Плагин FPC - Force Password Complexity Pro


Хранитель порядка
19 Окт 2016
1737053376104.pngThe system plugin checks the user passwords using defined security patterns and rejects weak passwords. In this way FPC ensures stronger security of the whole system. The execution of the plugin and the checks of the passwords can be set completely customized to ensure an own standard of security. There is also an option to allow weak passwords for certain user groups, but to inform them by a warning about the weak password. This option should only be used for non-critical user groups.

  • Force secure, good passwords with individual rules
  • Suggest a password that fits the seurity criteria (PRO)
  • Set precise execution rules:
    • Execution in front- and / or backend
    • Restrict to specific user groups
    • Restriction with warning notice for unselected groups possible
    • Check the type of users - only new, existing or all users
  • Individual checks for secure passwords:
    • Minimum length of passwords
    • Minimum size of the entropy of passwords
    • Forbid parts of the name and the e-mail address
    • Maximum number same and same consecutive characters
    • Force character types: uppercase / lowercase letters, numbers and special characters
  • Plugin is small and fast, doesn't need a big framework
  • Fast, clean code
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Force Password Complexity Pro v3.2.2.0 (J!3x)
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
Force Password Complexity Pro v4.2.0.0 (J!4x)