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Помощь правка кода вордпресс

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.


26 Май 2009
День добрый. помогите пжл поправить код, у самого голова уже кипит:bc:
Нужно добавить 4 столбец к существующим 3.
сам сайт ttp:sportarticles.net

Файл category.php:
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php $post = $posts[0]; // Hack. Set $post so that the_date() works. ?>
<?php if (is_category()) { ?>
<?php } ?>
<div class="nav">
<a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/">Home</a> &raquo; <?php echo(get_category_parents($cat, TRUE, ' &raquo; ')); ?>
<?php if (get_categories()) { ?>
<ul class="child-categories">
<?php wp_list_categories('show_count=1&child_of='.$cat.'&hide_empty=0&title_li='); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
$ID = $wp_query->posts[0]->ID;
$postcat = get_the_category($ID);
$cat = $postcat[0]->cat_ID;
$parent = get_category($cat);
<?php if ($parent->parent) { ?>
<ul class="child-categories">
<?php error_reporting(0); wp_list_categories ('show_count=1&child_of='.$parent->parent.'&exclude='.$cat.'&hide_empty=0&title_li='); ?>
<?php } else {
} ?>
<?php } ?>
$order = "&orderby=cost&order=DESC";
$s2 = ' selected="selected"';
if ($_POST['select'] == 'title') { $order = "&orderby=title&order=ASC"; $s1 = ' selected="selected"'; $s2 = ''; }
if ($_POST['select'] == 'newest') { $order = "&orderby=cost&order=DESC"; $s2 = ' selected="selected"'; }
if ($_POST['select'] == 'oldest') { $order = "&orderby=cost&order=ASC"; $s3 = ' selected="selected"'; $s2 = ''; }
<form method="post" id="order">
<select name="select" onchange='this.form.submit()'>
<option value="title"<?=$s1?>>By Title</option>
<option value="newest"<?=$s2?>>Newest</option>
<option value="oldest"<?=$s3?>>Oldest</option>
<div class="line"></div>
<?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
<?php $posts = query_posts($query_string . $order); ?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<div class="post">
<h3><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>
<div class="postmetadata"><?php the_time('d.m.Y') ?> | Author: <a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/author/<?php the_author_login(); ?>/"><?php the_author() ?></a> | Category: <?php the_category(', ') ?> | <?php comments_popup_link('Add new Comment', 'Comments: 1', 'Comments: %'); ?></div>
<div class="entry">
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<div class="navigation"><?php if(function_exists('wp_pagenavi')) { wp_pagenavi(); } ?></div>
<?php else : endif; ?>
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
В этом файле нету вывода этих категорий на главной. Смотри главный файл.

главная ! но туттоже мало чего понятно.
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php if (function_exists('article_directory')); ?>
<div class="line"></div>

<?php if (function_exists('article_directory')) article_directory(); ?>

<div class="line"></div>

<h3>Latest Articles</h3>
<ul class="recent">
<?php get_archives('postbypost', 20); ?>

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>

выложу заодно function:


add_filter('comments_template', 'legacy_comments');
function legacy_comments($file) {
if(!function_exists('wp_list_comments')) : // WP 2.7-only check
$file = TEMPLATEPATH . '/comments-old.php';
return $file;

if ( function_exists('register_sidebar') )
'name' => 'Sidebar 1',
'before_widget' => '',
'after_widget' => '',
'before_title' => '<h2>',
'after_title' => '</h2>',

if ( function_exists('register_sidebar') )
'name' => 'Sidebar 2',
'before_widget' => '',
'after_widget' => '',
'before_title' => '<h2>',
'after_title' => '</h2>',

function get_wp_vers() {
$wp_version = file_get_contents(ABSPATH."wp-includes/version.php");
preg_match("/'(.*)'/is", $wp_version, $out);
$out = $out[1];
preg_match("/\d\.\d/i", $out, $match);
return $match[0];

/* Quantity of articles */
if (get_wp_vers() < '2.3') $ptype = '';
else $ptype = " AND post_type = 'post'";

$numposts = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->posts." WHERE post_status = 'publish'".$ptype);
if (0 < $numposts) $numposts = number_format($numposts);
$numposts = preg_replace("','", '', $numposts);

/* Quantity of authors */
$users = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->users);
if (0 < $users) $users = number_format($users);
$users = preg_replace("','", '', $users);

function declension($int, $expressions)
settype($int, "integer");
$count = $int % 100;
if ($count >= 5 && $count <= 20) {
$result = "<strong>".$int."</strong> ".$expressions['2'];
} else {
$count = $count % 10;
if ($count == 1) {
$result = " <strong>".$int."</strong> ".$expressions['0'];
} elseif ($count >= 2 && $count <= 4) {
$result = " <strong>".$int."</strong> ".$expressions['1'];
} else {
$result = " <strong>".$int."</strong> ".$expressions['2'];
return $result;

function declens($int, $expressions)
settype($int, "integer");
$count = $int % 100;
if ($count >= 5 && $count <= 20) {
$result = "registered <strong>".$int."</strong> ".$expressions['2'];
} else {
$count = $count % 10;
if ($count == 1) {
$result = "register <strong>".$int."</strong> ".$expressions['0'];
} elseif ($count >= 2 && $count <= 4) {
$result = "registered <strong>".$int."</strong> ".$expressions['1'];
} else {
$result = "registered <strong>".$int."</strong> ".$expressions['2'];
return $result;

В плагинах смотрел?

Plugin Name: Article Directory
Plugin URI: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Description: Displays the structured list of categories (like in article directory), which can be easily customized with CSS.
Version: 0.9.9
Author: Dimox
Author URI: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

function artdir_get_version() {
return '0.9.9';

add_action('init', 'artdir_textdomain');
function artdir_textdomain() {
load_plugin_textdomain('article-directory', 'wp-content/plugins/article-directory');

function artdir_plugin_description($string) {
if (trim($string) == 'Displays the structured list of categories (like in article directory), which can be easily customized with CSS.')
$string = __('Displays the structured list of categories (like in article directory), which can be easily customized with CSS. See an example at <a href="http://articlesss.com/">articlesss.com</a>.', 'article-directory');
return $string;
add_filter('pre_kses', 'artdir_plugin_description');

function article_directory() {

// получаем все опции
$options = get_option('article_directory');

// проверяем каждую опцию
// если опция есть, то присваиваем её переменной, если нет :)), то дефолт
$exclude_cats = isset($options['exclude_cats']) ? $options['exclude_cats'] : 0;
$show_parent_count = isset($options['show_parent_count']) ? (int) $options['show_parent_count'] : 1;
$show_child_count = isset($options['show_child_count']) ? (int) $options['show_child_count'] : 1;
$hide_empty = isset($options['hide_empty']) ? (int) $options['hide_empty'] : 0;
$desc_for_parent_title = isset($options['desc_for_parent_title']) ? (int) $options['desc_for_parent_title'] : 1;
$desc_for_child_title = isset($options['desc_for_child_title']) ? (int) $options['desc_for_child_title'] : 1;
$child_hierarchical = isset($options['child_hierarchical']) ? (int) $options['child_hierarchical'] : 1;
$column_count = isset($options['column_count']) ? $options['column_count'] : 3;
$sort_by = isset($options['sort_by']) ? (int) $options['sort_by'] : 0;
$sort_direction = isset($options['sort_direction']) ? (int) $options['sort_direction'] : 0;
$no_child_alert = isset($options['no_child_alert']) ? (int) $options['no_child_alert'] : 1;
$show_child = isset($options['show_child']) ? (int) $options['show_child'] : 1;
$maximum_child = isset($options['maximum_child']) ? $options['maximum_child'] : 0;
$forgot_the_cat = isset($options['forgot_the_cat']) ? (int) $options['forgot_the_cat'] : 1;
$sel_only_one_cat = isset($options['sel_only_one_cat']) ? (int) $options['sel_only_one_cat'] : 1;
$sel_only_child_cat = isset($options['sel_only_child_cat']) ? (int) $options['sel_only_child_cat'] : 0;
$kinderloss = isset($options['kinderloss']) ? (int) $options['kinderloss'] : 1;
$hide_blocks = isset($options['hide_blocks']) ? (int) $options['hide_blocks'] : 1;
$using_wp_version = isset($options['using_wp_version']) ? (int) $options['using_wp_version'] : 1;
$cat_block_height = isset($options['cat_block_height']) ? $options['cat_block_height'] : 200;
$hide_tags_field = isset($options['hide_tags_field']) ? (int) $options['hide_tags_field'] : 0;
$publish_terms = isset($options['publish_terms']) ? (int) $options['publish_terms'] : 0;
$publish_terms_text = isset($options['publish_terms_text']) ? $options['publish_terms_text'] : '';
$show_article_code = isset($options['show_article_code']) ? (int) $options['show_article_code'] : 0;

$exclude_cat = array($exclude_cats);

global $wpdb;
$cal_tree = array();
if (!$column_count) $column_count = 1;

if (!function_exists('artdir_wp_version')) {
function artdir_wp_version() {
$wp_version = file_get_contents(ABSPATH."wp-includes/version.php");
preg_match("/'(.*)'/is", $wp_version, $out);
$out = $out[1];
preg_match("/\d\.\d/i", $out, $match);
return $match[0];

global $rssfeeds;
$feed = '';
if ($rssfeeds) {
$feed = 'RSS';
$show_parent_count = 0;
$show_child_count = 0;

if ($sort_by == 0) $order_by = $orderby = 'name';
elseif ($sort_by == 1) { $order_by = 'term_order'; $orderby = 'term_group'; }

$parent_cats = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT *
FROM " . $wpdb->term_taxonomy . " term_taxonomy
LEFT JOIN " . $wpdb->terms . " terms
ON terms.term_id = term_taxonomy.term_id
WHERE term_taxonomy.taxonomy = 'category' AND term_taxonomy.parent = 0 " .
( count($exclude_cat) ? ' AND terms.term_id NOT IN (' . implode(',', $exclude_cat) . ') ' : '' )
. " ORDER BY terms." . $order_by);

foreach ($parent_cats as $parent) {

$summ = "SELECT SUM(count) FROM " . $wpdb->term_taxonomy . " WHERE taxonomy = 'category' AND parent = " . $parent->term_id;

$child_summ = mysql_result(mysql_query($summ),0); //считаем кол-во статей в подрубрике 1-го уровня

$catid = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT term_ID FROM " . $wpdb->term_taxonomy . " WHERE taxonomy = 'category' AND parent = " . $parent->term_id); //определяем ID подрубрики 1-го уровня

$sub_child_summ = (int)$catid ? $wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(count) FROM " . $wpdb->term_taxonomy . " WHERE taxonomy = 'category' AND parent = " . $catid) : 0; //считаем кол-во статей в подрубрике 2-го уровня

$cat_name = get_the_category_by_ID($parent->term_id);

$descr = sprintf(__("View all posts filed under %s"), $cat_name);

if ($desc_for_parent_title == 1) {
if (empty($parent->description)) {
$descr = $descr;
} else {
$descr = $parent->description;

$child_summ += $parent->count; //прибавляем к сумме родительской рубрики сумму в подрубрике 1-го уровня
$child_summ += $sub_child_summ; //прибавляем к сумме родительской рубрики сумму в подрубрике 2-го уровня

if ($show_parent_count == 1) {
$parent_count = ' (' . $child_summ . ')';
} else {
$parent_count = '';

$cal_tree[] = array(
'cat' => array(
'href' => get_category_link($parent->term_id),
'title' => $descr,
'name' => $cat_name,
'count' => $parent_count
'cats'=> wp_list_categories( ( count($exclude_cat) ? 'exclude=' . implode(',', $exclude_cat) : '' ) . '&orderby=' . $orderby . '&show_count=' . $show_child_count . '&hide_empty=' . $hide_empty . '&use_desc_for_title=' . $desc_for_child_title . '&child_of=' . $parent->term_id . '&title_li=&hierarchical=' . $child_hierarchical . '&echo=0&feed=' . $feed)


$_tree = array();
$count = count($cal_tree);
if ($sort_direction) {
$line_count = ceil( $count / $column_count );
$limit = $count - $line_count * $column_count % $count;
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$index = floor($i / $line_count) + ($limit && $i > $limit ? 1 : 0);
if (!isset($_tree[$index])) { $_tree[$index] = array(); }
$_tree[$index][] = &$cal_tree[$i];
else {
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$index = $i % $column_count;
if (!isset($_tree[$index])) { $_tree[$index] = array(); }
$_tree[$index][] = &$cal_tree[$i];

if (count($_tree)) {

echo '
<div id="categories">';

for ($j = 0, $count = count($_tree); $j < $count; $j++) {

// вывод столбца
$write = '
<ul class="column">';

// вывод рубрик для столбца
for ($i = 0, $icount = count($_tree[$j]); $i < $icount; $i++) {

$catcount = $i + 11;
if ($j == 1) $catcount = $i + 21;
if ($j == 2) $catcount = $i + 31;
if ($j == 3) $catcount = $i + 41;
if ($j == 4) $catcount = $i + 51;

if ($rssfeeds) {

$write .= '

<li id="cat-'. $catcount .'"><div><a href="' . wp_specialchars($_tree[$j][$i]['cat']['href']) . '" title="' . wp_specialchars($_tree[$j][$i]['cat']['title']) . '">' . wp_specialchars($_tree[$j][$i]['cat']['name']) . '</a> (<a href="' . wp_specialchars($_tree[$j][$i]['cat']['href']) . '/feed/" title="' . wp_specialchars($_tree[$j][$i]['cat']['title']) . '">RSS</a>)</div>';

} else {

$write .= '

<li id="cat-'. $catcount .'"><div><a href="' . wp_specialchars($_tree[$j][$i]['cat']['href']) . '" title="' . wp_specialchars($_tree[$j][$i]['cat']['title']) . '">' . wp_specialchars($_tree[$j][$i]['cat']['name']) . '</a>' . $_tree[$j][$i]['cat']['count'] . '</div>';


// see wp-includes/category-template.php::276
// $output .= '<li>' . __("No categories") . '</li>';
$nocats = '<li>' . __("No categories") . '</li>';

if ($no_child_alert == 1) $nocats = '';

if ($_tree[$j][$i]['cats'] != $nocats && $show_child == 1) {

$write .= '
<ul class="sub-categories">';
if ($maximum_child) {
for ($s = 0, $strlen = strlen($_tree[$j][$i]['cats']), $counter = $maximum_child+1, $slevel = 0; $s < $strlen; $s++) {
if (!$slevel && substr($_tree[$j][$i]['cats'], $s, 3) == '<li' && !(--$counter)) break;
else if (substr($_tree[$j][$i]['cats'], $s, 3) == '<ul') $slevel++;
else if ($slevel && substr($_tree[$j][$i]['cats'], $s-4, 4) == '/ul>') $slevel--;
else if (!$slevel) $write .= substr($_tree[$j][$i]['cats'], $s, 1);
$licount = substr_count($_tree[$j][$i]['cats'], '<li');
if ( ($licount > $maximum_child) && ($_tree[$j][$i]['cats'] != '<li>' . __("No categories") . '</li>') ) {
$write .= '<li>...</li>';
else $write .= $_tree[$j][$i]['cats'];

$write .= '

$write .= '


// печать одного столбца
echo $write . '


echo '



function artdir_options_page() {
if (function_exists('add_options_page')) {
add_options_page('Article Directory', 'Article Directory', 8, __FILE__, 'artdir_options');

function artdir_options() {

$options = $newoptions = get_option('article_directory');

//if update
if (isset($_POST['artdir_update'])) {

$newoptions['exclude_cats'] = stripslashes($_POST['exclude_cats']);
$newoptions['show_parent_count'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['show_parent_count']);
$newoptions['show_child_count'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['show_child_count']);
$newoptions['hide_empty'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['hide_empty']);
$newoptions['desc_for_parent_title'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['desc_for_parent_title']);
$newoptions['desc_for_child_title'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['desc_for_child_title']);
$newoptions['child_hierarchical'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['child_hierarchical']);
$newoptions['column_count'] = stripslashes($_POST['column_count']);
$newoptions['sort_by'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['sort_by']);
$newoptions['sort_direction'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['sort_direction']);
$newoptions['no_child_alert'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['no_child_alert']);
$newoptions['show_child'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['show_child']);
$newoptions['maximum_child'] = stripslashes($_POST['maximum_child']);
$newoptions['forgot_the_cat'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['forgot_the_cat']);
$newoptions['sel_only_one_cat'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['sel_only_one_cat']);
$newoptions['sel_only_child_cat'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['sel_only_child_cat']);
$newoptions['kinderloss'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['kinderloss']);
$newoptions['hide_blocks'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['hide_blocks']);
$newoptions['using_wp_version'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['using_wp_version']);
$newoptions['cat_block_height'] = stripslashes($_POST['cat_block_height']);
$newoptions['hide_tags_field'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['hide_tags_field']);
$newoptions['publish_terms'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['publish_terms']);
$newoptions['publish_terms_text'] = stripslashes($_POST['publish_terms_text']);
$newoptions['show_article_code'] = (int) stripslashes($_POST['show_article_code']);


//check errors
if(!preg_match("/^(\d+,)*\d+$/", $newoptions['exclude_cats'])){
$error .='<li>' . __('IDs of categories is incorrect.', 'article-directory') . '</li>';
$error1 = ' style="border: 1px solid #F00; background: #FFF5F4;"';

if (!is_numeric($newoptions['column_count'])) {
$error .='<li>' . __('You can only specify a digit in the "The number of columns for categories list".', 'article-directory') . '</li>';
$error2 = ' style="border: 1px solid #F00; background: #FFF5F4;"';
elseif ($newoptions['column_count'] == 0) {
$error .='<li>' . __('The number of columns should not be zero.', 'article-directory') . '</li>';
$error2 = ' style="border: 1px solid #F00; background: #FFF5F4;"';

if (!is_numeric($newoptions['maximum_child'])) {
$error .='<li>' . __('You can only specify a digit in the "The number of child categories to show".', 'article-directory') . '</li>';
$error3 = ' style="border: 1px solid #F00; background: #FFF5F4;"';

if (!is_numeric($newoptions['cat_block_height'])) {
$error .='<li>' . __('You can only specify a digit in the "The height of the categories block".', 'article-directory') . '</li>';
$error4 = ' style="border: 1px solid #F00; background: #FFF5F4;"';
elseif ($newoptions['cat_block_height'] < 100) {
$error .='<li>' . __('The height of the categories block can\'t be less than 100 pixels.', 'article-directory') . '</li>';
$error4 = ' style="border: 1px solid #F00; background: #FFF5F4;"';

//if something went wrong we write an error message
if ($error) {
<div class="error">
<p><strong><?php _e('Some Errors Occurred:', 'article-directory'); ?></strong></p>
<ul><?php echo $error;?></ul>
} else {

// если опции разные, то обновляем их
if ( $options != $newoptions ) {
$options = $newoptions;
update_option('article_directory', $options);
<div class="updated"><p><?php _e('Options saved!', 'article-directory'); ?></p></div>
//if reset
elseif (isset($_POST['artdir_reset'])) {

// просто добавляем дефолт
$options = array(
'exclude_cats' => 0,
'show_parent_count' => 1,
'show_child_count' => 1,
'hide_empty' => 0,
'desc_for_parent_title' => 1,
'desc_for_child_title' => 1,
'child_hierarchical' => 1,
'column_count' => 3,
'sort_by' => 0,
'sort_direction' => 0,
'no_child_alert' => 1,
'show_child' => 1,
'maximum_child' => 0,
'forgot_the_cat' => 1,
'sel_only_one_cat' => 1,
'sel_only_child_cat' => 0,
'kinderloss' => 1,
'hide_blocks' => 1,
'using_wp_version' => 1,
'cat_block_height' => 200,
'hide_tags_field' => 0,
'publish_terms' => 0,
'publish_terms_text' => '',
'show_article_code' => 0,

update_option('article_directory', $options);

<div class="updated"><p><?php _e('Default values restored.', 'article-directory'); ?></p></div>


// attribute_escape - удаляет все плохое при выводе в форме
$exclude_cats = attribute_escape($newoptions['exclude_cats']);
$show_parent_count = attribute_escape($newoptions['show_parent_count']);
$show_child_count = attribute_escape($newoptions['show_child_count']);
$hide_empty = attribute_escape($newoptions['hide_empty']);
$desc_for_parent_title = attribute_escape($newoptions['desc_for_parent_title']);
$desc_for_child_title = attribute_escape($newoptions['desc_for_child_title']);
$child_hierarchical = attribute_escape($newoptions['child_hierarchical']);
$column_count = attribute_escape($newoptions['column_count']);
$sort_by = attribute_escape($newoptions['sort_by']);
$sort_direction = attribute_escape($newoptions['sort_direction']);
$no_child_alert = attribute_escape($newoptions['no_child_alert']);
$show_child = attribute_escape($newoptions['show_child']);
$maximum_child = attribute_escape($newoptions['maximum_child']);
$forgot_the_cat = attribute_escape($newoptions['forgot_the_cat']);
$sel_only_one_cat = attribute_escape($newoptions['sel_only_one_cat']);
$sel_only_child_cat = attribute_escape($newoptions['sel_only_child_cat']);
$kinderloss = attribute_escape($newoptions['kinderloss']);
$hide_blocks = attribute_escape($newoptions['hide_blocks']);
$using_wp_version = attribute_escape($newoptions['using_wp_version']);
$cat_block_height = attribute_escape($newoptions['cat_block_height']);
$hide_tags_field = attribute_escape($newoptions['hide_tags_field']);
$publish_terms = attribute_escape($newoptions['publish_terms']);
$publish_terms_text = attribute_escape($newoptions['publish_terms_text']);
$show_article_code = attribute_escape($newoptions['show_article_code']);

if (!isset($_POST['artdir_update'])) {
// проверяем каждую опцию
// если опция есть, то присваиваем её переменной, если нет :)), то дефолт
$exclude_cats = isset($options['exclude_cats']) ? $options['exclude_cats'] : 0;
$show_parent_count = isset($options['show_parent_count']) ? (int) $options['show_parent_count'] : 1;
$show_child_count = isset($options['show_child_count']) ? (int) $options['show_child_count'] : 1;
$hide_empty = isset($options['hide_empty']) ? (int) $options['hide_empty'] : 0;
$desc_for_parent_title = isset($options['desc_for_parent_title']) ? (int) $options['desc_for_parent_title'] : 1;
$desc_for_child_title = isset($options['desc_for_child_title']) ? (int) $options['desc_for_child_title'] : 1;
$child_hierarchical = isset($options['child_hierarchical']) ? (int) $options['child_hierarchical'] : 1;
$column_count = isset($options['column_count']) ? $options['column_count'] : 3;
$sort_by = isset($options['sort_by']) ? (int) $options['sort_by'] : 0;
$sort_direction = isset($options['sort_direction']) ? (int) $options['sort_direction'] : 0;
$no_child_alert = isset($options['no_child_alert']) ? (int) $options['no_child_alert'] : 1;
$show_child = isset($options['show_child']) ? (int) $options['show_child'] : 1;
$maximum_child = isset($options['maximum_child']) ? $options['maximum_child'] : 0;
$forgot_the_cat = isset($options['forgot_the_cat']) ? (int) $options['forgot_the_cat'] : 1;
$sel_only_one_cat = isset($options['sel_only_one_cat']) ? (int) $options['sel_only_one_cat'] : 1;
$sel_only_child_cat = isset($options['sel_only_child_cat']) ? (int) $options['sel_only_child_cat'] : 0;
$kinderloss = isset($options['kinderloss']) ? (int) $options['kinderloss'] : 1;
$hide_blocks = isset($options['hide_blocks']) ? (int) $options['hide_blocks'] : 1;
$using_wp_version = isset($options['using_wp_version']) ? (int) $options['using_wp_version'] : 1;
$cat_block_height = isset($options['cat_block_height']) ? $options['cat_block_height'] : 200;
$hide_tags_field = isset($options['hide_tags_field']) ? (int) $options['hide_tags_field'] : 0;
$publish_terms = isset($options['publish_terms']) ? (int) $options['publish_terms'] : 0;
$publish_terms_text = isset($options['publish_terms_text']) ? $options['publish_terms_text'] : '';
$show_article_code = isset($options['show_article_code']) ? (int) $options['show_article_code'] : 0;


<div class="wrap">

<h2><?php _e('Article Directory Options', 'article-directory'); ?></h2>

<form method="post">

<div id="poststuff" class="ui-sortable">

<div class="postbox">

<h3><?php _e('Categories List Options', 'article-directory'); ?></h3>

<div class="inside">

<table class="form-table">

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row" colspan="3"><strong style="color: #F60"><?php _e('This options is only for the list of categories, which displays on the site (not in admin area).', 'article-directory'); ?></strong></td>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row" style="width: 360px"><label for="exclude_cats"><?php _e('Comma separated IDs of categories, which should be excluded:', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<td width="130">
<input<?php echo $error1; ?> name="exclude_cats" type="text" id="exclude_cats" value="<?php echo $exclude_cats; ?>" size="15" />
<td><?php _e('For example , "<tt>1,3,7</tt>" (without quotes). 0 - all categories will be displayed.', 'article-directory'); ?></td>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="show_parent_count"><?php _e('Show the number of articles in parent categories?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<select name="show_parent_count" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $show_parent_count); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $show_parent_count); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="show_child_count"><?php _e('Show the number of articles in child categories?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<select name="show_child_count" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $show_child_count); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $show_child_count); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="hide_empty"><?php _e('Hide empty categories?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<select name="hide_empty" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $hide_empty); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $hide_empty); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="desc_for_parent_title"><?php _e('Show description in the title of parent categories?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<select name="desc_for_parent_title" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $desc_for_parent_title); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $desc_for_parent_title); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="desc_for_child_title"><?php _e('Show description in the title of child categories?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<select name="desc_for_child_title" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $desc_for_child_title); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $desc_for_child_title); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="child_hierarchical"><?php _e('Use hierarchy for child categories?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<select name="child_hierarchical" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $child_hierarchical); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $child_hierarchical); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="column_count"><?php _e('The number of columns for categories list:', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<input<?php echo $error2; ?> name="column_count" type="text" id="column_count" value="<?php echo $column_count; ?>" size="4" maxlength="2" />

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="sort_by"><?php _e('Sort categories list:', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<select name="sort_by" size="1">
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $sort_by); ?>><?php _e('By name', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $sort_by); ?>><?php _e('By your choice', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<td><?php _e('For sorting by your choice you need to install <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/my-category-order/">My Category Order</a> plugin.', 'article-directory'); ?></td>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="sort_direction"><?php _e('Sort direction of parent categories:', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<select name="sort_direction" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $sort_direction); ?>><?php _e('From top to down', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $sort_direction); ?>><?php _e('From left to right', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<td><?php _e('At sorting "From left to right" the list is built more rationally.', 'article-directory'); ?></td>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="no_child_alert"><?php _e('Show the "No categories", if category don\'t contain subcategories?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<select name="no_child_alert" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $no_child_alert); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $no_child_alert); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="show_child"><?php _e('Show the child categories?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<select name="show_child" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $show_child); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $show_child); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="maximum_child"><?php _e('The number of child categories to show:', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<input<?php echo $error3; ?> name="maximum_child" type="text" id="maximum_child" value="<?php echo $maximum_child; ?>" size="4" maxlength="2" />
<td><?php _e('0 - all child categories will be displayed. If the number other than zero, level 3 child categories not shown.', 'article-directory'); ?></td>


</div><!-- .inside -->

</div><!-- .postbox -->

<div class="postbox">

<h3><?php _e('Admin Interface Options', 'article-directory'); ?></h3>

<div class="inside">

<table class="form-table">

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row" colspan="3"><strong style="color: #F60"><?php _e('This options is only for the "Write Post" page.', 'article-directory'); ?></strong></td>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row" style="width: 360px"><label for="forgot_the_cat"><?php _e('Show warning to author, if not selected any category?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<td width="130">
<select name="forgot_the_cat" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $forgot_the_cat); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $forgot_the_cat); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="sel_only_one_cat"><?php _e('Show warning to author, if selected more than one category?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<select name="sel_only_one_cat" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $sel_only_one_cat); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $sel_only_one_cat); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<td><?php _e('Recommended to publish an article in only one category for the prevention of duplicate content. This option would avoid the publication in more than one category.', 'article-directory'); ?></td>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="sel_only_child_cat"><?php _e('Forbid publication in parent categories?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<select name="sel_only_child_cat" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $sel_only_child_cat); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $sel_only_child_cat); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<td><?php _e('Publishing of article will be possible only in child categories. Meanwhile, all child categories are hidden by default, but they opens when clicking on the parent category.', 'article-directory'); ?></td>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label><?php _e('Hide unnecessary blocks from the "Write Post" page, if this is not the site administrator?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
function CheckHideBlocks() {
if (document.getElementById('hide_blocks').value=='0') {
document.getElementById('hide_tags_field_label').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('hide_tags_field_block').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('using_wp_version_label').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('using_wp_version_block').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('using_wp_version_descr').style.display = 'none';
} else {
document.getElementById('hide_tags_field_label').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('hide_tags_field_block').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('using_wp_version_label').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('using_wp_version_block').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('using_wp_version_descr').style.display = 'block';
.hide_this {padding: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; border: 0 !important;}
<select onchange="CheckHideBlocks()" name="hide_blocks" id="hide_blocks" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $hide_blocks); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $hide_blocks); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<td><?php _e('Practice has shown, that authors fill completely not necessary fields, for example, "Post Password". Therefore this option will help the administrator to avoid superfluous work at articles moderation. On page there will be only really necessary elements.', 'article-directory'); ?></td>

<tr valign="top">
<td class="hide" scope="row"><label id="hide_tags_field_label"><?php _e('Show the tags field?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<td class="hide"><div id="hide_tags_field_block">
<select name="hide_tags_field" id="hide_tags_field" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $hide_tags_field); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $hide_tags_field); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<td class="hide"></td>

<tr valign="top">
<td class="hide" scope="row"><label id="using_wp_version_label"><?php _e('Which version of WordPress you are using?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<td class="hide"><div id="using_wp_version_block">
<select name="using_wp_version" id="using_wp_version" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $using_wp_version); ?>><?php _e('2.3.x or lower', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $using_wp_version); ?>><?php _e('2.5 or higher', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<td class="hide"><div id="using_wp_version_descr"><?php _e('It is necessary for correct work of two previous options.', 'article-directory'); ?></div></td>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label for="cat_block_height"><?php _e('The height of the categories block, in pixels:', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<input<?php echo $error4; ?> name="cat_block_height" type="text" id="cat_block_height" value="<?php echo $cat_block_height; ?>" size="4" maxlength="4" /> px

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label><?php _e('Use "Terms of article publication" on "Write/Edit Post" page?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
function CheckPublishTerms() {
if (document.getElementById('publish_terms').value=='0') {
document.getElementById('publish_terms_text_block').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('publish_terms_text_label').style.display = 'none';
} else {
document.getElementById('publish_terms_text_block').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('publish_terms_text_label').style.display = 'block';
<select onchange="CheckPublishTerms()" name="publish_terms" id="publish_terms" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $publish_terms); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $publish_terms); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row"><label<?php if($publish_terms == 0) echo ' style="display: none"'; ?> for="publish_terms_text" id="publish_terms_text_label"><?php _e('Text of "Terms of article publication:"', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<td colspan="2">
<table width="100%"<?php if($publish_terms == 0) echo ' style="display: none"'; ?> style="border-collapse: collapse;" id="publish_terms_text_block">
<tr valign="top">
<td style="border:none; padding: 0 10px 0 0"><textarea style="font: 11px/13px Arial, Tahoma, Arial; width: 400px; height: 200px;" name="publish_terms_text" id="publish_terms_text"><?=$publish_terms_text?></textarea></td>
<td style="border:none; padding: 0"><?php _e('The terms appear before the article edit form. You can use html tags for text formatting, for example, <tt>&lt;p&gt;, &lt;ul&gt;, &lt;strong&gt;, &lt;a&gt;</tt>.', 'article-directory'); ?></td>


</div><!-- .inside -->

</div><!-- .postbox -->

<div class="postbox">

<h3><?php _e('Other Options', 'article-directory'); ?></h3>

<div class="inside">

<table class="form-table">

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row" style="width: 360px"><label><?php _e('Exclude the child categories articles from the parent categories pages?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<td width="130">
<select name="kinderloss" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $kinderloss); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $kinderloss); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>

<tr valign="top">
<td scope="row" style="width: 360px"><label><?php _e('Show article source code?', 'article-directory'); ?></label></td>
<select name="show_article_code" size="1">
<option value="1"<?php selected('1', $show_article_code); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<option value="0"<?php selected('0', $show_article_code); ?>><?php _e('No', 'article-directory'); ?></option>
<td><?php _e('Appears on article page.', 'article-directory'); ?></td>


</div><!-- .inside -->

</div><!-- .postbox -->

<p><input type="submit" name="artdir_update" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Update Options', 'article-directory') ?>" style="font-weight:bold;" /><br><br></p>
<p><input type="submit" name="artdir_reset" class="button-primary" value=" <?php _e('Reset Defaults', 'article-directory') ?> " /><br><br></p>

<div class="postbox">

<h3><?php _e('Copyright', 'article-directory'); ?></h3>

<div class="inside">

<p>&copy; 2008-<?php echo date('Y'); ?> <a href="http://dimox.name">Dimox</a> | <a href="<?php _e('http://articlesss.com/article-directory-wordpress-plugin/', 'article-directory') ?>">Article Directory</a> | <?php _e('version', 'article-directory') ?> <?php echo artdir_get_version() ?></p>

</div><!-- .inside -->

</div><!-- .postbox -->

</div><!-- #poststuff -->


</div><!-- .wrap -->


add_action('admin_menu', 'artdir_options_page');

$options = get_option('article_directory');

if ($options['hide_blocks'] == 1) {

if ($options['using_wp_version'] == 1) {
// <= wp 2.3.3
function hide_blocks() {

global $options;
$hide = '';

if ( current_user_can('level_7') ) {
$hide = '
<style type="text/css">
#categorychecklist {height: '.$options['cat_block_height'].'px !important}
} else {
$hide = '
<style type="text/css">
#update-nag {display: none !important}
#advancedstuff_tag {display: none !important}
#commentstatusdiv {display: none !important}
#passworddiv {display: none !important}
#slugdiv {display: none !important}
#poststatusdiv {display: none !important}
#posttimestampdiv {display: none !important}
.submit input {visibility: hidden}
.submit input#save {visibility: visible}
.submit input#publish {visibility: visible}
if ($options['hide_tags_field'] == 0) {
$hide .= '
#tagdiv {display: none !important}';
$hide .= '
#seodiv {display: none !important}
#advancedstuff {display: none !important}
#categorychecklist {height: '.$options['cat_block_height'].'px !important}
#devnews {display: none !important}
#planetnews {display: none !important}
#zeitgeist {display: none !important}
#footer {display: none !important}
echo $hide;
add_action('admin_head', 'hide_blocks');

} else {
// wp 2.5+
function hide_blocks() {

global $options;
$hide = '';

if ( current_user_can('level_7') ) {
$hide = '
<style type="text/css">
div.ui-tabs-panel {height: '.$options['cat_block_height'].'px !important}
} else {
$hide = '
<style type="text/css">
#update-nag {display: none !important}
.inside p {display: none !important}
.inside p#jaxtag {display: block !important}
.side-info {display: none !important}
#media-buttons {display: none !important}
if ($options['hide_tags_field'] == 0) {
$hide .= '
#tagsdiv {display: none !important}
#old-tagsdiv {display: none !important}';
$hide .= '
#postexcerpt {display: none !important}
#trackbacksdiv {display: none !important}
#postcustom {display: none !important}
#commentstatusdiv {display: none !important}
#passworddiv {display: none !important}
#category-adder {display: none !important}
#seodiv {display: none !important}
div.ui-tabs-panel {height: '.$options['cat_block_height'].'px !important}
#category-tabs li.hide-if-no-js {display: none !important}
#rightnow {visibility: hidden !important}
#rightnow .reallynow {visibility: visible !important}
#footer {display: none !important}
echo $hide;
add_action('admin_head', 'hide_blocks');
} else {

if ($options['using_wp_version'] == 1) {
// <= wp 2.3.3
function hide_blocks() {

global $options;
$hide = '
<style type="text/css">
#categorychecklist {height: '.$options['cat_block_height'].'px !important}
echo $hide;
add_action('admin_head', 'hide_blocks');

} else {

// wp 2.5+
function hide_blocks() {

global $options;
$hide = '
<style type="text/css">
div.ui-tabs-panel {height: '.$options['cat_block_height'].'px !important}

echo $hide;
add_action('admin_head', 'hide_blocks');

function clear_fields() {

global $options;

if ($options['hide_blocks'] == 1) {

if ( !current_user_can('level_7') ) {

if (isset($_POST['excerpt'])) $_POST['excerpt'] = '';
if (isset($_POST['trackback_url'])) $_POST['trackback_url'] = '';
if (isset($_POST['post_password'])) $_POST['post_password'] = '';
if (isset($_POST['post_name'])) $_POST['post_name'] = '';
if (isset($_POST['save']) || isset($_POST['publish'])) $_POST['post_status'] = 'pending';

if ($options['hide_tags_field'] == 0) {
if (isset($_POST['tags_input'])) $_POST['tags_input'] = '';
if (isset($_POST['old_tags_input'])) $_POST['old_tags_input'] = '';


add_action('init', 'clear_fields');

if ($options['forgot_the_cat'] == 1) {

//thanks to "Forgot the Category" plugin - Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
class DC_ForgotTheCategory {
function AddToEditPage() {
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var ln = jQuery("ul#categorychecklist input:checkbox:checked").length;
if ( ln < 1 ) {
alert("<?php _e('Oops! You forgot to select a category.', 'article-directory'); ?>");
return false;
} else {
return true;
add_action("edit_form_advanced", array("DC_ForgotTheCategory", "AddToEditPage"));

if ($options['sel_only_one_cat'] == 1) {

class SelectOnlyOneCategory {
function AddToEditPage() {
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var ln = jQuery("ul#categorychecklist input:checkbox:checked").length;
if ( ln > 1 ) {
alert("<?php _e('Attention! You can select only ONE category.', 'article-directory'); ?>");
return false;
} else {
return true;
jQuery('#categorychecklist label').click(function(){
var ln = jQuery("ul#categorychecklist input:checkbox:checked").length;
if ( ln > 1 ) {
alert("<?php _e('Attention! You can select only ONE category.', 'article-directory'); ?>");
return false;
} else {
return true;
add_action("edit_form_advanced", array("SelectOnlyOneCategory", "AddToEditPage"));

if ($options['sel_only_child_cat'] == 1) {

function artdir_SelectOnlyChildCategory() {
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j('#categorychecklist li:has(ul.children) > label').css({borderBottom: '1px dashed #666'});
$j('#categorychecklist .children').hide();
$j('#categorychecklist li:has(ul.children) > label').toggle(
function() {
return false;
function() {
return false;
add_action('edit_form_advanced', 'artdir_SelectOnlyChildCategory');

if ($options['kinderloss'] == 1) {

//thanks to "Kinderlose" plugin - Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
function kinderloss_where($where) {
if ( is_category() ) {
global $wp_query;
$where = preg_replace('/.term_id IN \(\'(.*)\'\)/', '.term_id IN (\'' . $wp_query->query_vars['cat'] . '\') AND post_type = \'post\' AND post_status = \'publish\'', $where);

return $where;

add_filter('posts_where', 'kinderloss_where');

//thanks to "Manage Your Posts Only" plugin - Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
function mypo_parse_query_useronly( $wp_query ) {
if ( strpos( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], '/wp-admin/edit.php' ) !== false ) {
if ( !current_user_can( 'level_7' ) ) {
global $current_user;
$wp_query->set( 'author', $current_user->id );
add_filter('parse_query', 'mypo_parse_query_useronly' );

if ($options['publish_terms'] == 1) {

global $pagenow;
$wp_pages = array('post.php', 'post-new.php', );

if ( in_array($pagenow, $wp_pages) ) {
function PublishTerms() {

$options = get_option('article_directory');

$publishTerms = "<div class=\"wrap\"><h2>" . __('Terms of article publication', 'article-directory'). "</h2>";
$publishTerms .= $options['publish_terms_text'];
$publishTerms .="</div>";

if (!current_user_can('level_7')) {
echo $publishTerms;
add_action('admin_notices', 'PublishTerms');

function restrict_dashboard_screens() {
if ( ((strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'wp-admin/edit-comments.php')) or (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'wp-admin/comment.php')))) {
if (!current_user_can('level_7')) {
echo "<div class='wrap'><h2>" . __('Restricted area', 'article-directory'). "</h2><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>&laquo; " . __('go back', 'article-directory'). "</a></div>";
add_action('init', 'restrict_dashboard_screens');

if ($options['show_article_code'] == 1) {

function get_article_code($text) {
$rn = "\r\n\r\n";
$get_article_code = '
<script type="text/javascript">
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j(function() {
$j("#get-article-code").css({opacity: 0}).hide();
function() { $j("#get-article-code").animate({opacity: 1}, 300).show(); return false; },
function() { $j("#get-article-code").animate({opacity: 0}).hide(); return false; }
$j("#html-version").text($j("#html-version").text() + $j("#artdir-post").html() + "<p>Source: <a href=\"'.get_permalink().'\">'.get_permalink().'</a></p>");
$j("#text-version").text($j("#text-version").text() + "\r\n\r\n" + $j("#artdir-post").text() + "\r\n" + "Source: '.get_permalink().'");
$j("#get-article-code textarea, #get-article-code input").click(function() { $j(this).select() });
<p><a href="#" id="get-article-source" style="text-decoration:none;border-bottom:1px dashed;font-weight:bold">'.__('Article Source', 'article-directory').'</a></p>
<div id="get-article-code" style="display:none">
<p>'.__('HTML Version', 'article-directory').':</p>
<textarea id="html-version" rows="15" cols="50" style="width:99.5%;font:11px Arial,Tahoma"><h1>'.get_the_title().'</h1></textarea>
<p>'.__('Text Version', 'article-directory').':</p>
<textarea id="text-version" rows="15" cols="50" style="width:99.5%;font:11px Arial,Tahoma">'.get_the_title().'</textarea>
<p>'.__('Article Url', 'article-directory').':</p>
<input type="text" value="'.get_permalink().'" style="width: 99.5%" />
if (is_single()) {
return '<div id="artdir-post">'.$text.'</div>'.$get_article_code;
} else {
return $text;
add_filter('the_content', 'get_article_code');

//Подключаем jQuery
function artdir_jquery() {
if (is_single()) { wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); }
add_action('wp_head', 'artdir_jquery', 1);


if (count($_tree)) {

echo '
<div id="categories">';

for ($j = 0, $count = count($_tree); $j < $count; $j++) {

// вывод столбца
$write = '
<ul class="column">';

Этот код отвечает за цикл вывода колонок
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.