ThirtyBees 1.1.0 последняя версия 
Для просмотра ссылки Войдиили Зарегистрируйся
Для просмотра ссылки Войдиили Зарегистрируйся:

Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
- Core Updater is now the tool to update thirty bees core. A lot faster, a substantially more reliable update strategy. It can update all versions beginning with thirty bees 1.0.1. And it can downgrade / roll back just as easily in case a new release doesn't work for your shop.
- Module tbupdater should be kept installed, it's needed for updating modules for the time being.
- Big refactoring of error reporting and exception handling by @getdatakick. A new exception page and more important for merchants: reports no longer go into the rendered shop page, but get reported in the JavaScript console. PHP errors messing up shop pages are a thing of the past.
- Another big audit of price rounding. Prices in the cart get now rounded properly according to the configured rounding strategy (by item / by line / by total). And invoices, credit slips, all now do as well.
- This audit also brought a lot of detail improvements in displayed prices. For details, see Для просмотра ссылки Войди
или Зарегистрируйся. - In multishop environments, one no longer sees duplicate entries for currencies.
- Editing translations no longer requires to raise the max_vars PHP setting. Thanks to @ziyaindia.
- When checking for module updates, not only the module name, but also the module author has to match. This should solve a class of issues with thirty party modules named like official modules. It also means that one can exclude a (edited) module from updates by simply changing the module author, e.g. from $this->author = 'thirty bees' to $this->author = 'thirty bees tweaked'.
- Coupons/vouchers with taxes get now taken into account as well, thanks to @Zengraph.
- With multishop, lists of customer groups now list only groups available in the currently selected shop context, thanks to @chitmann.
- Also thank you to Emanuel Schiendorfer, David Gasperoni, Mark, Yaniv Mirel and Geo for their contributions. Much appreciated!
- There is a new section in the statistics module: Stats by Groups. Written and contributed by @Zengraph.
- Considerable chunks of theme installation were re-written. It should work now simpler and no longer mess with back office modules.
- This added support for different image sizes in distinct themes. Developers would call this a per-theme namespace for image types.
- Theme configuration XMLs in config/xml/themes/ disappeared. As they never got edited, they were always identical to config.xml in the theme folder.
- This also removed config/xml/themes/default.xml, which was used for community-theme-default, so no more surprises when installing a shop and re-installing the default theme.
- Initial theme settings in the installer were aligned with those of the actual default theme. Before, (re-)installing the default theme later had quite distinct results from what one had right after installation.
- Theme metas (where one turns left and right columns on and off on particular pages) now allow to configure not only pages known by the theme, but all pages available.
- CSV import now supports custom date formats in CSV data. This should allow e.g. U.S. merchants to import CSV data from a European manufacturer. Thanks to @ksimunovic!
- A new, awesome looking default theme, Niara.
- Previous theme is still there.
- Now one can switch back and forth between both themes coming with thirty bees. Support for the "back" step with third party themes is forthcoming, one can still install them, of course.
- Module beesblog is now a default module.
- Two new modules, thememanager and tbhtmlblock. Already in use by theme Niara, they get disabled when installing theme community-theme-default.
- Modules & Themes Catalog can now actually list modules and themes.
Последнее редактирование модератором: