English Magento Help section

I'm getting errors with MageWorx Order Management extension v2.2.4
If I filter for example payment methods and select Paypal payment (Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся), I get this error:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'main_table.main_table.payment_method' in 'where clause', query was: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `mageworx_ordersgrid_order_grid` AS `main_table` WHERE (`main_table`.`main_table`.`payment_method` = 'paypal_standard') AND (main_table.order_group_id = '0')";i:1;s:7200:"#0 /home/45989-36684.cloudwaysapps.com/cefpmrumvz/public_html/lib/Varien/Db/Statement/Pdo/Mysql.php(110:( Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo->_execute(Array)

There is no "payment_method" table in mysql created by that extension, while observer calls it:
case 'payment_method':
if (in_array($column, $listColumns)) {
/** @var MageWorx_OrdersGrid_Model_System_Config_Source_Payment_Methods $sourcePaymentMethods */
$sourcePaymentMethods = Mage::getSingleton('mageworx_ordersgrid/system_config_source_payment_methods');
$block->addColumn('payment_method', array(
'renderer' => 'mageworx_ordersgrid/adminhtml_sales_order_grid_renderer_payment',
'type' => 'options',
'options' => $sourcePaymentMethods->toArray(),
'header' => $helper->__('Payment Method'),
'index' => 'payment_method',
'filter_index' => 'main_table.payment_method',
'align' => 'center'

This error is also persistant if I choose to filter any other column, example I want to filter by customer email:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'main_table.main_table.customer_email' in 'where clause', query was: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `mageworx_ordersgrid_order_grid` AS `main_table` WHERE (`main_table`.`main_table`.`customer_email` LIKE '%samo%') AND (main_table.order_group_id = '0')";i:1;s:7200:"#0 /home/45989-36684.cloudwaysapps.com/cefpmrumvz/public_html/lib/Varien/Db/Statement/Pdo/Mysql.php(110:( Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo->_execute(Array)

Any help would be appreciated :)
Possible quick fix:
1) in cache management admin page, select "Flush Magento Cache" (ait to finish without errors) and "Flush Cache Storage" (also wait for finish without errors)
2) in case of use external cache mechanism - clear them also appropriately (f.e. Zend Cache, any full page cache, APC, OPCACHE and similar)
3) if use compilation - run recompile just for any case.
4) check magento version - this extension can fail since older magento version used (since different orders tables structure) - in this case you need to update magento to later version and clean up related extension tables/config/reinstall it

give some more info on magento/store config you currently used to give you more proper direction to possible fix, so extension runs properly.
I've noticed that in \app\code\community\MageWorx\OrdersGrid\sql\mageworx_ordersgrid_setup\mysql4-upgrade-2.1.1-2.2.0.php there is table structure which is valid.
How can I run this file manually? I've tried by putting .httaccess with allow all but I get Internal Server Error

* MageWorx
* Admin Order Editor extension
* @category MageWorx
* @package MageWorx_OrdersEdit
* @CopyRight Copyright (c) 2016 MageWorx (Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся)

$installer = $this;

if (!$installer->tableExists($this->getTable('mageworx_ordersgrid/order_grid'))) {
$table = $installer->getConnection()
->addColumn('entity_id', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_INTEGER, null, array(
'unsigned' => true,
'nullable' => false,
'primary' => true,
), 'Entity Id')
->addColumn('status', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_TEXT, 32, array(), 'Status')
->addColumn('store_id', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_SMALLINT, null, array(
'unsigned' => true,
), 'Store Id')
->addColumn('store_name', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_TEXT, 255, array(), 'Store Name')
->addColumn('customer_id', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_INTEGER, null, array(
'unsigned' => true,
), 'Customer Id')
->addColumn('base_grand_total', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_DECIMAL, '12,4', array(), 'Base Grand Total')
->addColumn('base_total_paid', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_DECIMAL, '12,4', array(), 'Base Total Paid')
->addColumn('grand_total', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_DECIMAL, '12,4', array(), 'Grand Total')
->addColumn('total_paid', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_DECIMAL, '12,4', array(), 'Total Paid')
->addColumn('increment_id', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_TEXT, 50, array(), 'Increment Id')
->addColumn('base_currency_code', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_TEXT, 3, array(), 'Base Currency Code')
->addColumn('order_currency_code', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_TEXT, 255, array(), 'Order Currency Code')
->addColumn('shipping_name', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_TEXT, 255, array(), 'Shipping Name')
->addColumn('billing_name', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_TEXT, 255, array(), 'Billing Name')
->addColumn('created_at', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_TIMESTAMP, null, array(), 'Created At')
->addColumn('updated_at', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_TIMESTAMP, null, array(), 'Updated At')
->addColumn('customer_email', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_TEXT, 255, array(), 'Customer Email')
->addColumn('customer_group_id', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_SMALLINT, null, array(), 'Customer Group Id')
->addColumn('total_qty_ordered', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_DECIMAL, '12,4', array(
'nullable' => false,
'default' => '0.0000',
), 'Total Qty Ordered')
->addColumn('coupon_code', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_TEXT, 255, array(), 'Coupon Code')
->addColumn('subtotal', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_DECIMAL, '12,4', array(
'nullable' => false,
'default' => '0.0000',
), 'Subtotal')
->addColumn('tax_amount', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_DECIMAL, '12,4', array(
'nullable' => false,
'default' => '0.0000',
), 'Tax Amount')
->addColumn('discount_amount', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_DECIMAL, '12,4', array(
'nullable' => false,
'default' => '0.0000',
), 'Discount Amount')
->addColumn('total_refunded', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_DECIMAL, '12,4', array(
'nullable' => false,
'default' => '0.0000',
), 'Total Refunded')
->addColumn('shipping_amount', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_DECIMAL, '12,4', array(
'nullable' => false,
'default' => '0.0000',
), 'Shipping Amount')
->addColumn('base_subtotal', Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_DECIMAL, '12,4', array(
'nullable' => false,
'default' => '0.0000',
for such thing you can use this tool (instructions with download/add/install it you can find on link provided:(
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
after from magento root you can run such commands:
$ n98-magerun.phar sys:setup:change-version MageWorx_OrdersGrid 2.1.1
command bellow to mark in mage resources table module current version as 2.1.1 (so upgrade script allowed to run due to initial version match)
$ n98-magerun.phar cache:flush
to flush cache
$ n98-magerun.phar sys:setup:incremental
run that upgrade script from extension (and any other from other extensions which still not run) on background

if all ok, on out you get extensions up to date with ones which were planed to be from extension

Do you know how to update the final price (in cart) of a custom option in a Bundle with dynamic price?

For example:

Product with:

- Bundle Prouct Option (Dropdow: option 1, option 2, option 3)
- Custom Option (Dropwdown: option 1, option 2)

Then if I choose "Bundle Product" (option 1 20$) + "Custom Option 1" (15$) the final price would be 35$ but when I added it to the cart only show the price of the Bundle Option (20$).
for such thing you can use this tool (instructions with download/add/install it you can find on link provided:(
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
after from magento root you can run such commands:
$ n98-magerun.phar sys:setup:change-version MageWorx_OrdersGrid 2.1.1
command bellow to mark in mage resources table module current version as 2.1.1 (so upgrade script allowed to run due to initial version match)
$ n98-magerun.phar cache:flush
to flush cache
$ n98-magerun.phar sys:setup:incremental
run that upgrade script from extension (and any other from other extensions which still not run) on background

if all ok, on out you get extensions up to date with ones which were planed to be from extension

Thank you for detailed instructions, but since I'm using shared hosting, I can't run scripts from other sources as I don't have shell access. Is there any other possibility to run mysql4-upgrade-2.1.1-2.2.0.php without the terminal access?
My Layered Navigation SEO URLs don't work with non-English characters after the "Magento SEO Suite Ultimate extension v8.0.0" upgrade!

Anyone else having the same problem?

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся -> Works because it's English.
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся -> Doesn't work...
Thank you for detailed instructions, but since I'm using shared hosting, I can't run scripts from other sources as I don't have shell access. Is there any other possibility to run mysql4-upgrade-2.1.1-2.2.0.php without the terminal access?

Think it can only be done by terminal access. Maybe your hosting can do it for you?
My Layered Navigation SEO URLs don't work with non-English characters after the "Magento SEO Suite Ultimate extension v8.0.0" upgrade!

Anyone else having the same problem?

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся -> Works because it's English.
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся -> Doesn't work...

Guys, my problem still exists! even with version 9! Anyone with similar issues?

Did you test this on a fresh Magento?
I did! The problem still exists.

And it was working before version 8? I suggest to revert to the working version. Think, never fix a working plugin if it ain't broken. Seems no one here can fix it. No need to have the latest imao. Hope you can revert ;)
It's working good on v7.1.1... Versions newer than that broke the non-English layered navigation filters! :(
I guess I have no choice but to remain on the older version.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Guys, my problem still exists! even with version 9! Anyone with similar issues?

Did you test this on a fresh Magento?

I did! The problem still exists.

And it was working before version 8? I suggest to revert to the working version. Think, never fix a working plugin if it ain't broken. Seems no one here can fix it. No need to have the latest imao. Hope you can revert ;)
Последнее редактирование модератором: