Вышла версия [YACG] 3.03аггд вот что нового:
We think that YACG 3 has received enough testing already, so it's time to call it stable and release the 3.0 Final and retire the 2.x line.
YACG 3.0 release highlights(for those still "getting there"
revamped folder structure(so there are no file-related footprints)
now you can customize your URL structure
added ability to split keywords into categories(manually or automatically)
integrated ability to steadily grow your site
specifying THIS_DOMAIN and FLICKR_API is now optional
no need to edit index.php to add new pages to YACG
removed $return option
added returntext(‘hookname’,array(params)) hook which can return output from any hook
added cache(‘hookname’,array(params)) to cache output from any specific hook
added fetchcache() function to fetch content from google cache instead of actual site
you can now pass any text directly to markov hook
added gui to admin section for editing the config.inc.php
rss feed can now use output from any hook as it’s content
and last, but not least - UTF-8 support(that’s right, now you can use any language in the keywords.txt)
To learn more, head over to the YACG wiki(it has been updated with short templating overview). If you'll have any questions or problems, feel free to ask them here.
So grab your copy, learn and enjoy!
3b10 to 3.0 changelog:
* new FILEMODE option
* more strict keyword cleaner and keyword file checking in debug mode
* daily keyword algo now is even more robust
* fixed bug with sitemap, feed and pinger updates on site change
* fixed and cleaned up the wikipedia hook
3.0 to 3.01 changelog:
* removed FETCH_GOOGLE option(too dangerous)
* removed FOLLOWLOCATION from fetch()
* fixed FILEMODE bug on permission check
3.01 to 3.02 changelog:
* fixed config.inc.php file editing in admin area(for configs autogenerated by Mass Installer)
* fixed continuous pinging bug after keywords.tmp.txt becomes empty
3.02 to 3.03 changelog:
* fixed a VERY serious bug introduced in 3.02
BTW, now YACG comes in two flavors - with or without UTF-8 support, there is not really much difference between them apart from much smaller size and file count of the non-UTF version(925Kb VS 585Kb