// show whole price list
function pricessCategories($parent,$level)
//same as processCategories(), except it creates a pricelist of the shop
$out = array();
$cnt = 0;
$q1 = db_query("select categoryID, name from ".CATEGORIES_TABLE.
" where parent=$parent order by sort_order, name") or die (db_error());
while (($row = db_fetch_row($q1))&&($_GET["mmm"]<MAX_TOWAR_IN_PRAIS_LIST+$_GET["page"])){
//define back color of the cell
$r = hexdec(substr(CONF_MIDDLE_COLOR, 0, 2));
$g = hexdec(substr(CONF_MIDDLE_COLOR, 2, 2));
$b = hexdec(substr(CONF_MIDDLE_COLOR, 4, 2));
$m = (float)max($r, max($g,$b));
$r = round((190+20*min($level,3))*$r/$m);
$g = round((190+20*min($level,3))*$g/$m);
$b = round((190+20*min($level,3))*$b/$m);
$c = dechex($r).dechex($g).dechex($b); //final color
//add category to the output
$out[$cnt][0] = $row[0];
$out[$cnt][1] = $row[1];
$out[$cnt][2] = $level;
$out[$cnt][3] = $c;
$out[$cnt][4] = 0; //0 is for category, 1 - product
if ( !isset($_GET["sort"]) )
$order_clause = "order by sort_order";
//verify $_GET["sort"]
switch ($_GET["sort"]){
$_GET["sort"] = "name";
case 'name':
case 'Price':
case 'customers_rating':
$order_clause = " order by ".$_GET["sort"];
if ( isset($_GET["direction"]) )
if ( !strcmp( $_GET["direction"] , "DESC" ) )
$order_clause .= " DESC ";
$order_clause .= " ASC ";
$sql = "
select productID, name, Price, in_stock from ".PRODUCTS_TABLE.
" where categoryID=".$row[0]." and enabled=1 ".
//add products
$q = db_query( $sql ) or die (db_error());
while ($row1 = db_fetch_row($q))
if ($_GET["mmm"]>$_GET["page"]&&$_GET["mmm"]<=$_GET["page"]+MAX_TOWAR_IN_PRAIS_LIST){
if ($row1[2] <= 0)
$row1[2]= "n/a";
$row1[2] = show_price($row1[2]);
//add product to the output
$out[$cnt][0] = $row1[0];
$out[$cnt][1] = $row1[1];
$out[$cnt][2] = $level;
$out[$cnt][3] = "FFFFFF";
$out[$cnt][4] = 1; //0 is for category, 1 - product
$out[$cnt][5] = $row1[2];
$out[$cnt][6] = $row1[3];
//process all subcategories
if ($_GET["mmm"]<=($_GET["page"]+MAX_TOWAR_IN_PRAIS_LIST)){
$sub_out = pricessCategories($row[0], $level+1);
//add $sub_out to the end of $out
for ($j=0; $j<count($sub_out); $j++){
$out[] = $sub_out[$j];
return $out;
} //pricessCategories
function _sortPriceListSetting( &$smarty, $urlToSort )
$sort_string = str_replace( "{ASC_NAME}",
"<a href='".$urlToSort."&sort=name&direction=ASC'>".STRING_ASC."</a>", $sort_string );
$sort_string = str_replace( "{DESC_NAME}",
"<a href='".$urlToSort."&sort=name&direction=DESC'>".STRING_DESC."</a>", $sort_string );
$sort_string = str_replace( "{ASC_PRICE}",
"<a href='".$urlToSort."&sort=Price&direction=ASC'>".STRING_ASC."</a>", $sort_string );
$sort_string = str_replace( "{DESC_PRICE}",
"<a href='".$urlToSort."&sort=Price&direction=DESC'>".STRING_DESC."</a>", $sort_string );
$smarty->assign( "string_product_sort", $sort_string );
if (isset($_GET["show_price"])) //show pricelist
_sortPriceListSetting( $smarty, "index.php?show_price=yes" );
list($max_product)=mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".PRODUCTS_TABLE." WHERE `enabled`=1&&categoryID!=1"));
$pricelist_elements = pricessCategories(1,0);
foreach ($pricelist_elements as $key=>$val){
if ($val[4]==1){
if ($val[2]<=$maximym)$maximym--; else unset($pricelist_elements[$key]);
$smarty->assign("pricelist_pages", $max_pages);
$smarty->assign("pricelist_now_page", (int)$_GET["page"]/MAX_TOWAR_IN_PRAIS_LIST);
$smarty->assign("pricelist_elements", $pricelist_elements);
$smarty->assign("main_content_template", "pricelist.tpl.html");