WP RESIDENCE 1.061 – October 27 2014
FIX: Sliding on Price Slider changes currency to $
UPDATE: Visual Composer plugin update to 4.3.4 (latest)
WP RESIDENCE 1.06 – October 22, 2014
NEW: Price slider for minim and maxim price in Advanced Search. Works with display YES/NO option in Admin. Applies for default and custom Advanced Search fields. Works with AJAX advanced search over Map as well.
NEW: Add Floor Plans for properties in Admin and in Submit Property form in Front End
NEW: Print Listing button in Property Page next to Social Share icons
NEW: Attach PDF to property in Admin and Front End Submission form
NEW: Agree to Terms and Conditions check and page template before registering (in user menu, register widget, register shortcode and register modal box when saving favorite properties)
NEW: Assign property to register user from admin - Edit Property
NEW: Support jpeg files format in user dashboard - submit page - add media
NEW: My Agent page pagination for My Properties
EDIT: Added smaller zoom for Google search over map. Before it was max zoom in possible.
EDIT: Added sub-category display for Category and Action in submission form
EDIT: Revolution Slider update to 4.6.3
EDIT: Hover social icons color assigned to Main Custom Color controlled from admin.
EDIT: Theme Slider doesn't show bedrooms, bathrooms or size if none is selected.
FIX: Edit property in user dashboard removes featured status
FIX: Recent Items Slider text alignment in IE
FIX: Don't send send saved search email alerts on save in admin theme options
FIX: Right post navigation arrow opening a different post
FIX: Twitter share link no extra space
FIX: Favorites Link in User Menu when first logging in and accessing the link