Ищу EasyBlog

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2. Пробовал сносить EasyBlog и заново ставить?
3. Попробуй в другом браузере (оптимален Firefox Mozilla).
4. Проверь плагины (вкл./выкл.)

У меня была такая ситуация - при вкл. плагине "EasyBlog - Pagebreak" сайт вообще не открывался.
Разбираться не стал, просто выкл. "EasyBlog - Pagebreak" в Менеджере плагинов и всё.
Аналогичная проблема. Файл в записи доступен. Joomla 1.7 На j1.6 работало. После обновления joomla и easyblog до последней версии появилась такая проблема.
EasyBlog 2.0.4481 - J1.5, J1.6, J1.7

EasyBlog Changelog
Version 2.0.4481 - 11th August 2011
Bug Fixes / Features

^ Fixed welcome module to respect avatar settings set from the back end.
^ Correctly parse parameters for the latest post module.
^ Added missing variables in the myblog view.
^ Removed trailing elipses unless it is necessary from jomsocial's activity stream.
^ Fixed issues with rating not binding correctly.
^ Fixed invalid variable notice in blog contributions.
^ Images view are no longer translated in SEF to avoid conflicts with original images folder.
^ Category feeds should not be showing site feeds when feedburner is enabled.
^ Fixed archive module showing incorrect date as it was using an incorrect date offset.
^ Fixed activation links for Joomla 1.6 and Joomla 1.7 as it was referring to com_user instead of com_users.
^ Fixed invalid date referenced in publish_up column when creating a new blog post.
^ Fixed publishing date returning incorrect date when using a different language.
^ Tag's Feed will not retrieve the main site's url feed when Feedburner is enabled.
^ Category titles are properly escaped in the feed's view to avoid erronous xml parsing.
- Language translations are removed from the installer to reduce the size of the installer.
EasyBlog 2.0.4561 - J1.5, J1.6, J1.7
Changelog Только почему то ***560
Version 2.0.4560 - 14th August 2011

Bug Fixes / Features

^ Fixed comment edit button shouldn't display when the user do not have the access to edit comment.
^ Fixed date offset issue which lead to blog post become scheduled post.
^ Fixed ratings from showing everyone has voted.
^ Tag cloud RSS link should not link to feedburner when feedburner is activated.
^ Fixed invalid image path when sending to facebook.
^ Fixed blog unpublished date issue.
^ Fixed incorrect JTable path.
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