Скрипты с ресурса CodeCanyon (варез)

CodeCanyon PHP Login & User Management


PHP Login & User Management is the MySQL powered website PHP login script, another high quality script designed and created by Jigowatt exclusively for ThemeForest.

By purchasing and integrating this script into your existing website you can create a private user area where visitors to your website have to be logged in to view page content.

It features changable User Levels via the Control Panel incase your website requires different levels of page security amongst loads of other useful features!

CodeCanyon PHP Mobile phone detection


With this class you can easely detect mobile devices. This class is very easy to use and support lots of mobile devices, even the new Mac iPad.
Supported devices

Opera mini devices
Palm OS
Windows Mobile
Generic devices like PSP , PDA, wap phones

CodeCanyon PHP Search Engine


This search tool is perfect if you want a quick an easy way to search your dynamic websites. Simply upload the search.php file and make a form on your website like below and you’re done! It couldn’t be easier!
Update: 6 March 2010 – support for larger websites. Please re-download this file if you have purchased it prior to this date.
Update: 8 March 2010 – I have created an additional online demo tool which will allow you to test this on your website before buying.
<form method="GET" action="search.php">
<input name="search" type="text" />
<input name="go" value="Search Website" type="submit" />

Features include:

Easy to install and configure
Searches all pages on your website (even search multiple websites!)
Super fast searching!
No database required – even easier to install!
Finds matching file names (eg: searching for ‘report’ will find a file called ‘latest report .doc‘)
Finds matches in HTML META tags
Finds matches in url’s (eg: searching for ‘products’ will find a file called ‘/website/my- products .html‘)
It will even search INSIDE PDF DOCUMENTS!
The results are sorted by relevance in a page-by-page view similar to Google.
The text that displays under each search result is trimmed to a certain length so it fits on the page nicely.
Any matching keywords in the results are highlighted so the user can see why that result was returned.
Advanced users:
A custom callback function is included so you can insert your own results in with normal HTML results (eg: by querying a database of products for a match). This makes for great search integration between different products on an existing website.
Note: pdf document support is only available on Linux hosting accounts that have “pdftotext” installed. Please contact your hosting provider to check if pdftotext is installed.

You can control the following options:
Which website addresses (URL’s) to search
Which file names to ignore and never display in search results
How many results to display on each page
Plus many more advanced settings in the config.php file
There is an easy to use admin page which helps you configure these.

The advantages of something like this over a google integrated solution
You can style it the way you want
Instant search results (no waiting weeks for Google to index your new website)
Customers don’t bug you that the search isn’t picking up the latest results
Control over exactly when the indexer will scrape your updated website content again
It can index “every” page of your website, something that Google may not do or take a long time to do
Custom callback function so advanced users can integrate a mysql query and inject custom results into the list
No advertising (customers don’t like ads on their professional looking websites)
It has an awesome highlighting feature

Linux hosting account (have not tested on Windows but it should work)
“pdftotext” utility installed if you wish to search PDF files (contact your hosting provider to see if it is installed)
Know how to upload files to your website (eg: with FTP )
Know some basic HTML /CSS so you can style the search results page (to suit your look & feel) if the defaults do not work.
How to install:

Unzip the file from CodeCanyon
Upload search.php to your website (eg: yourwebsite.com/search.php)
Upload phpsearch_files/ folder to your website (eg: yourwebsite.com/phpsearch_files/)
Visit the administration page by going to yourwebsite.com/phpsearch_files/admin.php
Set “write” permissions via FTP remote view on the phpsearch_files/search_cache/ folder (contact me if you get stuck doing this)
Create a form on your website like this:
(replace yourwebsite.com with your actual website address above)
How to style the search results page:

Open the phpsearch_files/header.php file in Notepad or your favorite HTML editor (eg: Dreamweaver)
Delete any default HTML content from this file.
Copy & Paste any HTML code you would like to display above the search results into this file.
Open the phpsearch_files/footer.php file in Notepad or your favorite HTML editor (eg: Dreamweaver)
Delete any default HTML content from this file.
Copy & Paste any HTML code you would like to display below the search results into this file.
Advanced users: you can do PHP includes eg: into these two files.
Advanced users: you can also from one of your existing files to display results there.
You can edit the CSS in phpsearch_files/phpsearch.css to match the colours to your website design if the defaults do not work.

Codecanyon Portfolio for WordPress v1.1.1


With this script you can easily manage your portfolio (images and videos) items on your website. Because this plugin uses a custom post type to manage your portfolio this is a very clean and powerfull way to build a portfolio into your website.

The visual part to style your portfolio items is not included in this plugin because most of the time there is already styling included in a theme for a portfolio.
Custom post type
Easy to use
Highly customizable
For video and image portfolio
Very well documented
Support for translations
Handy method to query your testimonials

CodeCanyon Quick Form Processing


There are time when you might need a form that will primarily be used to collect data that will be saved for nothing more than viewing. This script provides you with a framework where you will not need to write any PHP code for processing such forms.

With this script all you will need to do is provide some information relating to the form in the admin dashboard and then copy 2 line of markup to the page that has the form you want to process. It is that simple.

This script would be ideal for a web design with very little programming knowledge or a developer that just wants to save time and effort.

Process and view data collected using forms without the need to write a single line of PHP code.
The backend has its own user authentication system (login, logout, change password, and forgot password) for quick installation and to manage the forms’ processing.
The forms are submitted using AJAX , so other than adding 2 lines of markup there is nothing else you need to change.
Processing a form involves nothing more that copying and pasting a few lines of markup to the page.
You can manage as many forms are you want from the one admin dashboard.

CodeCanyon SatisfyUs


The goal of Satisfy Us is to establish a place where your customers can come to report problems directly to you, give you ideas, ask questions, and, importantly, give you praise for doing a great job!

Users can sign up and contribute their thoughts on you or your product, users can then vote on topics which are important to them by starring them. The most popular ideas are displayed on the homepage.

Employees can be added, when an employee replies they have an ‘EMPLOYEE’ title, and can mark topics as active or resolved.
Administrators have full reign over the site and can ban, delete, change the password, email address, etc. of any user. They can also make other users employees, edit the site title, the blurbs on the side bar, and the tagline.

User sign up and login
Users can post ideas
Users can post questions
Users can report problems
Users can give praise!
Topics can be starred by users
Users and employees can respond to topics
Employees can mark the topic as resolved or active
Employees can delete the topic

CodeCanyon Sherpa | Complete Navigation System (CSS Edition)


As the name suggests, Sherpa is a total solution for all your navigation requirements.
Sherpa brings together the three main navigation elements of every interface – Navbar, Sidebar andSticky Footer.
Each one consists of a selection of different menu types including: Slide Menu, Mega Menu, Accordion Menu (in sidebar) and Drop Menu. You can pick, choose and mix these to make a really unique navigation.
It has 10 different colour skins, 12 beautiful background images, uses CSS3 effects and comes with 500+ icons to make it one of the best looking navigations on Codecanyon. Check out the screenshots and preview.
Instead of trying to bring together lots of different navs from many different sources, choose Sherpa | Complete Navigation System and save yourself time on integrating into your system.

A Complete Solution
Horizontal Navigation Bar
Side Navigation Bar
Sticky Footer Bar (Can be made unsticky too!)
Slide Menu
Accordion Menu in sidebar
Mega Menu
Drop Menu
10 colour skins
12 background images
500+ icons
CSS3 gradients, round corners and shadows
Cleanly coded using best practices
Built using established menu building techniques

CodeCanyon Shrinkr - JS / CSS Compressor


With Shrinkr, you get an absolutely easy to use JS/CSS compression tool. All you have to do is start the app and drop all of your JS and CSS files (or even your complete project folder) onto it. Shrinkr will then look, which files have to be compressed (according to your preferences) and do the work for you!

CodeCanyon Smart Contact - File Attachment & Auto respoder


This contact form is lightweight, easy to configure / customize and has some great validation and usability features. It is enhanced by ajax, but works perfectly well when javascript is disabled, and the code is very easy personalize and use!

File attachment, easy to add different filetypes to the allowed list, and also to configure max filesize
Auto responder, can be turned on or off, and is easy to customize the message that is sent.
MX check, form checks to make sure that the email domain exists.
Ajax enhanced visual output, fields go red or green depending on user input.
onblur and onkeyup examples included
UPDATE – Fixed a small bug with the number captcha

CodeCanyon Smart Menu


Smart Menu is simple javascript driven menu, which is written on top of jQuery framework. Its main features are:

- Two level menu system
- Smooth transitions
- Works in IE 6 , 7, 8, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome
- Small footprint
- XHTML compatible
