[Moved] Jom Comment Pro 2.2 Build 535 [TKT]

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21 Дек 2009
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NAME: Jom Comment Pro
VERSION: 2.2 Build 535
TYPE: Joomla Component
RELEASE: MAY 26th, 2008
WEBSITE: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
LICENSE: Commercial
PRICE: $30.00
DEMO: Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
ADDONS: Mods, Bot & Documentation


* Joomla 1.0.x or Joomla 1.5.x
* PHP 4.1 or Greater
* MySQL 4.1.10 or Greater


* com_jomcomment_pro_Joomla-1.5.x.tar
* com_jomcomment_pro_Joomla-1.0.x.tar
* mod_topcomments.zip
* mod_jomlatest.zip
* jc_searchbot.zip
* README.txt


Jom Comment is the professional choice for comment system for Joomla!CMS .
Adding comment should be easy and seamless. Watch your comment appear almost instantaneously and gracefully
as you hit the "Add Comment" button. No sloppy delays. Slick and smooth, and that's what you want. Above all,
your comment system must have the same look and feel as your website, not like an alien add-on.
Jom Comment allows you to templatize the comment system to fit right in like the rest of your website.

Jom Comment provides painless installation, ample features for personalization and back-end
support giving you full control of the extension.

How Jom Comment can transform your Joomla site

* Increase members and visitors participation in your website.
* Gain valuable feedback on each of your article
* Increase visitor's trust. Having comments in your content shows the world how other people value your content
* Google loves new and updated content. Let your visitor to do that for you, for FREE!


* Ajax-based. Comment are added on the fly without reloading the whole page. Ajax not only saves you
server bandwidth, but new comments appear graceful, slick and smooth

* Comprehensive SPAM Protection. Fight SPAM bots and v!@gra(h) vendors! Jom Comment offers comprehensive
Spam protection with Captcha image challenge, domain and IP blocking, word censorship and blocking,
flood control and more Spam control options for you to choose from. You can also block specific IP address from
adding new comments or allow only registered members to post comments.

* Personalize with Templates. The whole comment system layout can be templatized! Jom Comment does not make your
comment area look like an alien add-on at your website. Simply change from one look to another just by selecting
a new template! You don’t have to hack any codes – just edit the template.

* Third-Party Integration. With just a few lines of code, suitable third-party components can integrate with
Jom Comment, adding a powerful and beautiful comment system to their components. Jom Comment is now integrated
with JomRes an online booking & hotel management software for Joomla! and the very special VirtueMart,
the free shopping cart software.

* RSS feed support. Monitor new comments through rss feed. Let search engines pick it up and index your comment.

* Real-time comment updates. As you type your comment, you will be able to see if some else has just posted
something to the server. You get to read their comments first, and perhaps edit a little bit of
yours before posting it.

* Import all your AkoComment and ComboMax data. Don’t worry about the existing comments you have.
Jom Comment can import ALL your AkoComment and ComboMax data into Jom Comment system in seconds.
You’ll be up and running in no time.In our new version, you can import comments from MosCom and !JoomlaComment too.

* "Read More"integration. You can integrate "Read more..." link in the same line as "Add comments".
Take a look at how this works in our front page. Your website looks extremely professional and it doesn't
make your comment system look like a hack job.

* Language Support. Jom Comment supports data in the universally accepted future format, utf-8, which means
YOUR language will be supported (eg, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew, etc). Plus,
we also have user translations for French, German, Polish, Spanish, Italian.

* Developer Support. As a commercial product, you won't be left in the dark if you found a bug or if you have
feature requests. It is our responsibility to keep our paying customers happy!

* Gravatar Support. Bring your Global Avatar everywhere you go. Jom Comment let’s you have that personal touch
alongside your comments!

* Word-Censor. You can block some words from your comments completely,
or have the option to make it look this way – c******d

* Comment Moderation. Moderate comments before they get posted. Take control of who says what at your website!


1. Unpack
2. Read README.txt
3. Install
4. Enjoy


Greetings to MAFiASCRiPTS, iAG, DGT, SharerzTeam and all other out there...

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