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Шаблон Шаблоны ThemeForest / Theme Forest

Sahifa - Responsive WordPress News, Magazine, Blog Theme

- NEW FEATURE: Optional reading position indicator.
- NEW FEATURE: Searchable icon picker for menus.
- NEW FEATURE: Added Post date to the grid featured slider.
- NEW FEATURE: Added Self Hosted videos support to the videos blocks.
- Improved: Theme speed and performance.
- Improved: One Click Demo data importer.
- Updated: TGM plugin.
- Updated: Taqyeem plugin.*
- Updated: Taqyeem - Buttons Addon.*
- Updated: Taqyeem - Predefined Criteria Addon.*
- Updated: Languages files.
- Fixed: Misspelled words .
- Fixed: Several PHP notices.
- Fixed: iPhone menu bug.
- Fixed: Nested bbpress comments bug.
- Fixed: Below Header Banner Area bug.
- Fixed: Below Header Banner Area background bug in WooCommerce pages.
- Fixed: RTL Self hosted videos player bug.
- Fixed: RTL sliders pagination separator bug.
- Fixed: Translation panel custom chars bug.
- Fixed: Appearance of the top menu items in the mobile menu bug.
- Fixed: Dropdown menu hover bug with Safari on iPad.
- Fixed: List shortcodes bug in the HTML block and widget.
- Fixed: Login widget bug for subdirectories installation.
- Fixed: Disable WooCommerce lightbox bug.
- Fixed: Mega menu item position bug in the RTL version.
- Fixed: Appearance of categories and views icons for pages in the search results.
- Fixed: Lazy load of the images in footer area bug.
- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.

* To Update the plugin :
1- Go to the “Installed Plugins” page and delete the old plugin version.
2- Re-install the plugin from Appearance > “Install Plugins” page.

#Files Updated
- style.css
- rtl.css
- 404.php
- header.php
- footer.php
- comments.php
- category.php
- sidebar.php
- template-timeline.php
- template-tags.php
- template-best-reviews.php
- js/tie-scripts.js
- fonts/fontawesome/font-awesome.min.css
- languages (folder)
- framework/blocks/ (folder)
- framework/parts/ (folder)
- framework/plugins/ (folder)
- framework/admin/inc/importer/ (folder)
- framework/admin/inc/tgm/ (folder)
- framework/admin/updates.php
- framework/admin/inc/style.css
- framework/admin/custom-slider.php
- framework/admin/framework-admin.php
- framework/admin/framework-builder.php
- framework/admin/framework-metaboxes.php
- framework/admin/framework-category.php
- framework/admin/framework-options.php
- framework/admin/framework-panel.php
- framework/admin/js/icon-picker.js
- framework/functions/inc/mega-menus.php
- framework/functions/inc/theme-functions.php
- framework/functions/inc/translation.php
- framework/functions/inc/common-scripts.php
- framework/widgets/widget-tabbed.php
- framework/widgets/widget-author.php
- framework/widgets/widget-slider.php
- framework/widgets/widget-tabbed.php

- If your current version is 4+ Please replace whole folder. We changed too many files in v5.0.0
Вышла 5.2.1 где пофиксили некоторые баги. Если не трудно, выложи.
А есть у кого-нибудь свежие шаблоны лендингов (не html а полные) типа Shema, xLander, SmartMvp?
Полные это значит темы с готовыми php файлами, которые не надо вручную ковырять, а где есть composer какой-нибудь хотя бы с drug-n-drop.
Тогда вы зашли в правильную тему, которая находится в разделе с бейджем [Wordpress], тут по идеи не выкладываются голые html шаблоны, вы своей просьбой поставили человека в замешательство :)