Плагин JCH Optimize


Гуру форума
29 Май 2009
JCH Optimize is a Joomla! system plugin that can optimize web page downloads by aggregating and minifying css and javascript files found in the head section of the web page. By combining these files together as one you minimize the total amount of http connections that has to be made in downloading a webpage and utlimately reduce the total download time. The download is further optimized and speedened by an option to minify the aggregated css or javascript file or even the html output. For a more detailed description on the inner workings of the plugin, read the section on how the plugin works.

  • Combine javascript/css files into one
  • Combine background images
  • Minify aggregated files
  • Gzip combined javascript or css file
  • Exclude certain files from the aggregating process if these cause problems
  • Exclude one or more components if plugin doesn't work well with them
  • Can produce an aesthetic 'flat link' url for aggregated file with the use of htaccess
Installation is like any other Joomla! extension. Just download the zip file and use the Joomla installer to install. From the administrator panel, choose Extensions -> Install/Uninstall and then using the upload package option just click choose file to find the location of the downloaded zip file to upload and install.

[spoil]Про версия
Ребят есть у кого версия JCH Optimize Pro 6.4.2? а то у меня php ниже 7 версии(

JCH Optimize 8.1.1 pro

Тестировал, и после некоторых настроек выводится ошибка (логика не ясна)
_JchOptimizeVendor\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\UriResolver::resolve(): Argument #2 ($rel) must be of type _JchOptimizeVendor\Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface, bool given, called in /administrator/components/com_jchoptimize/lib/src/Html/CacheManager.php on line 252

JCH Optimize v8.1.2 Pro

What's new​

This release is a maintenance update that fixes a PHP error on some sites. All are welcome to upgrade

Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.2.11 and Joomla! 4.4.0|5.0.0


Bug fixes​

  • [HIgh] Fixes PHP error in CacheManager.php file.
  • [LOW] Fixes issue with JavaScript errors on some sites.
  • [MEDIUM] Fixes issue with using Smart Combine when excluding JavaScript files.
  • [MEDIUM] Some images not showing when Load Webp images enabled.

JCH Optimize v8.1.2 Pro

*** Скрытый текст не может быть процитирован. ***

What's new​

This release is a maintenance update that fixes a PHP error on some sites. All are welcome to upgrade

Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.2.11 and Joomla! 4.4.0|5.0.0


Bug fixes​

  • [HIgh] Fixes PHP error in CacheManager.php file.
  • [LOW] Fixes issue with JavaScript errors on some sites.
  • [MEDIUM] Fixes issue with using Smart Combine when excluding JavaScript files.
  • [MEDIUM] Some images not showing when Load Webp images enabled.
Ошибки ушли, но теперь сам кэш не работает
У меня похожая...

JCH Optimize 8.1.1 pro

*** Скрытый текст не может быть процитирован. ***
Тестировал, и после некоторых настроек выводится ошибка (логика не ясна)
_JchOptimizeVendor\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\UriResolver::resolve(): Argument #2 ($rel) must be of type _JchOptimizeVendor\Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface, bool given, called in /administrator/components/com_jchoptimize/lib/src/Html/CacheManager.php on line 252

У Вас ошибка ушла после обновления до v8.1.2 ?