[Moved] iJoomla Magazine v3.0.1 [TKT]

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3 Янв 2008
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NAME: iJoomla Magazine
VERSION: 3.0.1
TYPE: Joomla Component
NULLIFIER: TKT                               
RELEASE: April 25th, 2008                                    
WEBSITE: http://www.ijoomla.com
AUTHUR: iJoomla
LICENSE: Commercial
PRICE: $79.95
DEMO: http://www.ijoomla.com/ijoomla-magazine/joomla-magazine-component/live-demo/
ADDONS: Mods, Bot, Language Files & Manual


* Joomla 1.0.x or Joomla 1.5.x
* PHP 4.1 or Greater
* MySQL 4.1.10 or Greater


* com_magazine_3_0_1.zip
* mod_author_list_3_0.zip
* mod_current_articles_3_0.zip
* mod_featured_article_3_0.zip
* mod_magazine_issues_3_0.zip
* mod_magazine_list_3_0.zip
* mod_magazine_menu_3_0.zip
* mod_upcoming_articles_3_0.zip
* mos_magazine_3_0.zip
* Language Files (27 files)
* iJoomlaMagazineManualV2-1.pdf


Whether you need to create an online magazine or just want to make Joomla a lot more powerful and useful, 
iJoomla Magazine is the ultimate solution.

Creating great content has always been key to building a successful website. 
But if you've ever tried to create a professional-looking online magazine using Joomla, 
you'll know that getting the result you want can be difficult and frustrating.

It's hard to control the layout on the home page, and almost impossible to get the professional look 
and feel you need to persuade your users to come back for more. That's why we created "iJoomla Magazine."
While big companies spend thousands to put online magazines together, 
you will be able to get the same professional look for a fraction of the price.

And it's so easy! Within just minutes, you will be able to create complete magazine issues, 
choosing from 12 different layouts, placing both vertical and horizontal items on your home page. 



While Joomla comes with only one home page (the "front page"), 
iJoomla Magazine allows you to create as many home pages as you wish by creating separate magazines and issues. 
Each issue will have its own home page as well as its own layout and style.


iJoomla Magazine Component comes with 12 possible layouts for your issues' home pages. 
You can assign a different layout for each issue or use the same layout each time.


Creating a professional magazine also means giving credit to your authors and providing your readers with information about them. 
Our Author Manager lets you create a profile page and a mini profile including website information, bio and photo for all of your authors.

Plugin (Mambot)

Our unique plugin allows publishers to add some cool extra features to their article pages:

* Quotes
* Related articles
* More articles by this author
* Author mini profile
* SideBar


Adding quotes is super easy and allows your users to understand the content of the article with just a glance. 
Our professionally designed quote boxes give your articles that special touch.


Placing a SideBar on your article with related information, gives your magazine an extra touch and a truly professional look. 
In the print world, SideBars are used to tell a related story or enhance the article. On the Internet, the sky's the limit!


iJoomla Magazine has seven unique modules that make it easy for you to organize your magazine and make it an even better read for your users. 
Like other Joomla modules, you can display your modules on every available position of your template. 
Use the modules for navigation and as teasers for different sections of your magazine.

Content Wizard

It's never been easier or faster to create your magazine using your existing content! 
With our new wizard you can add magazines, issues or articles in seconds. It takes just two screens!


You already know that Joomla uses built-in styles for each element on the page. 
But what if you want to change the look of some of the elements on your page? 
iJoomla Magazine allows you to assign a style for each element easily. 
Want to put a dashed border around an article on the home page? No problem. 
Need a smaller text size? Easily done. Just create a style and enter the name.


Separating the elements on your page can improve organization and enhance the look of your content. 
iJoomla Magazine allows you to choose two separators. One separator can be placed between 
the vertical articles and another between the horizontal articles.

Magazine Newsletter

Keeping in touch with your members or customer base is the number one rule for a successful website. 
And there's no easier way to do that than by sending them your newest issue.

Easy Navigation

Using many Joomla components means opening the sub-menus on the main component menu. 
That can be a drag. iJoomla Magazine comes with a left-side navigation that makes everything much, much easier. 
Just select Magazine from the component menu once and choose all your actions using the left navigation or the main control panel.


We realize that many of our customers are not English speakers. 
Using Google Analytics, we've taken a close look at the top languages of our visitors and created appropriate language files.


1. Unpack
2. Read iJoomlaMagazineManualV2-1.pdf
3. Install
4. Enjoy


Greetings to MAFiASCRiPTS, iAG, DGT, SharerzTeam and all other out there...

Выдаёт вот такую ошибку при попытках установки

Загрузка component - загрузка неудачна
ОШИБКА: В установочном пакете невозможно найти XML-файл установки Joomla.
[ Продолжить ... ]

Подскажите как исправить.
Зарание блгодарен!

З.Ы Версия jommla 1.0.x

Попытался исправить проблемку как я понял просто тут xml файл под 1.5 версию переписал под 1.0.x но видать где то ошибся подскажите где))


  • magazine.rar
    1,5 KB · Просмотры: 13
Я на многих форумах встречал этот компонент, 3 версию - и многие жалуются что не ставится на джумлу 1.0.х, что весьма странно, потому что на офф сайте указано что компонент и для 1.0 версии джумлы. Выходит их существует два вида - для 1.5 и для 1.0 или что нужно шаманить чтоб подходило на 1.0?
A J!1.0.x version is out (iJoomla Magazine v2.1.06 [TKT]).
Кто сечет в коде, не подскажете - 3 версия магазина сильно отличается от 2.1.06, стоит ли игра свеч или не стоит волноваться по этому поводу и ставить 2.1.06?
а русский язык у кого нить есть?:thenks:
Вот русский сам не юзал но работать должен)


  • russian.zip
    7,4 KB · Просмотры: 31
Эмм...на Joomla 1.0.x не завелась. Наверно под 1,5 она...Хотя в рекурментс написано что мол и под Joomla 1.0.x покатит...

Ощибка выглядит как
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare josisvalidemail() (previously declared in Z:\home\dream\www\includes\joomla.php:4035) in Z:\home\dream\www\administrator\components\com_magazine\admin.magazine.php on line 2336
В общем общался на эту тему на других форумах, в итоге оказалось что iJoomla Magazine 3 версии идет только на Джумлу 1.5, Поддержку версии 1.0 нет и не будет. Я пока сижу на Джустине, и наверное про 3 версию забуду.
Все ссылки поудаляли :( перезалейте если можно :)
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.