Social Engine, Плагины и Полные Переводы

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Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

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Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Прошу сильно не пинать,поиском не нашёл,прошу ответить или указать где сказано как сделать чтобы при регистрации можно писать имя пользователя кирилицей? Версия 3.20
имя пользователя кирилицей? Версия 3.20
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SE 3.20
118 плагинов для социальной 4.x
Здесь около 118 плагинов, которые я собрал

HE Friends Inviter 4.1.3 (Nulled)


It is a new level of Inviter plugin with powerful tools for your members to import contacts and find friends. This plugin provides not only contacts importing tools, but also seamless integration with Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter - viewing friends(connections/followers) which are already signed up on your site and invite whose are not registered yet, and many other features.

In summary, it is a great tool for SocialEngine which allows your users to invite contacts from address book(gmail, yahoo, etc), social networks(facebook, linkedin, twitter, etc), upload contacts file(csv, txt, etc), find people they likely know within social network and introduce himself to whole network to find many new friends with mutual interests quickly.

Friends Inviter / Introductions / Facebook plugin features:

User Interfaces. Facebook styled interfaces - fully based on Ajax(no-page-loads!), simple but stylish UI.
Introduce Yourself widget. If user has few friends on social network then he usually leaves your site so why not to give him a simple tool to find many new friends? Introduce Yourself is a new widget which allows user to type a short message about himself and request for friendship to whole social network. It randomly shows a nice Member Introduction widget on Member Home page or any other - editable by admin using Layout Editor.
People You May Know widget. aka Friends Suggestion tool, it is a nice widget which suggests members based on friend connections. Ajax-refresh updates suggestions instantly as soon as you add or ignore a suggestion.
Manageable suggestion list. It allows you to ignore suggestions that you don't want to be shown again and backward.
Facebook Integration
- Invite Facebook Friends widget shows member's facebook friends who haven't registered on your site yet so it allows to invite them to your site.
- Find Facebook Friends widget allows member to find facebook friends in social network if they are registered on your site.
NEW! Twitter Integration
- Invite Followers widget shows member's twitter followers who haven't registered on your site yet so it allows member to invite them to your site.
- Find Followers widget allows member to find twitter followers in social network if they are registered on your site.
NEW! LinkedIn Integration
- Invite LinkedIn Connections widget displays member's connections who haven't registered on your site yet so it allows member to invite them to your site.
- Find LinkedIn Connections widget allows member to find connections in social network if they are registered on your site.
Invite Friends. Allows to import and invite contacts from hundreds email providers and social networks. Some of them: Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Aol, Facebook, LinkedIn, Bebo, Twitter, Ning,, etc. Full list can be found here - List.
Write Contacts Form. Allows to write email addresses and include own message in the email body.
Upload Contacts file. Allows to import contacts from CSV, TXT, LDIF format file so user can import contacts from Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, Windows Mail, LinkedIn, Yahoo Mail and many more.
Invite Friends on SignUp. Plugin adds a new step into SignUp process which allows to invite friends from email provider or social network.
Statistics/Charts. It provides detailed statistics: sent invitations, signups by invitations, ratio; it generates informative statistics graphs by selected period(day, week, month, year). Also you can view members' sent invitations and referred users count.
Widgets. You get the following widgets which can be putted on any page via Layout Editor in admin panel:
`Inviter` - Displays a form which allows to invite friends.
`People You May Know` - Suggests friends based on mutual friendship.
`Top Inviters` - Displays Top Inviters in your site.
`Top Referrals` - Displays Top Referrals in your site.
`Introduce Yourself` - Allows user to type a short message about himself and introduce himself to whole social network.
`Member Introduction` - Randomly displays members introductions.
`Facebook Friends` - Displays member's Facebook friends and allows to invite them to your social network.
`Facebook Friends on Site` - Displays member's Facebook friends who are not connected with him in your social network.
`Friended on Facebook and Site` - Displays members who are friended on facebook and site with current user.
`Find More Friends` - Displays nice a widget which impels user to invite friends.
and many other widgets are available for you
Administration. Admin has various settings to control all parts of Inviter:
- manage which member levels are allowed to invite friends and import contacts
- NEW! enable/disable social networks and email services which are used to import contacts
- NEW! show/hide social networks and email services from Inviter widget
SocialEngine 4.1.6 Final RUS Nulled

Вот некоторые из новых функций и исправлений:
-CDN поддержка (например, Amazon S3 и Akamai) для загрузки файлов.
-Расширенная Twitter и Facebook интеграция
-Поддержка IPv6
-Возможность открытия/закрытия опросов
-Дополнительные опции для обработки отчетов
-Увеличение размера описания события
Руссификация SE 3

Кто подскажет как русифицировать SE 3? тому большая благодарность. Файл руссификатора в формате php скачал Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся. Так интересует мнение относительно 4 версии движка и 3. Какая из них выигрывает и для какой больше плагинов? Заранее благодарю.
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