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Плагин Admin Columns Pro


15 Фев 2009
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Add, remove and re-order your columns.
Using our drag-and-drop-interface, loved by thousands of users around the world, you gain full control over your posts and other overview screens. Add, remove and re-order any column for posts, users, taxonomies, comments and media. With over 90 columns to choose from including: featured images, custom fields and taxonomies. Create the interface you’ve always dreamed of (if you’re into WordPress that much).

С данным плагином можно изменять все названия типов постов, таксономий, пользователей, а также менять ширину, положение, добавлять дополнительные колонки, сортировку.
Есть русский язык.
Работать с ним проще простого: выбираете необходимый раздел в админке, выбираете сверху кнопку Редактировать столбцы. После сохраняете изменения.
Важно: если деактивировать плагин, то все Ваши изменения станут стандартными. Все настройки плагина будут храниться в базе данных и после его активации они снова вернут Ваши настройки обратно.

А у кого есть аддоны, совместимые с 4+ версией плагина? WordPress ругается, что аддоны должны быть версии 2+.
Admin Columns Pro 4.0.14
= 4.0.14 =
Release Date: November 10th, 2017

* [Fixed] Free version is now deactivated correctly on activating the Pro version

= 4.0.13 =
Release Date: November 10th, 2017

* [Updated] Admin Column Core version could not be read and update message would not go away

= 4.0.12 =
Release Date: November 9th, 2017

* [Added] New column for revisions. Shows the revision count with more info on click
* [Added] New column for links in content. Shows internal/external link count
* [Added] Download action added for Media overview
* [Added] Sorting for Custom Field column User type
* [Fixed] Filtering on daily and monthly dates now shows the correct posts
* [Fixed] Comment count sorting
* [Improved] Textarea field type support for custom field with wordcount setting and text area editing
* [Improved] Better date ranged filtering (does not include the first day of next month)
* [Improved] No support 12/24 hour format for date time picker
* [Improved] Layouts UI improvements
* [Updated] Admin Column Core changes
* [Improved] Added the AC_Plugin class as a more DRY approach to asking metadata about a plugin
* [Improved] Redone the way user preferences are stored. Fewer records and better compatible with Multisite.
* [Improved] Added the option to write database updates and apply them to a new version
* [Improved] Empty character is just a method now instead of getter/setter with a filter
* [Improved] Added AC_Services class to register services to a column on the fly (DI approach)
Ни у кого нет свежей версии?
Admin Columns Pro 4.2.1
= 4.2.1 =
Release Date: January 30th, 2018

* [Fixed] Editing, Filtering and Sorting was not possible for Media and Comment columns
* [Fixed] Editing for Menu Column is fixed
* [Improved] Filtering drop downs now have a maximum width of 200px
* [Updated] Admin Column Core changes
* [Fixed] Added AC_ListScreen::get_object_by_id with deprecated message
* [Fixed] Fixed fatal error for custom taxonomy columns

= 4.2 =
Release Date: January 29th, 2018

* [Added] Ancestor column for hierarchical post types
* [Added] Latest comment column for posts
* [Added] Post Type column for comments
* [Added] Language column for users
* [Added] Enable persistent editing by adding `add_filter( 'acp/editing/persistent', '__return_true' );` to your functions.php
* [Improved] Default Filtering label prefix changed from 'All' to 'Any'
* [Improved] Ping status, last name and first name column sorting is now faster
* [Improved] Adding a new column will enable sorting by default
* [Updated] Admin Column Core changes
* [Improved] Admin Columns Capability is now always set
* [Improved] Database update message is only visible for administartors
* [Improved] Links starting with # are now marked as internal
* [Removed] Removed support for the Link/Bookmark list table
* [Added] Added date time settings for columns that use dates

Ни у кого нет свежей версии?
Admin Columns Pro 4.2.4
= 4.2.4 =
Release Date: March 13th, 2018

* [Added] You can now change the duration of caching in seconds using acp/filtering/cache/seconds (defaults to 10)
* [Added] Gravatar display added for User related columns
* [Fixed] Inline edit for Date Time picker fixed
* [Improved] Filter dropdowns now displayed in alphabetical order by default
* [Dependency] Requires ACF addon 2.2.2 if active
* [Dependency] Requires WooCommerce addon 3.0.3 if active
* [Updated] The filter for enabling cache on the filter dropdowns is now acp/filtering/cache/enable
* [Updated] When selecting a Post Type the label will be updated for the Post Count (user) column

= 4.2.3 =
Release Date: February 6th, 2018

* [Added] Added deprecated hook `do_action( 'acp/column_types' )`
* [Fixed] Fixed default sorting for hierarchical pages
* [Fixed] Fiexed issue where some page ordering plugins would no longer be sorted correctly
* [Fixed] Fixed sorting on media items in grid view mode
* [Fixed] Delegated filter menu's (e.g. categories) no longer appear when disabled
* [Updated] Admin Column Core changes
* [Removed] Removed 'acp/column_types' action
* [Fixed] Small typo in help text
* [Update] Updated languages from wordpress.org
Admin Columns Pro 4.2.6
== Changelog ==
= 4.2.6 =
Release Date: March 16th, 2018
* [Fixed] Ranged filtering on User overview fixed
* [Fixed] Reintroduced filtering for Network users
= 4.2.5 =
Release Date: March 15th, 2018
* [Fixed] Multisite Users screen was not usable because of a fatal error

Admin Columns Pro 4.2.7
= 4.2.7 =
Release Date: March 21st, 2018

* [Fixed] License check gave a wrong expiry date
* [Updated] Background caching for filtering is now only build for columns that are active
* [Improved] Reset sorting button now aligns good on Media and Taxonomy overviews
* [Improved] Export filename now contains the date as set in WordPress instead of the servers date
* [Updated] Admin Column Core changes
* [Improved] It's now possible to reset the Admin Columns capability by reactivating the plugin

Admin Columns Pro 4.2.8
= 4.2.8 =
Release Date: March 30th, 2018

* [Fixed] License expired notice was not displayed correctly
* [Updated] Admin Column Core changes
* [Fixed] Possible catchable fatal error for Author column fixed
* [Improved] Logic for File Size column for media improved
* [Improved] Translation improvements
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