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Плагин Beaver Builder тема и плагины

Ultimate Addon for Beaver Builder 1.9.0
Version 1.9.0 - Thursday, 26th July 2018
- New: Introduced Business Hours
- Improvement: CF7 Styler - Added help field in Use Custom Style option on how to use this field
- Improvement: CF7 Styler - Added Top and Bottom Margin options for Submit button
- Improvement: Contact Form - Added Top and Bottom Margin options for Submit button
- Improvement: Gravity Form Styler - Added Top and Bottom Margin options for Submit button
- Improvement: Image Carousel - Added filters to add custom Photo size
- Improvement: Subscription Form - Added Bottom Margin option for Submit button
- Improvement: Module's categories are now ready to translate
- Improvement: Plugin's code formatted
- Fixed: Button - Need to set icon for setting photo with after text position
- Fixed: Contact Form - Phone field input color, background color not reflecting in preview mode
- Fixed: Contact Form - Form padding is not applying to Form
- Fixed: Fancy Text - Accept single and double quotes in prefix and suffix fields
- Fixed: Gravity Form Styler- Input text color not working for Select box, Conditional select box
- Fixed: Gravity Form Styler- Background color not working for Conditional select box
- Fixed: Info Box - Resolved default padding issue
- Fixed: Photo Gallery - Photo Size filter not working
- Fixed: Text Transform values not applying in certain cases
Народ, кто настраивал магазин на Бивере.. как изменить отображение товаров в мобильной версии в две колонки, в настройках у бивера ни у дополнений ни в самом woocomerce ничего не нашел ;(
Народ, кто настраивал магазин на Бивере.. как изменить отображение товаров в мобильной версии в две колонки, в настройках у бивера ни у дополнений ни в самом woocomerce ничего не нашел ;(
Это можно сделать используя css и media queries для того чтобы задать стиль только для телефонов. нужно прописать ul элементу каталога разбиение на 2 колонки Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
хотелось конечно что-то без копания в коде, в любом случае спасибо.
Устанавливаешь Yellow Pencil - есть на форуме, и все меняешь не залезая в код. Шикарная вещь для тех кому лень или не знает код.
не очень эта штука помогла, колонки добавить так и не вышло, там куча настроек по стилям, но вот управления блоками я не нашел.

Попробуй блокам поставить ширину 50%, они должны поместиться в один ряд 2 блока, если там есть внешние отступы то чуть меньше.
Beaver Builder Plugin (Pro Version)
Beaver Builder Plugin - 08/20/2018

Fixed compatibility with Gutenberg.
Added editor variable to fl_builder_photo_cropped action. - 08/06/2018

Fixed text editors losing formatting when publishing because of WP 4.9.8 update. - 08/02/2018

Fixed switching between Gutenberg and Beaver Builder.
Fixed fl_schema_meta_publisher_image_url filter.
Updated translation files.

2.1.4 - 07/30/2018

Font Awesome updated to 5.2! The font is now part of the plugin package, no more glitchy CDN.
Visible indicator added if a node has visibility rules applied.
Add repeater support to fl_builder_before_control and fl_builder_after_control. Props Ian Forrest.
Allow users to select/deselect all modules. Show a warning if all modules are disabled.
Allow users to filter the default config for the ace editor using filter fl_ace_editor_settings.
Contact Form Module: Add field connection to module subject field.
Add 'Selection Order' to loop orderby options in Posts Module.
New filter fl_builder_field_js_config makes it possible to add predefined text field support. Props Oliver Juhas.
Add Aria labels to Mobile Menu button.
New actions/filters added to post-grid module schema function.
Actions: fl_before_schema_meta, fl_after_schema_meta
Filters: fl_schema_meta_general, fl_schema_meta_publisher_image_url, fl_schema_meta_publisher, fl_schema_meta_author

Bug Fixes

Fixed issue with paginated category archives not correctly returning a 404 when there are no posts.
Fixed saved column settings reverting to default when first dropped in.
Fixed a compatibility With TinyMCE Advanced.
Fixed media modal close issue in Firefox and Safari.
Fixed Google fonts not loading in saved rows/modules inserted via shortcode.
Added field Cycle Day for GetResponse to fix autoresponder issue.
Fix Content Slider Delay and Transition Speed to accept positive float value.
Increase height of the multi-select element in the Settings UI.
Modified logic for listing Ontraport campaigns so all display in the dropdown.
Fixed a "connections" JS error when using layout shortcode.
Fixed an issue with Subscribe Form and AWeber.
Fixed a Themer layout CSS issue, CSS would sometimes fail to load and a refresh was required.