RSform!Pro 1.0.1 rev 12
RSform!Pro 1.0.1 rev 12 работает стабильно.
RSform!Pro - Professional Joomla Form Management Component
Form Editing
* Copy components from one form to another
* Form components management(edit,reorder,remove,copy)
* Ability to run php scripts on form process and form display
* Customizable thank-you message that can use placeholders
* Duplicate Forms
* Use Return-URL to redirect the user to a custom page after submission
* Multi-Language Forms
* Antispam Captcha form component
* Quick Add Forms to Menus
* Multiple Pre-set Form Layouts
* Component Preview in backend
* Flat and Popup Calendar field
* Customizable Captcha
* Ajax technology for faster form components management
* Automatic layout generation
* Ability to send e-mails
* Use placeholders that are being replaced with the users' submission
* Send the same e-mail template to multiple users
* Send mail in text/html format
* Different e-mail templates for submitters/administrators
* Choose whether to attach files to e-mails
* Ability to remove the submissions
* Track submitter by IP address
* Ability to modify the submissions
* Ability to filter the submissions
* Ajax technology for faster management
Export Submissions
* Ability to export submissions in csv format
* Select which submissions to export
* Ability to choose which fields to export
* Ability to choose separators for the csv file