PAD Site (php софтверный архив PAD файлов)

  • Автор темы gasyoun
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Видели архив софта Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся Так вот, это некоторое подобие его, кто видел или может его стянуть от туда?!

$250 USD
Демка: _
Сайт: _

PAD SITE' is a commercial set of PHP scripts for maintaining PAD enabled software download sites. It was initially based on Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся (currently suspended), a free PAD enabled PHP/MySQL shareware download site kit, developed and supported by Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся (Association of Shareware Professionals). Hovewer, all the existing scripts have been completely rewritten and many new scripts added to implement some important features missing in the original source: detailed description, download and purchase pages for each listing, downloads counter and affiliate tracking, RSS feeds, OPML lists and XML sitemap, ability for site visitors to easily rate and review listings without any need of signing up unneeded accounts but still with powerful protection against spamming etc. Also in Sysop panel there were added abilities to manually approve/decline new submissions, rate listed software, manage affiliate data provided by 4 most popular software payments services supporting affiliate partnerships (RegNow, Share-It, eSellerate, Plimus), submit multiple PADs from PAD URL lists, backup PADs list, manage black list by site URLs for persisting abusers etc.
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