Модуль Super Speed v1.2.5 module - Incredibly fast - GTmetrix optimization

David Zhou

13 Мар 2018
A versatile optimization tool to maximize page speed, server resource utilization, and improve SEO. Innovative caching solutions, image and database optimization, HTML / CSS / javascript and GZIP minification for instant website loading.

Info: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Compatibility: V1.6.0.4 - V1.7.6.3

There is a fact that hyper-loaded online stores are making more money. Your potential customers can get really frustrated if they have to wait more than 4 seconds for your full web page to display. And we're not done yet! Slow page speed will have a terrible effect on your site's SEO rankings on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. It reduces your site's visibility to potential customers, which negatively affects your brand's reputation and revenue.

Prestashop provides cache optimization settings, but this is not enough and rather difficult for new Prestashop users. That's why we make Super Speed - Prestashop's all-in-one speed optimization tool.

This module not only brings innovative speed optimization solutions to your site that are not available in Prestashop by default (page cache, image optimization, database optimization, etc.), but also helps to simplify the process of default speed optimization in Prestashop. Super Speed guarantees to make your website faster than ever with just one click!
