
  1. sarisan

    Компонент Carousel CK Pro

    Carousel CK can display your images or videos into a carousel. It is compatible with mobiles, and responsive design (adaptive width). You can easily manage the slide in the module options with a Drag & Drop interface. List of features : Unlimited slides Ergonomic admin interface with Drag &...
  2. sarisan

    Плагин Table Of Contents CK Pro

    Create automatically your table of content within your article with a simple tag/shortcode. It wil get all your Hx tags, create the list and it will scroll automatically on click. How to use it Just add the shortcode {toc} in your article and it will automatically create the table. Each title...
  3. sarisan

    Плагин Cookies CK Pro

    Cookies CK Pro is a simple plugin that blocks the cookies and show the cookies information popup on your website, like the one that you can see on Blocks the cookies until the user click on the button to accept it Shows a small cookie icon to update the user choise Set...
  4. sarisan

    Модуль Custom Parallax CK Pro

    Custom Parallax CK is a custom content module that you can use to add a nice effect to your Joomla! website by using some moving backgrounds. Create your content and animate it with a parallax effect. Features Custom Parallax CK has an image manager with drag'n drop where you can select your...
  5. A

    Плагин Mediabox CK

    Mediabox CK Pro 2.2.7 *** Скрытый текст: У Вас недостаточно прав для просмотра скрытого текста. Посетите тему на форуме! ***
  6. seifygsm

    Модуль Floating Module CK

    JED: Please Download link only
  7. seifygsm

    Page Builder CK Params

    Address: Доброго времени суток. Ищу сей плагин, есть ли у кого нибудь чистая версия ? Заранее благодарю.