[Moved] Registration Pro v2.6 [TKT]

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Хранитель порядка
7 Июн 2007
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NAME: Registration Pro
TYPE: Joomla Component
NULLIFIER: TKT                               
RELEASE: May 24th, 2008                                    
WEBSITE: http://www.joomlashowroom.com
AUTHUR: Joomla Showroom
LICENSE: Commercial
PRICE: $119.99
DEMO: http://demo.joomlashowroom.com/
ADDONS: Mod & Documentation


* Joomla 1.0.x or Joomla 1.5.x (Legacy)
* PHP 4.1 or Greater
* MySQL 4.1.10 or Greater


* com_registrationpro_v2.6.zip
* mod_registrationpro2.0_latestevents.zip
* Registration Pro 2.6 User Manual.pdf


Easy for the non-techie

Go live with a simple online registration form in as little as 15 minutes. 
Easy to then add pricing, agendas, lodging options, credit card processing, and more!

Manage Events for Greater Impact

Company events and company event marketing are an increasingly important part of marketing campaigns 
and corporate communications. Registration Pro increases impact, 
boosts productivity and increases return by streamlining and automating event registration and management.

Registration Pro event management software helps you achieve:

Higher attendance and better return through timely, targeted communication, automated registration and event 
management "best practices".

Higher revenue impact, attendee satisfaction and continuous process and program improvement through 
sophisticated tracking and reporting tools.

Reduced costs through streamlined, automated handling of event registration, administration and logistics.

Rapid return-on-investment because Registration Pro can be deployed in a matter of minutes with a small investment. Look Great, Easily and Affordably!

Forms: Easy, beautiful, flexible registration forms.

Event Webpages: Instant event web pages to promote your events.

Reports: Easy, robust, printable event reports

Event Categories: Keep organized with event categories.

Payments: Accept credit card payments with PayPal, 2Checkout, Offline payments.

Emails: Automated confirmation, reminder, and mass email templates.

Support: Free support, product manual, knowlegebase access.

More: Translatable, SEO friendly. 


* Event Registration Pro has a beautiful front end interface for your visitors.

* Collapsible Event Categories

* Event Search

* Event Registration Pro automatically generates a series of event and registration webpages on your site for 
every event that is created. On the main landing page, there will be a list of your events showing your event name,
short description, date/time, location, max attendance, price, & event availability. 
You can click on an event to view that event's full detail page that includes a registration button.

* The event details page for an event provides space for the administrator to summarize the event details, 
while subsequent registration form screens capture the actual attendee information, billing information 
(if payment is required), etc. In order to streamline the event creation process for the event coordinator, 
registration screens have standardized layouts with the ability to customize content and formatting.

* The simplicity of Registration Pro's event setup process allows people familiar with the system to set up 
new events to begin taking online registrations within as little as five minutes.

* Customized Thank You and Confirmation Emails. Customized Thank You pages for each event. 
Print out valuable reports for each event. 

* In the configuration settings page the administrator can choose one of 3 payment preferences for their events.

** Offline Billing - You can collect payments via mail, fax, or phone.

** PayPal - We have redesigned the PayPal structure to show the registrants their 
chosen ticket options and quantities at checkout.

** 2Checkout - We have added this option as a payment option for our administrators that do 
not prefer to use Paypal for their payment gateway.

* The event coordinator selects the Participant Payment Processing Preferences when setting up their system. 
An event that is free for the participants will be configured so that no payments are collected during the 
registration process.

* An event that is not free for participants is configured to require billing and payment information 
(or just billing in the case of payment by check) from the participant during the registration process.

* Administrators can create multiple "tickets" for each event meaning that they can have, for example, 
seperate tickets for event admission, breakfast, lunch, dinner banquets, etc. 
Each event ticket option can have tax  added  to it if the administrator chooses to do so.

* The event coordinator may customize the Participant Information collection form fields that are required
to be populated by a participant that is registering for the event.  

* Registration Pro uses our very own integrated form building tool so you may customize your registration forms.

* Custom registration form builder is very easy to use and configure.

* Use the same form for all events or create multiple forms for a mixture of events.

* Preformatted fields to collect First Name, Last Name, and Email address information upon 
registration to an event is automatically generated as mandatory fields when creating a new registration form.

* Every custom registration form has it's own "Thank You" page associated with it. 

* If a single organization wishes to register multiple people to attend an event, 
they may choose multiple quantities of event tickets and the registration form will be shown multiple times to 
collect the information for each individual attendee and then be paid for all in one shot. 

Event Management - Registration Management  

* Event Registration Pro allows the event coordinator to control when participants may register for 
their event using explicitly stated registration published start and end times.

* Designated registration periods.
You can cut off registration to an event days before the actual event date so that you can better prepare for 
the event without getting last minute registrations.

* The event coordinator may modify the registration time period anytime they wish during the course of the event. 

* The status for each event can be, OPEN--FULL--CLOSED--CANCELLED Every event will have a "status".

* The status can be  manually administered by the event coordinator. Upon change of an event status, 
the administrator can email all of the registrants of the event to communicate and changes in the event.  

* Event coordinators have full control over the registrations that are submitted for their events.

* The Registration Pro system provides multiple methods of locating and viewing the registrations.

* Ability to add or delete participants. The event coordinator may delete registrations for the event at anytime.

* Allow administrators to choose whether an event is viewable by public/registered/special members.

* Archive old events automatically if they are past a certain amount of days.

* Administrators are able to view the transaction data for the individuals that register to an event.

* Robust reports for each individual event can be printed out.

* Reports give the administrator a very clear view of the data collected from the registration forms 
and the ticket options that we chosen at the time of registration.

* Reports show data like name, email address, registration date, data collected from the registration form, 
ticket choices, income of event, and tax amounts collected. 

* The Event Registration Pro system is set up to notify event coordinators by email when activities occur 
within their events.

* The automated emails may be turned on or off by the event coordinator.

* Email notifications include: when a participant registers for their event email all registrants of an 
event email only selected registrants of an event Confimation emails are sent to event registrants and 
you can choose to have a reminder email sent to the registrant "X" many days before the event.

Additional features are

* Works with Community Builder sites.
* SEO compatible.
* Collapsible Color Coded Event Categories to help you organize your events.
* CSS editing capabilities.
* Works with Joomfish translation component.
* Sample data included to help get you started fast.
* Comprehensive user manual
* More complete user manual to help get you started.

What Registration Pro is NOT!

* Registration Pro doesn't allow users to submit events
* Registration Pro is not an event calendar


1. Unpack
2. Read Registration Pro 2.6 User Manual.pdf
3. Install
4. Enjoy


Greetings to MAFiASCRiPTS, iAG, DGT, SharerzTeam and all other out there...

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