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IP.Links 3.2
IP.Links is a full-blown links management application for your IP.Board. Allows members to submit and comment on links, mark links as affiliates, and much more.
* Submit links to websites along with a title, description, and an image.
* Comment on and rate submitted links
* Ability for users to report potentially offensive content or broken links using the built-in Report Center
* Search integration: search links along with the rest of your board's content
* Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what links have been added or commented on
* Integrates into "View New Content" and "View Active Content"
* Drag & drop reordering of categories in the ACP
* Ability to specify which categories, if any, allow image submissions with it's links
* Provide "link back" images and code so other websites can link back to yours
* Mark links as official affiliates and display them in a different section on the links index
* Group permissions allowing you to specify who can add links, moderate links, add comments, search links, and more
* Specify which BBCodes are allowed in the link descriptions and their comments, and whether emoticons are allowed
* Multi moderation: Mass move, approve/unapprove, pin/unpin links
* Sphinx search supported
* Much, much, more...
IP.Links 3.2.0 is a major feature release for IP.Links and is also the first version released by the IPS Community Developers, following back in December 2009. IP.Links 3.2.0 includes a variety of new features and a few bug fixes from the 3.1.x branch.
New in IP.Links 3.2.0
* Integration with IP.Board's reputation system
* Implementation of Friendly URLs for the IP.Links home page, category view, and link view
* New user group setting: Number of posts required to submit links
* Automatic thumbnails of submitted links
* Enhanced link validation (you can now check if the website returns an appropriate response rather than just the form of the URL)
* Member profile integration:
o Addition of a 'Links' tab (next to the About Me / Topics / Posts tabs) to see the links the member last submitted
o A new 'Find Links' option (under the Find Topics / Find Posts links) to pull up all the member's links
o Submitted link count added underneath the member's other board statistics
* Notifications:
o Complete integration with Watched Content - subscribe to categories and links
o Ability to send 'New Link Awaiting Approval' emails to moderators when a new link is submitted
o Ability to send an email or PM containing the reasons why a member's link was rejected
o Email or PM member when their link is approved
* Link Subtext Customization (text shown underneath the link title on category view
o Display the link's URL
o Display the first x characters from the link's description
o Display no subtext
* Your Website Bar across the top of the page when a member visits a link
o Allows member to quickly return to your forum
o Displays link statistics like number of comments and hits
o Allows member to share the link via Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Digg, Mixx, Delicious, and Reddit
* User Control Panel Integration
o Allow member to change the number of links show per page and how many comments are shown per page
o Allow member to automatically subscribe to links they submit and/or links they comment on (Watched Content)
o Allow member to choose whether they don't want to be notified or notified by email or PM when their links are either approved or rejected
o Manage Watched Links -- View all current link subscriptions, change subscription types, unsubscribe, etc
o Manage Watched Categories -- Same as Manage Watched Links, but for categories
o Manage Unapproved Links -- Only for moderators, allows them to see and approve or reject unapproved links from within their User CP
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IP.Links is a full-blown links management application for your IP.Board. Allows members to submit and comment on links, mark links as affiliates, and much more.
* Submit links to websites along with a title, description, and an image.
* Comment on and rate submitted links
* Ability for users to report potentially offensive content or broken links using the built-in Report Center
* Search integration: search links along with the rest of your board's content
* Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what links have been added or commented on
* Integrates into "View New Content" and "View Active Content"
* Drag & drop reordering of categories in the ACP
* Ability to specify which categories, if any, allow image submissions with it's links
* Provide "link back" images and code so other websites can link back to yours
* Mark links as official affiliates and display them in a different section on the links index
* Group permissions allowing you to specify who can add links, moderate links, add comments, search links, and more
* Specify which BBCodes are allowed in the link descriptions and their comments, and whether emoticons are allowed
* Multi moderation: Mass move, approve/unapprove, pin/unpin links
* Sphinx search supported
* Much, much, more...
IP.Links 3.2.0 is a major feature release for IP.Links and is also the first version released by the IPS Community Developers, following back in December 2009. IP.Links 3.2.0 includes a variety of new features and a few bug fixes from the 3.1.x branch.
New in IP.Links 3.2.0
* Integration with IP.Board's reputation system
* Implementation of Friendly URLs for the IP.Links home page, category view, and link view
* New user group setting: Number of posts required to submit links
* Automatic thumbnails of submitted links
* Enhanced link validation (you can now check if the website returns an appropriate response rather than just the form of the URL)
* Member profile integration:
o Addition of a 'Links' tab (next to the About Me / Topics / Posts tabs) to see the links the member last submitted
o A new 'Find Links' option (under the Find Topics / Find Posts links) to pull up all the member's links
o Submitted link count added underneath the member's other board statistics
* Notifications:
o Complete integration with Watched Content - subscribe to categories and links
o Ability to send 'New Link Awaiting Approval' emails to moderators when a new link is submitted
o Ability to send an email or PM containing the reasons why a member's link was rejected
o Email or PM member when their link is approved
* Link Subtext Customization (text shown underneath the link title on category view

o Display the link's URL
o Display the first x characters from the link's description
o Display no subtext
* Your Website Bar across the top of the page when a member visits a link
o Allows member to quickly return to your forum
o Displays link statistics like number of comments and hits
o Allows member to share the link via Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Digg, Mixx, Delicious, and Reddit
* User Control Panel Integration
o Allow member to change the number of links show per page and how many comments are shown per page
o Allow member to automatically subscribe to links they submit and/or links they comment on (Watched Content)
o Allow member to choose whether they don't want to be notified or notified by email or PM when their links are either approved or rejected
o Manage Watched Links -- View all current link subscriptions, change subscription types, unsubscribe, etc
o Manage Watched Categories -- Same as Manage Watched Links, but for categories
o Manage Unapproved Links -- Only for moderators, allows them to see and approve or reject unapproved links from within their User CP
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