Информация Prestashop 1.7.6.x


PrestaShop Expert
15 Июл 2011
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For the past several months, PrestaShop has worked with the PrestaShop user and contributor community to build strong software. It owes its strength to its stability (bug reports, recurring tests, regular project contributions), the functional scope of its offer and the constant optimizations that extend the platform’s usability. Let’s take a look!

  • New native features
The software’s next minor version (V1.7.6) is already on the way, and new features will be making their way:

- Transactional email templates are getting a new look, such as invoice notifications, newsletter signup confirmation or password change emails. From now on, they will be “fully responsive” with a more modern design that fits in with new behavior and trends;


- Optimizations were made to how prices and taxes are displayed, making the order prices and details (discounts, shipping, taxes, etc.) throughout the client buying process;


- For SEO: sellers, agencies and developers will notice improved SEO for products with different versions thanks to the product’s canonical URL which can now be accessed.

- Great news for selling internationally! Currency display (symbols, decimals, etc.) betters adjusts to users’ language for a better experience;

- The “catalogue mode” feature has been reworked: you can now offer your clients a showcase site (that does not allow purchases) with or without product prices.

  • Modules have been optimized and embedded natively into the solution
PrestaShop is enriching itself with new features included in the solution for free:

- Reassurance Lite module

This module allows you to add reassurance blocks to an e-commerce store (for example, free delivery, secure payment and product/purchase warranty) at defined areas. These elements of reassurance will reduce barriers to purchasing and create an environment of trust throughout the buying process. This module is compatible with 1.7.

- New for 1.7: Customer review module

This module, present in version 1.6 of the software and re-developed for the next minor version, allows store customer to rate and leave reviews for products in your catalog. These comments are a real benefit for conversions and will be shown on the product pages concerned.

The Rich Snippets feature has also been added to the module to optimize stores’ SEO. This module is compatible with versions from 1.7.6.

- Facet navigation:

This module, already present in versions previous to 1.7, allows users to sort and filter lists of products according to their needs (by brand, size, price, etc.). The module was completely redeveloped for improved stability and performance.
И в чем подвох? Такую рассылку сам разработчик делает. Хотя бы свои комментарии оставили. Анализ ситуации. Копи-паст это уже моветон.
И в чем подвох? Такую рассылку сам разработчик делает. Хотя бы свои комментарии оставили. Анализ ситуации. Копи-паст это уже моветон.

работы по тестированию идут

в этой ветке и будет продолжение конкретики, особенно применительно к рунет-рынку екоммерс
для этого ветка и создана

Maybe off topic, but if I got custom developed theme, would it possible for me to update prestashop to newer version? Or the only way to be up to date is by staying with the default theme?
Do you know when it will come out?
А надо ли торопиться обновляться? Что радикально станет лучше? А вот «поломаться» что-то вполне реально может, да так что и не сразу заметишь, если это нечто второстепенное... Энтузиазм и новаторство это хорошо, но если стоит по Вашему мнению быстро-быстро обновляться - обоснуйте!
А надо ли торопиться обновляться? Что радикально станет лучше? А вот «поломаться» что-то вполне реально может, да так что и не сразу заметишь, если это нечто второстепенное... Энтузиазм и новаторство это хорошо, но если стоит по Вашему мнению быстро-быстро обновляться - обоснуйте!

I'm waiting for this release because it will finaly include price slider and customer reviews. Currently I had to purchase seperate modules just to have same functionality like in 1.6 version.