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Плагин WP User Frontend Pro


19 Сен 2017

WP User Frontend
– плагин для создания формы добавления постов и редактирования своего профиля пользователями, не заходя в админку блога.


Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!

  • Пользователи могут создавать новое статьи и редактировать их из внешнего интерфейса
  • Они могут просматривать свои страницы во внешнем интерфейсе из пользовательской панели
  • Пользователи могут редактировать свой профиль
  • Администратор может ограничить любой уровень пользователя на доступ к админке WordPress
  • Получать уведомления по электронной почте о новых сообщениях
  • Настраиваемые параметры, дающие доступ пользователям редактировать или удалять свои сообщения
  • Добавить вложения из внешнего интерфейса
Работующие дополнения:
  • Social Login & Registration
  • Mailpoet
Версия 2.8.0

Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
Последнее редактирование:
Есть пара вопросов по версии плагина выше:

1) Как убрать надоедливую надпись: WP User Frontend Error: Please activate your copy?

2) Допустим создана Post Form для публикации обычной записи типа post и помимо текстовых полей добавлено поле FileUpload.
При тестировании данные верно заносятся в запись (потом можно просмотреть/отредактировать), но не ясно как к этой записи привязать загруженный файл через поле FileUpload.

То есть я рассчитывал, что в опубликованную запись будут внесены данные текстовых полей формы и еще будет дана где-то ссылка/кнопка на закаченный файл в теле записи.
Но этого не видно. Как можно сделать?

И еще.
Есть Advance options для поля FileUpload. Там помимо определения размера, типа файла и т.п., есть в том числе перспективная опция с описанием:

Show data in Post? ( у меня стоит yes)
К опции дается описание: Select Yes, if you want to show the field data in the single post.
Последнее редактирование:
WP User Frontend Pro v2.8.1
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!

Ключ дешиврования:

Как перевести этот модуль? Пытаюсь через loco translator, но пишет, что файл запрещен для записи.
Последнее редактирование:

Через какое-то время почти все поля в форме начали моргать вопросительными знаками и пропала возможность редактировать их редактировать. Скриншот ниже, что это может быть?


  • Снимок экрана_2019-01-25_10-34-28.png
    Снимок экрана_2019-01-25_10-34-28.png
    25,6 KB · Просмотры: 41
Последнее редактирование:
WP User Frontend Pro 3.1.0
= v3.1.0 (31 January, 2019) =

* **Fix:** The Default registration form `[wpuf-registration]` was unable to send the new user registration email.
* **Fix:** With the latest version of WordPress the Gutenberg block of WP User Frontend were not working. Fixed in this version.
* **Fix:** While using Gutenberg editor, the pages were not being updated with WPUF shortcode consisting`[wpuf dashboard]`
* **Fix:** From the User Frontend Settings, you had the capability to set if the Administrator, Editor, Vendor etc can see the admin bar. Now, the super admin want one specific user ( who has the user role from the above ) can't see the admin bar and disabled it from the Toolbar form that specific user profile. And this configuration ( Toolbar ) from the specific user profile were unable to impact on the frontend.
* **Fix:** WP User Frontend was unable to install with PHP 5.4 or lower version.
* **Fix:** When a user uploaded single image for product gallery using WPUF WooCommerce product form, that image was not showing on the frontend.

= v3.0.2 (1 January, 2019) =

* **Feature:** Added post lock feature based on posts and user
* **Fix:** 'show directions' link doesn't show with the google map on submitted post
* **Fix:** Subscription pack price not formatting according to the settings
* **Fix:** Post date is not updating when enable time input option for date field

= v3.0.1 (5 December, 2018) =

* **Fix:** Image is duplicating

= v3.0.0 (4 December, 2018) =

* **New:** Integrated WC Marketplace plugin: vendor can submit post from their frontend dashboard
* **New:** Integrated WC Vendors plugin: vendor can submit post from their frontend dashboard
* **Fix:** Post is getting duplicate while updating

Под двумя спойлерами одинаковые версии?
Да. Версии одинаковые. Доступ для разных категорий форумчан.
Последнее редактирование:
WP User Frontend Pro 3.1.0
= v3.1.0 (31 January, 2019) =

* **Fix:** The Default registration form `[wpuf-registration]` was unable to send the new user registration email.
* **Fix:** With the latest version of WordPress the Gutenberg block of WP User Frontend were not working. Fixed in this version.
* **Fix:** While using Gutenberg editor, the pages were not being updated with WPUF shortcode consisting`[wpuf dashboard]`
* **Fix:** From the User Frontend Settings, you had the capability to set if the Administrator, Editor, Vendor etc can see the admin bar. Now, the super admin want one specific user ( who has the user role from the above ) can't see the admin bar and disabled it from the Toolbar form that specific user profile. And this configuration ( Toolbar ) from the specific user profile were unable to impact on the frontend.
* **Fix:** WP User Frontend was unable to install with PHP 5.4 or lower version.
* **Fix:** When a user uploaded single image for product gallery using WPUF WooCommerce product form, that image was not showing on the frontend.

= v3.0.2 (1 January, 2019) =

* **Feature:** Added post lock feature based on posts and user
* **Fix:** 'show directions' link doesn't show with the google map on submitted post
* **Fix:** Subscription pack price not formatting according to the settings
* **Fix:** Post date is not updating when enable time input option for date field

= v3.0.1 (5 December, 2018) =

* **Fix:** Image is duplicating

= v3.0.0 (4 December, 2018) =

* **New:** Integrated WC Marketplace plugin: vendor can submit post from their frontend dashboard
* **New:** Integrated WC Vendors plugin: vendor can submit post from their frontend dashboard
* **Fix:** Post is getting duplicate while updating

Под двумя спойлерами одинаковые версии?
WP User Frontend Pro 3.1.8

Найдена на просторах. Вирустотал одобрил. На текущий момент это последняя версия.
Поверхностное её тестирование порадовало фиксами багов на которых ранее спотыкался.

= v3.1.8 (22 July, 2019) =
* [Fix] WooCommerce gallery images were not being shown on the frontend.
* [Fix] Reference value & admin address getting overlapped on PDF invoice.
* [Fix] Showing extra space with the value of the second column in the repeat field.
* [Fix] Show & hide coupon message based on response.
= v3.1.7 (27 June, 2019) =
* [Fix] If a post was being updated without making any changes, Google map field was being vanished.
= v3.1.6 (31 May, 2019) =
* [Fix] multiple files not uploading when editing a post.
= v3.1.5 (23 May, 2019) =
* [Feature] added conditional logic on the submit button.
* [Fix] label value was not being displayed in user listing when the field type was a checkbox.
= v3.1.4 (02 May, 2019) =
* [Fix] While editing the checkbox values from the backend user profile page, the values were not being saved.
* [Fix] conditional logic based on radio & dropdown filed in the column field was not working.
* [Fix] Conditional logic was not working with the category field when the field type is checkbox.
* [Fix] Convert kit lists were not showing.
* [Fix] There was an error from social login API library(Hybridauth).
= v3.1.3 (15 April, 2019) =
* [Fix] Password was not saving after registration.
* [Fix] Menu restriction feature was not working with mega menu.
* [Fix] Updated social login api.
= v3.1.2 (01 April, 2019) =
* [Fix] Repeat field with more than one column did not render data.
* [Fix] Checkbox and radio field data were not showing properly on user listing page.
* [Fix] File type meta key in the WPUF User Listing module was not being saved.
* [Fix] Subscription reminder email was being sent at a wrong time.
* [Improvement] Updated Stripe library & set Stripe AppInfo.
= v3.1.1 (28 February, 2019) =
* [Fix] Multistep feature in the registration form was not working in the previous version.
* [Fix] MinDate/MaxDate option in the Date/Time field was not working.
* [Fix] Schedule post meta was not updating.
* [Fix] Autocomplete turned off for date field.
* [Fix] WPUF cause a fatal error when WC Marketplace is active.
= v3.1.0 (31 January, 2019) =
* [Fix] If Auto Login After Registration option was enabled from Login/Registration settings, also admin approval and email verification options were enabled and required for the registration form, users would have gotten auto logged after registration. This issue has been fixed in this version.
* [Fix] If a user applied multiple conditions for a single field, the field was unable to show the data on the frontend.
* [Fix] User details didn’t show on the frontend when user activity module was active. Fixed in this version.
* [Fix] When `Subscription at Registration` option was enabled, it was unable to edit the page where the registration form shortcode existed, it just automatically went to the frontend subscription page. Fixed in this release.
* [Fix] When using `Dokan Vendor Registration Form` from the Dokan plugin following fields were not mapping correctly on the vendor store page:
- Store location google map
- Country field
- State field
= v3.0.2 (01 January, 2019) =
* [New] Add sorting option in the user listing page
* [New] Add shortcode attribute to hide specific user roles from the user listing (e.g: [wpuf_user_listing roles_exclude="Administrator"]
* [New] added post lock feature based on posts and user
* [Fix] Internal server error when editing a post form
= v3.0.1 (22 November, 2018) =
* [Fix] Conditional logic not working on My account and Preview link
* [Fix] WooCommerce template button labels and gallery image saving
= v3.0 (8 November, 2018) =
* [New] Integrated Advanced Custom Fields Pro plugin
* [New] Add option to hide field label
* [New] Add option to change AVATAR button text
* [Fix] Visibility option not available in file upload field
* [Fix] Embed field visibility hidden option not working
* [Fix] Added default meta_key on the 'terms and condition' field
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