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Easy Joomla Backup simplifies safeguarding your website by creating comprehensive, no-fuss backups. It compiles all files and a full database dump into a single zip archive, providing an all-in-one package that can fully restore your website if needed.
Coded with user-friendly management in...
This system plugin performs several pre-defined actions to toggle the website state from production to development (and vice-versa) with one click!
+ First Pro release for Joomla! 5.x based on EDM Pro version
+ The plugin "Behaviour - Backward Compatibility" is not required. The...
This plugin redirects Non-Sef URLs (dynamic URLs) to SEF URLs. The SEF (Search Engine Friendly) option has to be activated in the global settings. Even though this option is activated, the pages can still be loaded through the not optimized URLs (with the help of specified parameters). If the...
2 Clicks For More Privacy (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and XING)
Ensure the privacy of your website visitors with the social media button integration extension. This solution protects personal data and enhances user privacy by only activating social media buttons upon user interaction. Unlike...
This plugin creates a keyword sitemap controlled by the meta keywords or tags. The articles are categorized and grouped based on matching keywords or tags. The plugin can be limited to specific categories. Each article may show a teaser-text which is composed using the existing meta description...
Switches the language in the backend directly, without having to leave the opened page!
Enhance your backend administration experience with our Language Switching module, designed for instantaneous language changes. This module integrates a convenient dropdown list featuring all available...
With Device Specific Content you can render or not render content specifically for a desktop, tablet or mobile device.
Take control of the content displayed on your website. Go beyond merely hiding content with CSS breakpoints on your Joomla! website. With the Device Specific Content Pro (DSC)...
Event countdown module CDUB for Joomla!
This module displays a countdown leading up to a specific date. Once that date has passed, it can switch to a count-up display to show the time that has passed since the event. You can customise the output by including a description and adding a link...
Easy Content Lightbox adds lightbox functionality to all images using GLightbox
Easy Content Lightbox Pro automatically adds the lightbox functionality to all images of the loaded pages. You have several exclusion options to exclude specific images or pages from being processed by the plugin to...
Lists articles with the fewest or most hits in a module
Module: Fewest Read Content - FRC
Function: Lists the fewest or most-read articles depending on selected parameters
Languages: English and German
This module shows a list of the currently published articles which have the fewest or most...
Privacy-friendly integration of iframes in Joomla! articles
With this plugin, you can add iframes easily and privacy-friendly into your Joomla articles using a simple syntax!
Instead of using iframes directly, a preview box is used with a load button. The user must click the button to load the...
Sets the title and alt attributes automatically - important for search engine optimization
The title and alt attributes are important for search engine optimization, but unfortunately they are not respected very often. The plugin checks all links and images on these attributes. If they are not...
Easy Image Resizer is an essential tool for Joomla!, designed to automatically adjust the resolution of images uploaded via the Media Manager or any third-party extensions. This functionality is particularly beneficial when images are uploaded without prior offline processing and are too large...
Obscures internal and external links - sets up redirection for long URLs
With this plugin you may obscure internal and external links. There are two obfuscation methods: manual and automatic redirections. With the manual method you can manually obscure certain links. The linking is done via a...
Private and shared administrator notes in the Joomla! back-end
With Quick Admin Notes Pro, all administrators can easily add shared and private notes on every page in the administration area. All back-end users can access and modify the shared note. The private note is not shared between other...
Simple to use, well structured and fast security layer for Joomla!
Intrusion Detection System for Joomla! is a simple to use, well structured, fast security layer for your Joomla! website. The plugin recognises when an attacker tries to break your site and reacts exactly how you configure it...
This module is designed to quickly generate passwords with various combinations of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. The length of the password can be set up to 20 characters, and up to 30 passwords can be generated per generation process.
In Easy mode, the module...
Easy Weather Pro for Joomla! shows the current weather of any locations specified by the city name or geographic coordinates using the OpenWeather API on a module position.
Easy Weather Pro v5.0.1.0 (J!5x)
*** Скрытый текст: У Вас недостаточно прав для просмотра скрытого текста. Посетите...
With this module, you can define an unlimited amount of news items that will be displayed in a scroller on any module position! It's possible to specify the output directly over the settings of the module. It uses a DHTML script for the scrolling effect.
Unlimited amount of news items...
The system plugin checks the user passwords using defined security patterns and rejects weak passwords. In this way FPC ensures stronger security of the whole system. The execution of the plugin and the checks of the passwords can be set completely customized to ensure an own standard of...
With this plugin images are only loaded when a visitor scrolls to the images. It saves your server bandwidth and saves your users from load images that they never scroll to. This increases the loading speed of all pages.
If there are problems in the output of some components, they can be...
With this plugin, the loading of JS and CSS files can be easily controlled. You may suppress loading those files on pages where they are not needed. This might be important for example at the frontpage for optimizing loading times. The plugin is able to exclude those files globally or just on...
Ajax-powered vote plugin for Joomla! with a fresh, modern look
This plugin is an extended version of the Vote plugin from the core package. You can display the rating stars before or after the content. It's possible to limit the loading execution only to the article view.
The votes are...
Shows an unlimited number of Youtube videos in shuffle mode in Joomla!
Random Youtube Videos is a small module, which allows you to integrate any number of self-defined videos from the platform Youtube on a module position. The videos can be entered in the backend, it is possible to enter the...
TOTP Extended Pro allows you to use a TOTP authentication application for Multi-factor Authentication. The plugin adds the "Remember Device" and "Client Interface" functionalities!
TOTP Extended Pro v3.1.4.0 (J!3x)
*** Скрытый текст: У Вас недостаточно прав для просмотра скрытого текста...
Privacy-friendly integration of maps provided by Google Maps in Joomla! articles
With this plugin, you can add Google Maps easily and privacy-friendly into your Joomla articles using a simple syntax!
Maps are replaced by a preview image with a play button and loaded once the user has clicked on...
You can choose between two different view types: Menu and Dropdown List. If you select the view Dropdown List, then you should use the position status for the module. If you select Menu, then you should publish the module on the position menu and QCC will create a new menu entry automatically...
The module is intentionally kept very simple and displays the number of visitors for the following periods: Today - Yesterday - Week - Month - Total. In addition, the number of visitors who are currently online can be displayed.
Meanwhile, the module has been completely redesigned and offers...
Page Cache Extended generates copies of the rendered pages and loads the entire output on further requests from the previously generated cache files. By loading the content from static files, no database queries have to be processed. This improves the loading speed greatly!
This plugin is based...
Easy Performance Booster speeds up the loading time of your Joomla! website
This plugin improves the loading performance significantly by minifying, concatenating and caching static files (JavaScript and CSS) and minifying the main HTML output.
Additionally, the plugin generates an optimized...
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