Вот еще для ускорения сайта -
jFinalizer is to replace tons of JS and CSS files with a single CSS and JS file. This is done by processing the final joomla output HTML. Additionally, you can compact & compress a few things and make your HTML look more compact. for joomla 1.5.10+, PHP5.
Key features and Options:
- merge all CSS files into one, compress them
- merge all JS files into one, compress them
- clean up output HTML and remove white spaces, different modes available
- remove HTML comments
- gZip delivery CSS / JS files
- deliver gZipped CSS / JS using PHP or .htaccess mode
- CPU efficient
- re-reoute delivery files using symlinks (experts only)
- optional manual placement of output file tags using trigger events
- optional remove joomla! generator meta tag
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