Компонент .:: sh404sef ::.

Устраивает ли Вас данный компонент?

  • Полностью устраивает

    Голосов: 130 36,6%
  • 50 на 50

    Голосов: 98 27,6%
  • Частично

    Голосов: 51 14,4%
  • Вообще не устраивает

    Голосов: 13 3,7%
  • Не использую его вообще

    Голосов: 63 17,7%

  • Всего проголосовало


Генератор идей
30 Июн 2008
Вопрос: а чем изменилась? какие изменения в новой версии?
Ответ: читаем Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Вопрос: Спасибо. Клевый компонент
Ответ: Для "Спасибо" есть кнопка. Ваша фраза будет удалена, а вы получите карточку

Вопрос: А чем он лучше от Artio Sef?
Ответ: Здесь уже дело вкуса. Это как кроссовки Adidas или Reebok, хороши по-своему

посты такого вида будут удаляться, а авторы будут наказаны

Последняя версия для
- v2.5.0.1040
Последняя версия для
- v3.7.0.1485
Последняя версия для
- v4.1.0.1559
По мере выхода новых версий ссылки будут обновляться​
P.S. Ссылки были обновлены 02.06.2013
Здравствуйте. Перезалейте пожалйста для второй джумлы. Ссылки битые.
sh404SEF v4.15.2.3878

  • Updated Spanish translation
  • Regular expressions based redirects should use new syntax for redirect targets ({$1}, {$2} instead of previous {*}). Old format redirects will still work normally.
  • Protect against extensions using onContentPrepare on raw documents, can break some site features when automatic description generation is enabled
  • Remove style tags when automatically building meta-description. Thanks Peter
  • Now using base64 encode instead of json for embedding auto-generated descriptions and image tags, more reliable when shortcodes are used in content
  • Added support for automatic description with UniteGallery
  • Updated Facebook API version to 3.1
  • Updated Facebook API version to 3.0
  • Added Quix short code to list of shortcode to be removed when auto-generating meta description
  • On redirects, do not append again query string if the redirect is an exact match
  • Structured data phone numbers may loose their required leading + sign
  • On multilingual sites, if language code is inserted in default language URLs, the home page canonical is not correct
  • Facebook share buttons options are not correctly labelled in social plugin settings, still show Like
Последнее редактирование:
Есть плагин для K2? Последняя ссылка умерла.
Свежей версией никто не поделится?
Свежей версией никто не поделится?
На v4.15.2.3878 понадобится 30 симпатии. Жаль не могу скачать. Но пока у меня установлен v.4.1

А после sh404SEF v4.15.2.3878 вышла-ли ещё новая версия и какая?
Последнее редактирование:
Последнее редактирование модератором:
sh404SEF v4.16.1.3913

2019-06-04 Version 4.16.1
  • new Added full sh404SEF translation for Chinese, zh-CN and zh-TW - Thanks to Deng ChangBin
  • bug Under rare circumstances alias may not automatically created when customizing a URL
  • bug Cannot customize a URL in backend when running MYSQL 8.0+
  • bug When Joomla caching is enabled, some before content or after content sharing buttons may not be displayed
  • bug When forcing menu item id in URLs, the string com_sh404sef_always_insert_itemid_prefix can sometimes be inserted instead of the expected translated string 'menu id'
  • bug Analytics reports authorization procedure may fail depending on which protocol Google uses in its response
2019-04-02 Version 4.16.0
  • new Removed support for Google+
  • chg Prevent warnings on some invalid, query strings only URLs
  • chg Added a filter just before URL parsing starts in sh404SEF
  • chg Pinterest pin button may not be displayed when using sh404SEF button tags inside content.
  • chg Added a filter on the global configuration object.
  • bug Automatic meta description is not generated when using Joomla cache on articles with multiple pages
  • bug Under some circumstances article meta decription entered in Joomla may not be taken into account and instead automatically generated description may be used.
  • bug Using Joomla cache can sometimes lead to page corruption when OGP data image tag is enabled.
  • bug Message saying that Google Analytics is not properly configured is displayed when using Google tag manager.
  • bug Font file for drawing Analytics graphics was damaged during packaging.
Последнее редактирование:
sh404SEF v4.20.0.4112

2020-03-31 version 4.20.0
  • Now using xlsx file format for all import operations. Much easier and reliable than previous CSV file format.
  • Frontend Analytics reports can now be accessed with a secret access key in the URL instead of having to log-in
  • Analytics reports can now be viewed from the front end, compliant to Joomla ACL (authorization)
  • Redesigned and extended Analytics reports in sh404SEF control panel home and dedicated Analytics page
  • Now adding a sample functions file in /libraries/weeblr to demonstrate cde customization
  • Better detection of layout (blog vs list) for category pages. Should create less pages with 'table' prefix for list view while the page is a blog and should not have that prefix (the page was working fine nevertheless)
  • Safer use of Joomla router for some components of the site: can now be enabled while retaining proper 404 errors handling
  • Safer automatic redirects from Joomla SEF URLs to sh404SEF URLs: can now be enabled while retaining proper 404 errors handling
  • Added a filter to enable protection of document format in case of rogue plugins that call Factory::getDocument() before onAfterRoute, causing RSS feeds and PDF files to be turned into HTML document
  • Now using Google Analytics reporting API version 4 for all reports
  • Pinterest button link is HTTP instead of HTTPS
  • Outbound links symbol does not show if link is https
  • Language string for static sharing buttons may not be loaded in the correct language on multilingual sites.
  • Should not insert sharing buttons automatically when on an AMP page
  • Security logs are not deleted if Joomla logs are stored under the /administrator directory