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Нашёл такую инфу по настройке Cron на сервере, вроде видео загрузилось на сайт после настроек Cron.
Cron Setup
Setup cron job
For JomSocial to run properly, you will need to set up a cron job to run periodically. By unloading some processing task to a scheduled job, JomSocial will be able to run faster and smoother.
The cron job is required to
avoid excessive processing during a normal page load
to send out system emails.
archive old activity stream log that are no longer relevant
perform optional administrative job such as
remove old, unused photo album, which doesn't have any photos
On most Linux system, you can simply run the command below as often as you are comfortable. We would recommend to run it every 30 minutes of less. On a busy site, you might want to run it every 10 minutes. The more frequent you run it, the less load it will be on the server.
lynx -source "http://domain.com/index.php?option=com_community&task=cron" > /dev/null
lynx is a text based browser that is installed in most hosting environments. If you do not have lynx installed, you can use other alternatives such as wget as below,
wget -O /dev/null "http://domain.com/index.php?option=com_community&task=cron" > /dev/null
Don't worry, this operation actually run very fast and has very little impact on the server, equivalent to a normal single page load.
Setting up cronjob in CPanel 11
To add a new cronjob in CPanel 11 variants, logon to your CPanel and click on the "Cronjobs" link under the "Advanced" section as the screenshot below.
Upon clicking on the cronjobs, you will then be directed to a page similar as below. In this example, click on the "Standard" button to proceed.
Then on the screen below, enter the following options,
Commant to run: lynx -source "http://yoursite.com/index.php?option=com_community&task=cron" > /dev/null
- Select every 5 minutes, every hour, every day , every month and every weekdays so that the action above will be executed every 5 mins of the day, in any given month.
Note: In order for the emails to be sent and videos to be converted, the scheduled task must be executed correctly.
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