Social Engine, Плагины и Полные Переводы

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Доброго времени суток​
SE 3.20​
Плагин встал нормально, товары заливаются, но есть проблема.​
При переходе на страницу товаров browse_gstores.php товары отображаютя, но ссылки на них не работают.​
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Все выделенные синим ссылки ведут на адрес Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся цифра соответствует товару,но пройдя по ссылке попадаешь на страницу​
Произошла ошибка
Профиль, который Вы ищите был удален или не существует.
В чём проблема? Прошу помощи!!!
Проверь есть ли вообще у тебя в Laynout Editorе страница продукта.

Ты случайно не менял чтото в .htaccess ?
нет не менял ничего, сейчас посмотрю, спасибо
Вот мой .htaccess
RewriteEngine On
Options +Followsymlinks
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.* - [L,QSA]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^.*/images/(.*)$ /images/$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^.*/uploads_user/(.*)$ /uploads_user/$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/?$ /profile.php?user=$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/([^/]+)?$ /profile.php?user=$1&v=$2 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/videos/([0-9]+)/?$ /video.php?user=$1&video_id=$2 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^page/view/([^/]*)?$ /content.php?page=$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^page/([^/]*)?$ /content.php?page=$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/blog/([0-9]+)/?$ /blog.php?user=$1&blogentry_id=$2 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/blog/([^/]+)?$ /blog.php?user=$1$2 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/blog/?$ /blog.php?user=$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/trackback/([0-9]+)/?$ /blog_ajax.php?task=trackback&user=$1&blogentry_id=$2 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/articles/([^/]+)?$ /articles.php?user=$1$2 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/articles/?$ /articles.php?user=$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^article/([0-9]+)(/[^/]*)?$ /article.php?article_id=$1&article_slug=$2 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/albums/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/?$ /album_file.php?user=$1&album_id=$2&media_id=$3 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/albums/([0-9]+)/?$ /album.php?user=$1&album_id=$2 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/albums/([0-9]+)/([^/]+)?$ /album.php?user=$1&album_id=$2$3 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/albums/?$ /albums.php?user=$1 [L]
у меня на суббдомене стоит, это не влеяет?
По моему у меня даже Laynout Editorе нет ((. И что теперь сделать?
Сама страница продукта точно есть, когда в профиле появляются сообщения актива пользователя по тем ссылкам я могу попасть на страницу товара, больше никак.
Laynout Editorе это на версии 4хх , у меня 320, я же отписал.Поставил 429,куча ошибок, хостинг по памяти не тянет, опять пол жизни разбираться что к чему....
Решения по версии 320 пока не нашёл.Найду обязательно отпишусь.
Какая версия Gstore у тебя?
вот если что 1.05 попробуй

я просто уже в 3хх не силён. Перешёл на 4хх что и всем советую. Хоть когда переходил то плакал, ведь сколько времени потратил на фиксирование и модифицирование... Но всё же не зря ))
104 у меня, попробую 105, спасибо,после праздников уже.Сегодня я уже гуляю )).
Да и всех с праздником !!!
Как ни как Христос воскрес воистину
Обновление магазина с 104 на 105 никаких изменений не дало.....
ЧПУ выключил и всё заработало.
Соответственно родился вопрос.Как сделать чтобы работало с ЧПУ ?
Перед установкой плагинов желательно выключить ЧПУ.
После установки желаемых плагинов включаем ЧПУ и нам выдают код который вставляем в .htaccess , сохраняем, пользуемся.
Ищу плагин Деньги для версии 4.29
Credits plugin 4.2.7

Описание на английском (если надо, то переводите:(

It is not easy to reach a large user base, but it is more complicated to keep existing members active and engaged. Gamification is one of social media trends which can be used for these purposes. Virtual Credits is most important element of game play in social network.

In an increasingly crowded cyberspace, consumers are becoming more selective about how they spend time online. Using our Credits plugin you can bring gamification into your social network, it is more fun and rewarding.

Credits plugin increases interaction and encourages members to post new videos, upload photos, add more friends and create various social media content.

Our philosophy is to bring complete solutions for social networks. Our team develops plugins line which are seamlessly integrated with each other and provide all elements of game play: store. These tools makes game play in social networks more interesting, rewarding and can be translated into actual currency or discounts.

Credits plugin features:

  • Earn Credits. Members can earn credits doing about 60 various actions on your site: upload photo, create blog, post on wall, like, comment, check-in and many others. It is a great way increase interaction on your social network.

  • Purchase Credits. It is one more way to earn money from your social network. You can sell credits to your members by credits packages. It supports SocialEngine standard payment gateways: PayPal and 2Checkout. You can create credits packages: 100 credits for $10, 220 credits for $20(10% bonus), etc.

  • Spend Credits. It is important to let members convert credits to real goods, discounts and funny virtual things. We constantly work on integration with 3d party plugins to make Credits really rewarding for your members:
    • Virtual Gifts - members can send virtual gifts to friends exchange for credits on birthdays, Valentine's day, Christmas, etc. It is available if you have Virtual Gifts plugin
    • Store[/b] - members can purchase real goods and services using credits. Stores sale products for credits and enable this option only for the selected products. The price in credits is automatically calculated based on exchange currency which is set by you in admin panel. It is available if you have Store plugin
    • Offers & Coupons[/b] - members can get redeem offers and coupons in exchange of credits. Offers allow members to get discounts for real goods and services, and purchase products from Store at discounted price. This is available if you have Offers & Coupons plugin
  • Leader board. Displays the member's position in Top Members list and encourages him earn more credits i.e. create more new stuff. There is available a special widget which displays Top Members list.

  • Badges(Ranks). Credits are seamlessly integrated with Badges plugin.

  • Send Credits. Using this feature, members can send credits to their friends. You have a full control over this feature: enable/disable per member level, limit the number of total received credits.

  • Transactions. Your members can see each credit earning, transferring and spending using detailed transactions list. It tracks each credit-rewarding with all needed details, for example - Adding friend John Doe.

  • Purchase and Upgrade Subscription. Now your members can purchase Member Level Subscription using credits, also view current membership status and upgrade it using credits according to exchange credits to money rate.

  • FAQ. It provides detailed FAQ for Credits where members can read: What is credits; How do they get Credits; Where they can use Credits;
    In FAQ section members can find list of activities doing which they can earn credits.

  • Widgetized Pages. All pages of Credits plugin are editable using Layout Editor in Admin Panel. You can drag & drop widgets on these pages.

  • Widgets. Credits plugin provide various widgets:
    • My Credits
    • Send Credits
    • Buy Credits
    • Quick Links
    • Top Members
    • Transactions List
    • Random FAQ
    • FAQ
    • Buy Level

  • Many Other Improvements:
    • send credits directly from member profile page;

Admin Features:

  • Assign Credits. You can assign credits rewarding to members for doing about 60 various actions on your site: upload photo, create blog, post on wall, like, comment, check-in and many others.
    You have full control over credits rewarding - set the Maximum Number of credits which member can earn by doing an activity within a Rollover Period to avoid spam activities.
    Supported actions and plugins:
    • SocialEngine Core actions: signup, login, friendship, comment, like and many more;
    • new action type added - Edit Profile;
    • new action type added - Social Sharing(sharing to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn);
    • official Albums plugin;
    • official Blogs plugin;
    • official Classifieds plugin;
    • official Events plugin;
    • official Groups plugin;
    • official Music plugin;
    • official Polls plugin;
    • official Videos plugin;
    • Check-In plugin(Hire-Experts);
    • free Likes plugin(Hire-Experts);
    • Friends Inviter and Introductions plugin(Hire-Experts);
    • Pages plugin(Hire-Experts);
    • Quiz plugin(Hire-Experts);
    • Rates plugin(Hire-Experts);
    • Store plugin(Hire-Experts);
    • Suggestion / Recommendation plugin(Hire-Experts);
    • Social Donations plugin(Hire-Experts);
    • Advanced Questions(Hire-Experts);
    • Questions & Answers plugin(WebHive);
    • Articles plugin(Radcodes);
    • AVP plugin(myseplugins);
    • MP3 Music plugin(Younet);
    • Advanced Blogs plugin(Younet);
    • Advanced Groups plugin(Younet);
    • Advanced Events(Younet);
    • Advanced Forum plugin(Younet);
    • Advanced Video plugin(Younet);
    • Advanced Albums plugin(SocialEngineAddons);
    • Documents plugin(SocialEngineAddons);
    • Listing plugin(SocialEngineAddons);
    • Pokes plugin(SocialEngineAddons);
    • Advanced Articles plugin(SpurIT);

  • Send Mass Credits. It is a special feature which allows to admin to send credits to many members. You can specify the recipients or select them by member levels or networks. You can choose if the recipients will be received notifications, messages or none. Also you can set a number of credits as current balance for the selected members.

  • Transactions. It tracks each credit transfer, purchase, spending, etc. You can browse credit transactions per user, type of credits(transfers, spent credits) and activity type(uploading photo, video, liking, etc).

  • Statistics. It provides detailed statistics for earned, spent, transferred and purchased credits per period(this year, this month, this week).

  • Edit Member Credits. You can view and edit members credits balance, earned credits and spent credits.

  • Member Level Settings. You have full control over all features in Credits, you can enable/disable credits per member levels, enable/disable credits transfers and set the number of maximal amount of credits which can be sent or received.

Требования для работоспособности:
  • Social Engine 4.1.8 и выше
  • Hire-Experts Core 4.2.0p1 и выше (ссылка на зануленное ядро ниже)

Core-Module 4.2.0p6
минимальные требования: SE 4.1.8

описание ENG:
[spoil]Hire-Experts Core module is required for all our plugins. It contains common modules, styles and javascript functions. It is absolutely free plugin so you can download it from My Plugins section in Client Area(login required).

We've included several widgets in this plugin so you can get benefits of new nice and great features for free! Please check Hire-Experts Core module features:

  • Featured Members widget. It is a new option which allows you to make featured members you like to be shown on Featured Members widget. You can put the widget on any page on your site using Layout Editor.
  • Featured Members Carousel widget. It is a attractive widget which shows featured members in stylish carousel. Widget has auto-width feature which allows to put it in any column and it will smoothly fit the column width.

  • Member Friends widget. It is a nice widget which shows member's friends on Member Profile page. Widget options:
  • View All link which shows all friends in Popup window, like on Facebook
  • Make Friends Sticky option which allow to owner select which friends always should be shown on the widget for his profile visitors.
  • Friends Privacy. It provides owner to choose who is allowed to view his friends on profile page - Everyone, Registered Members, Friends of Friends, etc
  • Mutual Friends. This widget shows list of mutual friends so when visitor opens a member page he can see which of his friends are in friendship with the member. It goes with `View All` link which displays list of all mutual friends in popup window. Please just drag & drop the widget on Member Profile page using Layout Editor.

Please note: This nulled version of HE-Core may cause error messages (because i was not able to fully test it, yet). Please let me know, if you have problems. This nulled version is limited - You cant install or upgrade non- or partially nulled plugins with it![/spoil]

Пароль к архивам:
[spoil]Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Gifts plugin 4.2.1p7 (подарки)

Минимальные требования:
  • Social Engine 4.1.8
  • Hire-Experts Core 4.2.0p1
  • Hire-Experts Credits Module 4.2.0
(ядро смотрите в посте выше этого)

Описание на английском:
Gifts plugin 4.2.1p7

Gamification is one of popular social media trends, we have developed a line of plugins which brings game play elements into SocialEngine. Try them on your social network!

Reward members for posting social media content and interaction with each others - let them earn Credits, it is fun and rewarding. Let them to translate credits into real goods, discounts and gifts. Let members to send Virtual Gifts to friends on Birthdays, Valentine's Day, Christmas - it is the most easiest way to reward your members for their activity.

You can create as many Virtual Gifts as you would like and link them to any holiday. It can be not only a photo, but also a video or even a music. It automatically suggests members to send a gift on their friends birthday or on holidays - it is simple and fun.

Sending gift templates cause loss of significance of gifts and don't excite as it should. Using Virtual Gifts members can send personal and own created videos, photos and audio files. It can be a declaration of love, greetings from the kids, photos from the anniversary, and so on. Personal Gift makes the process of receiving, and even creating of the gift very interesting and exciting.

Virtual Gifts plugin is specially developed for Credits plugin, to extend its rewarding part, that's why Credits plugin is required.

Virtual Gifts plugin features:

Browse Gifts. It is widgetized page where you can browse gifts:
  • Recent gifts displays recently created gifts;
  • Actual gifts. It automatically suggests gifts which are actual for this day - Valentine's Day, etc.
  • Photo gifts;
  • Video gifts displays video-gifts with preview option.
  • Audio gifts displays audio-gifts with option to listen audio files;
Categories. Gifts can be categorized like: Birthday gifts, Love gifts, etc. It makes easy to browse and find exact gifts for your members.

Send Gifts. Gifts can be sent in two ways: using a special `Send Gift` link on Member Profile page OR clicking on any wished gift on Browse Gifts page. What does it allow:
  • View Gifts - member can listen to audio file or play video before sending it to friends;
  • Personal Message - member can send personal message together with the selected gift;
  • Preview Gift - member can check how the gift will be displayed on the recipient profile page;
  • Public or Private Gift - members can send public gift or send the gift privately so his name and message is visible only to the recipient;
  • Select Many Friends - members are allowed to send a gift to many friends per time, it allows to easily browse and and search friends;
  • Credits - admin can set price in credits to each gift, so members can exchange credits to gifts;
Personal Gifts. It allows to send personal gifts: like own video, photo and music. It is much interesting and funny. The process is very easy:
  • Select type of Gift: Photo, Audio or Video;
  • Upload the Gift;
  • Select Friends and send it;
Please note, that Video-Gifts requires FFMPEG module to convert videos, it is usually pre-installed in most of servers. If it is missing then you can request your hosting provider to set up FFMPEG for your site.

Gift On Member Profile. It allows to display a received gift on Profile photo on Member Profile page, with all needed details(if it is public gift:( sender name, personal message and options to play video or listen audio.

Sent Gifts page displays list of member's sent gifts with details: sent date, recipient, message, etc

Received Gifts page displays list of member's received gifts with options to decline the gift, show on profile page and delete. It displays all details of gift: preview, sender name, message, etc.

Birthday widget. If one of your friends' birthday is coming then it automatically suggests you to send him a virtual gift.

Limited Gifts. You can create a special gifts which are limited in number, for example, you can set limit to 3 for Red Rose gift, so there will be only 3 Red Roses in your social network - one more way to excite members and increase significance of gifts.

Admin Features:

Gifts Management. It allows you to browse gifts, search them by title, type(photo, audio, video) or category, enable/disable or edit gift details.

Create Gifts. You can create photo, audio or video gift, with title, price in credits or free, make the gift limited or unlimited, select a category, set start and end time within the gift will be displayed in Actual Gifts section.

Categories. You can create a new categories, edit and delete existing gifts categories.

Personal Gifts. You can set price in credits for personal gifts which are created by members.

Duplicate Gifts. It allows you to create a copy of any gift with pre-filled details, you just need to select an unique photo(video/audio) for the gift.

What's coming? We understand importance of Personal gifts - it is much fun and interesting, it increases significance virtual gifts. We're going to improve this part by adding Take Photo from Webcam and Record Video features. Please stay tuned!
пароль к архиву:
[spoil]Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.