Еще неплохой компонент JoomSlide
довольно много опций имеет и русский язык во фронтэнде поддерживает
Supported Languages
Frontend: English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Czech, Simplified Chinese, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Turkish, Traditional Chinese, Polish, Slovak, Greek and Slovenian.
Backend: English,Spanish, Polish, Fench.
- Apply to all images option.
- Preserve apect ratio
- Force Aspect Ratio (1:1, 4:3 and 16:9)
- Crop option
- Show/Hide thumbnail when expand image
- Open and close image events
- Select thumbnail size by width or height
- Supported image formats: jpg, png, gif
- Select thumbnail image format: jpg, png, gif or auto
- Thumbnails quality and path configuration
- Thumbnails inherit image attributes
- Cache thumbnails
- Control bar (show/hide, position, opacity...)
- Automatic reduction of the expanded image to the viewport
- Allows multiple instances of expanded images
- Choose the image/thumbnails border color
- Preload images when load webpage
- Chose number position: header or footer
- Caption text (overlay, position, opacity...)
- Drag sensitivity
- Background dimming
- Transition duration
- Expand/contract duration
- Default error image
- Advanced effects with ActionScript 1.0 Equations library (30 efects)
- Slideshow interval time and repeat
- Highslide path configuration
- And more...