Host: []
Winsock Connect Error:
System Error: 10060
System Message:
Попытка установить соединение была безуспешной, т.к. от другого компьютера за требуемое время не получен нужный отклик, или было разорвано уже установленное соединение из-за неверного отклика уже подключенного компьютера.
A Winsock 10060 error indicates a socket timeout []. Some reasons for this error include: remote host not online, routing, firewall/router configuration (blocked ports), etc.. The most common reason for this occurrence is when nothing is listening on the specified port on the Host Computer. For Example, Mini Remote Client Agent not installed or mismatch in port usage (default is TCP 6129).
Ping returned: IP Request Timed Out
Operating System Detection Error (1)[]:
System Error: 53
System Message:
Не найден сетевой путь.
Unable to determine the Operating System on the remote host. The remote host may not be running a Windows Operating System.
If an error is related to a name resolution issue, try using IP address instead of host name.
For additional information, please refer to our knowledgebase:
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