Плагин JVE - Joomla Vote Extended Pro


Хранитель порядка
19 Окт 2016

1731696906197.pngAjax-powered vote plugin for Joomla! with a fresh, modern look​

This plugin is an extended version of the Vote plugin from the core package. You can display the rating stars before or after the content. It's possible to limit the loading execution only to the article view.

The votes are transferred via Ajax requests to the server which increases the user experience greatly (the page does not have to be reloaded completely).

You can add an intro text using a Joomla! language string and display statistics (overall rating and amount of votes) below the rating stars.

In addition to using star ratings, you can use a button with a heart icon to upvote an article instantly, offering an alternative and user-friendly way to show appreciation for the content.

To ensure the integrity of the voting system, Joomla Vote Extended Pro has incorporated several security measures to mitigate multiple votes from the same user. Votes are stored in multiple layers - the database, session, and an encrypted cookie. This multi-tiered approach provides robust security against vote manipulation.

JVE uses the external script 'star-rating-svg' for the modern, fresh look. The library is a flexible, lightweight star rating jQuery plugin that uses the SVG format.


  • Extended version of the core Vote plugin
  • Position of the rating stars - before or after content
  • Limit execution only to the article view
  • Ajax-powered transmission to the server
  • Modern look using external jQuery library
  • Scripts uses SVG format, no images have to be loaded
  • Schema.org Structured Data - AggregateRating
  • Show intro text - with language string override support
  • Statistics (overall rating and amount of votes)
  • Exclusion of articles is possible (over IDs)
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Joomla Vote Extended Pro v3.4.4.0 (J!3x)
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
Joomla Vote Extended Pro v4.2.0.0 (J!4x)
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