

Хранитель порядка
19 Окт 2016

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйсяis a very simple, enhanced and fascinating quiz tool, with flexible features user can enjoy with ease. vQuiz provides ability to create various quizzes to evaluate respondent's level of knowledge. vQuiz uses Charts, graphs, and an intuitive flow-oriented interface to make it quick and easy to get an accurate picture of quizzes. It makes beautiful graphic reports of your Quizzes as well as Users using colourful line charts, column charts and pie charts.

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Последнее редактирование:
vQuiz 2.5.20
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!

vQuiz 2.5.20
  • + Fix bug in Certificate template
vQuiz 2.5.19
  • + Fix bug in vQuiz Module
vQuiz 2.5.18
  • + we can Enable/Disable audio notification alert while playing the Quiz(Enable Audio)
  • + we can Show description below quiz title while playing the Quiz(Show Description)
Issues Fixed
  • + Fix bug in circular skip random question
  • + Fix bug showing category with sub-categories
  • + Fix bug dispalying next quiz, previous quiz buttons on result page
  • + Fix bug in storing and deleting of personality messages
  • + Fix bug Double Processing Bar on result page
Последнее редактирование:
vQuiz 2.9.10
- new types of Quiz Simulation & MBTI

Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!

Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!

vQuiz 2.9.10
  • #Bug of user name in quiz result or certificate.
  • #Bug of Question Review in quiz last question, Question Review is not show.
vQuiz 2.9.9
  • + In quiz type Simulation, Result is depend on Category or score. Quiz result message and score is depended on 'Result depend' option.
vQuiz 2.9.8
  • # Bug of pagination in group question has been fixed.
  • # Bug of laguguage file has been fixed.
vQuiz 2.9.4
  • # several bugs have been fixed.
vQuiz 2.9.3
  • # several bugs have been fixed.
vQuiz 2.9.2
  • # several bugs have been fixed.
vQuiz 2.9.1
  • # several bugs have been fixed.
vQuiz 2.9.0
  • + New types of Quiz Simulation & MBTI
  • + Question Group
  • + Question Pool
  • + New Question types of True/False, Yes/No, HotSpot and Drag & Drop
  • + Payment Integration to let the user buy Individual Quiz or a Package
  • + Lessons
  • + Learning Paths
  • + Skills
  • + Invitation to Play the Quiz
  • + Notification management System
  • + Coupon Management
  • + Tax Management
  • + Quiz specific Result & Certificate Template
  • + Option to save the certificate
  • + Certificate in PDF format
  • + Separate certificate template for each Quiz type
  • + Separate Result template for each Quiz type
  • + Advance Configuration to let you control the features of frontend cPanel
  • + Options to randomize the answer options
  • + Submit button option which allows you to display the instructions based on player's right/wrong answer
  • + Quiz Draft functionality
  • + Level of confidence functionality
  • + Option to blink the time when nearing to end
  • + Option to let the user answer the skipped question
  • + Added Hint/Transcript options
  • + Added Question Index functionality
  • + Option to directly redirect the user to a Menu at the completion of the Quiz
  • ^ Better controls and more options on Answer Sheet
  • + Question Review functionality
  • + Access token functionality
  • + Functionality to restrict the Quiz for the selected users only
  • ^ Add new options in Lead Generation
  • + Added ACL functionality
  • + Added LeaderBoard section
  • + Added RoadMap or Progress Tracker section
  • + Added Rating/Heading field in result messages
  • + Added Navigation Buttons ( Next/Prev Quiz )
  • ^ All the Quiz settings are organized in a better manner using multiple tabs
  • ^ Configuration is organized in a better manner using multiple tabs
  • # Several Bug Fixes
  • + Added Result Monitoring Tab in User Section to let a particular user monitor the Quiz results of other users
  • + Option to let you customize the result page as per your requirements with the help of Plugins
  • ^ Modified the SEF URLs functionality to generate the better URLs
vQuiz 2.5.33
  • Issues Fixed
  • + Popup added for saving quiz in draft with two option save_continue or save_exit
vQuiz 2.5.32
  • Issues Fixed
  • + Survey type quiz freezes on answering the last question
  • + vQuiz URL Routing Issue in modules
vQuiz 2.5.28
  • # Bug has been fixed
vQuiz 2.5.27
  • Issues Fixed
  • + Fixed bug in branching while playing quiz.
  • + Fixed bug in sending mail when guest user filled lead generation form.
vQuiz 2.5.26
  • Issues Fixed
  • + Fixed bug in branching while updating rule.
vQuiz 2.5.25
  • Issues Fixed
  • + Fixed Multi-lingual issue in the CSV file exported.
vQuiz 2.5.24
  • Issues Fixed
  • + Fix bug in print/copy of quiz result
vQuiz 2.5.23
  • Issues Fixed
  • + Fix bug in copying quiz
vQuiz 2.5.22
  • Issues Fixed
  • + Fix bug in export csv result for random questions and options
vQuiz 2.5.21
  • Issues Fixed
  • + Fix bug in Quiz setting end publish date
  • + Fix bug in export csv result
Кто-нибудь им пользовался?
Не добавляются вопросы на странице квиза. Только через создание группы и танцев с бубном.
Зависает в конце квиза и не показывает результат.
vQuiz 2.9.11

  • #Bug of stop quiz due to Internet Connection lost in b/w while playing Quiz has been fixed.
  • #Bug of back slide HTML when quiz time is set has been fixed.
vQuiz 2.9.12
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!

Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
The link is broken or deleted on the server. Is it possible to update it?