sh.utils.guid("measureSpace"),
                    _80 = "<div class=\"",
                    _81 = "</div>",
                    _82 = "</span>";
                    _7b.innerHTML = _80 + "syntaxhighlighter\">" + _80 + "lines\">" + _80 + "line\">" + _80 + "content" + "\"><span class=\"block\"><span id=\"" + id + "\">&nbsp;" + _82 + _82 + _81 + _81 + _81 + _81;
                    _7c = document.getElementById(id);
                    if (/opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
                        var _83 = window.getComputedStyle(_7c, null);
                        _7d = parseInt(_83.getPropertyValue("width"))
                    } else {
                        _7d = _7c.offsetWidth
                    return _7d
                processTabs: function(_84, _85) {
                    var tab = "";
                    for (var i = 0; i < _85; i++) {
                        tab += " "
                    return _84.replace(/\t/g, tab)
                processSmartTabs: function(_88, _89) {
                    var _8a = _88.split("\n"),
                    tab = "\t",
                    _8c = "";
                    for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
                        _8c += "                    "
                    function insertSpaces(_8e, pos, _90) {
                        return _8e.substr(0, pos) + _8c.substr(0, _90) + _8e.substr(pos + 1, _8e.length)
                    _88 = sh.utils.eachLine(_88,
                    function(_91) {
                        if (_91.indexOf(tab) == -1) {
                            return _91
                        var pos = 0;
                        while ((pos = _91.indexOf(tab)) != -1) {
                            var _93 = _89 - pos % _89;
                            _91 = insertSpaces(_91, pos, _93)
                        return _91
                    return _88
                fixInputString: function(str) {
                    var br = /<br\s*\/?>|&lt;br\s*\/?&gt;/gi;
                    if (sh.config.bloggerMode == true) {
                        str = str.replace(br, "\n")
                    if (sh.config.stripBrs == true) {
                        str = str.replace(br, "")
                    return str
                trim: function(str) {
                    return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
                unindent: function(str) {
                    var _98 = sh.utils.fixInputString(str).split("\n"),
                    _99 = new Array(),
                    _9a = /^\s*/,
                    min = 1000;
                    for (var i = 0; i < _98.length && min > 0; i++) {
                        var _9d = _98[i];
                        if (sh.utils.trim(_9d).length == 0) {
                        var _9e = _9a.exec(_9d);
                        if (_9e == null) {
                            return str
                        min = Math.min(_9e[0].length, min)
                    if (min > 0) {
                        for (var i = 0; i < _98.length; i++) {
                            _98[i] = _98[i].substr(min)
                    return _98.join("\n")
                matchesSortCallback: function(m1, m2) {
                    if (m1.index < m2.index) {
                        return - 1
                    } else {
                        if (m1.index > m2.index) {
                            return 1
                        } else {
                            if (m1.length < m2.length) {
                                return - 1
                            } else {
                                if (m1.length > m2.length) {
                                    return 1
                    return 0
                getMatches: function(_a1, _a2) {
                    function defaultAdd(_a3, _a4) {
                        return [new sh.Match(_a3[0], _a3.index, _a4.css)]
                    var _a5 = 0,
                    _a6 = null,
                    _a7 = [],
                    _a8 = _a2.func ? _a2.func: defaultAdd;
                    while ((_a6 = _a2.regex.exec(_a1)) != null) {
                        _a7 = _a7.concat(_a8(_a6, _a2))
                    return _a7
                processUrls: function(_a9) {
                    var lt = "&lt;",
                    gt = "&gt;";
                    return _a9.replace(sh.regexLib.url,
                    function(m) {
                        var _ad = "",
                        _ae = "";
                        if (m.indexOf(lt) == 0) {
                            _ae = lt;
                            m = m.substring(lt.length)
                        if (m.indexOf(gt) == m.length - gt.length) {
                            m = m.substring(0, m.length - gt.length);
                            _ad = gt
                        return _ae + "<a href=\"" + m + "\">" + m + "</a>" + _ad
                getSyntaxHighlighterScriptTags: function() {
                    var _af = document.getElementsByTagName("script"),
                    _b0 = [];
                    for (var i = 0; i < _af.length; i++) {
                        if (_af[i].type == "syntaxhighlighter") {
                    return _b0
                stripCData: function(_b2) {
                    var _b3 = "<![CDATA[",
                    _b4 = "]]>",
                    _b5 = sh.utils.trim(_b2),
                    _b6 = false;
                    if (_b5.indexOf(_b3) == 0) {
                        _b5 = _b5.substring(_b3.length);
                        _b6 = true
                    if (_b5.indexOf(_b4) == _b5.length - _b4.length) {
                        _b5 = _b5.substring(0, _b5.length - _b4.length);
                        _b6 = true
                    return _b6 ? _b5: _b2
            highlight: function(_b7, _b8) {
                function toArray(_b9) {
                    var _ba = [];
                    for (var i = 0; i < _b9.length; i++) {
                    return _ba
                var _bc = _b8 ? [_b8] : toArray(document.getElementsByTagName(sh.config.tagName)),
                _bd = "innerHTML",
                _be = null,
                _bf = sh.config;
                if (_bf.useScriptTags) {
                    _bc = _bc.concat(sh.utils.getSyntaxHighlighterScriptTags())
                if (_bc.length === 0) {
                for (var i = 0; i < _bc.length; i++) {
                    var _c1 = _bc[i],
                    _c2 = sh.utils.parseParams(_c1.className),
                    _c2 = sh.utils.merge(_b7, _c2);
                    _c3 = _c2["brush"];
                    if (_c3 == null) {
                    if (_c2["html-script"] == "true" || sh.defaults["html-script"] == true) {
                        _be = new sh.HtmlScript(_c3);
                        _c3 = "htmlscript"
                    } else {
                        var _c6 = sh.utils.findBrush(_c3);
                        if (_c6) {
                            _c3 = _c6.name;
                            _be = new _c6()
                        } else {
                    _c4 = _c1[_bd];
                    if (_bf.useScriptTags) {
                        _c4 = sh.utils.stripCData(_c4)
                    _c2["brush-name"] = _c3;
                    _be.highlight(_c4, _c2);
                    _c5 = _be.div;
                    if (sh.config.debug) {
                        _c5 = document.createElement("textarea");
                        _c5.value = _be.div.innerHTML;
                        _c5.style.width = "70em";
                        _c5.style.height = "30em"
                    _c1.parentNode.replaceChild(_c5, _c1)
            all: function(_c7) {
                sh.utils.addEvent(window, "load",
                function() {
        sh.Match = function(_c8, _c9, css) {
            this.value = _c8;
            this.index = _c9;
            this.length = _c8.length;
            this.css = css;
            this.brushName = null
        sh.Match.prototype.toString = function() {
            return this.value
        sh.HtmlScript = function(_cb) {
            var _cc = sh.utils.findBrush(_cb),
            _ce = new sh.brushes.Xml(),
            _cf = null;
            if (_cc == null) {
            _cd = new _cc();
            this.xmlBrush = _ce;
            if (_cd.htmlScript == null) {
                sh.utils.alert(sh.config.strings.brushNotHtmlScript + _cb);
                regex: _cd.htmlScript.code,
                func: process
            function offsetMatches(_d0, _d1) {
                for (var j = 0; j < _d0.length; j++) {
                    _d0[j].index += _d1
            function process(_d3, _d4) {
                var _d5 = _d3.code,
                _d6 = [],
                _d7 = _cd.regexList,
                _d8 = _d3.index + _d3.left.length,
                _d9 = _cd.htmlScript,
                for (var i = 0; i < _d7.length; i++) {
                    _da = sh.utils.getMatches(_d5, _d7[i]);
                    offsetMatches(_da, _d8);
                    _d6 = _d6.concat(_da)
                if (_d9.left != null && _d3.left != null) {
                    _da = sh.utils.getMatches(_d3.left, _d9.left);
                    offsetMatches(_da, _d3.index);
                    _d6 = _d6.concat(_da)
                if (_d9.right != null && _d3.right != null) {
                    _da = sh.utils.getMatches(_d3.right, _d9.right);
                    offsetMatches(_da, _d3.index + _d3[0].lastIndexOf(_d3.right));
                    _d6 = _d6.concat(_da)
                for (var j = 0; j < _d6.length; j++) {
                    _d6[j].brushName = _cc.name
                return _d6
        sh.HtmlScript.prototype.highlight = function(_dd, _de) {
            this.xmlBrush.highlight(_dd, _de);
            this.div = this.xmlBrush.div
        sh.Highlighter = function() {};
        sh.Highlighter.prototype = {
            getParam: function(_df, _e0) {
                var _e1 = this.params[_df];
                return sh.utils.toBoolean(_e1 == null ? _e0: _e1)
            create: function(_e2) {
                return document.createElement(_e2)
            findMatches: function(_e3, _e4) {
                var _e5 = [];
                if (_e3 != null) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < _e3.length; i++) {
                        if (typeof(_e3[i]) == "object") {
                            _e5 = _e5.concat(sh.utils.getMatches(_e4, _e3[i]))
                return _e5.sort(sh.utils.matchesSortCallback)
            removeNestedMatches: function() {
                var _e7 = this.matches;
                for (var i = 0; i < _e7.length; i++) {
                    if (_e7[i] === null) {
                    var _e9 = _e7[i],
                    _ea = _e9.index + _e9.length;
                    for (var j = i + 1; j < _e7.length && _e7[i] !== null; j++) {
                        var _ec = _e7[j];
                        if (_ec === null) {
                        } else {
                            if (_ec.index > _ea) {
                            } else {
                                if (_ec.index == _e9.index && _ec.length > _e9.length) {
                                    this.matches[i] = null
                                } else {
                                    if (_ec.index >= _e9.index && _ec.index < _ea) {
                                        this.matches[j] = null
            createDisplayLines: function(_ed) {
                var _ee = _ed.split(/\n/g),
                _ef = parseInt(this.getParam("first-line")),
                _f0 = this.getParam("pad-line-numbers"),
                _f1 = this.getParam("highlight", []),
                _f2 = this.getParam("gutter");
                _ed = "";
                if (_f0 == true) {
                    _f0 = (_ef + _ee.length - 1).toString().length
                } else {
                    if (isNaN(_f0) == true) {
                        _f0 = 0
                for (var i = 0; i < _ee.length; i++) {
                    var _f4 = _ee[i],
                    _f5 = /^(&nbsp;|\s)+/.exec(_f4),
                    _f6 = "alt" + (i % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 2),
                    _f7 = sh.utils.padNumber(_ef + i, _f0),
                    _f8 = sh.utils.indexOf(_f1, (_ef + i).toString()) != -1,
                    _f9 = null;
                    if (_f5 != null) {
                        _f9 = _f5[0].toString();
                        _f4 = _f4.substr(_f9.length)
                    _f4 = sh.utils.trim(_f4);
                    if (_f4.length == 0) {
                        _f4 = "&nbsp;"
                    if (_f8) {
                        _f6 += " highlighted"
                    _ed += "<div class=\"line " + _f6 + "\">" + "<table>" + "<tr>" + (_f2 ? "<td class=\"number\"><code>" + _f7 + "</code></td>": "") + "<td class=\"content\">" + (_f9 != null ? "<code class=\"spaces\">" + _f9.replace(" ", "&nbsp;") + "</code>": "") + _f4 + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</div>"
                return _ed
            processMatches: function(_fa, _fb) {
                var pos = 0,
                _fd = "",
                _fe = sh.utils.decorate,
                _ff = this.getParam("brush-name", "");
                function getBrushNameCss(_100) {
                    var _101 = _100 ? (_100.brushName || _ff) : _ff;
                    return _101 ? _101 + " ": ""
                for (var i = 0; i < _fb.length; i++) {
                    var _103 = _fb[i],
                    if (_103 === null || _103.length === 0) {
                    _104 = getBrushNameCss(_103);
                    _fd += _fe(_fa.substr(pos, _103.index - pos), _104 + "plain") + _fe(_103.value, _104 + _103.css);
                    pos = _103.index + _103.length
                _fd += _fe(_fa.substr(pos), getBrushNameCss() + "plain");
                return _fd
            highlight: function(code, _106) {
                var conf = sh.config,
                vars = sh.vars,
                div, _10a, _10b, _10c = "important";
                this.params = {};
                this.div = null;
                this.lines = null;
                this.code = null;
                this.bar = null;
                this.toolbarCommands = {};
                this.id = sh.utils.guid("highlighter_");
                vars.highlighters[this.id] = this;
                if (code === null) {
                    code = ""
                this.params = sh.utils.merge(sh.defaults, _106 || {});
                if (this.getParam("light") == true) {
                    this.params.toolbar = this.params.gutter = false
                this.div = div = this.create("DIV");
                this.lines = this.create("DIV");
                this.lines.className = "lines";
                className = "syntaxhighlighter";
                div.id = this.id;
                if (this.getParam("collapse")) {
                    className += " collapsed"
                if (this.getParam("gutter") == false) {
                    className += " nogutter"
                if (this.getParam("wrap-lines") == false) {
                    this.lines.className += " no-wrap"
                className += " " + this.getParam("class-name");
                className += " " + this.getParam("brush-name");
                div.className = className;
                this.originalCode = code;
                this.code = sh.utils.trimFirstAndLastLines(code).replace(/\r/g, " ");
                _10b = this.getParam("tab-size");
                this.code = this.getParam("smart-tabs") == true ? sh.utils.processSmartTabs(this.code, _10b) : sh.utils.processTabs(this.code, _10b);
                this.code = sh.utils.unindent(this.code);
                if (this.getParam("toolbar")) {
                    this.bar = this.create("DIV");
                    this.bar.className = "bar";
                    var bar = this.bar;
                    function hide() {
                        bar.className = bar.className.replace("show", "")
                    div.onmouseover = function() {
                        bar.className += " show"
                    div.onmouseout = function() {
                this.matches = this.findMatches(this.regexList, this.code);
                code = this.processMatches(this.code, this.matches);
                code = this.createDisplayLines(sh.utils.trim(code));
                if (this.getParam("auto-links")) {
                    code = sh.utils.processUrls(code)
                this.lines.innerHTML = code
            getKeywords: function(str) {
                str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").replace(/\s+/g, "|");
                return "\\b(?:" + str + ")\\b"
            forHtmlScript: function(_10f) {
                this.htmlScript = {
                    left: {
                        regex: _10f.left,
                        css: "script"
                    right: {
                        regex: _10f.right,
                        css: "script"
                    code: new XRegExp("(?<left>" + _10f.left.source + ")" + "(?<code>.*?)" + "(?<right>" + _10f.right.source + ")", "sgi")
        return sh
    } ()
if (!window.XRegExp) { (function() {
        var real = {
            exec: RegExp.prototype.exec,
            match: String.prototype.match,
            replace: String.prototype.replace,
            split: String.prototype.split
        lib = {
            part: /(?:[^\\([#\s.]+|\\(?!k<[\w$]+>|[pP]{[^}]+})[\S\s]?|\((?=\?(?!#|<[\w$]+>)))+|(\()(?:\?(?:(#)[^)]*\)|<([$\w]+)>))?|\\(?:k<([\w$]+)>|[pP]{([^}]+)})|(\[\^?)|([\S\s])/g,
            replaceVar: /(?:[^$]+|\$(?![1-9$&`']|{[$\w]+}))+|\$(?:([1-9]\d*|[$&`'])|{([$\w]+)})/g,
            extended: /^(?:\s+|#.*)+/,
            quantifier: /^(?:[?*+]|{\d+(?:,\d*)?})/,
            classLeft: /&&\[\^?/g,
            classRight: /]/g
        _112 = function(_113, item, from) {
            for (var i = from || 0; i < _113.length; i++) {
                if (_113[i] === item) {
                    return i
            return - 1
        _117 = /()??/.exec("")[1] !== undefined,
        _118 = {};
        XRegExp = function(_119, _11a) {
            if (_119 instanceof RegExp) {
                if (_11a !== undefined) {
                    throw TypeError("can't supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another")
                return _119.addFlags()
            var _11a = _11a || "",
            _11b = _11a.indexOf("s") > -1,
            _11c = _11a.indexOf("x") > -1,
            _11d = false,
            _11e = [],
            _11f = [],
            part = lib.part,
            part.lastIndex = 0;
            while (_121 = real.exec.call(part, _119)) {
                if (_121[2]) {
                    if (!lib.quantifier.test(_119.slice(part.lastIndex))) {
                } else {
                    if (_121[1]) {
                        _11e.push(_121[3] || null);
                        if (_121[3]) {
                            _11d = true
                    } else {
                        if (_121[4]) {
                            _124 = _112(_11e, _121[4]);
                            _11f.push(_124 > -1 ? "\\" + (_124 + 1) + (isNaN(_119.charAt(part.lastIndex)) ? "": "(?:)") : _121[0])
                        } else {
                            if (_121[5]) {
                                _11f.push(_118.unicode ? _118.unicode.get(_121[5], _121[0].charAt(1) === "P") : _121[0])
                            } else {
                                if (_121[6]) {
                                    if (_119.charAt(part.lastIndex) === "]") {
                                        _11f.push(_121[6] === "[" ? "(?!)": "[\\S\\s]");
                                    } else {
                                        cc = XRegExp.matchRecursive("&&" + _119.slice(_121.index), lib.classLeft, lib.classRight, "", {
                                            escapeChar: "\\"
                                        _11f.push(_121[6] + cc + "]");
                                        part.lastIndex += cc.length + 1
                                } else {
                                    if (_121[7]) {
                                        if (_11b && _121[7] === ".") {
                                        } else {
                                            if (_11c && lib.extended.test(_121[7])) {
                                                len = real.exec.call(lib.extended, _119.slice(part.lastIndex - 1))[0].length;
                                                if (!lib.quantifier.test(_119.slice(part.lastIndex - 1 + len))) {
                                                part.lastIndex += len - 1
                                            } else {
                                    } else {
            _125 = RegExp(_11f.join(""), real.replace.call(_11a, /[sx]+/g, ""));
            _125._x = {
                source: _119,
                captureNames: _11d ? _11e: null
            return _125
        XRegExp.addPlugin = function(name, o) {
            _118[name] = o
        RegExp.prototype.exec = function(str) {
            var _129 = real.exec.call(this, str),
            if (_129) {
                if (_117 && _129.length > 1) {
                    r2 = new RegExp("^" + this.source + "$(?!\\s)", this.getNativeFlags());
                    real.replace.call(_129[0], r2,
                    function() {
                        for (i = 1; i < arguments.length - 2; i++) {
                            if (arguments[i] === undefined) {
                                _129[i] = undefined
                if (this._x && this._x.captureNames) {
                    for (i = 1; i < _129.length; i++) {
                        name = this._x.captureNames[i - 1];
                        if (name) {
                            _129[name] = _129[i]
                if (this.global && this.lastIndex > (_129.index + _129[0].length)) {
            return _129
RegExp.prototype.getNativeFlags = function() {
    return (this.global ? "g": "") + (this.ignoreCase ? "i": "") + (this.multiline ? "m": "") + (this.extended ? "x": "") + (this.sticky ? "y": "")
RegExp.prototype.addFlags = function(_12d) {
    var _12e = new XRegExp(this.source, (_12d || "") + this.getNativeFlags());
    if (this._x) {
        _12e._x = {
            source: this._x.source,
            captureNames: this._x.captureNames ? this._x.captureNames.slice(0) : null
    return _12e
RegExp.prototype.call = function(_12f, str) {
    return this.exec(str)
RegExp.prototype.apply = function(_131, args) {
    return this.exec(args[0])
XRegExp.cache = function(_133, _134) {
    var key = "/" + _133 + "/" + (_134 || "");
    return XRegExp.cache[key] || (XRegExp.cache[key] = new XRegExp(_133, _134))
XRegExp.escape = function(str) {
    return str.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|,#\s]/g, "\\$&")
XRegExp.matchRecursive = function(str, left, _139, _13a, _13b) {
    var _13b = _13b || {},
    _13c = _13b.escapeChar,
    vN = _13b.valueNames,
    _13a = _13a || "",
    _13e = _13a.indexOf("g") > -1,
    _13f = _13a.indexOf("i") > -1,
    _140 = _13a.indexOf("m") > -1,
    _141 = _13a.indexOf("y") > -1,
    _13a = _13a.replace(/y/g, ""),
    left = left instanceof RegExp ? (left.global ? left: left.addFlags("g")) : new XRegExp(left, "g" + _13a),
    _139 = _139 instanceof RegExp ? (_139.global ? _139: _139.addFlags("g")) : new XRegExp(_139, "g" + _13a),
    _142 = [],
    _143 = 0,
    _144 = 0,
    _145 = 0,
    _146 = 0,
    if (_13c) {
        if (_13c.length > 1) {
            throw SyntaxError("can't supply more than one escape character")
        if (_140) {
            throw TypeError("can't supply escape character when using the multiline flag")
        _14b = XRegExp.escape(_13c);
        esc = new RegExp("^(?:" + _14b + "[\\S\\s]|(?:(?!" + left.source + "|" + _139.source + ")[^" + _14b + "])+)+", _13f ? "i": "")
    while (true) {
        left.lastIndex = _139.lastIndex = _145 + (_13c ? (esc.exec(str.slice(_145)) || [""])[0].length: 0);
        _149 = left.exec(str);
        _14a = _139.exec(str);
        if (_149 && _14a) {
            if (_149.index <= _14a.index) {
                _14a = null
            } else {
                _149 = null
        if (_149 || _14a) {
            _144 = (_149 || _14a).index;
            _145 = (_149 ? left: _139).lastIndex
        } else {
            if (!_143) {
        if (_141 && !_143 && _144 > _146) {
        if (_149) {
            if (!_143++) {
                _147 = _144;
                _148 = _145
        } else {
            if (_14a && _143) {
                if (!--_143) {
                    if (vN) {
                        if (vN[0] && _147 > _146) {
                            _142.push([vN[0], str.slice(_146, _147), _146, _147])
                        if (vN[1]) {
                            _142.push([vN[1], str.slice(_147, _148), _147, _148])
                        if (vN[2]) {
                            _142.push([vN[2], str.slice(_148, _144), _148, _144])
                        if (vN[3]) {
                            _142.push([vN[3], str.slice(_144, _145), _144, _145])
                    } else {
                        _142.push(str.slice(_148, _144))
                    _146 = _145;
                    if (!_13e) {
            } else {
                left.lastIndex = _139.lastIndex = 0;
                throw Error("subject data contains unbalanced delimiters")
        if (_144 === _145) {
    if (_13e && !_141 && vN && vN[0] && str.length > _146) {
        _142.push([vN[0], str.slice(_146), _146, str.length])
    left.lastIndex = _139.lastIndex = 0;
    return _142

Спасибо vada за наводку.
плагин для вставки, в текст статьи, красивого оформления кода с нумерацией и подсветкой

*** скрытое содержание ***
Вот и сами ссылки в окошке справка.
я так что то не нашёл где это окошко найти.