Компонент JoomPMS


Хранитель порядка
19 Окт 2016
1731399334909.pngДля просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся is the best component that let your Joomla users to send private messages between each other. Users can send, read and manage private messages from frontend easily and quickly.

Messaging Features
  • User can send private message to other Joomla users
  • User can read received private message from other Joomla users
  • User can delete it's own private messages
  • User can view and reply messages
  • Self-messaging support, you can allow / disallow a user to send message to himself
  • Message status automatically change to read once opened
  • User can set own configuration
  • User can lock inbox
  • Ability to auto-purge messages after the given days number from config
  • Ability to receive notification email when a new private message received
  • Support to attach files to a message
  • Ability to search for messages
  • Search the messages.
  • Carbon copy feature support
  • Private message can be sent to many users simultaneously, both in normal form and cc form
  • Outbox store feature, sent message will be stroed and can be revised
ACL & Security Features
  • Support Joomla Captcha
  • Include or exclude access groups to create a new message
  • Include or exclude access groups to use carbon copy feature
  • Include or exclude access groups to reply received messages
  • Include or exclude access groups to attach file
  • Include or exclude receiver access groups
  • Force sender user groups
  • Force receiver user groups
and more Features...

JoomPMS 1.1.0