Вышла версия 3.5
Вышла версия 3.5
Cписок изминений (анг.

Release Changes
[New] = New Feature
[Fix] = Fixed
[Mod] = Modified
[Del] = Deleted/Deprecated
Released: 2007.12.23
- [New] Aggregator: Insert (automatically) new articles, guides and
news in the site,retrieving the content from external rss feeds
- [New] Cronjob file: root/cron.php; When the cronjob file is enabled
(in the site configuration), the maintenance class will be
executed by the cron.php file only.
Attention: It's not recommended to use periods lower than 10
minutes, it would be useless and could overload the server
- [New] New rate system:
- It uses the captcha if enabled
- New rating images, separated for the "low" and "high" state
Example: Rating of 4/5 = 4 high and 1 low state images, simple
- [New] New comment system:
- It uses the captcha if enabled
- Can be disabled in the whole site
- Messages can be moderated by administrators (always or in
case of urls and spam words in the text)
- [New] New archive page
- [New] Search engine hits in statistics graph
- [New] mem_chmod(string filepath,int mode) function. The upload class
now uses it to chmod files and folders when they are unwritable
- [New] Added the base html tag declaration in the header because of
some relative path issue
- [Fix] Tags and comments are now deleted successfully when deleting
- [Fix] Small fix in the statistics page in administration
- [Fix] Minor bugs
- [Mod] Articles, Downloads, Guides and News pages have been restyled
- [Mod] Minor layout changes
- [Mod] The infobar has been restyled
- [Del] template_news_list() is now deprecated, the complete news view
is now used