Компонент ACY Mailing Enterprise

AcyMailing Enterprise 5.11.6 перезалейте пожалуйста, ссылка не работает. Вышла версия 5.13 может у кого есть?
5.13 может у кого есть?
В 9.3.0 сделали отписку в заголовках, по канонам Gmail. Есть у кого?
Она вышла правда только что считай...
В 9.3.0 сделали отписку в заголовках, по канонам Gmail. Есть у кого?
Она вышла правда только что считай...
AcyMailing Enterprise 9.3.0


  • Improvement of the bounce handling configuration and listing interfaces.
  • The List-Unsubscribe-Post=One-Click has been added to the headers of the emails linked at least to one list to follow GMail guidance and to reduce the effect of anti spam filter on your emails
  • An "Unsubscribe from all lists" link can be inserted in the email editor, allowing receivers to unsubscribe with one click from all the campaign lists they are subscribed to
  • Improve remaining credits message when no credits were used with the AcyMailing sending service
  • You can now export the unsubscribe date when exporting subscribers
  • The wording of the "Choose an action" drop-down menu in the Subscribers tab has been improved, making it consistent with the Status. So "enable" has become "activate", while "disable" has become "deactivate"

Bug fixes​

  • The multiple select fields now correctly show the saved value for filters in the segments
  • Fixed send test button in template edition not taking Save Thumbnail configuration into account
  • Security added on universal filter SQL request when adding ; character at the end of the request
  • Fixed multilingual campaigns when resending to new users only
  • Fixed the emails displayed when choosing existing emails in the "add an email into the queue" automation action
  • Changed API error message when trying to subscribe or unsubscribe non-existing users
  • Fix resend confirmation email action which sent twice the email if tracking enabled
  • Fixed CLI extension installation for Joomla 4
  • Fixed front listing action when SEF is deactivated
AcyMailing Enterprise 9.3.0
*** Скрытый текст не может быть процитирован. ***


  • Improvement of the bounce handling configuration and listing interfaces.
  • The List-Unsubscribe-Post=One-Click has been added to the headers of the emails linked at least to one list to follow GMail guidance and to reduce the effect of anti spam filter on your emails
  • An "Unsubscribe from all lists" link can be inserted in the email editor, allowing receivers to unsubscribe with one click from all the campaign lists they are subscribed to
  • Improve remaining credits message when no credits were used with the AcyMailing sending service
  • You can now export the unsubscribe date when exporting subscribers
  • The wording of the "Choose an action" drop-down menu in the Subscribers tab has been improved, making it consistent with the Status. So "enable" has become "activate", while "disable" has become "deactivate"

Bug fixes​

  • The multiple select fields now correctly show the saved value for filters in the segments
  • Fixed send test button in template edition not taking Save Thumbnail configuration into account
  • Security added on universal filter SQL request when adding ; character at the end of the request
  • Fixed multilingual campaigns when resending to new users only
  • Fixed the emails displayed when choosing existing emails in the "add an email into the queue" automation action
  • Changed API error message when trying to subscribe or unsubscribe non-existing users
  • Fix resend confirmation email action which sent twice the email if tracking enabled
  • Fixed CLI extension installation for Joomla 4
  • Fixed front listing action when SEF is deactivated

AcyMailing Enterprise 9.4.1 Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

AcyMailing Enterprise 5.13.0
*** Скрытый текст не может быть процитирован. ***
Есть Enterprise_v5.11.2 Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Привет! Есть PHP писатели здесь? Или куда об этом писать?
В общем в компоненте есть проверка на ключ. Оно даже локальный крон для очередей запускать отказывается.
Народ говорит, что это легко обходится редактурой файла /components/com_acym/controllers/cron.php
Вот его код:

namespace AcyMailing\FrontControllers;

use AcyMailing\Helpers\CronHelper;
use AcyMailing\Libraries\acymController;

class CronController extends acymController
    public function __construct()

        $this->publicFrontTasks = [

    public function isSecureCronUrl(): bool
        $cronKey = acym_getVar('string', 'cronKey', '');

        return $cronKey === $this->config->get('cron_key', '');

    public function cron()
        if (!empty($this->config->get('cron_security', 0)) && !$this->isSecureCronUrl()) {

        if (!acym_level(ACYM_ESSENTIAL)) exit;

        acym_header('Content-type:text/html; charset=utf-8');
        if (strlen(ACYM_LIVE) < 10) {
            die(acym_translationSprintf('ACYM_CRON_WRONG_DOMAIN', ACYM_LIVE));

        if (!acym_isLicenseValidWeekly() && (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '') === false && strpos(
                ) === false))) {

        echo '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /><title>'.acym_translation('ACYM_CRON').'</title></head><body>';
        $cronHelper = new CronHelper();
        $cronHelper->report = true;
        $cronHelper->addSkipFromString(acym_getVar('string', 'skip'));
        $emailtypes = acym_getVar('string', 'emailtypes');
        if (!empty($emailtypes)) {
            $cronHelper->emailtypes = explode(',', $emailtypes);
        echo '</body></html>';

Есть идеи что и как здесь менять?